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26.1 General Structure and Functions of the Digestive
System 780
26.1a Digestive System Functions
26.2 Oral Cavity
Cheeks, Lips, and Palate
Tongue 782
Salivary Glands 782
Teeth 784
26.3 Pharynx 786
26.4 General Arrangement of Abdominal GI Organs 787
26.4a Peritoneum, Peritoneal Cavity, and Mesentery 787
26.4b General Histology of GI Organs (Esophagus to Large
Intestine) 788
26.4c Blood Vessels, Lymphatic Structures, and Nerve Supply 790
26.5 Esophagus
26.5a Gross Anatomy 791
26.5b Histology 791
26.6 The Swallowing Process
26.7 Stomach 793
26.7a Gross Anatomy 793
26.7b Histology 793
26.7c Gastric Secretions 794
26.8 Small Intestine
26.8a Gross Anatomy and Regions
26.8b Histology 799
26.9 Large Intestine
26.9a Gross Anatomy and Regions 799
26.9b Histology 801
26.9c Control of Large Intestine Activity 802
26.10 Accessory Digestive Organs
Liver 804
Gallbladder 805
Pancreas 807
Biliary Apparatus 808
26.11 Aging and the Digestive
System 810
26.12 Development of the Digestive
System 810
26.12a Stomach, Duodenum, and Omenta
Development 810
26.12b Liver, Gallbladder, and Pancreas
Development 810
26.12c Intestine Development 810
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Chapter Twenty-Six
Digestive System
ach time we eat a meal and drink fluids, our bodies take in the
nutrients necessary for survival. However, these nutrients must be
digested and processed—broken down both mechanically and chemically—into components small enough for our cells to use. Once the
nutrients are broken down sufficiently, they are absorbed from the digestive system into the bloodstream and transported to the body tissues.
Not everything we eat can be used by the body. After the
nutrients from foods are absorbed, some materials remain that cannot be digested or absorbed, such as cellulose and fiber. These materials must be expelled from the body via a process called defecation.
All of these functions are the responsibility of the digestive system.
26.1 General Structure and Functions
of the Digestive System
Learning Objectives:
Identify the GI tract organs and accessory digestive organs.
Describe the basic functions of the digestive system.
Compare and contrast mechanical and chemical digestion.
Identify the processes of peristalsis and segmentation.
Define the processes of secretion, absorption, and
elimination of wastes.
The digestive (di-jes′tiv, dı̄-; digestus = to force apart, divide, dissolve) system includes the organs that ingest the food, transport the
ingested material, digest the material into smaller usable components,
absorb the necessary digested nutrients into the bloodstream, and expel
the waste products from the body. When you eat, you put food into your
mouth and it mixes with saliva as you chew. The chewed food mixed
with saliva is called a bolus (bō′lŭs; lump), and it is the bolus that is
swallowed. The stomach processes the bolus and turns it into a pastelike substance called chyme. Hereafter in the chapter, we will simplify
our discussion by referring to the ingested contents as “material.”
The digestive system is composed of two separate categories
of organs: digestive organs and accessory digestive organs (figure 26.1). The digestive organs collectively make up the gastrointestinal (GI) tract, also called the digestive tract or alimentary
(al-i-men′ter-ē; alimentum = nourishment) canal. The GI tract organs
are the oral cavity, pharynx, esophagus, stomach, small intestine,
and large intestine. These organs form a continuous tube from the
mouth to the anus. The contraction of muscle in the GI tract wall
propels materials through the tract.
Accessory digestive organs are not part of the long GI tube,
but often develop as outgrowths from and are connected to the
GI tract. The accessory digestive organs assist the GI tract in the
digestion of material. Accessory digestive organs include the teeth,
tongue, salivary glands, liver, gallbladder, and pancreas.
26.1a Digestive System Functions
The digestive system performs six main functions: ingestion, digestion, propulsion, secretion, absorption, and elimination of wastes.
Accessory Digestive Organs
Gastrointestinal Tract
(Digestive Organs)
Parotid salivary gland
Oral cavity
Sublingual salivary gland
Submandibular salivary gland
Figure 26.1
Digestive System. The digestive system is
composed of the gastrointestinal (GI) tract and
accessory digestive organs that assist the GI
tract in the process of digestion.
Large intestine
Small intestine
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Chapter Twenty-Six
Wave of contraction
Wall of
GI tract
(a) Peristalsis
Further mixing
Peristalsis and Segmentation. A swallowed bolus is propelled
through the GI tract by the coordinated contraction and relaxation of the
musculature in the GI tract wall. (a) Peristalsis is a wave of contraction that
moves material ahead of the wave through the GI tract toward the anus.
(b) Segmentation is a back-and-forth movement in the small intestine
whereby ingested material mixes with secretory products to increase the
efficiency of digestion and absorption.
Ingestion (in-jes′chŭn; ingero = to carry in) is the introduction of solid and liquid materials into the oral cavity. It is the first
step in the process of digesting and absorbing nutrients.
Digestion is the breakdown of large food items into smaller
structures and molecules. There are two aspects to digestion:
Mechanical digestion physically breaks down ingested materials
into smaller pieces, and chemical digestion breaks down ingested
material into smaller molecules by using enzymes. (Review
enzymes in chapter 2.) The first part of mechanical digestion is
mastication (mas′ti-kā′shu n̆ ; mastico = to chew), the chewing of
ingested material by the teeth in the oral cavity.
After the materials are swallowed, they move through the GI
tract by a process termed propulsion (prō-pŭl′shŭn; propello = to move
forth). Two types of movement are involved in propulsion: peristalsis
and segmentation. Peristalsis (per-i-stal′sis; stalsis = constriction)
is the process of muscular contraction that forms ripples along part
of the GI tract and forces material to move further along the tract
(figure 26.2a). Peristalsis is like pushing toothpaste through a
toothpaste tube: As you push on the flat end of the tube, a portion
of toothpaste moves toward the opening. As you push the middle of
the tube, the segment of toothpaste moves even closer to the opening.
Churning and mixing movements in the small intestine, called segmentation (seg′men-tā′shŭn), help disperse the material being digested and combine it with digestive organ secretions (figure 26.2b). The
material within the lumen of the small intestine is moved back-andforth to mix it with the secretory products that are being introduced
into that region of the GI tract. Thus, contraction and relaxation of the
digestive wall musculature creates a “blender” effect, mixing ingested
materials with digestive enzymes and mechanically breaking down
larger digested particles into smaller ones.
Secretion (se-krē′shŭn; secerno = to separate) is the process
of producing and releasing mucin or fluids such as acid, bile,
and digestive enzymes. When these products are secreted into
the lumen of the GI tract, they facilitate chemical digestion and
the passage of material through the GI tract. Some of these products (e.g., acid, bile, digestive enzymes) help digest food. Mucin
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secretions serve a protective function. Mucin mixes with water to
form mucus, and the mucus coats the GI wall to protect and lubricate it against acidic secretions and abrasions by passing materials.
Absorption (ab-sōrp′shŭn; absorptio = to swallow) involves
either passive movement or active transport of electrolytes, digestion products, vitamins, and water across the GI tract epithelium
and into GI tract blood and lymph vessels.
The final function of the digestive system is the elimination
of wastes. Our bodies use most, but not all, of the components
of what we eat. All undigestible materials as well as the waste
products secreted by the accessory organs into the GI tract are
compacted into feces (fē′sēz; faex = dregs), or fecal material, and
then eliminated from the GI tract by the process of defecation (defĕ-kā′shŭn; defaeco = to remove the dregs).
(b) Segmentation
Figure 26.2
Digestive System
What structures compose the GI tract?
How do secretion and absorption differ?
26.2 Oral Cavity
Learning Objective:
1. Identify and describe the structure and function of the
tongue, salivary glands, and teeth.
The oral cavity, or mouth, is the entrance to the GI tract
(figure 26.3). The mouth is the initial site of mechanical digestion
(via mastication) and chemical digestion (via an enzyme in saliva).
The epithelial lining of the oral cavity is a nonkeratinized stratified
squamous epithelium that protects against the abrasive activities
associated with digestion. This lining is moistened continually by
the secretion of saliva.
The oral cavity is bounded anteriorly by the teeth and lips
and posteriorly by the oropharynx. The superior boundary of the
oral cavity is formed by the hard and soft palates. The floor, or
inferior surface, of the oral cavity is formed by the mylohyoid
muscle covered with a mucous membrane. The tongue attaches to
the floor of the oral cavity.
The oral cavity has two distinct regions: The vestibule is the
space between the cheeks or lips and the gums. The oral cavity proper
lies central to the alveolar processes of the mandible and maxillae.
26.2a Cheeks, Lips, and Palate
The lateral walls of the oral cavity are formed by the cheeks, which
are covered externally by the integument and contain the buccinator
muscles. The buccinator muscles compress the cheeks against the
teeth to hold solid materials in place during chewing. The cheeks
terminate at the fleshy lips (or labia), which form the anterior wall of
the oral cavity. The lips are formed primarily by the orbicularis oris
muscle and covered with keratinized stratified squamous epithelium. Lips have a reddish hue because of their abundant supply of
superficial blood vessels and the reduced amount of keratin within
their outer epithelial layer. The gingivae (jin′ji-vē), or gums, are composed of dense irregular connective tissue, with an overlying nonkeratinized stratified squamous epithelium that covers the alveolar
processes of the upper and lower jaws and surrounds the necks of
the teeth. The internal surfaces of the superior and inferior lips each
are attached to the gingivae by a thin mucosa fold in the midline,
called the labial (lā′bē-ăl) frenulum (fren′ū-lŭm; frenum = bridle).
The palate (pal′ăt) forms the roof of the oral cavity and acts as
a barrier to separate it from the nasal cavity. The anterior two-thirds
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Chapter Twenty-Six
Digestive System
Superior lip
Superior labial frenulum
palatine folds
Hard palate
Soft palate
Hard palate
Oral cavity
Soft palate
Palatoglossal arch
Palatopharyngeal arch
Palatine tonsil
Palatine tonsil
Lingual tonsil
Salivary duct orifices
Lingual frenulum
Inferior labial frenulum
Inferior lip
(a) Oral cavity, anterior view
(b) Sagittal section
Figure 26.3
Oral Cavity. (a) Ingested food and drink enter the GI tract through the oral cavity, shown here in anterior view. (b) A diagrammatic sagittal section
shows the structures of the oral cavity and the pharynx.
of the palate is hard and bony (called the hard palate), while the
posterior one-third is soft and muscular (called the soft palate). The
hard palate is formed by the palatine processes of the maxillae and
the horizontal plates of the palatine bones. It is covered with dense
connective tissue and nonkeratinized stratified squamous epithelium and exhibits prominent transverse palatine folds, or friction
ridges, that assist the tongue in manipulating ingested materials
prior to swallowing. The arching soft palate is primarily composed
of skeletal muscle and covered with nonkeratinized stratified squamous epithelium. Extending inferiorly from the posterior part of the
soft palate is a conical median projection called the uvula (ū′vū-lă;
uva = grape). When you swallow, the soft palate and the uvula
elevate to close off the posterior entrance into the nasopharynx and
prevent ingested materials from entering the nasal region.
The fauces represent the opening between the oral cavity
and the oropharynx. The fauces are bounded by paired muscular
folds: the palatoglossal arch (anterior fold containing the palatoglossus muscle) and the palatopharyngeal arch (posterior fold
containing the palatopharyngeal muscle). The palatine tonsils are
housed between the arches (see chapter 24). These tonsils serve as
an “early line of defense” as they monitor ingested food and drink
for antigens, and initiate an immune response when necessary.
26.2b Tongue
The tongue (tŭng) is an accessory digestive organ that is formed
primarily from skeletal muscle and covered with stratified squamous epithelium. As described in chapter 19, numerous small projections, termed papillae (pă-pil′ē; sing., papilla; papula = pimple),
cover the superior (dorsal) surface of the tongue. The tongue’s
stratified squamous epithelium is keratinized over the filiform
papillae but nonkeratinized over the rest of the tongue. Chapter 25
described the tongue as a participant in sound production. In addition, the tongue manipulates and mixes ingested materials during
chewing and helps compress the materials against the palate to
turn them into a bolus. The tongue also performs important functions in swallowing. The inferior surface of the tongue attaches to
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the floor of the oral cavity by a thin, vertical mucous membrane,
the lingual frenulum (figure 26.3a). In addition, the posteroinferior
surface of the tongue contains lingual tonsils. Two categories of
skeletal muscles move the tongue (see chapter 11).
26.2c Salivary Glands
The salivary glands collectively produce and secrete saliva (să-lı̄′vă),
a fluid that assists in the initial activities of digestion. The volume of
saliva secreted daily ranges between 1.0 and 1.5 liters. Most saliva
is produced during mealtime, but smaller amounts are produced
continuously to ensure that the oral cavity mucous membrane
remains moist. Water makes up 99.5% of the volume of saliva and
is its primary ingredient. Saliva also contains a mixture of other
components (table 26.1).
Saliva has various functions. It moistens ingested food and
helps it become a slick, semisolid bolus that is more easily swallowed. Saliva also moistens, cleanses, and lubricates the oral cavity
structures. The first step in chemical digestion occurs when amylase in saliva begins to break down carbohydrates. Saliva contains
antibodies and an antibacterial substance called lysozyme that help
inhibit bacterial growth in the oral cavity. Finally, saliva is the
watery medium into which food molecules are dissolved so that
taste receptors on the tongue can be stimulated.
Three pairs of multicellular salivary glands are located external to the oral cavity: the parotid, submandibular, and sublingual
glands (figure 26.4a).
The parotid (pă-rot′id; para = beside, ot = ear) salivary glands
are the largest salivary glands. Each parotid gland is located anterior
and slightly inferior to the ear, partially overlying the masseter muscle. The parotid salivary glands produce about 25–30% of the saliva,
which is conducted through the parotid duct to the oral cavity. The
parotid duct extends from the gland, parallel to the zygomatic arch,
before penetrating the buccinator muscle and opening into the vestibule of the oral cavity near the second upper molar.
