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Biology II – Chapter 1
1. The most important force in evolution is ___________________________________.
2. Structures, physiological processes, or behaviors that aid survival and reproduction in a particular environment are
3. The smallest unit of life is the ____________________.
4. The sum total of all the chemical reactions needed to sustain an organism’s life is called its ___________________.
5. The two characteristics of life that are not a failure of homeostasis are ____________________________ and
6. __________________________________________ is the process of generating a hypothesis of how an experiment
or observation will turn out – usually an “if…then” statement.
7. The portion of the experiment that makes sure all other possible variables are constant is the __________________.
8. The smallest particle of an element – smallest unit of non-living matter – is called an __________________.
9. ________________________________ is all the interacting populations within an ecosystem.
10. ____________________________________________ is the process of generating a generalization based on many
specific observations that support the theory and cannot be contradicted.
11. A condition that is the cause of a single observation – subject to change – is _____________________________.
12. A ________________________________________ is a general explanation of natural phenomena based on
extensive and repeated observable evidence.
13. An organism that eats other organisms is a(n) __________________________________.
14. A _______________________________ is all the organisms and their nonliving environment within a defined area.
15. The ability/capacity to do work is the definition of ___________________________.
16. A unit of heredity that provides the information – a functional segment of DNA – is a _____________________.
17. The process by which organisms with adaptations survive and reproduce more successfully than do others that lack
those traits describes ___________________________________________.
18. Which group(s) of organisms contains prokaryotic cells? __________________________________________
19. You discover a new type of organism in the back of your fridge. Luckily, your roommate is a biology major and
takes you to the lab where he works. You put a small piece of the fuzzy critter under the microscope and see that it
is made of very simple, single cells with no nucleus. What type of organism might this be? ________________
20. The organic complexity and organization characteristic of living organisms depends on the periodic capture of raw
materials and energy. Ultimately, the source of these materials and energy is _________________________.
21. Which of the following terms includes all of the others? Molecule, atom, subatomic particle, electron
22. The diversity of life is mainly due to _______________________________________.
23. You are a NASA scientist and have discovered an organism in outer space that contains its genetic material in the
cytoplasm rather than in a nucleus. Given this characteristic, would you classify this organism as a eukaryote or
prokaryote? __________________________________
24. Your baby starts crying. Since she hasn't eaten in two hours, you declare, "The baby must be hungry." Your
statement is a(n) _________________________________.
25. Homeostasis is the process by which ___________________________________________________________.
26. Organisms that can extract energy from light are called ________________________________; organisms that
must obtain energy from molecules made by other organisms are called _______________________________.
27. Science assumes that natural laws (such as the law of gravity) ________________________________________.
28. Define – biosphere: _______________________________________________________________
29. Define – tissues: __________________________________________________________________
30. Define – species:__________________________________________________________________
31. Define – organ system:_____________________________________________________________
32. – 35. List the 4 Interrelated Operations of the Scientific Method (IN ORDER!!!):
36. – 42. List the 7 Characteristics of Life:
Biology II – Chapter 1 Review – KEY