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Biology 1H Chapters 6 and 7 Test Review –Genetics
You will need to know all of the vocabulary in Chapter 6 and 7. You have already been tested on
Meiosis, but should understand how it works and be able to use the vocabulary. You will need to know
that Gregor Mendel was a monk/gardener who is considered the father of modern genetics and how
that came to be. Differentiate between genotypes and phenotypes and be able to calculate each for
monohybrid and dihybrid crosses. Dihybrid crosses will be tested. You will need to know how to
perform a test cross. Know why variation is important in the survival of populations and 3 ways that
variation ensured by sexual reproduction. Know the difference between Law of Segregation and Law of
Independent assortment. Chapter 7 highlights: co/incomplete dominance, polygenic traits, sex linked
traits, how to use a pedigree chart and a karyotype and the differences therein, how to calculate gene
The following are specific benchmarks that will be on the EOC
SC.912.L.16.1 Use Mendel’s laws of segregation and independent assortment to analyze patterns of
inheritance. (Also assesses SC.912.L.16.2.)
SC.912.L.16.2 Discuss observed inheritance patterns caused by various modes of inheritance, including dominant,
recessive, co-dominant, sex-linked, polygenic, and multiple alleles.
Benchmark Clarifications
Students will use Mendel’s laws of segregation and independent assortment to analyze patterns of inheritance.
Students will identify, analyze, and/or predict inheritance patterns caused by various modes of inheritance.
Standard 16 Heredity and Reproduction
Benchmark SC.912.L.16.17 Compare and contrast mitosis and meiosis and relate to the processes of sexual
and asexual reproduction and their consequences for genetic variation. (Also assesses SC.912.L.16.8,
SC.912.L.16.14, and SC.912.L.16.16.)
SC.912.L.16.16 Describe the process of meiosis, including independent assortment and crossing over. Explain how
reduction division results in the formation of haploid gametes or spores.