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Crash course World History #25
The Spanish Empire, Silver & Runaway Inflation
1. How many years before Columbus did the Aztec Empire form?
2. The Aztec state was very hierarchical, with a __?___ on the top and a class of
powerful __?-__ whose job it was to keep order in the cosmos.
3. To ward off the cycle of disasters, priests had to __?___ the gods by __?___.
4. What types of tribute did conquered people have to give to the Aztecs?
5. Why was Tenochtitlan similar to that of the city of Venice?
6. The Inca Empire was held together through __?___ and a very effective
administrative structure.
7. One distinctive feature of the Inca was that they did not have ___?___, though
they kept records with knotted strings called quipus.
8. The __?___ system allowed the Inca to build their roads and temples as every
male peasant had to give up a certain amount of time in unpaid labor.
9. When the Spanish arrived they benefited from chaos that had preceded them due
to __?__.
10. Although they wanted gold, they found this instead:
11. What were the three reasons that the Spanish used coerced native laborers instead
of African slaves?
12. The huge influx of silver caused skyrocketing ___?___ and they used it to fund
many __?___.
13. What was the name of the failed invasion of England by sea? Who got the credit
for defeating them?
14. The Spanish Empire’s silver trade was the first truly global market because even
__?__ was involved.
Many thousands were killed mining silver, the environment suffered and ultimately both
the Spanish and the Chinese experienced inflation that weakened their governments.