As their name suggests, the submandibular (sŭb-man-dib′ūlă r) salivary glands are inferior to the body of the mandible. They
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Chapter Twenty-Six
Digestive System
Table 26.1
Saliva Characteristics
Production Rate
pH Range
Composition of Saliva
Solute Components
Neural Control of Saliva
1–1.5 L/day
Slightly acidic (pH 6.4 to 6.8)
99.5% water; 0.5% solutes
Ions (e.g., Na+, K+, chloride,
Immunoglobulin A (helps
decrease bacterial infections)
Lysozyme (antibacterial
Salivary amylase (enzyme that
breaks down carbohydrates)
Parasympathetic axons in CN IX
stimulate parotid salivary gland
Parasympathetic axons in CN
VII stimulate submandibular
and sublingual salivary gland
Sympathetic activation from
cervical ganglia stimulates mucin
Parotid salivary gland
Figure 26.4
Parotid duct
Masseter muscle
Salivary Glands. Saliva is produced by three pairs of
salivary glands. (a) The relative locations of the parotid,
submandibular, and sublingual salivary glands are shown in a
diagrammatic sagittal section. (b) Serous and mucous alveoli
are shown in a diagrammatic representation of salivary gland
histology. (c) A photomicrograph reveals the histologic detail
of the submandibular salivary gland.
Mucosa (cut)
Sublingual ducts
Submandibular duct
Sublingual salivary gland
Mylohyoid muscle (cut)
Submandibular salivary gland
(a) Salivary glands
Salivary duct
Mucous cell
Mucous cells
Salivary duct
Mucous alveolus
Duct epithelium
Mixed alveoli
Serous alveolus
LM 200x
Serous cell
(b) Salivary gland histology
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(c) Submandibular salivary gland
Serous cells
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Chapter Twenty-Six
Digestive System
Table 26.2
Salivary Gland Characteristics
Salivary Gland
Structure and Location
Types of Secretion
Percentage of Saliva Produced
Largest of the salivary glands;
located anterior and slightly inferior
to ears; parotid duct conducts
secretions into the vestibule near
upper 2nd molar
Only serous secretions
Located inferior to mandibular body;
submandibular duct opens lateral to
lingual frenulum
Both mucous and serous secretions
Smallest of the salivary glands;
located inferior to tongue; tiny
sublingual ducts open into floor of
oral cavity
Both mucous and serous secretions
produce most of the saliva (about 60–70%). A submandibular duct
transports saliva from each gland through a papilla in the floor of
the mouth on the lateral sides of the lingual frenulum.
The sublingual (sŭb-ling′gwăl) salivary glands are inferior
to the tongue and internal to the oral cavity mucosa. Each sublingual salivary gland extends multiple tiny sublingual ducts that
open onto the inferior surface of the oral cavity, posterior to the
submandibular duct papilla. These tiny glands contribute only
about 3–5% of the total saliva.
Two types of secretory cells are housed in the salivary glands:
mucous cells and serous cells (figure 26.4b, c). Mucous cells secrete
mucin, which forms mucus upon hydration, while serous cells
secrete a watery fluid containing ions, lysozyme, and salivary amylase. The proportion of mucous cells to serous cells varies among the
three types of salivary glands. The submandibular and sublingual
glands produce both serous and mucous secretions, whereas the
parotid glands produce only serous secretions. Table 26.2 summarizes the structure of the salivary glands and their secretions.
The salivary glands are primarily innervated by the parasympathetic division of the autonomic nervous system. In particular, the
facial nerve (CN VII) innervates the submandibular and sublingual
glands, while the glossopharyngeal nerve (CN IX) innervates the
parotid gland. Parasympathetic innervation stimulates salivary gland
secretion, which is why your mouth “waters” when you see a delicious dinner in front of you. Your salivary glands are preparing the
body for the start of the digestion process. In contrast, sympathetic
stimulation inhibits normal secretion from these glands, which is
why you may experience a dry mouth after a fight-or-flight response.
W H AT D O Y O U T H I N K ?
Research suggests that a “dry mouth” (inadequate production of
saliva) is correlated with an increase in dental problems, such as
cavities. What are the possible reasons for this correlation?
26.2d Teeth
The teeth are collectively known as the dentition (den-tish′ŭn; dentition = teething). Teeth are responsible for mastication, the first
part of the mechanical digestion process. A tooth has an exposed
crown, a constricted neck, and one or more roots that anchor it to
the jaw (figure 26.5). The roots of the teeth fit tightly into dental
alveoli, which are sockets within the alveolar processes of both
the maxillae and the mandible. Collectively, the roots, the dental
alveoli, and the periodontal ligaments that bind the roots to the
alveolar processes form a gomphosis joint (described in chapter 9).
Each root of a tooth is ensheathed within hardened material called cementum (se-men′tūm; rough quarry stone). A tough,
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Pulp cavity
Root canal
Dental alveolus
Blood vessels
and nerves in
apical foramen
Figure 26.5
Anatomy of a Molar. Ingested material is chewed by the teeth in the
oral cavity.
durable layer of enamel (ē-nam′ĕl) forms the crown of the tooth.
Enamel, the hardest substance in the body, is composed primarily of
calcium phosphate crystals. Dentin (den′tin) forms the primary mass
of a tooth. Dentin is comparable to bone but harder, and is deep to the
cementum and the enamel. The center of the tooth is a pulp cavity
that contains a connective tissue called pulp. A root canal opens into
the connective tissue through an opening called the apical foramen
and is continuous with the pulp cavity. Blood vessels and nerves pass
through the apical foramen and are housed in the pulp.
The mesial (mē′zē-ăl; mesos = middle) surface of the tooth
is the surface closest to the midline of the mouth, while the distal
surface of the tooth is farthest from the mouth midline. Other
tooth surfaces include: the buccal surface, adjacent to the internal
surface of the cheek; the labial surface, adjacent to the internal
surface of the lip; the lingual surface, facing the tongue; and the
occlusal (ŏ -kloo′zăl) surface, where the teeth from the opposing
superior and inferior arches meet.
Two sets of teeth develop and erupt during a normal lifetime.
In an infant, 20 deciduous (dē-sid′ū-ŭs; deciduus = falling off) teeth,
also called milk teeth, erupt between 6 months and 30 months after
birth. These teeth are eventually lost and replaced by 32 permanent
teeth. As figure 26.6 shows, the more anteriorly placed permanent
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Chapter Twenty-Six
Digestive System
Central incisor (7–9 mos.)
Lateral incisor (9–11 mos.)
Canine (18–20 mos.)
1st molar (14–16 mos.)
2nd molar (24–30 mos.)
Permanent teeth
2nd molar (20–22 mos.)
Deciduous teeth
1st molar (12–14 mos.)
Canine (16–18 mos.)
Lateral incisor (7–9 mos.)
(a) Child’s skull
Central incisor (6–8 mos.)
(b) Deciduous teeth
Right Upper (Maxillary) Quadrant
Left Upper (Maxillary) Quadrant
Central incisor (7–8 yrs.)
Lateral incisor (8–9 yrs.)
Canine (11–12 yrs.)
1st premolar (10–11 yrs.)
2nd premolar (10–12 yrs.)
Upper teeth
1st molar (6–7 yrs.)
2nd molar (12–13 yrs.)
3rd molar (17–25 yrs.)
Hard palate
3rd molar (17–25 yrs.)
2nd molar (11–13 yrs.)
1st molar (6–7 yrs.)
Lower teeth
26 25 24 23
2nd premolar (11–12 yrs.)
1st premolar (10–12 yrs.)
(d) Teeth numbering
Canine (9–10 yrs.)
Lateral incisor (7–8 yrs.)
Central incisor (6–7 yrs.)
Right Lower (Mandibular) Quadrant
Left Lower (Mandibular) Quadrant
(c) Permanent teeth
Figure 26.6
Teeth. (a) Both deciduous teeth and unerupted permanent teeth are visible in this cutaway section of a child’s skull. (b, c) Comparison of the
dentition of deciduous and permanent teeth, including the approximate age at eruption for each tooth. Also shown in (c) are the dental quadrants,
which are formed by a sagittal plane that passes between the central incisors in the maxilla and mandible. (d) Teeth may be precisely identified
using the Universal Numbering System.
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Chapter Twenty-Six
Digestive System
Table 26.3
Oral Cavity Structures and Their Functions
Composed of dense irregular connective tissue and
nonkeratinized stratified squamous epithelium
Surround necks of teeth and cover alveolar processes
Hard palate
Anterior roof of mouth; bony shelf covered by dense connective
tissue and nonkeratinized stratified squamous epithelium
Forms anterior two-thirds of roof of mouth; separates oral
cavity from nasal cavity
Form part of anterior walls of oral cavity; covered with
keratinized stratified squamous epithelium
Close oral cavity during chewing
Salivary glands
Three pairs of large multicellular glands: parotid glands,
sublingual glands, and submandibular glands
Produce saliva
Soft palate
Posterior roof of mouth formed from skeletal muscle and
covered with nonkeratinized stratified squamous epithelium;
the uvula hangs from it
Forms posterior one-third of roof of mouth; helps close off
entryway to nasopharynx when swallowing
Hard structures projecting from the alveolar processes of the
maxillae and mandible: incisors, canines, premolars, and
Mastication (chewing food)
Composed primarily of skeletal muscle and covered by stratified
squamous epithelium; surface covered by papillae
Manipulates ingested material during chewing; pushes material
against palate to turn it into a bolus; detects tastes (via taste
Aggregates of partially encapsulated lymphatic tissue
Detect antigens in swallowed food and drink and initiate
immune response if necessary
Conical, median, muscular projection extending from the soft
Assists soft palate in closing off entryway to nasopharynx when
Space between cheek and gums
Space between lips/cheeks and gums where ingested materials
are mixed with saliva and mechanically digested
teeth tend to appear first, followed by the posteriorly placed teeth.
(The major exception to this rule are the first molars, which appear
at about age 6 and are sometimes referred to as the “6-year molars.”)
The last teeth to erupt are the third molars, often called wisdom
teeth, in the late teens or early 20s. Often the jaw lacks space to
accommodate these final molars, and they may either emerge only
partially or grow at an angle and become impacted (wedged against
another structure). Impacted teeth cannot erupt properly because of
the angle of their growth.
left side of the maxilla (number 16). Number 17 is the most posterior tooth on the left side of the mandible, and it continues along
the mandibular arch to the most posterior tooth on the right side of
the mandible (number 32). This system is based on 32 teeth so—if
someone is missing tooth number 1 (wisdom tooth)—the first number will be 2 instead of 1, acknowledging the missing tooth.
Table 26.3 summarizes the structures of the oral cavity and
their functions.
W H AT D O Y O U T H I N K ?
If the deciduous teeth are eventually replaced by permanent teeth,
why do humans have deciduous teeth in the first place?
The most anteriorly placed permanent teeth are called incisors (in-sı̄′zŏr; incido = to cut into). They are shaped like a chisel
and have a single root. They are designed for slicing or cutting into
food. Immediately posterolateral to the incisors are the canines
(kā′nı̄n; canis = dog), which have a pointed tip for puncturing and
tearing food. Premolars are located posterolateral to the canines
and anterior to the molars. They have flat crowns with prominent
ridges called cusps that are used to crush and grind ingested materials. Premolars may have one or two roots. The molars (mō′lăr;
molaris = millstone) are the thickest and most posteriorly placed
teeth. They have large, broad, flat crowns with distinctive cusps,
and three or more roots. Molars are also adapted for grinding and
crushing ingested materials. If the mouth is divided into quadrants,
each quadrant contains the following number of permanent teeth:
two incisors, one canine, two premolars, and three molars (figure
26.6c). In the United States, general dentists have adopted the
Universal Numbering System (recognized by the American Dental
Association) to identify teeth (figure 26.6d). Tooth number 1 is the
most posterior tooth on the right side of the maxilla. Numbering
continues anteriorly and around to the most posterior tooth on the
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What are the main components of saliva, and what functions do
they serve?
What are the types of permanent teeth, and what is each tooth’s
main function in mastication?
26.3 Pharynx
Learning Objectives:
1. Describe the structure of the pharynx.
2. Explain the action of the pharyngeal constrictors.
The common space used by both the respiratory and digestive systems is the pharynx (see figure 26.1 and chapter 25). The
nonkeratinized stratified squamous epithelial lining of the oropharynx and the laryngopharynx provides protection against the
abrasive activities associated with swallowing ingested materials.
Three skeletal muscle pairs, called the superior, middle, and
inferior pharyngeal constrictors, form the wall of the pharynx.
Sequential contraction of the pharyngeal constrictors decreases the
diameter of the pharynx, beginning at its superior end and moving
toward its inferior end, thus pushing swallowed material toward
the esophagus. As the pharyngeal constrictors constrict, the epiglottis of the larynx closes over the laryngeal opening to prevent
ingested materials from entering the larynx and trachea.
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Chapter Twenty-Six
The vagus nerves (CN X) innervate most pharyngeal muscles. The principal arteries supplying the pharynx are branches of
the external carotid arteries. The pharynx is drained by the internal jugular veins.
How do pharyngeal constrictors move swallowed material to the
26.4 General Arrangement
of Abdominal GI Organs
Lesser omentum
Parietal peritoneum
Mesentery proper
Identify and describe the peritoneum location and function.
Explain the derivation of specific mesenteries.
Compare and contrast the four tunics in the GI tract wall.
Describe the blood vessels, lymphatic structures, and
nerves that supply the GI tract.
The abdominal organs of the GI tract are supported by serous
membranes, and the walls of these organs have specific layers,
called tunics.
26.4a Peritoneum, Peritoneal Cavity, and
The abdominopelvic cavity is lined with moist serous membranes
(figure 26.7). The portion of the serous membrane that lines the
inside surface of the body wall is called the parietal peritoneum
(per′i-tō-nē′ŭm; periteino = to stretch over). The portion of the
serous membrane that folds back (reflects) to cover the surface of
internal organs is called the visceral peritoneum. Between these
two layers is the peritoneal cavity, a potential space where the
peritoneal layers that face each other secrete a lubricating serous
fluid. The thin layer of fluid in the peritoneal cavity lubricates
both the body wall and the internal organ surfaces, allowing the
abdominal organs to move freely, and reducing any friction resulting from this movement.
