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Advertising in Sports & Entertainment
Unit 1: Introduction to Advertising
Name: ______________________________
Directions: Please complete the following outline during the class discussion of this unit.
I. The Development of Advertising
A. _________________ has been around since ancient times.
B. Writing on stone tablets, walls, and papyrus from ancient Babylonia, Egypt, Rome, and
Greece all carried advertising messages.
C. Town ____________ delivered most early promotional messages because many people
were illiterate.
D. A crier stood on a street corner ______________ about the products or services
available from their _______________.
E. The invention of _______________ type by Joannes Guttenberg around 1440 moved
society toward mass communication.
F. Widely available printed material increased literacy and encouraged printed
G. Today, more than __________ billion is spent globally on promotion and advertising.
About half is spent in the U.S.
H. _____________ was the top advertiser last year spending $1.1 billion. Verizon was
second with $702 million.
II. Promotion
A. ________________ is any form of communication a business or organization uses to
inform, persuade, or remind people about its products; goods or services.
B. Promotion can also be used to improve the public ________ of a business or organization.
C. There are 4 basic types of promotion: public relations, sales promotion, personal selling,
and advertising.
D. Think of promotion as an umbrella.
E. Advertising, personal selling, sales promotion, and publicity are under the umbrella of
F. In fact, _________ ______________ used to communicate with customers in an
attempt to inform, persuade, or remind them about the business’s products or services
comes under the umbrella of promotion.
III. Sales Promotion
A. _________ ______________ is any activity or material that offers consumers a direct
and immediate incentive to buy a product or service.
B. ______________ are the most common example of sales promotion.
IV. Personal Selling
A. ____________ ___________ requires that individuals make contact with potential
B. Personal selling is direct _____________ ______________ with a potential customer in
an effort to persuade, remind, or inform them about the business's products or services.
V. Public Relations & Publicity
A. _____________ ____________ is the effort to reach consumers by generating positive
B. Public relations is designed to create a favorable ___________ toward the team or
C. Publicity is any ____________ mention of the product, service, business, or cause in the
D. Publicity can be _____________ or ______________ since the team or celebrity
doesn’t pay for it and has little or no control over it.
E. The sports team’s or the celebrity’s _______________ is responsible for maintaining
relations with the public and news media.
F. The publicist might issue a _________ ___________, which is a prewritten story about
a team, player, or celebrity that is sent to the various media.
G. A __________ _____________ is a meeting in which a team’s representatives and/or
the celebrity makes an important announcement to the media and possibly answers
questions from the media.
H. The publicist would also be responsible for creating and maintaining a press kit.
I. A _________ ________ is a folder, disk, or flash drive containing articles, news
releases, feature stories, and photos about the celebrity, the team, and/or the players.
J. In most cases, the team or celebrity will also have an on-line presence that may include a
website, Facebook page, and Twitter account.
K. A ________ ___________ effort occurs when an unknown person or event is propelled
into the spotlight by the fans.
L. A __________ ___________ is a promotion where a few online mentions turn into a real
buzz about a movie, celebrity, or player.
M. The viral message is passed from person to person using ________ _________ such as
Facebook, Twitter, and YouTube.
N. Public relations activities are designed to create goodwill toward the sports and
entertainment business or individual celebrity.
O. _________________ is the positive feeling that customers and potential customers have
toward the business.
P. Professional teams and celebrities often sponsor charity events that help worthy causes,
but have the dual impact of building goodwill toward the team, celebrity or organization.
VI. Advertising
A. ________________ is any ___________ form of non-personal communication of ideas,
goods, or services by an identified sponsor.
B. Advertising can take almost any form, appear in almost any media, and reach millions of
C. Advertising is a type of ___________ communication with customers and potential
D. The average person is exposed to about ___________ advertising messages per day.
E. Advertising uses ________ ______________ which attempts to reach a wide audience,
sometimes, millions of people, through mass media
F. ________ ___________ includes communicating through media such as radio, television,
billboards, direct mail, magazines, newspapers, and the internet.
VII. Advertising – Step by Step
A. The first step in developing advertising is to set ___________, measurable _________.
a. What are you trying to accomplish with your advertising?
b. Are you trying to increase ticket sales or increase brand awareness?
c. The goals must be considered throughout the advertising process.
