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NAME _________________________________________
Assignment 1-Evolution Basics
 Textbook pages 450-464
_______1. The theory of evolution is most closely associated with the scientist
a. Thomas Malthus b. Charles Darwin c. Alexander Fleming d. Charles Lyell.
_______2. The finches that Darwin observed in the Galápagos Islands had a. lost the ability to fly
b. extremely similar beak shapes and habits c. adapted to eating seeds with thick, tough coats
d. evolved from a common ancestor.
_______3. The major idea that Darwin presented in his book The Origin of Species was that
a. species change over time and never compete with each other.
b. animals change, but plants remain the same over time.
c. species may change in small ways but cannot give rise to new species.
d. species change over time by natural selection.
_______4. Natural selection could not occur without
a. genetic variation in species.
b. stable environments.
c. competition for unlimited resources.
d. gradual warming of the Earth.
_______5. A sudden change that occurs in the genetic material of an organism is
a. an antibiotic b. a mutation c. an adaptation
d. a variation.
_______6. Scarcity of resources and a growing population are most likely to result in
a. decreased homology.
b. increased genetic variation.
c. increased competition.
d. convergent evolution.
_______7. Circle the letter of each sentence that is true about natural selection.
a. It selects traits that increase fitness.
b. It can be observed directly in nature.
c. It takes place without human control
d. It leads to an increase human control in a species’ fitness.
_______8. Natural selection is the process by which
a. the age of selected fossils is calculated.
b. organisms with traits well suited to their environment survive and reproduce more successfully than
organisms less suited to the same environment.
c. acquired traits are passed on from one generation to the next.
d. All of the above
_______9. According to modern evolutionary theory, new traits that help a species survive in a particular
environment will usually a. increase in frequency b. decrease in frequency c. not change in frequency
d. increase and decrease unpredictably in frequency.
_______10. Species that once lived on Earth but are no longer living are said to be
a. endangered b. archaic c. extinct d. evolved.
_______11. Because the gray-and-white Syrian bear and the enormous brown grizzly bear evolved from a
common ancestor, the differences between them most likely arose from a. mutations and sexual reproduction
b. mutations and asexual reproduction c. the inheritance of acquired characteristics d. genetic variation and
artificial selection.
_______12. Which statement is not included as part of the modern theory of evolution? a. Sexual reproduction
and mutations provide variation among organisms. b. Traits are transmitted from parent to offspring by genes
and chromosomes. c. New organs arise when they are needed. d. More offspring are produced than can possibly
13. Discuss Lamarck’s idea and explain why, based on what you learned in the reproduction and genetics unit,
it is not correct.
14. Discuss the Principles of Natural Selection
16. Use the following words to write a short paragraph that describes what is happening in the three scenes:
Overpopulation Competition Variation Adaptation Natural selection
 Textbook pages 477-479 7, 8, 12, 16, 35-37
HW Assignment 2- Evidence of Evolution
_______ 1. The older a specimen of sedimentary rock a. the greater the amount of radioactive isotopes in it
b. the closer to the surface it is found in undisturbed rock layers c. the greater the amount of decay products
present d. the more likely it is to contain mold and- cast fossils.
_______2. In three layers of undisturbed sedimentary rock a. the middle layer contains the oldest fossils
b. the top layer contains the youngest fossils c. the fossils in the bottom layer are younger than the fossils in the
middle layer d. the fossils in the bottom layer have usually been destroyed by geologic activity.
_______3.Examples of homologous structures are a. a dog’s tail and a fish’s tail b. a bee’s eye and a fish’s eye
c. a porpoise’s flipper and a hawk’s wing d. a crab’s claw and a penguin’s wing.
_______4. Evidence for evolution is shown by a. homologous structures b. fossils c. biochemistry d. all of
_______5. Which of the following is not compared in order to clarify the evolutionary relationships among
related organisms? a. analogous structures b. embryo development c. genes d. DNA hybridization
_______6. A biologist analyzes the DNA sequences in three different primates. The biologist finds that
primates A and B have nearly identical DNA sequences. The DNA sequences in primate C are significantly
different from those of primate A. From this information, the biologist may infer that
a. primates A and B are more closely related to each other than either is to primate C.
b. all three primates appeared on Earth at about the same time.
c. either primate A or primate B must be a direct ancestor of primate C.
d. primate C must have been the ancestor of both primate A and primate B.
_______7. Evidence that evolution occurs includes all of the following except
a. acquired characteristics.
b. similarities and differences in proteins and DNA sequences between organisms.
c. the fossil record.
d. homologous structures among different organisms.