Study Tip!
The serous peritoneum is very similar to the serous pleura and
the serous pericardium. These membranes have an outer parietal layer
that lines the body wall and a visceral layer that covers the organ. The
space between the parietal and visceral layers is where serous fluid is
secreted, and this fluid acts as a lubricant to prevent friction as the
organ moves. So, if you remember the basics about the pleura and the
pericardium, you will know the basics about the peritoneum too.
Within the abdomen, organs that are completely surrounded
by visceral peritoneum are called intraperitoneal (in′tră-per′i-tōnē′ăl) organs. They include the stomach, part of the duodenum
of the small intestine, the jejunum and the ileum of the small
intestine, the cecum, the appendix, and the transverse and sigmoid
colon of the large intestine. Retroperitoneal (re-trō-per′i-tō-nē′ăl)
organs typically lie directly against the posterior abdominal wall,
so only their anterolateral portions are covered with peritoneum.
Retroperitoneal organs include most of the duodenum, the pancreas, the ascending and descending colon of the large intestine,
and the rectum.
mck78097_ch26_779-816.indd 787
Transverse colon
Greater omentum
Learning Objectives:
Digestive System
Visceral peritoneum
Peritoneal cavity
Urinary bladder
Figure 26.7
Peritoneum and Mesenteries. Many abdominal organs are held in
place by double-layered serous membrane folds called mesenteries.
The peritoneum is the serous membrane lining the internal abdominal
wall (parietal layer) and covering the outer surface of the abdominal
organs (visceral layer). This sagittal view through the abdominopelvic
cavity shows the relationship between the peritoneal membranes and
the abdominal organs they ensheathe.
The mesenteries (mes′en-ter-ē; mesos = middle, enteron =
intestine) are folds of peritoneum that support and stabilize the
intraperitoneal GI tract organs. Blood vessels, lymph vessels, and
nerves are sandwiched between the two folds and supply the digestive organs. There are several different types of mesenteries. The
greater omentum (ō-men′tŭm) extends inferiorly like an apron from
the greater curvature of the stomach and covers most of the abdominal organs (figure 26.8a). It often accumulates large amounts of
adipose connective tissue. The lesser omentum connects the lesser
curvature of the stomach and the proximal end of the duodenum to
the liver. The lesser omentum may be subdivided into a hepatogastric ligament, which runs from the liver to the stomach, and a hepatoduodenal ligament, which runs from the liver to the duodenum.
The mesentery proper is a fan-shaped fold of peritoneum
that suspends most of the small intestine from the internal surface
of the posterior abdominal wall (figure 26.8b). The peritoneal fold
that attaches parts of the large intestine to the internal surface
of the posterior abdominal wall is called the mesocolon (mez′ōkō′lon). Essentially, a mesocolon is a mesentery for parts of the
large intestine. There are several distinct sections of the mesocolon,
each named for the portion of the colon it suspends. For example,
transverse mesocolon is associated with the transverse colon, while
sigmoid mesocolon is associated with the sigmoid colon.
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Chapter Twenty-Six
Digestive System
Greater omentum
Falciform ligament
Round ligament
of the liver
Lesser omentum
Transverse colon
Greater omentum
Mesentery proper
Small intestine
(a) Omenta
(b) Mesentery proper and mesocolon
Figure 26.8
Omenta and Mesentery. Cadaver photos show anterior views of (a) the greater and lesser omenta, and (b) the mesentery proper and some of
the mesocolon.
A peritoneal ligament is a peritoneal fold that attaches one
organ to another organ, or attaches an organ to the anterior or
lateral abdominal wall. Some examples of peritoneal ligaments
include: the coronary ligament, a peritoneal fold attaching the
superior surface of the liver to the diaphragm at the margins of
the bare area of the liver; the falciform (fal′si-fōrm; falx = sickle)
ligament, a peritoneal fold that attaches the liver to the anterior
internal abdominal wall; and the lienorenal ligament, a fold of
peritoneum between the spleen and the kidney.
26.4b General Histology of GI Organs (Esophagus
to Large Intestine)
The GI tract from the esophagus through the large intestine is
a tube composed of four concentric layers, called tunics. From
deep (the lining of the lumen) to superficial (the external covering),
these tunics are the mucosa, the submucosa, the muscularis, and
the adventitia or serosa (figure 26.9). The general pattern of the
tunics is described next. There are variations in the general pattern, which will be described in detail when we discuss the specific
organs in which they appear.
The mucosa (mū-kō′să), or mucous membrane, has three components: (1) an inner (superficial) epithelium lining the lumen of the
GI tract; (2) an underlying areolar connective tissue, called the
lamina propria; and (3) a relatively thin layer of smooth muscle,
termed the muscularis mucosae. The muscularis mucosae is very
thin (or absent) at the level of the laryngopharynx and thickens
progressively as it approaches the stomach.
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For most of the abdominal GI tract organs, the lining epithelium is a simple columnar epithelium. The exception to this rule
is the esophagus, which is lined with nonkeratinized stratified
squamous epithelium.
The submucosa is composed of either areolar or dense irregular connective tissue and has far fewer cells than the lamina
propria. Submucosa components include: accumulations of
lymphatic tissue in some submucosal regions; mucin-secreting
glands that project ducts across the mucosa and open into the
lumen of the tract in the esophagus and duodenum; many large
blood vessels and lymph vessels; and nerves that extend fine
branches into both the mucosa and the muscularis. These nerve
fibers and their associated ganglia are collectively referred to as
the submucosal nerve plexus (or Meissner plexus). It contains
sensory neurons, sympathetic postganglionic axons, and parasympathetic ganglia.
The muscularis (mŭ s-kū′lā′ris) typically contains two layers of smooth muscle. Exceptions to this pattern include the
esophagus (which contains a mixture of skeletal and smooth
muscle) and the stomach (which contains three layers of
smooth muscle). The fibers of the inner layer of smooth muscle are oriented circumferentially around the GI tract, and are
called the inner circular layer. The fibers of the outer layer
are oriented lengthwise along the GI tract, and are called the
outer longitudinal layer.
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Chapter Twenty-Six
Digestive System
Lamina propria
Lymph vessel
Submucosal gland
Blood vessel
Submucosal nerve plexus
Inner circular layer
Myenteric nerve plexus
Outer longitudinal layer
Figure 26.9
Tunics of the Abdominal GI Tract. The wall of the abdominal GI tract has four tunics. From the lining of its lumen to the external covering, the
tunics are the mucosa, submucosa, muscularis, and adventitia or serosa.
If you think of the GI tract as a “tube,” then contractions
of the circular layer constrict the diameter of the tube lumen,
while contractions of the longitudinal layer shorten the tube. At
specific locations along the GI tract, the inner circular muscle
layer is greatly thickened to form a sphincter. A sphincter
closes off the lumen opening at some point along the GI tract,
and in so doing it can help control the movement of materials
through the GI tract. The nerve fibers and the associated ganglia located between the two layers of smooth muscle control its
contractions and are collectively referred to as the myenteric
(mı̄-en-ter′ik; mys = muscle, enteron = intestine) nerve plexus
(or Auerbach plexus).
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Adventitia or Serosa
The outermost tunic may be either an adventitia or a serosa.
An adventitia (ad-ven-tish′ă) is composed of areolar connective
tissue with dispersed collagen and elastic fibers. A serosa
(se-rō′să) has the same components as the adventitia, but is
covered by a visceral peritoneum. Intraperitoneal organs have
a serosa, because they are completely surrounded by visceral
peritoneum. Retroperitoneal organs primarily have an adventitia,
since these organs are only partially covered by visceral peritoneum. For example, the ascending colon (which is retroperitoneal)
has an adventitia, while the stomach (which is intraperitoneal)
has a serosa.
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Chapter Twenty-Six
Digestive System
and smooth muscle in the middle region, and smooth muscle in its
inferior region.
Study Tip!
You have just learned that the “default” pattern of the tunics is
as follows:
Mucosa (typically lined with simple columnar epithelium)
Muscularis (typically formed from two layers of smooth muscle)
Adventitia or serosa
As you learn the basic GI organs, determine how these organs follow
or deviate from this default pattern. For example:
■ The esophagus has these tunics, but it deviates from the pattern
in two ways: Its mucosa has a stratified squamous epithelium, and
its muscularis has a skeletal muscle in its superior region, skeletal
26.4c Blood Vessels, Lymphatic Structures,
and Nerve Supply
The GI tract has a rich blood and nerve supply. In addition, extensive lymphatic structures along the length of the GI tract act as
sentinels to monitor for antigens that may have been ingested.
The blood vessels, lymphatic structures, and nerves enter the GI
tract from either the surrounding structures (e.g., nearby organs,
abdominal wall) or via the supporting mesentery.
Blood Vessels
Branches of the celiac trunk, superior mesenteric artery, and
inferior mesenteric artery supply the abdominal GI tract (see
chapter 23). These artery branches split into smaller branches
that extend throughout the walls of the GI organs. Branches travel
within the tunics, and the mucosa contains capillaries that have
fenestrated endothelial cells to promote absorption. The veins
arising in the mucosa form anastomoses in the submucosa before
exiting the wall of the GI tract adjacent to their companion arteries.
Eventually, the veins merge to form the hepatic portal system of
veins, to be discussed later in this chapter.
Lymph Vessels and Tissues
Lymphatic capillaries arise as blind tubes in the mucosa of the GI
tract. In the small intestine, each villus usually contains a single,
blind-ended, central lymphatic capillary called a lacteal. Recall
from chapter 24 that lacteals are responsible for absorbing dietary
lipids and lipid-soluble vitamins (vitamins that can be absorbed
only if they are dissolved in lipids first). Outside the organ walls,
lymphatic capillaries merge to form lymphatic vessels. These vessels enter and exit the many lymph nodes scattered near the organs
and within the mesentery. Eventually, this lymph will be transported to the cisterna chyli, which drains into the thoracic duct.
The lymphatic structures within the GI tract lie primarily in the lamina propria of the mucosa. Lymphatic structures
called MALT (mucosa-associated lymphatic tissue) are found in
the small intestine and appendix (see chapter 24). In the small
intestine, these aggregate nodules are called Peyer patches. They
appear to the naked eye as oval bodies about the size of a pea,
but are often much larger structures. Less commonly, lymphatic
structures are found external to the simple epithelium throughout the stomach and intestines where they are known as diffuse
lymphatic tissue. Also, solitary lymphatic nodules may occur in
the esophagus, the pylorus of the stomach, and along the entire
length of the small and large intestines.
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The stomach has these tunics, but it deviates from the pattern
in that its muscularis has three layers of smooth muscle, not
The small intestine follows the basic “default” pattern of tunics.
The large intestine has these tunics, but in its muscularis, the
outer longitudinal layer of muscle forms three distinct bands
called teniae coli (described later in this chapter).
Knowing the basic tunic pattern, and then figuring out how an
organ may deviate from this pattern, will help you better distinguish
the histology of the esophagus, stomach, small intestine, and large
The nerves associated with the GI tract consist of both autonomic
motor and sensory axons. There are three main groups of autonomic plexuses:
The celiac plexus contains sympathetic axons (from the T5–T9
segments of the spinal cord) and parasympathetic axons (from
the vagus nerve). This plexus supplies structures that receive
their blood supply from branches of the celiac trunk.
The superior mesenteric plexus contains sympathetic
axons (from the T8–T12 segments of the spinal cord) and
parasympathetic axons (from the vagus nerve). This plexus
transmits autonomic innervation to structures that receive
their blood supply from branches of the superior mesenteric
The inferior mesenteric plexus contains sympathetic
axons (from the L1–L2 segments of the spinal cord) and
parasympathetic axons (from the pelvic splanchnic nerves).
This plexus supplies structures that receive blood from
branches of the inferior mesenteric artery.
In general, parasympathetic innervation promotes digestive
system activity by stimulating GI gland secretions and peristalsis,
and by relaxing GI sphincters. These changes in activity induce
vasodilation and an increase in GI blood flow. Sympathetic innervation inhibits digestive system activity, and it tends to do the opposite of parasympathetic innervation. So sympathetic innervation
inhibits some GI gland secretions, inhibits peristalsis, closes the GI
sphincters, and vasoconstricts the blood vessels to the GI tract.
Compare the terms intraperitoneal and retroperitoneal, and give
examples of each type of organ.
What are the four main tunics of the abdominal GI tract, and what
is the “default” pattern in each tunic?
26.5 Esophagus
Learning Objective:
1. Describe the structure and function of the esophagus.
The esophagus (ē-sof′ă-gŭs; gullet) is a tubular passageway
for swallowed materials being conducted from the pharynx to the
stomach (see figure 26.1). The inferior region of the esophagus
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Chapter Twenty-Six
Digestive System
LM 11x
(a) Esophagus, transverse section
LM 65x
(b) Esophageal mucosa
Figure 26.10
Histology of the Esophagus. The esophagus extends inferiorly from the pharynx and conducts swallowed materials to the stomach.
(a) A photomicrograph of a transverse section through the esophagus identifies the tunics in its wall. (b) A photomicrograph shows the
esophageal mucosa.
connects to the stomach by passing through an opening in the
diaphragm called the esophageal hiatus (hı̄-ā′tŭ s; to yawn).
26.5a Gross Anatomy
The esophageal wall is thick and composed of concentric tunics
that are continuous superiorly with those of the pharynx and
inferiorly with those of the stomach. In the living adult human,
the esophagus is about 25 centimeters (about 10 inches) long, and
most of its length is within the thorax, directly anterior to the
vertebral bodies. Only the last 1.5 centimeters of the esophagus
are located in the abdomen. The empty esophagus is flattened;
thus, there is no continuously open lumen. Only a passing bolus
of food slightly expands the esophagus.
