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People on the Move
Migration and immigration play a major role in shaping our
country and world. You will develop a position on the economic
and geographic factors that influenced the movements of two
groups of people.
Important Vocabulary~~
Important Vocabulary~~
Migration: movement from one location to another
Geographic: relating to the land
Economic: relating management of resources (money, goods,
trade, etc…)
As a class, we will complete the first group-the Roman Empire. Then you will
research the second group, the Sumerians,
on your own.
On the following page, you will find the state’s scoring
rubric for the CBA. I will use this rubric to score your
presentation. For grading purposes, a score of 4 will be
an A (100 points), a 3 will be B (85 points), a 2 will be C
(75 points) , and a 1 will be a D (65 points). I must
report to the state whether you pass the CBA. In order to
pass you must receive a 3 or 4 on the rubric.
Complete research packet (pink, green, and
yellow sheets)
Complete PowerPoint Presentation (use
the online template and the blue checklist)
Add resources using NoodleTools
Presentation must include (see rubric and presentation checklists for more detailed
A position on the main factors that cause people to move (Thesis statement/Green)
Use an Occasion/ Position statement. Do not use the words “there are” or “I am going to tell you”.
An explanation of the movement of each group (from where to where?)
An EXPLAINATION of two geographic factors relating to the movement of Group 1 (ROME).
Include a map of the movement made by Group 1.
An EXPLAINATION of two geographic factors relating to the movement of Group 2 (SUMER).
Include a map of the movement made by Group 2.
An EXPLAINATION of two economic factors relating to the movement of Group 1. Choose a
picture that illustrates one of the economic factors for Group 1.
An EXPLAINATION of economic factors relating to the movement of Group 2. Choose a picture
that illustrates one of the economic factors for Group 2.
Support for your position/thesis (green) using at least two significant
similarities and/or differences related to the economic and
geographic factors affecting the movement of each group.
Create a timeline of migration. On the top of the timeline show
relevant dates of Group 1’s migration. On the bottom, show the dates
of migration for Group 2’s migration.
You must also make explicit references within the paper or
presentation to four or more credible sources that provide relevant
information. For example, “According to History Alive, …” You must
give credit to all sources used. That includes giving credit to sites from
which you have copied pictures, maps, etc…
Rome: From Republic to
Around the 6th
Century BCE, most
of what is now
Italy was owned
by the Etruscans
and the Greeks.
Therefore, these
two cultures had a
major influence on
Etruscan Influence on Rome:
•The Romans used arches to
build bridges, stadiums, and
•They used the cuniculus (a
long underground trench) to
irrigate land, drain swamps,
and carry
water to their cities.
•The Romans enjoyed
chariot racing and
gladiators, both of which
were Etruscan sporting
Greek Influence on Rome:
•The Romans used Greek columns and
designs to add to the beauty
of their buildings.
•The Romans used a modified Etruscan
alphabet, which was a
modification of the Greek alphabet.
•Like the Greeks, they carved
important documents into walls and
columns for all to see.
•Greek poetry and myths also inspired
Roman writers
Greek Influence on Rome:
•Romans copied the Greek
technique for making pottery.
•Wealthy Romans collected Greek
art and had monuments built in a
Greek style.
•Sculptors and painters used Greek
art as the model for their work, but
figures were more realistic than
the ideal figures the Greeks made.
•The Romans adopted Greek gods
as their own but gave them Roman
The Growth of the Roman Empire took place over 500 years
In 509 BCE, Romans over threw the Etruscans and became
the Roman Republic.
By 264 BCE, Rome controlled all of Italy.
From 264- 146 BCE, Rome fought three
major wars with Carthage—This time
was known as the Punic Wars
145-44 BCE Rome took control of Asia Minor,
Syria, Egypt, and Gaul (France).
43 BCE – 14 CE, Rome pushed its land
to the natural boundaries such as
rivers, to make it easier to defend.
27 BCE-180 CE- Pax Romana = Roman Peace
476 CE- Fall of the Roman Empire is based on the
over throw of the last Emperor of Rome.
Geographic factors so far…
• Facts: Romans expanded to protect their borders. Roman leaders
thought that they should continue to expand until they reached the
rivers and the seas so they could be better protected.
• Facts: Romans also wanted to gain more land and increase the power
of their empire. In those days, more land meant more power. So, to
increase their land and protection, Romans went through many wars
to conquer and inhabit their neighbors’ land.
Economic factors so far:
• Facts: Roman expansion and migration was economically beneficial to
the Romans because they collected taxes from the lands that they
had conquered. They also took soldiers from each land. Slaves were
gained from the Punic Wars.
• Facts: The Punic Wars were extremely important to the Roman
economy. Before the wars, the land of Carthage, owned the land in N.
Africa, Spain, and part of Sicily. This meant that they controlled most
of the trade in the western Mediterranean. In the 1st Punic War,
Romans gained Sicily and other islands. In the 2nd, Rome got Spain.
In the final war, Rome conquered all of Carthage’s remaining land.
Credit Your Source
Source of Information
Book_History Alive! The Ancient World
Article Title From Republic to Empire
Author/Editor Bert Bower, et al____
Publishing Company Teachers Curriculum Institute
City/State Palo Alto, CA
Volume________________ Page(s)__323-333____
Let’s add to our notes…
Source of Information
Book National Geographic Magazine
Article The Power and the Glory of the Roman Empire
Author/Editor T.R. Reid
Publishing Company National Geographic Society
City/State Washington DC Date July 1997
Volume192, No. 1 Page(s) 26
Geographic Factors
Facts: The empire mostly began with the
Romans defending their own territory.
They fought border wars and as their
power and army grew, the Romans
continued to expand.
Economic Factors
Facts: After 260 BCE,
“expansion shifted into high
gear.” It was driven by the
Romans’ need for goods such
as grain, slaves, metals,
fabric, etc…