_______8.Fossils are usually found in a. radioactive isotopes b. igneous rock c. trap rock
d. sedimentary rock.
_______9. DNA from a giant panda hybridizes more readily with DNA from a brown bear
than with DNA from a red panda (see picture to the right). This indicates that a giant panda
a. shares numerous analogous structures with a brown bear
b. is more closely related to a brown bear than to a red panda
c. is more closely related to a red panda than to a brown bear
d. lives in a similar environment to a brown bear.
_______10.Examples of vestigial structures include a. a seal’s flipper and a penguin’s
wing b. a duckbill platypus’s bill and a duck’s bill c. a bat’s foot and a human’s foot
d. a human’s appendix and a whale’s hind limbs.
__________11. Sea urchins and jellyfish are both round, have no head or tail, and live in the ocean; but their
embryos develop in radically different ways. They probably a. are descended from the same ancestor b. should
be placed in the same group c. have numerous vestigial structures d. are not very closely related.
_________12. The half-life of thorium-230 is 75,000 years. How long will it take for 7/8 of the original sample
to decay?
_________13. Biologically similar organisms have similar DNA and proteins. This statement supports the
concept of 1. diversity in species 2. acquired characteristics 3. use and disuse 4. organic evolution
_________14. Which statement is best supported by fossil records?
1.Many organisms that lived in the past are now extinct.
2.Species occupying the same habitat have identical environmental needs.
3.The struggle for existence between organisms results in changes in population.
4.Structures such as leg bones and wing bones can originate from the same type of
tissue found in embryos
_________ 15. The diagram to the right represents some stages in the development of
the modern horse, according to evolutionary theory. The diagram is based on the
examination of homologous fossilized structures of primitive horses
biochemical analysis of growth hormones of primitive horses
examination of the embryological structures of the modern horse
biochemical analysis of the DNA structure of the modern horse.
_________16. The fresh remains of an unknown vertebrate were discovered in the
Amazon Basin. To help determine the vertebrate’s possible relation to other animals,
scientists compared the external structure of its digestive organs to that of other
vertebrates. This procedure is typical of work done in the field of comparative
1. cytology 2. anatomy 3. embryology 4. biochemistry
_________17. Two nucleotide sequences found in two different species are almost exactly the same. This
suggests that these species
1. are evolving into the same species
2. contain identical DNA
3. may have similar evolutionary histories
4. have the same number of mutations
_________18. The sequence of amino acids in the cytochrome c molecule, an enzyme found in mitochondria, is
identical in humans and chimpanzees. This fact best supports the concept that
1. simpler organisms synthesized cytochrome c
2. humans and chimpanzees have similar nutritional requirements
3. simpler organisms evolved into more complex organisms
4. human and chimpanzees have a common ancestor
_________ 19. In the early stages of development, both chicken and pig embryos have gill slits, two-chambered
hearts, and tails. This similarity suggests that chickens and pigs most probably
1. have a common ancestry
2. carry on anaerobic respiration as adults
3. use gills for breathing during embryonic development
4. have inadequate circulation
Assignment 4-Microevolution
 Textbook pages 478-490
o Additional Sources of Variation
o Natural Selection
o Stabilizing Selection
o Directional Selection
o Disruptive Selection
Microevolution does not produce enough difference to create new species. Why should we study
 Define Genetic Drift and the Founder Effect. Explain the relationship between the two concepts.
 Fill in the blanks below
o The combined genetic information of all the members of a particular population forms a
o The success of an organism in surviving and reproducing is a measure of its
o The type of selection in which individuals at one end of a curve have the highest fitness is called
 Which of the following statements is false? a. In late nineteenth century
Manchester, natural selection resulted in the peppered moths turning from light gray to dark gray. b. Lightcolored moths had dark-colored offspring because the moths needed to blend in with sooty tree bark. c. The
technical name for the color change from light to dark as a result of pollution is industrial melanism. d. The
peppered moths’ change in color is an example of microevolution.
 Text book pages 505-506 : 1-5, 8-12, 18-20
Assignment 5-Macroevolution that leads to Speciation
 TB: 494-497
 On Line: MODERN VIEW OF EVOLTUION: “Speciation” “The Pace of Evolution” “Evidence for
 Define macroevolution and speciation
 What one thing is necessary for macroevolution to take place?
 Explain co-evolution, adaptive radiation, convergent evolution, adaptive radiation, and divergent
 Gradualism vs. punctuated- which is accepted and evidence that supports