26.5b Histology
The esophageal mucosa is different from that of the abdominal
GI tract organs in that it is composed of thick, nonkeratinized
stratified squamous epithelium (figure 26.10). The stratified
squamous epithelium is better suited to withstand the abrasions of
the bolus as it moves through the esophagus. Since the esophagus
does not absorb any nutrients, this thicker, protective epithelium
supports its function.
The submucosa is thick and composed of abundant elastic
fibers that permit distension during swallowing. It houses numerous mucous glands that provide a thick, lubricating mucus for the
The muscularis is composed of an inner circular layer and
an outer longitudinal layer. The muscularis of the esophagus is
unique in that it contains a blend of both skeletal and smooth
muscle fibers. The two layers of muscle in the superior one-third
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of the muscularis layer are skeletal, rather than smooth, to ensure
that the swallowed material moves rapidly out of the pharynx
and into the esophagus before the next respiratory cycle begins.
(Remember that skeletal muscle contracts more rapidly than does
smooth muscle.) Striated and smooth muscle fibers intermingle in
the middle one-third of the esophagus, and only smooth muscle
is found within the wall of the inferior one-third. This transition
marks the beginning of a continuous smooth muscle muscularis
that extends throughout the stomach and the small and large
intestines to the anus. The outermost layer of the esophagus is an
adventitia. The esophagus adheres to the posterior body wall via
its adventitia.
At the superior end of the esophagus, the superior esophageal sphincter (or pharyngoesophageal sphincter) is a thickened
ring of circular skeletal muscle marking the area where the
esophagus and the pharynx meet. This sphincter is closed during
inhalation of air, so that air doesn’t enter the esophagus and enters
the larynx and trachea instead. The orifice between the esophagus
and the stomach is bounded by a thin band of circular smooth
muscle, the inferior esophageal sphincter (esophagealgastric or
cardiac sphincter). This sphincter isn’t strong enough alone to
prevent materials from refluxing back into the esophagus; instead,
the esophageal opening of the diaphragm assumes the duty of the
“stronger sphincter” to prevent materials from regurgitating from
the stomach into the esophagus.
How do the esophageal tunics differ from the “default” tunic
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Chapter Twenty-Six
Digestive System
Reflux Esophagitis and
Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease
The inferior esophageal sphincter and the diaphragm usually prevent
acidic stomach contents from regurgitating into the esophagus.
However, sometimes acidic chyme refluxes into the esophagus, causing the burning pain and irritation of reflux esophagitis. Because
the pain is felt posterior to the sternum and can be so intense that it
is mistaken for a heart attack, this condition is commonly known as
“heartburn.” Unlike the stomach epithelium, the esophageal epithelium
is poorly protected against acidic contents and easily becomes inflamed
and irritated. Other symptoms include abdominal pain, difficulty in
swallowing, increased belching, and sometimes bleeding.
Reflux esophagitis can occur in anyone, but is seen most frequently
in overweight individuals, smokers, those who have eaten a very
large meal (especially just before bedtime), and/or people with hiatal
hernias (hı¯-ā′tăl her′nē-ă; rupture), in which a portion of the stomach
protrudes through the diaphragm into the thoracic cavity. Eating spicy
foods or ingesting too much caffeine may exacerbate the symptoms in
people affected by reflux esophagitis. Preventive treatment includes
lifestyle changes such as limiting meal size, not lying down until
at least 2 hours after eating, quitting smoking, and losing weight.
Sleeping with the head of the bed elevated 4 to 6 inches, so that the
body lies at an angle rather than flat, appears to alleviate symptoms.
Chronic reflux esophagitis can lead to gastroesophageal reflux disease
(GERD). In this condition, frequent gastric reflux erodes the esophageal
tissue, so over a period of time, scar tissue builds up in the esophagus,
leading to narrowing of the esophageal lumen. An endoscope (an optical tubular instrument used to visualize the lumina of internal organs)
may be inserted into the laryngopharynx and esophagus to visualize
the damage. In advanced cases of GERD, the esophageal epithelium
may change from stratified squamous to columnar secretory epithelium,
a condition known as Barrett esophagus. The specific reasons why
Barrett esophagus develops are not known. Barrett esophagus is associated with an increased risk of cancerous growths in the esophagus,
as these new secretory cells can develop into cancer. The continual
reflux and injury may also lead to esophageal ulcers.
GERD can be treated with a series of medications. Proton pump inhibitors
(e.g., omeprazole [Prilosec], esomeprazole [Nexium]) limit acid secretion
in the stomach by acting on the proton (hydrogen ion) “pumps” that help
produce acid. Histamine (H2) blockers (e.g., famotidine [Pepcid], nizatidine
[Axid], ranitidine [Zantac]) also help limit acid secretion in the stomach.
Antacids (e.g., Tums, Rolaids) help neutralize stomach acid.
(a) Endoscopic view of a normal
(b) An endoscopic view of the
esophagus shows the signs
of reflux esophagitis.
An endoscopic view of the esophagus shows the signs of reflux esophagitis.
26.6 The Swallowing Process
Learning Objective:
1. List and explain the three phases of swallowing.
Swallowing, also called deglutition (dē-gloo-tish′ŭn; degluto =
to swallow), is the process of moving ingested materials from the
oral cavity to the stomach. There are three phases of swallowing:
the voluntary phase, the pharyngeal phase, and the esophageal
phase (figure 26.11).
The voluntary phase occurs after ingestion. Food and saliva
mix in the oral cavity. Chewing forms a bolus that is mixed and
manipulated by the tongue and then pushed superiorly against the
hard palate. Transverse palatine folds in the hard palate help direct
the bolus posteriorly toward the oropharynx.
mck78097_ch26_779-816.indd 792
LM 400x
The condition known as Barrett esophagus.
The appearance of the bolus at the entryway to the oropharynx
initiates the pharyngeal phase, when tactile sensory receptors trigger
the swallowing reflex, which is controlled by the swallowing center
in the medulla oblongata. The bolus passes quickly and involuntarily
through the pharynx to the esophagus. During this phase, (1) the
soft palate and uvula elevate to block the passageway between the
nasopharynx and oropharynx; (2) the bolus enters the oropharynx;
and (3) the larynx and laryngeal opening elevate toward the epiglottis, ultimately covering and sealing the glottis to prevent swallowed
materials from entering the trachea. Pharyngeal constrictors are
skeletal muscle groups that contract involuntarily and sequentially to
ensure that the swallowed bolus moves quickly (1 second elapses in
this phase) through the pharynx and into the esophagus.
The esophageal phase is involuntary. It is the time (about
5 to 8 seconds) during which the bolus passes through the
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Chapter Twenty-Six
Hard palate
Soft palate and uvula elevate
and cover nasopharynx
Digestive System
Soft palate and uvula return
to pre-swallowing position
of bolus
closes over
1 Voluntary phase: Bolus of food is pushed
by tongue against hard palate and then
moves toward oropharynx.
2 Pharyngeal phase (involuntary): As
bolus moves into oropharynx, the soft
palate and uvula close off nasopharynx,
and the larynx elevates so the epiglottis
closes over laryngeal opening.
3 Esophageal phase (involuntary):
Peristaltic contractions of the esophageal
muscle push bolus toward stomach; soft
palate, uvula, and larynx return to their
pre-swallowing positions.
Figure 26.11
Phases of Swallowing. Swallowing, or deglutition, occurs as a result of coordinated muscular activities that force the bolus (1) into the pharynx
from the oral cavity, (2) through the pharynx, and (3) into the esophagus on the way to the stomach.
esophagus and into the stomach. This phase begins when the
superior esophageal sphincter relaxes to allow ingested materials
into the esophagus. The presence of the bolus within the lumen of
the esophagus stimulates peristaltic waves of muscular contraction
that assist in propelling the bolus toward the stomach. The soft
palate, uvula, and larynx return to the pre-swallowing positions.
Briefly describe the three phases of swallowing.
26.7 Stomach
Learning Objectives:
1. Describe the gross anatomy of the stomach.
2. Explain the histology of the stomach wall.
3. Compare and contrast the secretions of the stomach.
The stomach (stŭm′ŭk; stomachus = belly) is a muscular,
J-shaped sac that occupies the left upper quadrant of the abdomen,
immediately inferior to the diaphragm (figure 26.12). It continues the mechanical and chemical digestion of the bolus. After the
bolus has been completely processed in the stomach, the product is
called chyme (kı̄m; chymos = juice). Chyme has the consistency of a
pastelike soup. The stomach facilitates mechanical digestion by the
contractions of its thick muscularis layer, which churns and mixes
the bolus and the gastric secretions. The stomach facilitates chemical digestion through its gastric secretions of acid and enzymes.
26.7a Gross Anatomy
The stomach is composed of four regions:
The cardia (kar′dē-ă; heart) is the small, narrow, superior
entryway into the stomach lumen from the esophagus. The
internal opening where the cardia meets the esophagus is
called the cardiac orifice.
mck78097_ch26_779-816.indd 793
The fundus (fŭn′dŭs; bottom) is the dome-shaped region
lateral and superior to the esophageal connection with the
stomach. Its superior surface contacts the diaphragm.
The body (corpus) is the largest region of the stomach; it is
inferior to the cardiac orifice and the fundus.
The pylorus (pı̄-lōr′ŭs; gatekeeper) is a narrow, medially
directed, funnel-shaped pouch that forms the terminal
region of the stomach. The pyloris is divided into two parts:
the pyloric antrum (more expanded region near the body)
and the pyloric canal (more narrow region that attaches
to the duodenum). Its opening with the duodenum of the
small intestine is called the pyloric orifice. Surrounding
this pyloric orifice is a thick ring of circular smooth
muscle called the pyloric sphincter. The pyloric sphincter
regulates the entrance of chyme into the small intestine by
closing upon sympathetic innervation and opening upon
parasympathetic innervation.
The inferior convex border of the stomach is the greater curvature, while the superior concave border is the lesser curvature.
The greater omentum attaches to the greater curvature edge of the
stomach, and the lesser omentum extends between the lesser curvature and the liver.
Internally, the stomach lining is composed of numerous gastric folds, or rugae (roo′gē; ruga = wrinkle). These gastric folds,
which are observed only when the stomach is empty, allow the
stomach to expand greatly when it fills and then return to its normal J-shape when it empties.
26.7b Histology
The stomach is lined by a simple columnar epithelium, although
little absorption occurs in the stomach. This epithelium does not
contain goblet cells; instead, surface mucous cells (described later)
secrete mucin onto the epithelial lining. Another feature that distinguishes the stomach mucosa from the default pattern is that the
stomach lining is indented by numerous depressions called gastric
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Chapter Twenty-Six
Digestive System
orifice Pyloric
Three layers
of smooth
Greater curvature
Gastric folds
(a) Stomach regions, anterior view
Figure 26.12
Liver (cut) Lesser curvature Diaphragm
Gross Anatomy of the Stomach.
The stomach is a muscular sac where
mechanical and chemical digestion of the
bolus occurs. (a) The major regions of
the stomach are the cardia, the fundus,
the body, and the pylorus. Three layers of
smooth muscle make up the muscularis.
(b) A cadaver photo shows an anterior
section of the stomach, illustrating
the gastric folds and the cardiac
Cardiac orifice
Gastric folds
Body of stomach
Pylorus of stomach
Greater curvature
(b) Gross anatomy of stomach (cut open)
pits. At the base of each pit are the openings of several branched
tubular glands, called gastric glands, which extend through the
length of the mucosa to its base (figure 26.13). The mucosa of
the stomach is only 1.5 millimeters at its thickest point (about the
thickness of a nickel). The muscularis mucosae lies between the
base of the gastric glands and the submucosa, and it helps expel
gastric gland secretory products when it contracts.
The muscularis of the stomach varies from the default pattern
in that it is composed of three smooth muscle layers instead of two:
an inner oblique layer, a middle circular layer, and an outer longitudinal layer. The oblique layer is best-developed at the cardia and the
body of the stomach. The presence of a third layer of smooth muscle
assists the continued churning and blending of the bolus. The stomach is intraperitoneal, so its outermost tunic is a serosa.
mck78097_ch26_779-816.indd 794
W H AT D O Y O U T H I N K ?
The stomach secretes gastric juices, which are highly acidic and
can break down and chemically digest food. What prevents the
gastric juices from eating away at the stomach itself?
26.7c Gastric Secretions
Gastric juices are produced by cells in the gastric glands, and their
secretions are released into gastric pits, which funnel them to the
lumen of the stomach. Five types of secretory cells form the gastric
epithelium (figure 26.13b, c).
Surface mucous cells line the stomach lumen and extend
into the gastric pits. They continuously secrete mucin onto the
gastric luminal surface to prevent ulceration of the lining upon
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Chapter Twenty-Six
Digestive System
Opening to gastric pit
Gastric pit
Simple columnar epithelium
Lamina propria
Lymph vessel
Muscularis mucosae
Submucosal nerve plexus
Oblique layer
Circular layer
Longitudinal layer
Myenteric nerve plexus
(a) Stomach wall, sectional view
Opening to gastric pit
Gastric pit
Surface mucous cell
(secretes mucin)
Gastric pit
Mucous neck cell
(secretes acidic
Parietal cell (secretes
hydrochloric acid and
intrinsic factor)
Gastric gland
Gastric glands
Chief cell (secretes
Enteroendocrine cell
(secretes gastrin)
LM 60x
(b) Stomach mucosa
(c) Gastric pit and gland
Figure 26.13
Histology of the Stomach Wall. (a) The stomach lumen contains invaginations within the mucosa called gastric pits that lead into gastric glands.
(b) A photomicrograph shows gastric glands and the cells lining the gastric pit. (c) A diagrammatic section of a gastric pit and gland shows their
structure and the distribution of different types of secretory cells.
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Chapter Twenty-Six
Digestive System
Peptic Ulcers
Normally there is a balance in the stomach between the acidic gastric
juices and the protective regenerative nature of the mucosa lining.
