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Latin America History Review Questions with Answers
1. Both Spanish and Portuguese are based on what language that is no longer spoken?
2. What term is used to describe the part of the world that shares a common history, mostly
speak Romance Languages, and have similar cultures? Latin America
3. Which European countries claimed the most territory in Latin America? Spain and
4. What was the capital of the Aztec empire? Tenochtitlan
5. What language was spoken by the Aztec? Nahuatl
6. What are three items or characteristics of the Aztec that show they had an advanced
Irrigation, mathematics & calendar
7. Who conquered the Aztecs? Hernan Cortes
8. Hoping the Spanish would be satisfied and then leave, what did the Aztec ruler give to
the conquistadors when they first arrived? gold
9. Who was the ruler of the Aztecs? Montezuma
10.What are three things the Aztecs got from the people they conquered?
Taxes, gold, slaves, humans for sacrifice
11.Where was the Inca Empire? Western part of South America
12.What was the capital of the Inca Empire? Cusco
13.Who conquered the Inca Empire? Francisco Pizarro
14.How did the Spanish king reward Pizarro for his plan of conquest? Made him the
viceroy (governor) over much of the Inca lands
15.What happened to most of the gold and silver that was taken by the conquistadors? Was
sent back to the King of Spain
16.What animal was brought to the New World to the new which, at first, was tremendously
negative for the indigenous people, but in the end had positive consequences? The horse
17.What name is given to the movement of people, ideas, foods, and diseases between
peoples in the Old and New Worlds? The Columbian Exchange
18.How did the introduction of horses change life for the indigenous people of the
Americas? Provided a means for transportation, used for labor, helped in hunting
19.Which of the following items moved from the New World to the Old World? (corn,
peaches, potatoes, cocoa beans, wheat, tomatoes, rice, peppers, sugar, pigs, cattle) Corn,
potatoes, Cocoa beans, tomatoes, peppers
20.What item brought from the Old World to the New World was the biggest factor in
causing huge losses of indigenous peoples? diseases
21.Why did the colonial Europeans need to bring slaves from Africa? To work as laborers
in mines and on plantations because they were more immune to the European
diseases than the indigenous people; many on the natives had died and left a labor
22.What were three reasons why the Columbian Exchange was important? Spread diseases
which killed about 80% of the indigenous population, introduced new foods and
animals to each region, and brought the horse to the New World
23.Why are there so many Mullatoes in Latin America today? Because Africans and
Europeans intermarried
24.What is the most common religion found in Latin America today? Roman Catholic
25.What did the Spanish and Portuguese governments do to help spread their religion in
Latin America? paid for missions to be built and supplied the military to help
protect the missions and the missionaries