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AP BIOLOGY Unit 8 Review(Evolution)
1. Be able to identify and use each of their theories Charles Darwin ,Alfred Wallace, Jean Baptiste Lamarck,
Charles Lyell,.Thomas Malthus, Georges Cuvier and James Hutton
2. Carolus Linnaeus’ concept of taxonomy is that the more closely two organisms resemble each other, the more
closely related they are in a classification scheme. In evolutionary terms, the more closely related two organisms
are, the more/less?
3. In a hypothetical environment, fishes called pike-cichlids are visual predators of algae-eating fish, i.e., they locate
their prey by sight. If a population of algae eaters experiences predation pressure from pike-cichlids, then what could
happen in the algae-eater population over the course of many generations?
4.Homologous structures are structures that have similarity and convey common ancestry. Be able to compare and
contrast homologous structures between different species.
5. What are the conditions for Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium?
6. Explain how the founder effect, and bottle necking can affect a population.
7. In a hypothetical population of 2,000 individuals, tests of blood type genes show that 160 have the genotype AA,
1480 have the genotype AB, and 360 have the genotype BB. What is the frequency for each allele, A and B, within
the populations gene pool?
8. Through time, the movement of people on Earth this has altered the course of human evolution by increasing?
9. Genetic variation for various traits within a species is favored by natural selection. Sexual reproducing organisms
have three major ways to increase genetic variation during the complete process of reproduction what are they?
10. Explain how different types of selection affect a population – disruptive, directional, stabilizing, sexual.
11. What are pre and post zygotic reproductive barriers? Give examples.
12. Punctuated Equilibrium is an important concept in the study of evolution. It ties together events from the
Earth’s history and the evolution of species over time as it relates to these events. According to advocates
of punctuated equilibrium what is most likely to happen?
13. Compare and contrast Autopolyploidy allopatric and sympatric speciation
14. A researcher compared the nucleotide sequences of a homologous gene from five different species of mammals.
The sequence homology between each species’ version of the gene and the human gene are presented as
a percentage of similiarity.
Percentage in common
Rhesus Monkey
What explains the inclusion of rabbits in this research?
15. The competition between organisms can either be intersexual or intrasexual. Explain what is meant by intersexual or
intrasexual and describe one example of each especially as it relates to competition.
16. Explain and discuss the impact of how mutation, adaptive radiation, polyploidy, bottle necking and
population growth especially human affect the biodiversity of living organisms on the earth.
17. Math Problem - Hardy Wineberg