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Latin American History Aztec/Inca Study Guide
Name ________________________________
1. What was the main crop of the Aztec and Inca? Maize/corn
2. The Incas were located in present day Andes Mountains.
3. The Aztecs were located in present day Mexico.
4. The Aztec and Inca were conquered by soldiers from Spain.
5. A Spanish soldier that conquered in the name of Spain was known as a conquistador.
6. The Aztecs were conquered by a Spanish Conquistador named Cortes.
7. The Incas were conquered by a Spanish Conquistador named Pizarro.
8. The Aztec and Inca were Polytheistic, they worshipped many gods.
9. The Incas built terraces (flat areas in the mountains) so that they could farm in the Andes Mountains.
10. The Aztec built chinampas (floating gardens) so that they could farm In Lake Texcoco.
11. Montezuma was the ruler of the Aztec.
12. Atahualpa was the ruler of the Inca.
13. Montezuma thought that Cortes was a god.
14. Why did the Spanish come to the Americas?
Gold (and other riches), God (spread their religion), Glory (land and fame)
15. How were a small group of Spanish able to conquer the Aztec and Incan empires?
 European diseases
 Horses
 Native American allies
 Superior weapons (guns and cannons)
 armor
16. How were horses an advantage for the Spanish?
Horses were faster, could travel longer distances and gave the Spanish a height advantage.
17. What was the Columbian exchange and how did it affect the Old World and the New world?
List two positive and two negative effects of the Columbian Exchange.
The exchange of goods, ideas, plants, animals, and diseases between the Old and New World.
+ new crops, new animals
- diseases, war, slavery
18. Which continents made up the Old World? Europe, Africa, and Asia
19. Which continents made up the New World? North and South America
20. Who benefited the most in the first one hundred years of the Columbian Exchange, the Old World, or the New
The Old World benefited the most because they gained new lands, riches, slaves, and new crops that helped
their population increase.
21. Draw a picture to illustrate Triangular Trade and tell what was traded on each leg of the journey.
Raw Materials
North and
Middle Passage
22. Which leg of the journey was called the middle passage?
From Africa to the Americas
23. What were the conditions like during the middle passage?
Harsh, cramped, unsanitary, awful
24. Why were African slaves brought to the Americas?
So many Native Americans had died from overwork and European diseases that they needed more
workers in the Americas.
They were used to grow and harvest crops and work in mines.
25. What were two lasting effects of the Spanish and Portuguese influences on the Americas?
They still speak Spanish and Portuguese and they practice the Catholic religion