When this balance is thrown off, the stage is set for the development
of a peptic ulcer, which is a chronic, solitary erosion of a portion
of the lining of either the stomach or the duodenum. Annually, over
4 million people in the United States are diagnosed with an ulcer.
Gastric ulcers are peptic ulcers that occur in the stomach, whereas
duodenal ulcers are peptic ulcers that occur in the superior part of
the duodenum, which is the first segment of the small intestine.
Duodenal ulcers are common because the first part of the duodenum receives the chyme from the stomach but has yet to receive
the alkaline pancreatic juice that can neutralize chyme’s acidic
content. Symptoms of an ulcer include a gnawing, burning pain in
the epigastric region, which may be worse after eating, as well as
nausea, vomiting, and extreme belching. Bleeding may also occur,
and the partially digested blood results in dark and tarry stools. If
left untreated, an ulcer may erode the entire organ wall and cause
perforation, which is a medical emergency.
Irritation of the gastric mucosa (gastritis) has been linked to many cases
of peptic ulcer. Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs), such as
ibuprofen and aspirin, are a common cause of gastritis, and these drugs
also impair healing of the gastric lining. However, the major player in
peptic ulcer formation is a bacterium called Helicobacter pylori, which is
present in over 70% of gastric ulcer cases and well over 90% of duodenal
ulcer cases. H. pylori resides in the stomach and produces enzymes that
break down the components in the gastric mucus, weakening its protective
effects. As leukocytes enter the stomach to destroy the bacteria, they also
destroy the mucous neck cells. This further irritates the stomach lining
and creates an ideal environment for continued H. pylori colonization.
Thus, the bacteria initiate a cascade of events that lead to erosion of the
gastric lining and eventual perforation of the stomach wall if not treated.
Treatment for a gastric ulcer involves eliminating the bacteria as well as
reducing gastric acidity to promote healing. Categories of medications that
help include an antibiotic taken for 2 weeks to eradicate H. pylori, an antacid
(Tums, Rolaids) to help neutralize stomach acid, a proton-pump inhibitor
(e.g., omeprazole, esomeprazole), and/or a histamine (H2) blocker (e.g.,
famotidine, nizatidine, ranitidine) to help limit acid secretion in the stomach.
Duodenal ulcer
(a) Common locations of gastric and duodenal ulcers
(a) A sectioned view of the stomach and duodenum
illustrates some common locations for gastric and
duodenal ulcers. (b) A gross anatomic specimen shows a
perforated gastric ulcer.
(b) Perforated gastric ulcer
exposure to the high acidity of the gastric fluid and protect the
epithelium from gastric enzymes.
Mucous neck cells are located immediately deep to the base
of the gastric pit and are interspersed among the parietal cells.
These cells produce an acidic mucin that differs structurally and
functionally from the mucin secreted by the surface mucous cells.
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The acidic mucin helps maintain the acidic conditions resulting
from the secretion of hydrochloric acid by parietal cells.
Parietal cells (also called oxyntic cells) are located primarily
in the proximal and middle parts of the gastric gland. Their distinctive features are small intracellular channels called canaliculi,
which are lined by microvilli. Hydrochloric acid secreted across
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Chapter Twenty-Six
the parietal cells’ vast internalized surface helps denature proteins
to facilitate chemical digestion. Parietal cells also produce intrinsic factor, a molecule that binds vitamin B12 in the stomach lumen
and assists in B12 absorption in the ileum of the small intestine.
Chief cells (also called zymogenic cells or peptic cells) are
housed primarily in the distal part of the gastric gland. These cells
synthesize and secrete enzymes, primarily inactive pepsinogen,
into the lumen of the stomach. The acid content of the stomach
then converts inactive pepsinogen into the active enzyme pepsin,
which chemically digests denatured proteins in the stomach into
smaller fragments.
Enteroendocrine (en′ter-ō -en′dō -krin; enteron = gut, intestine)
cells are endocrine cells widely distributed in the gastric glands of
the stomach. These cells secrete gastrin, a hormone that enters the
blood and stimulates the secretory activities of the chief and parietal
cells and the contractile activity of gastric muscle. Enteroendocrine
cells also produce other hormones, such as somatostatin, that modulate the function of nearby enteroendocrine and exocrine cells.
There are numerous gastric pits in the mucosa of the stomach,
but the types of secretory cells differ in the various regions of the
stomach. The glands of the fundus and body contain all of the cell
types previously discussed; however, the glands of the cardia and
pylorus contain mostly mucous neck cells. Parietal cells are abundant
in the glands of the fundus and body, but they are virtually absent
in pyloric glands. Thus, the glands of the fundus and body produce
highly acidic secretions, whereas those in the cardia and pylorus produce mainly protective, alkaline, mucin. This makes functional sense,
since alkaline mucus can help protect the adjacent regions of the
digestive tract (esophagus and duodenum) from damage by stomach
acid and digestive enzymes. Surface mucous cells protect the stomach
lining, but the esophagus and duodenum lack such protection.
Saliva, mucin, and gastric secretions contribute substantially
to the volume of ingested material. In fact, if a person eats 1 liter
of food, the amount of chyme that enters the small intestine is 3 to
4 liters, due to the volume of the secretions.
What are the four regions of the stomach, and where is each located?
What are the five types of secretory cells in the stomach, and
what does each secrete?
26.8 Small Intestine
Learning Objectives:
1. Describe the gross anatomy of the small intestine.
2. Compare and contrast the three regions of the small
3. Explain the microscopic structure of the small intestine.
The small intestine finishes the chemical digestion process
and is responsible for absorbing up to 90% of the nutrients and
water. Ingested nutrients spend at least 12 hours in the small intestine as chemical digestion and absorption are completed.
26.8a Gross Anatomy and Regions
The small intestine, also called the small bowel, is a coiled, thinwalled tube about 6 meters (20 feet) in length in the unembalmed
cadaver. (It is much shorter in a living individual due to muscle
tone. We do not know the exact length in a living human because
it would be physically difficult to measure the intestine, and would
cause severe discomfort to a living individual.) It extends from the
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Digestive System
Large intestine
Ileocecal valve
Figure 26.14
Gross Anatomy of the Small Intestine. The three regions of the
small intestine—duodenum, jejunum, and ileum—are continuous and
“framed” within the abdominal cavity by the large intestine.
pylorus of the stomach to the cecum of the large intestine, and thus
occupies a significant portion of the abdominal cavity. The small
intestine receives its blood supply primarily from branches of the
superior mesenteric artery, and it is innervated by the superior
mesenteric plexus. The small intestine consists of three specific segments: the duodenum, the jejunum, and the ileum (figure 26.14).
The duodenum (doo-ō-dē′nŭm, doo-od′ĕ-nŭm; breadth of
twelve fingers) forms the initial or first segment of the small intestine.
It is approximately 25 centimeters (10 inches) long and originates at
the pyloric sphincter. The duodenum is arched into a C-shape around
the head of the pancreas and becomes continuous with the jejunum
at the duodenojejunal flexure (flek′sher; fleksura = bend). Most of
the duodenum is retroperitoneal, although the very proximal part
is intraperitoneal and connects to the liver by the lesser omentum.
Within the wall of the duodenum is the major duodenal papilla,
through which bile and pancreatic juice enter the duodenum. A
minor duodenal papilla also receives an additional small amount of
pancreatic juice via an accessory pancreatic duct.
The jejunum (jĕ-joo′nŭm; jejunus = empty) is the middle
region of the small intestine. Extending approximately 2.5 meters
(7.5 feet in an unembalmed cadaver), it makes up approximately
two-fifths of the small intestine’s total length. The jejunum is the
primary region within the small intestine for chemical digestion
and nutrient absorption. It is intraperitoneal and suspended in the
abdomen by the mesentery proper.
The ileum (il′ē-ŭm; eiles = twisted) is the final or last region
of the small intestine. At about 3.6 meters (10.8 feet) in length in an
unembalmed cadaver, the ileum forms approximately three-fifths
of the small intestine. Its distal end terminates at the ileocecal
(il′ē-ō-sē′kăl) valve, a sphincter that controls the entry of materials
into the large intestine. The ileum is intraperitoneal and suspended
in the abdomen by the mesentery proper.
Internally, the mucosal and submucosal tunics of the small
intestine are thrown into circular folds (also called plicae [plı̄′kē;
fold] circulares) (figure 26.15a, b). Circular folds, which can be
seen with the naked eye, help increase the surface area through
which nutrients can be absorbed. In addition, the circular folds
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Chapter Twenty-Six
Digestive System
Simple columnar
epithelium with microvilli
(absorbs nutrients)
Circular folds
Capillary network
Goblet cells
Inner circular layer
Outer longitudinal layer
Enteroendocrine cells
(secrete hormones)
Circular fold
Intestinal gland
Lymphatic nodule
Intestinal villi
Muscularis mucosae
Lymph vessel
(c) Intestinal villus
Inner circular layer
Outer longitudinal layer
(b) Section of small intestine
Simple columnar cell
Intestinal lumen
Simple columnar
Lamina propria
TEM 18,000x
(e) Microvilli
Goblet cells
Figure 26.15
LM 70x
(d) Intestinal villi
mck78097_ch26_779-816.indd 798
Histology of the Small Intestine. The surface area of the small intestine wall is
vastly increased by specific structural modifications. (a) The wall is composed of
four concentric tunics. (b) Circular folds formed from the mucosa and submucosa
are lined by a dense covering of fingerlike projections called intestinal villi, which are
formed from mucosa only. (c) The structure of a single villus. (d) A photomicrograph
shows the internal structure of villi projecting into the intestinal lumen. (e) The
plasma membrane along the apical surface of the epithelium contains microvilli.
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Chapter Twenty-Six
Digestive System
Table 26.4
Small Intestine Structures Involved in Digestion and Absorption
Circular folds
Circular folds of mucosa and submucosa
Slow down the passage of materials undergoing digestion;
increase surface area for both absorption and chemical
Fingerlike projections of mucosa
Increase surface area for both absorption and chemical
Folded, fingerlike projections of plasma membrane on apical
surface of columnar epithelial cells
Increase surface area for both absorption and chemical
Intestinal glands
Invaginations into mucosa between villi
Increase surface area for both absorption and chemical
digestion; enteroendocrine cells lining intestinal glands secrete
digestive hormones
Submucosal glands
Coiled tubular glands within submucosa with ducts opening
into intestinal lumen
Secrete alkaline mucin to protect and lubricate lining of small
act like “speed bumps” to slow down the movement of chyme
and ensure that it remains within the small intestine for maximal
nutrient absorption. Circular folds are more numerous in the duodenum and jejunum, and least numerous in the ileum.
W H AT D O Y O U T H I N K ?
Why are the circular folds much more numerous in the duodenum
and least numerous in the ileum? How does the abundance of
circular folds relate to the main functions of the duodenum and
jejunum. The number of goblet cells in the mucosa increases from
the duodenum to the ileum, due to the increased need for lubrication as digested materials are absorbed and undigested materials
are left behind. Peyer patches are abundant primarily in the ileum.
Table 26.4 summarizes all of the small intestine structures
that aid in digestion and absorption.
Compare and contrast the gross anatomic and histologic
characteristics that distinguish the duodenum, jejunum,
and ileum.
26.8b Histology
When circular folds are viewed at the microscopic level, smaller,
fingerlike projections of mucosa only, called villi, can be seen
along their surface. These villi further increase the surface area for
absorption and secretion. Increasing the absorptive surface area
even further are microvilli (mı̄-krō-vil′ı̄; mikros = small) along the
free surface of the simple columnar cells (figure 26.15e). Individual
microvilli are not clearly visible in light micrographs of the small
intestine; instead, they collectively appear as a brush border that
resembles a brightly staining surface on the apical end of the
simple columnar cells (figure 26.15d). Each villus contains an arteriole and a venule, with a rich capillary network between them.
The capillaries absorb most nutrients. In the center of the villus is
a lacteal, which is responsible for absorbing lipids and lipid-soluble
vitamins, which are too large to be absorbed by the capillaries.
Between some of the intestinal villi are invaginations of mucosa
called intestinal glands (also known as intestinal crypts or crypts
of Lieberkuhn). These glands extend to the base of the mucosa and
slightly resemble the gastric glands of the stomach. Lining them
are simple columnar epithelial cells (with goblet cells) and enteroendocrine cells. These enteroendocrine cells release hormones
such as secretin, cholecystokinin, and gastric inhibitory peptide.
Some of these hormones temporarily slow down digestive activities
as material from the stomach begins to enter the small intestine,
thereby prolonging the time for stomach emptying into the small
intestine. The goblet cells produce mucin to lubricate and protect
the intestinal lining as materials being digested pass through.
Distinctive histologic features characterize the three small
intestine regions. The proximal duodenum contains submucosal
glands (or Brunner glands), which produce a viscous, alkaline
mucus that protects the duodenum from the acidic chyme. Circular
folds are best-developed in the jejunum and nearly absent in the
ileum. Additionally, villi are larger and more numerous in the
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26.9 Large Intestine
Learning Objectives:
Describe the gross anatomy of the large intestine.
Compare and contrast the large intestine regions.
Explain the microscopic structure of the large intestine.
Trace the movement of material through the large
The large intestine, also called the large bowel, forms a
three-sided perimeter in the abdominal cavity around the centrally
located small intestine (figure 26.16). From its origin at the ileocecal junction to its termination at the anus, the large intestine
has an approximate length of 1.5 meters (5 feet) and a diameter of
6.5 centimeters (2.5 inches). It is called the “large” intestine because
its diameter is greater than that of the small intestine. Recall that
the small intestine absorbs much, but not all, of the digested material. On average, about 1 liter of remaining material passes from the
small intestine to the large intestine daily.
The large intestine absorbs most of the water and ions from
the remaining digested material. In so doing, the watery material
that first enters the large intestine soon solidifies and becomes feces.
The large intestine stores the feces until the body is ready to defecate
(expel the feces). The large intestine also absorbs a very small percentage of nutrients still remaining in the digested material.
