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The early modern era
List 3 Renaissance artist and their works
Describe artistic contributions of the
Trace the progression of the
Renaissance through Europe
Means “rebirth”; focus on art and
Change from Medieval times
Began in Italy 14th century, lasted until
the 16th century (1300-1600)
Spread North to the rest of Europe
Why Italy?
Crusades had opened trade routes
Italy became the center for ships and trade
Italy had a wealthy merchant class
Northern Italy had cities like no where else in
Ancestry of Greece and Roman culture
Constantinople had fallen to the Turks;
scholars came to Rome w/Greek manuscripts
Why Italy?
Italy was not centralized-strong city
states-Milan, Venice, Florence
No strong king to taxes the goods
Italy’s riches soon attracted trouble
Charles VIII King of France took Naples
Spain came to the rescue 1494
Italy was a battle ground for 30yrs
The study of classical texts led to
humanism: focus of human potential
and achievements
The Arabs had brought them back to
Humanism emphasized art,
architecture, classical education and
Father of Renaissance Humanism
Wrote in the style of Cicero
The great hunt for literature
Wrote poetry and prose in Latin
Wrote in the Vernacular
Divine Comedy-Journey to Heaven
Popularized Hell a hot place
What was it before?
Wrote in the Vernacular
Canterbury Tales
Criticized society and church practices
Christine de Pizan
Defended women in her writings
secularism It is acceptable to enjoy
life. Live life to the fullest- non-religious
Much $ was spent on art, buildings,
feasts, clothing, etc.
Catholic church was a part of this just
as the wealthy were
Popes and the wealthy class became
patrons (supporters) of the arts
Secularism and Humanism
Work together to end medieval society
and bring forward a new society with
new art, literature, and science
Emphasis on human achievement
Enjoying those achievements
Using human achievements to make life
more enjoyable
The Renaissance Man
“A jack of all trades”
It means a man should strive to be:
Charming, witty, well educated in the
Be trained in the arts, music, dance
Be trained in sword fighting, riding
Have self-control
Well rounded individual
Renaissance Art
Art was in abundance; patrons were
Complete break w/ Medieval style art
Medieval Art-usually flat and
religious-these are good
medieval painting
Renaissance Art
Perspective: 3-d, gives depth to a
Sculpture and paintings become more
life like
Glorification of the human body
Themes are greatly religious, however
there is a mix between Greek subjects
and Christianity
The new tricks of art
Painted the Sistine Chapel
One of the most famous artists
Sculpted and painted
Michelangelo’s David
Ceiling of the Sistine Chapel
Creation of Man
Tomb of Guilano Medici
Leonardo da Vinci
“Renaissance man”
performed autopsies
Studied art-religion-science-math
He thought of inventions that would not
be created until the 20th century
Da Vinci
Madonna of Carnation
The Last Supper
Anatomy of the Heart
A car??
Known for his mythical figures
Famous for the Birth of Venus
Birth of Venus
One of the most copied Renaissance.
Used Madonna’s often
expressed emotion
Influenced many future artists
Madonna with Christ
Adoration of the Magi
Focused mainly on sculpture
His David was the first free standing
human sculpture since Greek times
St Lawrence
1. Why did the Renaissance begin in
2. How was Italy different from the rest
of Europe?
3. How was da Vinci a true
“Renaissance” or “universal” man?
The Renaissance Spread North
The 100 yrs war ended in 1453
Eng and France were ruled by a
These monarchs began supporting the
Students went to Italy to study art
1494, France invaded Italy: many
people fled Italy for safer areas (the
The Northern Ren developed differently
then the Italian Ren./ the North is
based more on Christian ideals than
Bruegel: Adoration of the
Battle about money
Peasants wedding
Hans Holbein
Edward VI
Jane Seymour
Triumph of Death
Albrecht Durer: self portrait
4 Horsemen and Apocalypse
Knight, death and devil
St. Jerome
van Eyck: Annunciation
Crucifixion and the Last
The Printing Press and Writers
Johann Gutenberg built a press in
Europe in 1440
His first copy, the Bible, was copied in
1455 (Gutenberg Bible)
The Printing press did lots of important
Allowed learning to spread
Books become cheaper
Availability of books caused a rise in
literacy and reading the Bible
Helps to bring the Reformation
Northern Ren writers adopted
humanism, but gave it a religious tone:
called Christian Humanists
Erasmus: satirical writings, made fun of
the clergy, however he was religious
Thomas More: wrote Utopia, showed
the world w/o the bad human qualities
Shakespeare: Ren England, born in
Reflected understanding of human
emotion in his plays
Greek influence: Julius Ceasar