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Denpasar, April 2011
KATA PENGANTAR …………………………………………………………. i
DAFTAR ISI .…………………………………………………………………… ii
PARTICIPLE …………………………………………………………………... 1
Present Participle ………………………………………………………. 1
a. Present Participle as Atributive ………………………….............. 1
b. Present Participle as Opening Sentence ………………………..... 1
c. Present Participle as Taking Relative Pronoun ………………….. 2
Past Participle …………………………………………………………... 2
a. Past Participle as Atributive ………………………………………. 3
b. Past Participle as Opening Sentence ……………………………… 3
c. Past Participle as Taking Relative Pronoun ………………………. 3
CAUSATIVE…………………………………………………………………….. 4
Function of Causative Form …………………………………………… 4
Examples of Causative Form ………………………………………….. 4
DAFTAR PUSTAKA …………………………………………………………… 5
A sentence that the verb form of the adjective.
There are 2 kinds of participle:
 Present Participle
 Past Participle
Present Participle
A form of a verb which in English ends in '-ing' and comes after another verb to show continuous action.
It is used to form the present continuous (tense).
Present participle has three functions, there are:
a. Present Participle as Attribute
b. Present Participle as Opening
c. Present Participle as Taking Relative Pronoun
a. Present Participle as Attribute
Has a function in front of a noun as a substitute adjective.
1) Adjective
Present P.
: Wini is the clever girl.
: Wini is a dancing girl.
2) Adjective
Present P.
: He is a cruel teacher.
: He is the teaching teacher.
3) Adjective
Present P.
: Darwinto is the strong boy.
: Darwinto is the swimming boy
b. Present Participle as Opening Sentence
Has the function as the opening sentence and substitute the word: ‘when, as, for, while, after, because,
and get.’
1. Positive Sentence
Present P. Phrase
: When he knocking at the door, he greeted the lady.
: Knocking at the door he greeted the lady.
2. Positive Sentence
Present P. Phrase
: For he saw him friend again, he was happy.
: Seeing his friend again he was happy.
3. Positive Sentence
Present P. Phrase
: While he is sitting in the chair, he fells something bite him.
: Sitting in the chair he fells something bite him.
c. Present Participle as Taking Relative Pronoun
Used as a substitute for the relative pronoun: ‘who, which, that, as a subject.
1. Relative Pronoun
Present P. Phrase
: They are my friends who play in the field.
: They are my friends playing in the field.
2. Relative Pronoun
Present P. Phrase
: We met harry who was swimming in the river.
: We met harry swimming in the river.
3. Relative Pronoun
Present P. Phrase
: My brother beats the dog which is barking at him.
: My brother beats the dog is barking at him.
Past Participle
past participle of a verb is a form that is usually the same as the past form and so ends in `-ed'. A
number of verbs have irregular past participles, for example `break' - past participle `broken', and `come'
- past participle `come'.
Past participles are used to form perfect tenses and the passive voice, and many of them can be used
like an adjective in front of a noun.
Past participle has three functions, there are:
a. Present Participle as Attribute
b. Present Participle as Opening
c. Present Participle as Taking Relative Pronoun
a. Past Participle as Atributive
Has a function in front of a noun as a substitute adjective.
1. Adjective
: I meet a dead dog.
Past Participle : I meet a beaten dog
2. Adjective
: Darwinto buys the red bicycle.
Past Participle : Darwinto buys the stolen bicycle.
3. Adjective
: I find the beautiful ring.
Past Participle : I find the lost ring.
b. Past Participle as Opening Sentence
Used as the opening sentence and substitute of word: ‘ when, as, for, after, while, because.’
Positive Sentence
Past Participle
2. Positive Sentence
Past Participle
: Because Any is loved by some boys Any is very proud.
: Being loved by some boys Any very proud.
: After his job is finished, the man come home.
: Finished his job the man come home.
c. Past Participle as Talking Relative Pronoun
Used as a substitute for the relative pronoun: ‘who, which, that, as a subject.
1. Relative Pronoun
Past Participle
: We help the man who was bitten by mad dog.
: We help the man bitten by a mad dog.
2. Relative Pronoun
Past Participle
: I saw a boy who was knocked down by a car.
: I saw a boy knocked down by a car.
3. Relative Pronoun
: My friend find the monkey which has been beaten dead on the
: My friend find monkey having been beaten dead on the ground.
Past Participle
Function of Causative Form:
We use causative have when arranging for someone to do something for us.
1. They repaired their car. (they did it themselves)
2. They had their car repaired. (they arranged for someone to repair it)
3. I cut my hair yesterday. (I cut it myself)
4. I had my hair cut yesterday. (I went to the hairdresser)
We also use causative have when someone does something to us.
1. Bill had his money stolen by a thief.
Dra., Mun., Fika, & Sam., S., Warib. (1991). Complete English Grammar. Surabaya: Penerbit
Windy, Novia, S.pd. (2008). Modern English Grammar. Jakarta: Penerbit Wipres.