26.9a Gross Anatomy and Regions
The initial or first region of the large intestine is a blind sac called
the cecum (sē′kŭm; caecus = blind), which is located in the right
lower abdominal quadrant. This pouch extends inferiorly from
the ileocecal valve, which represents the attachment of the distal end of the small intestine to the proximal region of the large
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Chapter Twenty-Six
Digestive System
Transverse colon
Anal canal
Left colic flexure
Transverse mesocolon
Right colic
Omental appendices
Tenia coli
Descending abdominal aorta
Inferior mesenteric artery
Rectal valve
Levator ani
Anal canal
Vermiform appendix
anal sphincter
Anal canal
Anal columns
(a) Large intestine, anterior view
anal sphincter
Anal sinuses
(b) Anal canal
Figure 26.16
Gross Anatomy of the Large Intestine. (a) Anterior view of the large intestine, which forms the distal end of the GI tract. (b) Details of the anal canal.
intestine. Projecting inferiorly from the posteromedial region of
the cecum is the vermiform (ver′mi-fōrm; vermis = worm) appendix (ă-pen′diks; appendage), a thin, hollow, fingerlike sac lined
by lymphocyte-filled lymphatic nodules. Both the cecum and the
vermiform appendix are intraperitoneal organs.
At the level of the ileocecal valve, the colon begins and forms
an inverted U-shaped arch. The colon is partitioned into four segments: the ascending colon, transverse colon, descending colon,
and sigmoid colon.
The ascending colon originates at the ileocecal valve and
extends superiorly from the superior edge of the cecum along the
right lateral border of the abdominal cavity. The ascending colon
is retroperitoneal, since its posterior wall directly adheres to the
posterior abdominal wall, and only its anterior surface is covered
mck78097_ch26_779-816.indd 800
with peritoneum. As it approaches the inferior surface of the liver,
the ascending colon makes a 90-degree turn toward the left side
of the abdominal cavity. This bend in the colon is called the right
colic (kol′ik) flexure, or the hepatic flexure (figure 26.16a).
The transverse colon originates at the right colic flexure
and curves slightly anteriorly as it projects horizontally across
the anterior region of the abdominal cavity. A type of mesentery called the transverse mesocolon connects the transverse
portion of the large intestine to the posterior abdominal wall.
Hence, the transverse colon is intraperitoneal. As the transverse
colon approaches the spleen in the left upper quadrant of the
abdomen, it makes a 90-degree turn inferiorly. The resulting
bend in the colon is called the left colic flexure, or the splenic
(splen′ik) flexure.
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Chapter Twenty-Six
The descending colon is retroperitoneal and found along
the left side of the abdominal cavity. It originates at the left colic
flexure and descends vertically until it terminates at the sigmoid
colon. The sigmoid (sig′moyd; resembling letter S) colon originates
at the sigmoid flexure, where the descending colon curves and
turns inferomedially into the pelvic cavity. The sigmoid colon is
intraperitoneal and has a mesentery called the sigmoid mesocolon. The sigmoid colon terminates at the rectum.
The rectum (rek′tŭm; rectus = straight) is a retroperitoneal structure that connects to the sigmoid colon. The rectum
is a muscular tube that readily expands to store accumulated
fecal material prior to defecation. Three thick, transverse folds
of the rectum, called rectal valves, ensure that fecal material is
Study Tip!
Many of the segments of the colon are named for the direction
in which materials travel. So material ascends (travels superiorly) in
the ascending colon, material travels across in the transverse colon, and
material descends (travels inferiorly) in the descending colon.
Digestive System
retained during the passing of gas. The rectum then terminates
at the anal canal.
The terminal few centimeters of the large intestine are
called the anal (ā′năl) canal (figure 26.16b). The anal canal passes
through an opening in the levator ani muscles of the pelvic floor
and terminates at the anus. The internal lining of the anal canal
contains relatively thin longitudinal ridges, called anal columns,
between which are small depressions termed anal sinuses. As
fecal material passes through the anal canal during defecation,
pressure exerted on the anal sinuses causes their cells to release
excess mucin. As a result, this extra mucus lubricates the anal
canal during defecation. At the base of the anal canal are the
internal and external anal sphincters, which close off the opening
to the anal canal and relax (open) during defecation. The internal
anal sphincter is involuntary, whereas the external anal sphincter
is voluntary.
26.9b Histology
The mucosa of the large intestine is lined with simple columnar epithelium and goblet cells (figure 26.17). Unlike the
small intestine, the large intestine mucosa lacks intestinal villi;
however, it contains numerous intestinal glands that extend to
Goblet cells
Opening to intestinal gland
Opening to
intestinal gland
Simple columnar epithelium
Goblet cells
Simple columnar
Intestinal gland
Intestinal gland
Lamina propria
Lymphatic nodule
Muscularis mucosae
Inner circular
layer of
(or adventitia)
(a) Large intestine tunics
layer of
(tenia coli)
LM 80x
(b) Large intestine mucosa and submucosa
Figure 26.17
Histology of the Large Intestine. (a) The luminal wall of the large intestine is composed of several layers. (b) A photomicrograph shows the
histology of the wall of the large intestine.
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Chapter Twenty-Six
Digestive System
In Depth
Colorectal Cancer
Colorectal cancer is the second most common type of cancer in the
United States, with over 140,000 cases occurring annually and 60,000
of those resulting in death. In recent years, high-profile individuals
such as baseball players Eric Davis and Darryl Strawberry and Supreme
Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg have been treated for colorectal
cancer. These well-publicized cases have helped increase awareness
of this deadly disease.
The term colorectal cancer refers to a malignant growth anywhere
along the colon or rectum. The majority of colorectal cancers appear
in the rectum, sigmoid colon, and distal descending colon, which are
the segments of the large intestine that have the longest contact with
fecal matter before it is expelled from the body. Most colorectal cancers
arise from polyps (pol′ip; polys = many), which are outgrowths from the
colon mucosa. Note, however, that colon polyps are very common, and
most of them never become cancerous. Low-fiber diets have also been
implicated in increasing the risk of colon cancer, because decreased
dietary fiber leads to decreased stool (section of fecal matter) bulk and
longer time for stools to remain in the large intestine, thus theoretically
exposing the large intestine mucosa to toxins in the stools for longer
periods of time. Other risk factors include a family history of colorectal
cancer, personal history of ulcerative colitis, and older age (since most
patients are over the age of 40).
should see their doctor if they experience rectal bleeding or any
persistent change in bowel habits. By age 50 (or earlier, if you have
symptoms or a family history of colorectal cancer), individuals should
take advantage of the following screening methods:
1. Take a yearly fecal occult (ŏ-kŭlt′, ok′ŭlt) blood test, which
checks for the presence of blood in the stools.
2. Every 5 years, have a sigmoidoscopy (sig′moy-dos′kŏ-pē).
In this procedure, which is done in the doctor’s office, an
endoscope is inserted into the anus, rectum, and sigmoid colon
to check for polyps or cancer.
3. Every 10 years, undergo a colonoscopy (kō-lon-os′kō-pē; skopeo =
to view). A colonoscopy is more extensive than a sigmoidoscopy.
The endoscope is inserted through the anus and into the large
intestine at least up to the right colic flexure of the colon, and
sometimes as far proximally as the ileocecal valve.
In addition, people are advised to eat a high-fiber diet to reduce the
risk of developing colorectal cancer.
Initially, most patients are asymptomatic. Later, they may notice rectal
bleeding (often evidenced as blood in the stool or on the toilet paper)
and a persistent change in bowel habits (typically constipation). For
some, the bleeding may not be noticeable, but can be detected in a
stool sample. Eventually, the person may experience abdominal pain,
fatigue, unexplained weight loss, and anemia.
A cancerous growth in the colon must be removed surgically, and
sometimes radiation and/or chemotherapy are used as well. Colorectal
cancers that are limited to the mucosa have a 5-year survival rate, but
the prognosis is poor for cancers that have spread into deeper colon
wall tunics or metastasized to the lymph nodes.
The key to an increased survival rate for colorectal cancer is early
detection. If caught early, colorectal cancer is very treatable. People
the muscularis mucosae. The glands’ goblet cells secrete mucin
to lubricate the undigested material as it passes through, and the
simple columnar epithelial cells continue to absorb nutrients that
were not absorbed during passage through the small intestine.
Many lymphatic nodules and lymphatic cells occupy the lamina
propria of the large intestine.
The muscularis of the colon and cecum has two layers
of smooth muscle, but the outer longitudinal layer does not
completely surround the colon and cecum. Instead, these longitudinal smooth muscle fibers form three thin, distinct, longitudinal bundles called teniae (tē′nē-ē; ribbons, band) coli (kō′lı̄).
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Polyps in the large intestine sometimes lead to colorectal cancer.
The teniae coli act like elastic in a waistband—they help bunch
up the large intestine into many sacs, collectively called haustra
(haw′stră; sing., haustrum; haustus = to drink up) (see figure
26.16a). Hanging off the external surface of the haustra are lobules of fat called omental appendices, or epiploic (ep′i-plō′ik;
membrane-covered) appendages.
26.9c Control of Large Intestine Activity
Large intestine movements are regulated by local reflexes in the
autonomic nervous system. With the ingestion of more food, peristaltic movements in the ileum increase, as does the frequency
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Chapter Twenty-Six
Diverticulosis and Diverticulitis
Inflammation of the appendix is called appendicitis (ă-pendi-sı¯′tis). Most cases of appendicitis occur because fecal matter obstructs the appendix, although sometimes an appendix
becomes inflamed without any obstruction. As the tissue in
its wall becomes inflamed, the appendix swells, the blood supply is compromised, and bacteria may proliferate in the wall.
Untreated, the appendix may burst and spew its contents into
the peritoneum, causing a massive infection called peritonitis,
and possibly leading to death.
Diverticulosis is the presence of out-pocketings of the
intestinal wall known as diverticula. Diverticula are acquired
protrusions of the mucosa through the colonic wall that have
evaginated through the submucosa and a weakened and/or
diminished muscularis mucosa. Diverticula occur in weakened
areas in the bowel wall where the nutrient vessels pierce the
muscularis near the teniae coli and the omental appendices.
These defects can become weaker with age. Diverticula are
most common in the sigmoid colon (95%) but may be concentrated along the course of the teniae coli for the entire
length of the colon.
As the inflammation worsens and the parietal peritoneum becomes
inflamed as well, the pain becomes sharp and localized to the right
lower quadrant of the abdomen. Individuals with appendicitis
typically experience nausea or vomiting, abdominal tenderness in
the inferior right quadrant, a low fever, and an elevated leukocyte
count. An inflamed appendix is surgically removed in a procedure
called an appendectomy.
of the opening of the ileocecal valve. This so-called gastroileal
reflex results in the accumulation of more chyme in the cecum
and ascending colon. Segmentation movements are infrequent in
the colon. Instead, three types of movements are typically associated with the passage of digested material through the large
intestine, the absorption of fluid and ions, and the packaging of
waste materials for defecation: peristaltic movements, haustral
churning, and mass movement.
Peristaltic movements of the large intestine are usually
weak and sluggish, but otherwise they resemble those that occur
in the wall of the small intestine. Haustral churning occurs after
a relaxed haustrum fills with digested or fecal material until
its distension stimulates reflex contractions in the muscularis,
causing churning and movement of the material to more distal
haustra. Mass movements are powerful, peristaltic-like contractions involving the teniae coli that propel fecal material toward
the rectum. Generally, mass movements occur two or three times
a day, often during or immediately after a meal. This is the gastrocolic (gas′trō-kol′ik) reflex.
Identify the retroperitoneal and intraperitoneal large intestine
What specific movements and reflexes propel material through the
large intestine?
mck78097_ch26_779-816.indd 803
During the early stages of acute appendicitis, the smooth muscle
wall contracts and goes into spasms. Because this smooth muscle
is innervated by the autonomic nervous system, pain is referred
to the T10 dermatome around the umbilicus.
Digestive System
The exact etiology of diverticulosis is poorly understood;
however, high intraluminal pressures caused by straining in
people with motility problems or constipation may be a significant factor. Most scientists agree that a low-fiber diet is
an underlying cause of diverticulosis. Most individuals with
diverticulosis are asymptomatic, without evidence of complications. Complications of diverticulosis include bleeding,
peridiverticular abscess, perforation, stricture, and fistula
formation. If some of the diverticula become infected or
inflamed, the condition is known as diverticulitis. Diverticulitis
occurs in only about 10-20% of patients with diverticulosis.
Treatment for diverticulitis requires the use of a special diet,
antibiotics, and occasionally surgery.
Diverticulosis (a) An external view of the sigmoid colon showing
diverticula. (b) An endoscopic view of diverticula.
26.10 Accessory Digestive Organs
Learning Objectives:
1. Identify liver anatomy and blood supply.
2. Describe bile secretion.
3. Explain the gross anatomy and microanatomy of the
4. Compare and contrast pancreatic acinar cell function.
5. Trace and describe how secretory products travel through
the biliary apparatus.
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Chapter Twenty-Six
Right lobe
vena cava
Digestive System
Left lobe
Quadrate lobe
Round ligament of liver
Porta hepatis
Hepatic artery proper
Common hepatic duct
Hepatic portal vein
Cystic duct
Right lobe
Round ligament
of liver
Left lobe
vena cava
Bare area
Caudate lobe
(a) Anterior view
(b) Posteroinferior view
Figure 26.18
Gross Anatomy of the Liver. The liver is in the upper right quadrant of the abdomen. (a) Anterior and (b) posteroinferior views show the four
lobes of the liver, as well as the gallbladder and the porta hepatis.
The accessory digestive organs produce secretions that facilitate
the chemical digestive activities of GI tract organs. Important accessory digestive organs are the liver, the gallbladder, and the pancreas.
26.10a Liver
The liver (liv′er) lies in the right upper quadrant of the abdomen,
immediately inferior to the diaphragm. Weighing 1 to 2 kilograms
(2.25 to 4.5 pounds), it constitutes approximately 2% of an adult’s
body weight. The liver is covered by a connective tissue capsule
and a layer of visceral peritoneum, except for a small region on its
diaphragmatic surface called the bare area.
