Download ISLAM AND MUHAMMAD Key Concepts: Describing the founder

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Key Concepts: Describing the founder, teachings, customs, and traditions/beliefs of Islam.
Muhammad was born in A.D., 570 to powerful
Mecca family.
Muhammad the Prophet
Muhammad believed God (Allah) spoke to him
through the angel Gabriel.
Muhammad began preaching that there was only 1
God and all other gods must be rejected.
People who believe this basic idea of Islam are called
Islam means “peace through submission to the will
of God.”
The Qur’an and the Sunnah
Muhammad Begins Preaching
Muhammad had little success at first. Early Muslims
were persecuted.
Muhammed fled from Mecca in 622 to Yathrib
(renamed Medina). Medina: City of the Prophet”
o The migration is called the Hijrah.
Muhammad’s teachings converted many to Islam.
Muslim Daily Life
Muhammad’s Leadership
In 630 Muhammad led 10,000 Muslims back to
Mecca and forced the city to surrender.
Muhammad forgave the Meccans and went to the
Muhammad was a religious, political, and military
o By the time of his death in 632,
Muhammed unified much of the Arabian
Peninsula under Islam.
**Mecca was an important religious center in the Arabian
**The Ka’aba is an important religious shrine located in the
middle of the city.
Islam’s main teaching; there is only 1 God, Allah.
o God revealed his words through Gabriel,
who passed them to Muhammad.
Followers listened to Muhammed’s teachings and
memorized the scripture (holy book), the Qur’an.
Muslims believe that Muhammed’s mission was to
teach Qur’an but to apply its teachings.
o Sunnah: Muhammed’s words and deeds.
Sunnah: guides for proper living.
Qur’an and Sunnah guidelines were later organized
into a body of law for Muslims.
Muslims follow the Five Pillars of Islam.
o FAITH: 1 god (Allah) and Muhammad was
his prophet.
o PRAYER: Muslims pray 5 times a day and
specific times, always facing Mecca.
o ALMS: Give to the poor/needy
o FASTING: Fast during Ramadan year,
avoiding all food/drink between sunrise
and sunset.
o PILGRAMAGE: Travel to holy city of Mecca
once during a lifetime.
Muslims are forbidden to:
o Each pork
o Drink alcoholic beverages
o Friday afternoons are for community
o Muslims gather at a mosque.
All mosques face Mecca.
Muslims trace the beginnings of their religion to
Abraham. Muslims, Jews, and Christians believe
Abraham was a prophet of God.
Allah is the same God that is worshiped by Christians
and Jews.
Muslims believe Jesus was a prophet, not the son of
Muslims call Christians and Jews “people of the book”.
Christianity and Judaism have holy books
with similar teachings as the Qu’ran.
Muslims believe the Qu’ran is the word of God
revealed to Muhammad.
o Christians/Jews also believe that God’s word
is revealed in their holy books.
Muslims believe the Qu’ran is the final book and that
Muhammed was the last prophet.
All 3 religious followers believe in heaven, hell, and a
final judgement day.