B. The second step is to develop the advertising _______________.
a. While there are many ways to determine the advertising budget, the most common
method is to look at the amount spent by competitors.
b. Business may also consider spending a fixed amount based on a percentage of sales,
or comparing the cost of advertising to the resulting increase in ticket sales.
C. The third step is to develop an advertising _____________.
a. The goal or goals of the advertising will drive the selection of the theme.
b. The theme of the advertising is also known as the tagline.
c. The ______________ is the slogan that conveys the main message of the
D. The fourth step is to choose the advertising ______________.
a. The selection of the media will be determined by the budget and the target
b. It is also very important to consider the reach of the media.
c. _______________ is the number of people in the target market expected to
receive the message through the chosen media.
E. The fifth step in the development of advertising is to create the ________________.
a. The ________________ part of the message is the most important element in
determining the success of the advertising.
b. The business must continually create new approaches to advertising to avoid wear
c. ___________ ________ occurs when advertising loses its effectiveness due to
overexposure or poor message quality.
F. The sixth step in developing advertising is to develop an advertising _______________.
a. It is important to consider the ______________ of advertising, which is the
number of times the target customer is exposed to the media.
b. The most __________ ____________ media will provide the greatest reach and
highest frequency at the right times and the lowest cost per person.
G. The seventh and last step in developing advertising is to ____________ the
_________________ of the advertising.
a. If the advertising does not meet the goals that were set, then the cost and effort
has been wasted.
b. Knowing the effectiveness of advertising will help shape and improve future
advertising by the business.
VIII. What Makes an Ad Successful?
A. Every great ad is ________________ sound. It was carefully directed at the target
market and the message was crafted to speak to the audience.
B. Great ads are very ________________. They get the attention of the target market
and they are memorable.
C. Great ads are well ________________. The craftsmanship, details, and techniques used
to convey the ad are exceptionally well done.
D. This famous 1971 Coca-Cola commercial featured the song “I'd Like to Teach the World to
Sing.” Why was this ad considered to be a great ad? ____________________________
E. The classic 1979 Coke commercial featuring Mean Joe Green is considered to be a great
ad. Why? ____________________________________________________________
F. This 2008 commercial features the life-long journey of pro football players LaDainian
Tomlinson and Troy Polamalu as their destinies collide in the NFL. Is this a great
commercial? Why or why not? ____________________________________________
IX. Advertising Revenue
A. Advertising revenue is _____________ to the ______________ of widely distributed
entertainment such as that shown on TV networks.
B. New fall TV shows are “pitched” to the advertising firms during an annual presentation in
the preceding spring.
C. The advertising agencies buy time slots based on the targeted audience and the cost of
the ads.
D. _________________, when the largest viewing audiences are watching TV, is the most
expensive time.
X. Interactive Advertising
A. Effective advertising will ________________ viewers and motivate them to take
specific action.
B. One method of engaging viewers is to use ____________ ______________ to create an
interactive connection with potential customers.
C. Episodes of Big Brother have asked viewers to vote on what happens in the program.
D. American Idol and similar programs ask viewers to vote on the winners of the contest.
E. Run My Renovation offers homeowners an interesting suggestion: DIY Network will
provide the makeover if you’ll allow the American public to make all the design decisions
through online voting.
XI. Consumer Vs. Business Advertising
A. ________________ _______________ is targeted at the final user of the good or
B. ________________ _______________ includes promotional efforts that are directed
at other businesses.
C. The ______________ _______________ includes companies and organizations that
purchase products for the operation of the business or the completion of a business
D. Consumer advertising: Eli Manning Works at Dunkin Donuts: Dunkin' Donuts announced a
new partnership with the New York Giants' star quarterback, Eli Manning. The deal will
include a series of advertisements and commercials, as well as promotions throughout the
Tri-State area. To kick things off, Manning worked behind the counter at a Dunkin'
Donuts location in Secaucus, N.J., June 19. As part of his three-year deal with the fastfood giant, Manning will begin filming a series of commercials promoting Dunkin' coffee
and a new line of breakfast sandwiches that will launch in anticipation of the NFL season.
XII. Business-to-Business Promotion and Advertising
A. Most business-to-business promotions are done with ________________ selling.
B. Professional sports teams will employ __________ _________ specialists who target
business, organizations, and schools.