Gross Anatomy
The liver is composed of four incompletely separated lobes and
supported by two ligaments (figure 26.18). The major lobes
are the right lobe and the left lobe. The right lobe is separated
from the smaller left lobe by the falciform ligament, a peritoneal
fold that secures the liver to the anterior abdominal wall. In the
inferior free edge of the falciform ligament lies the round ligament
of the liver (or ligamentum teres), which represents the remnant of
the fetal umbilical vein. Subdivisions of the right lobe include the
caudate (kaw′dāt; cauda = tail) lobe and the quadrate (kwah′drāt;
quadratus = square) lobe. The caudate lobe is adjacent to the inferior vena cava, and the quadrate lobe is adjacent to the gallbladder
(figure 26.18b).
Along the inferior surface of the liver are several structures
that collectively resemble the letter H. The gallbladder and the
round ligament of the liver form the vertical superior parts of
the H; the inferior vena cava and the ligamentum venosum
form the vertical inferior parts. (Recall from chapter 23 that the
ligamentum venosum was a remnant of the ductus venosus in the
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embryo. This vessel shunted blood from the umbilical vein to the
inferior vena cava.) Finally, the porta (pōr′tă; gate) hepatis (hep′ătis) represents the horizontal crossbar of the H and is where blood
and lymph vessels, bile ducts, and nerves enter and leave the liver.
In particular, the hepatic portal vein and branches of the hepatic
artery proper enter at the porta hepatis.
A connective tissue capsule branches through the liver and forms
septa that partition the liver into thousands of small, polyhedral
hepatic lobules, which are the classic structural and functional
units of the liver (figure 26.19). Within hepatic lobules are liver
cells called hepatocytes (hep-a′tō-sı̄t). At the periphery of each lobule are several portal triads, composed of branches of the hepatic
portal vein, the hepatic artery, and the bile duct.
A dual blood supply serves the liver. The hepatic portal vein
carries blood from the capillary beds of the GI tract, spleen, and pancreas. It brings approximately 75% of the blood volume to the liver.
This blood is rich in nutrients and other absorbed substances but
relatively poor in oxygen. The hepatic artery proper, a branch of the
celiac trunk, splits into left and right hepatic arteries. These arteries carry well-oxygenated blood to the liver. Blood from branches
of the hepatic arteries and hepatic portal vein mixes as it passes
to and through the hepatic lobules. At the center of each lobule
is a central vein that drains the blood from the lobule. Central
veins collect venous blood and merge throughout the liver to form
numerous hepatic veins that eventually empty into the inferior
vena cava.
In cross section, a hepatic lobule looks like a side view of a
bicycle wheel. The hub of the wheel is represented by the central
vein. At the circumference of the wheel where the tire would be are
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Chapter Twenty-Six
Digestive System
Hepatic sinusoid
Central vein
Bile canaliculi
Central vein
Hepatic sinusoid
Bile canaliculi
Portal triad
Branch of
bile duct
(a) Hepatic lobules
Branch of
hepatic portal vein
Branch of
hepatic artery
Portal triad
Branch of
bile duct
Branch of
portal vein
Branch of
hepatic artery
(b) Hepatocytes and sinusoids
LM 220x
(c) Portal triad
Figure 26.19
Histology of the Liver. (a) The functional units of the liver are called hepatic lobules. (b) A central vein projects through the center of a hepatic
lobule, and several portal triads define its periphery. (c) A photomicrograph depicts the portal triad and hepatocytes.
several portal triads that are usually equidistant apart. The numerous spokes of the wheel are the hepatic sinusoids (si′nū-soyd;
sinus = cavity), which are bordered by cords of hepatocytes. Hepatic
sinusoids are thin-walled, porous or “leaky” capillaries where
venous and arterial blood are mixed and then flow slowly through
the hepatic lobule toward the central vein. The sinusoids are lined
with stellate cells called reticuloendothelial cells (or Kupffer cells),
which are phagocytic cells that have an immune function.
Hepatocytes absorb nutrients from the sinusoids, and they
also produce bile, a greenish fluid that breaks down fats to assist
in their chemical digestion. Between each cord of hepatocytes is a
small bile canaliculus. Bile canaliculi conduct bile from the hepatocytes to the bile duct in the portal triad.
Liver Function
The liver has numerous functions. Besides producing bile, hepatocytes detoxify drugs, metabolites, and poisons. Hepatocytes
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also store excess nutrients and vitamins and release them when
they are needed. Finally, hepatocytes synthesize blood plasma
proteins such as albumins, globulins, and proteins required for
blood clotting. Reticuloendothelial cells in the liver sinusoids
phagocytize debris in the blood as well as help break down and
recycle components of aged erythrocytes and damaged or wornout formed elements.
26.10b Gallbladder
Attached to the inferior surface of the liver, a saclike organ called
the gallbladder (see figure 26.18) concentrates bile produced by
the liver and stores this concentrate until it is needed for digestion.
The cystic (sis′tik; cysto = bladder) duct connects the gallbladder
to the common bile duct. The gallbladder can hold approximately
40 to 60 milliliters of concentrated bile. The gallbladder has three
regions: the neck, body, and fundus (see figure 26.21). At the neck
of the gallbladder, a sphincter valve controls the flow of bile into
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Chapter Twenty-Six
Digestive System
Cirrhosis of the Liver
Chronic injury to the liver inevitably leads to liver cirrhosis (sir-rō′sis;
kirrhos = yellow). Liver cirrhosis results when hepatocytes have been
destroyed and are replaced by fibrous scar tissue. This scar tissue often
surrounds isolated nodules of regenerating hepatocytes. The fibrous
scar tissue also compresses the blood vessels and bile ducts in the
liver, leading to hepatic portal hypertension (high blood pressure in
the hepatic portal venous system) and bile flow impediments.
Liver cirrhosis is caused by chronic injury to the hepatocytes, as
may result from chronic alcoholism, liver disease, or certain drugs or
toxins. Chronic hepatitis (hep-ǎ-tı̄′tis) is a long-term inflammation of
the liver that leads to necrosis of liver tissue. Most frequently, viral
infections from either hepatitis B or hepatitis C produce chronic
hepatitis. Other disorders that result in liver cirrhosis include some
inherited diseases, chronic biliary obstruction, and biliary cirrhosis.
Early stages of liver cirrhosis may be asymptomatic. However, once
liver function begins to falter, the patient complains of fatigue, weight
loss, and nausea, and may have pain in the right hypochondriac region.
During a physical, the doctor may palpate an abnormally small and
hard liver. To confirm the diagnosis, a liver biopsy is done by obtaining
a small portion of liver tissue through a needle passed into the liver
and then examining the cells.
The fibrosis and scarring of liver cirrhosis are irreversible. However,
further scarring can be slowed or prevented by treating the cause of
the cirrhosis (hepatitis, alcoholism, etc.). Advanced liver cirrhosis may
have a variety of complications:
Jaundice (yellowing of the skin and sclerae of the eyes) occurs
when the liver can’t eliminate enough bilirubin. (Bilirubin
is a yellowish product formed when aged erythrocytes are
broken down. See chapter 21 for further information.) It is
accompanied by darkening of the urine.
Edema (accumulation of fluid in body tissues) and ascites
(ā-sı¯′tēz) (fluid accumulation in the abdomen) develop because
of decreased albumin production.
Intense itching occurs when bile products are deposited in the
Toxins in the blood and brain accumulate because the liver
cannot effectively process them.
Hepatic portal hypertension can lead to dilated veins of the
inferior esophagus (esophageal varices).
End-stage liver cirrhosis can be treated only with a liver transplant.
Otherwise, death results either from progressive liver failure or from
the complications. In the United States, over 25,000 people die each
year of liver cirrhosis.
Fibrous scar tissue
LM 100x
(a) Nodular cirrhosis of the liver
(b) Histology of liver cirrhosis
Normal hepatocytes
(a) This gross specimen depicts a type of nodular cirrhosis of the liver. (b) A photomicrograph shows how fibrous scar tissue infiltrates and replaces
and out of the gallbladder. The gallbladder has three tunics: an
inner mucosa, a middle muscularis, and an external serosa. Folds
in the mucosa permit distension of the wall as the gallbladder fills
with bile.
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W H AT D O Y O U T H I N K ?
If your gallbladder were surgically removed, how would this affect
your digestion of fatty meals? What diet alterations might you
have to make after this surgery?
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Chapter Twenty-Six
Digestive System
Body of pancreas
Main pancreatic duct
Common bile duct
Tail of
pancreatic duct
Major duodenal
Head of pancreas
(a) Duodenum and pancreas, anterior view
LM 75x
Acinar cell
LM 200x
Pancreatic acinus
(b) Histology of pancreas
Figure 26.20
Anatomy and Histology of the Pancreas. (a) The components of the pancreas are shown in relationship to the pancreatic duct and the
duodenum. (b) Photomicrographs depict the histology of acinar cells within the pancreas.
26.10c Pancreas
The pancreas is referred to as a mixed gland because it exhibits both
endocrine and exocrine functions. The endocrine functions are performed by the cells of the pancreatic islets (see chapter 20). Exocrine
activity results in the secretion of digestive enzymes and bicarbonate, collectively called pancreatic juice, into the duodenum.
The pancreas is a retroperitoneal organ that extends horizontally from the medial edge of the duodenum toward the left side
of the abdominal cavity, where it touches the spleen. It exhibits a
wide head adjacent to the curvature of the duodenum, a central,
elongated body projecting toward the left lateral abdominal wall,
and a tail that tapers as it approaches the spleen (figure 26.20).
The pancreas contains modified simple cuboidal epithelial
cells called acinar cells. These cells, which are organized into
large clusters termed acini (sing., acinus), or lobules, secrete
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the mucin and digestive enzymes of the pancreatic juice. The
simple cuboidal epithelial cells lining the pancreatic ducts secrete
bicarbonate (alkaline fluid) to help neutralize the acidic chyme
arriving in the duodenum from the stomach. Most of the pancreatic
juice travels through ducts that merge to form the main pancreatic
duct, which drains into the major duodenal papilla in the duodenum. A smaller accessory pancreatic duct drains a small amount
of pancreatic juice into a minor duodenal papilla in the duodenum.
Both hormonal and neural mechanisms control pancreatic
juice secretions. Enteroendocrine cells in intestinal glands release
cholecystokinin to promote the secretion of pancreatic juices from
acinar cells, and secretin to stimulate the release of alkaline fluid
from pancreatic duct cells. Pancreatic juice secretion is also stimulated by parasympathetic (vagus nerve) activity, while sympathetic
activity inhibits pancreatic juice secretion.
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Chapter Twenty-Six
Digestive System
Gallstones (Cholelithiasis)
High concentration of certain materials in the bile can lead to the
eventual formation of gallstones. Gallstones occur twice as frequently
in women as in men, and are more prevalent in developed countries.
Obesity, increasing age, female sex hormones, Caucasian ethnicity, and
lack of physical activity are all risk factors for developing gallstones.
The term cholelithiasis (kō′lē-li-thı¯′ă-sis; chole = bile, lithos = stone,
iasis = condition) refers to the presence of gallstones in either the
gallbladder or the biliary apparatus. Gallstones are typically formed
from condensations of either cholesterol or calcium and bile salts.
These stones can vary from the tiniest grains to structures almost the
size of golf balls. The majority of gallstones are asymptomatic until
a gallstone becomes lodged in the neck of the cystic duct, causing
the gallbladder to become inflamed (cholecystitis) and dilated. The
most common symptom is severe pain (called biliary colic) perceived
in the right hypochondriac region or sometimes in the area of the
right shoulder. Nausea and vomiting may occur, along with indigestion
and bloating. Symptoms are typically worse after eating a fatty meal.
Treatment consists of surgical removal of the gallbladder, called cholecystectomy (kō′lē-sis-tek′tō-mĕ; kystis = bladder, ektome = excision).
26.10d Biliary Apparatus
The biliary (bil′ē-ā r-ē; bilis = bile) apparatus is a network of thin
ducts that carry bile from the liver and gallbladder to the duodenum
(figure 26.21). The left and right lobes of the liver drain bile into
the left and right hepatic ducts, respectively. The left and right
hepatic ducts merge to form a single common hepatic duct. The cystic duct is attached to the common hepatic duct and carries bile to
and from the gallbladder. The cystic duct allows bile to enter and to
leave the gallbladder; the direction of flow is controlled by hormonal
influences. Bile travels from the common hepatic duct through the
cystic duct to be stored in the gallbladder; stored bile travels back
through the cystic duct for conduction to the small intestine. The
union of the cystic duct and the common hepatic duct forms the
common bile duct that extends inferiorly to the duodenum.
The hepatopancreatic ampulla is a posteriorly placed swelling
on the duodenal wall where the common bile duct and main pancreatic duct merge and pierce the duodenal wall. Bile and pancreatic
juice mix in the hepatopancreatic ampulla prior to emptying into the
duodenum via the major duodenal papilla.
Following surgery, the liver continues to produce bile, even in the
absence of the gallbladder, but there is no means of concentrating
the bile, so further gallstones are unlikely.
Photo of gallstones in a gallbladder.
Left and right
hepatic ducts
Cystic duct
Common hepatic duct
Common bile duct
Gallbladder Body
Main pancreatic
Major duodenal
Identify the structural components of a portal triad.
What is the function of the gallbladder?
What is the function of pancreatic acini?
Figure 26.21
Biliary Apparatus. Bile flows through the biliary apparatus (green),
and pancreatic juice flows through the main pancreatic duct until the
two vessels merge at the hepatopancreatic ampulla. Numbers indicate
the pathway sequence for bile and pancreatic juice.
mck78097_ch26_779-816.indd 808
1 Left and right hepatic ducts merge to form a common hepatic duct.
2 Common hepatic and cystic ducts merge to form a common bile duct.
3 Pancreatic duct merges with common bile duct at the
hepatopancreatic ampulla.
