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Chapter 14-15
Chapter 14: Mendel and the Gene Idea
Learning Targets:
1. I can explain and apply Mendel’s two laws of inheritance.
a. I can summarize The Law of Segregation and explain how it is used in predicting results from a monohybrid cross.
b. I can identify where the law of segregation is observed in meiosis.
c. I can determine genotypic, and phenotypic ratios from a monohybrid cross.
d. I can use the following terms when discussing and solving genetics problems: true breeding, hybridization, monohybrid
cross, P generation, F1generation, and F2generation, alleles, dominant, recessive, heterozygous and homozygous.
I can explain how a testcross can be used to determine if an individual with the dominant phenotype is
homozygous or heterozygous.
I can summarize the Law of Independent Assortment and apply it when predicting results of a dihybrid cross.
I can identify where the Law of Independent Assortment occurs in meiosis.
h. I can predict the results of a dihybrid cross and state the phenotypic and genotypic ratios of the F2generation.
i. I can use the rule of multiplication when predicting the results of monohybrid and dihybrid crosses.
2. I can explain how the heterozygous individual reveals the mode of inheritance that is occurring for a given trait.
. I can explain how phenotypic expression of the heterozygote differs with complete dominance, incomplete dominance
and codominance.
3. I can predict the results of crosses that were not predicted by simple Mendelian Genetics
a. I can describe the inheritance of the ABO blood system and explain why the IA and IB alleles are said to be
b. I can determine the results of a cross with epistatic traits.
c. I can determine the results of a cross with polygenic inheritance.
d. When given a sample of family pedigree, I can deduce the genotypes for the family members.
4. I can explain how carrier recognition fetal testing, and newborn screening can be used in genetic screening and
a. I can describe the inheritance of cystic fibrosis, Tay Sachs, sickle cell disease, Achondroplasia and Huntington
I can explain how a lethal recessive allele can be maintained in population
I can summarize what occurs to individuals that are afflicted with each of these diseases.
Focus Questions:
1. What is the law of segregation? Where in Meiosis is this law observed?
2. Explain why the heterozygous individual determines the dominant and recessive alleles.
3. Define the P, F1 and F2 generations.
4. What is a test cross? How can this cross be used?
5. What is the law of independent assortment? When is this used?
6. Why did Mendel work with Pea Plants?
Chapter 15: The Chromosomal Basis of Inheritance
Learning Targets:
1. I can explain the chromosome theory of inheritance.
a. I can explain why linked genes do not assort independently.
b. I can explain how sex linked inheritance works in mammals and in birds.
c. I can distinguish between parental and recombinant phenotypes.
d. I can explain how crossing over can unlink genes.
e. I can create a linkage map.
I can describe the inheritance patterns and symptoms of color blindness, Duchenne muscular dystrophy
and hemophilia.
I can explain how X inactivation results in Barr Bodies.
I can describe the process of X inactivation in female mammals. Explain how this phenomenon
produces the tortoiseshell coloration in cats.
I can describe how alterations of chromosomes occur and how they can cause genetic disorders
I can explain how nondisjunction can lead to aneuploidy
I can Identify human disorders caused by chromosomal alterations; trisomy 21, klinefelter syndromes,
turner syndrome.
I can identify alterations in chromosome structure as the result of: deletions, duplications, inversions,
and translocations.
I can identify and explain inheritance patterns that are exceptions to the standard chromosome theory.
I can explain how genomic imprinting works.
I can explain how inheritance works with extranuclear genes found in organelles such as mitochondria.