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Chapter 14, 15, some 18- TEST REVIEW SHEET
Chapter 14- DNA: The Genetic Material
1. Be able to match the researcher with the significant contribution they made to the discovery and function
of DNA:
Griffith’s Experiment, Avery, McCarty, and MacLeod, Erwin Chargaff, Hershey-Chase Experiment,
Franklin and Wilkins, Watson and Crick Model, Meselson and Stahl
2. Review the double helix structure of DNA and it component parts- describe the structure of a nucleotide,
name the types of nucleotides, and label its carbons with the proper numbers.
3. Name the bonds that hold nucleotides of the DNA backbone together and those that hold the opposite
strands together.
4. What is meant by antiparallel strands and how does this affect DNA replication?
5. Describe how the complementary base pairing rules dictates the order of nucleotides in the replication of
6. What is meant by semiconservative replication?
7. Describe the overall process of DNA replication and repair and identify all the enzymes and support
proteins that are involved.
8. Specifically identify the limitations DNA polymerase has during replication and how the cell overcomes
9. What supplies the reaction energy for DNA replication and what significance this has on the direction of
10. Describe the formation of leading and lagging strands of a replicating DNA molecule. What allows for
the speed at which eukaryotes can replicate their DNA?
11. What are telomeres? Telomerase? What affect do they have on the DNA strands?
12. Compare the major differences in Eukaryotic and Prokaryotic cells.
13. What happens to DNA when mutations occur? Name each type of mutation and describe their effects on
the mRNA and proteins?
Chapter 15- Genes and How They Work
1. Differences between DNA and RNA.
2. How did the study of metabolic disease help lead to Beadle and Tatum’s hypothesis-“One gene equals
one enzyme”
3. Describe the overall process of transcription and translation and identify all the enzymes and support
proteins that are involved.
4. What are the parts of the “transcription unit” (include the role of the promoter region, enhancer region,
introns, exons)
5. Differences in RNA polymerase I, II, and III. What determines which RNA polymerase will transcribe
which gene?
6. Describe the structure and function of mRNA (pre-mRNA and mRNA processing- poly-A tail, 5’ Cap,
introns, exons), tRNA (anti-codon, amino acid attachment), and ribosomes (rRNA and protein)
7. Creation of polypeptide from mRNA codons. Be able to utilize the mRNA codon chart (Universal
Genetic Code) to code for a polypeptide.
8. Compare differences in Eukaryote and Prokaryote protein synthesis
9. Describe the effect that different mutations have on the resulting polypeptide chain.
10. Compare the severity of different mutations.
11. Why do mutations in the promoter region of mRNA not occur in organisms?
12. Describe mechanisms that control gene expression in eukaryotes: during transcription and
posttranscriptional control. (Ch. 18)