4 Bile and pancreatic juices enter duodenum at the major duodenal
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Chapter Twenty-Six
Digestive System
Intestinal Disorders
Celiac disease (also known as celiac sprue or gluten-sensitive enteropathy) is an autoimmune disorder of the small intestine. This disease
runs in families and may be triggered after surgery, pregnancy, or a
viral infection. Affected individuals cannot tolerate a protein called
gluten, which is found in all forms of wheat, rye, and barley. When
an individual with celiac disease ingests food containing gluten, the
body’s immune cells attack the small intestine mucosa and damage
the villi, severely impairing nutrient absorption. Symptoms of celiac
disease vary, but may include gas and bloating, diarrhea, fatigue, and
weight loss (due to malnutrition). Because these symptoms are similar
to those of other bowel disorders, diagnosis may be difficult. The only
treatment for celiac disease is to follow a gluten-free diet, but this is
challenging because many commercially prepared foods use gluten as
a preservative or stabilizer. Thus, the patient with celiac disease must
carefully read all ingredient lists on prepared foods.
tissue can lead to bowel obstruction. Other patients develop selective
malabsorption of certain vitamins.
The age distribution and symptoms of ulcerative colitis are similar to
those of Crohn disease, but ulcerative colitis involves only the large
intestine. The rectum and descending colon are the first to show signs
of inflammation and are generally the most severely affected. Also, in
ulcerative colitis the inflammation is confined to the mucosa, instead
of the full thickness of the intestinal wall. Finally, unlike Crohn disease, ulcerative colitis is associated with a profoundly increased risk
of colon cancer. Historically, patients who have had ulcerative colitis
for more than 10 years develop colon cancer at a frequency 20 or
30 times that seen in the rest of the population.
A section of large intestine showing the signs of ulcerative colitis.
A section of small intestine showing the signs of Crohn disease.
The term inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) applies to two autoimmune disorders, Crohn disease and ulcerative colitis. In both of these
disorders, selective regions of the intestine become inflamed.
Crohn disease is a condition of young adults characterized by intermittent and relapsing episodes of intense abdominal cramping and diarrhea. Although any region of the gastrointestinal tract, from esophagus
to anus, may be involved, the distal ileum is the most frequently and
severely affected site. Inflammation involves the entire thickness
of the intestinal wall, extending from the mucosa to the serosa. For
reasons that are not clear, lengthy regions of the intestine having no
trace of injury or inflammation may be followed abruptly by several
inches of markedly diseased intestine. In some patients scarring of the
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Treatment of either Crohn disease or ulcerative colitis is complex.
Anti-inflammatory drugs, as well as stress reduction and possibly
nutritional supplementation, help control symptoms. Surgery may be
necessary in both forms of inflammatory bowel disease.
Crohn disease, ulcerative colitis, and celiac disease are distinctly
different from a much more common disorder called irritable bowel
syndrome. Irritable bowel syndrome is characterized by abnormal
function of the colon with symptoms of crampy abdominal pain, bloating, constipation, and/or diarrhea. Irritable bowel syndrome occurs
in approximately one in every five people in the United States, and
is more common in women than men. Irritable bowel syndrome may
be diagnosed if a medical evaluation has ruled out Crohn disease and
ulcerative colitis. Although neither a cause nor a cure for irritable
bowel syndrome is known, most people can control their symptoms
by reducing stress, changing their diet, and using certain medicines.
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Chapter Twenty-Six
Digestive System
26.11 Aging and the Digestive System
Learning Objective:
1. Explain how the digestive system changes as we age.
Age-related changes in digestion system function usually progress slowly and gradually. Overall, reduced secretions
accompany normal aging. Mucin secretion decreases, reducing the
thickness and amount of mucus in the layer that protects the GI
tract and making internal damage to digestive organs more likely.
Decreased secretion of enzymes and acid results in diminished
effectiveness of chemical digestion, which in turn can diminish
nutrient absorption. The reduction of glandular secretion is compounded by decreased replacement of epithelial cells.
Another change that occurs with age is a reduction in
the thickness of the smooth muscle layers in the muscularis.
Consequently, both muscular tone and GI tract motility may be
lowered significantly. Additionally, smooth muscle ensheathing
the GI tract may adversely affect the function of sphincters or
valves that help move materials through the GI tract. As a result,
significant changes in nutrient absorption, as well as gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD), may occur.
Improper dental care or sometimes simply aging can result
in either the loss of teeth or periodontal disease. Both conditions
adversely affect normal eating habits and nutrition. As food intake
dwindles, changes occur in GI tract motility, secretion, and absorption. Marked dietary alterations may also increase the chance of
developing cancer in either the stomach or the intestines.
Finally, a direct result of aging is a reduction in olfactory and
gustatory sensations. When a person loses the ability to smell or
taste food, his or her dietary intake usually suffers.
How might the decrease in mucin secretion due to aging affect GI
tract organs?
26.12 Development of the Digestive
Learning Objective:
1. Identify and describe the major events in digestive system
At the end of the third week of development, the disc-shaped
embryo undergoes lateral folding, which transforms the endoderm
and some lateral plate mesoderm into a cylindrical primitive gut
tube. The gut tube eventually connects to the primitive mouth and
the developing anus, while still maintaining a connection to the
yolk sac via a thin stalk called the vitelline (vı̄-tel′in, -ēn) duct. A
double-layered membrane called dorsal mesentery wraps around
the gut tube and helps anchor it to the posterior body wall. A
portion of the gut tube called the abdominal foregut has ventral
mesentery that attaches it to the anterior body wall.
The gut tube may be divided into three components: a superior or cephalic foregut, a centrally located midgut, and an inferior
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or caudal hindgut (figure 26.22a). Table 26.5 lists the structures derived from the foregut, midgut, and hindgut. Portions of
the gut tube expand to form some of the abdominal organs. Some
accessory digestive system organs develop as buds, or outgrowths,
from the gut tube. Many of these structures rotate or shift before
assuming their final positions in the body.
26.12a Stomach, Duodenum, and Omenta
By the fourth week of development, a portion of the foregut expands
and forms a spindle-shaped dilation that will become the stomach.
Between the fifth and seventh weeks, the posterior (dorsal) part
of this dilation grows faster than the anterior (ventral) part, so
the anterior wall becomes the concave lesser curvature, and the
posterior wall becomes the convex greater curvature (figure 26.22b).
The dorsal mesentery that attaches to the stomach becomes thinner and stretches out from the greater curvature. This mesentery
will form the greater omentum, while the ventral mesentery that
attaches to the lesser curvature will form the lesser omentum.
During the seventh week, the developing stomach rotates
90 degrees clockwise about a longitudinal axis, as viewed from
the superior aspect of the organ (figure 26.22c). Thus, the posterior side of the stomach (the greater curvature) rotates so that it
faces the left side of the body, while the anterior side (the lesser
curvature) rotates and faces the right side. One week later, the
stomach and duodenum rotate about an anterior-posterior axis.
This rotation pulls the pyloric region of the stomach and the duodenum superiorly while moving the fundus and the cardia of the
stomach slightly inferiorly (figure 26.22d).
26.12b Liver, Gallbladder, and Pancreas Development
The liver parenchyma, gallbladder, pancreas, and biliary apparatus
develop from buds or outgrowths from the endoderm of the duodenum. (The liver stroma or connective tissue framework is formed
from nearby mesoderm.) The liver bud appears first, during the
third week, develops within the ventral mesentery, and grows
superiorly toward the developing diaphragm. By the fourth week,
the liver continues to grow, and its attachment to the duodenum
becomes a thinned tube that forms the common bile duct. An outgrowth forms off the bile duct that becomes the gallbladder. The
connection to the gallbladder and bile duct thins and becomes the
cystic duct. As the liver enlarges, the ventral mesentery thins and
becomes the falciform ligament.
The pancreas starts to form at week 4 from two separate
outgrowths of the bile duct, called the ventral pancreatic bud and
the dorsal pancreatic bud. By week 6, the ventral pancreatic bud
and the biliary apparatus rotate behind the duodenum. The ventral
and dorsal pancreatic buds fuse to form the pancreas. Due to this
rotation, much of the biliary apparatus now lies posterior to the
duodenum and drains into the major duodenal papilla.
26.12c Intestine Development
The small and large intestines are formed from the midgut and
hindgut, as shown in figure 26.23. During the fifth week, the
midgut rapidly elongates and forms a primary intestinal loop.
The cranial portion of the loop forms the jejunum and most of the
ileum, while the caudal portion of the loop forms the very distal
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Chapter Twenty-Six
Digestive System
(cystic bud)
Lesser curvature
of stomach
Liver buds
Greater curvature
of stomach
Dorsal pancreatic bud
Ventral pancreatic bud
Cystic bud
Vitelline duct
pancreatic bud
pancreatic bud
Vitelline duct
Primary intestinal
(a) Week 4: Liver, gallbladder, and pancreatic buds develop
(b) Week 5: Greater and lesser curvatures of stomach form
of stomach
Falciform ligament
Lesser omentum
of duodenum
Ventral pancreatic bud
Direction of pancreas,
bile duct rotation
Common bile duct
pancreatic bud
(c) Weeks 6–7: Rotation of stomach, pancreatic buds
(d) Week 8: Postnatal position of organs attained
Figure 26.22
Development of the Digestive System Foregut. (a) The foregut of the digestive system begins to develop from the primitive gut during week 4 of
development. Stages of foregut development continue at (b) week 5, (c) weeks 6–7, and (d) week 8.
Table 26.5
Anatomic Derivatives of the Primitive Gut Tube
Organs Formed
Digestive organs
Pharynx, esophagus, stomach,
proximal half of duodenum
Distal half of duodenum; jejunum,
ileum, cecum, appendix, ascending
colon, proximal (right) two-thirds of
transverse colon
Distal (left) one-third of transverse
colon; descending colon, sigmoid
colon, rectum, superior portion of
anal canal
Accessory digestive organs
Most of liver; gallbladder, biliary
apparatus, pancreas
Other organs
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Urinary bladder epithelium, urethra
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Chapter Twenty-Six
Digestive System
Primary intestinal
loop (midgut)
Caudal loop
Cranial loop
Caudal loop
Cranial loop
90 counterclockwise
mesenteric artery
(a) Week 5: Primary intestinal loop forms
(b) Week 6: Herniation of loop; 90 counterclockwise rotation
Caudal loop
(forms much of large intestine)
Transverse colon
Direction of rotation 180
Vitelline duct
Cranial loop
(forms most of
small intestine)
Small intestine
Descending colon
(c) Weeks 10–11: Retraction of intestines back into abdominal cavity;
180 counterclockwise rotation
Sigmoid colon
(d) Postnatal position
Figure 26.23
Development of the Digestive System Midgut. The midgut of the digestive system forms almost all of the small intestine and the proximal
region of the large intestine. Development of these structures is shown at (a) week 5, (b) week 6, and (c) weeks 10–11. (d) The postnatal position
of the digestive organs.
part of the ileum and much of the large intestine. The loop apex
connects to the yolk sac via the vitelline duct.
Due to rapid growth of the liver and the resulting limited
space in the developing abdominal cavity, the primary intestinal
loop herniates into the umbilicus during the sixth week. As this
loop herniates, it undergoes a 90-degree counterclockwise rotation,
as viewed from the anterior surface of the body. The cranial loop
rotates to the right of the body, while the caudal loop rotates to
the left of the body. For the next several weeks, the intestinal loop
grows and expands in the umbilicus since there is no available
space inside the abdominal cavity.
By weeks 10 and 11, the midgut retracts into the abdomen
as the abdominal cavity becomes spacious enough to house all the
intestines. As the midgut retracts, it undergoes another 180-degree
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counterclockwise rotation, as viewed from the front of the body.
Now the cranial loop is on the left side of the body, and the caudal
loop is on the right. Thus, the net intestinal rotation is 270 degrees
counterclockwise. The cranial loop (forming the jejunum and most
of the ileum) retracts and positions itself in the left side of the
abdominal cavity. The caudal loop (forming the distal ileum and
the proximal part of the large intestine) is pulled to the right side
of the abdominal cavity. The vitelline duct begins to regress and
disappears before the baby is born.
What structures develop from endoderm outgrowths of the
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Chapter Twenty-Six
Digestive System
bariatric surgery (gastric bypass) Surgically narrowing or blocking
off a large portion of the stomach; typically performed in
severely obese people who have had trouble losing weight by
more traditional methods.
caries (kār ′ez; dry rot) Cavities in the tooth enamel caused by
plaque and bacterial buildup on the tooth.
colostomy A surgical procedure that moves and attaches a portion
of the colon so it exits through the abdominal wall. Materials
moving through the large intestine drain into a bag (ostomy
pouch) attached to the abdomen.
diarrhea (dı̄-ă-rē′ă; dia = through, rhoia = a flow) Frequent,
watery stools.
dysentery (dis-en-tēr-ē; dys = bad, entera = bowels) Painful,
bloody diarrhea due to an infectious agent.
gastroenteritis (gas′trō-en-ter-ı̄′tis) Inflammation and irritation of
the GI tract, often associated with vomiting and diarrhea.
hemorrhoids (hem′ŏ-roydz; rhoia = flow) Dilated, tortuous veins
around the rectum and/or anus.
intussusception (in-tŭs-sŭ-sep′shŭn; intus = within, suscipio = to
take up) Type of intestinal obstruction in which one part of
the intestine constricts and gets pulled into the immediately
distal segment of intestine; most commonly seen near the
ileocecal junction. Symptoms include bloody stools and
severe abdominal pain.
mumps (a lump) Viral infection of the parotid glands, resulting in
painful swelling of the glands.
pancreatitis (pan′krē-ă-tı̄′tis) Inflammation of the pancreas; most
often caused by alcoholism or biliary apparatus disease
(including gallstones).
volvulus Twisting or torsion of an intestinal segment around
itself. If left untreated, obstruction of digestive materials
results, and the segment necroses due to poor blood supply.
Symptoms include intense abdominal pain and vomiting.
Chapter Summary
26.1 General
Structure and
Functions of
the Digestive
System 780
26.2 Oral
Cavity 781
The digestive system breaks down ingested food into usable nutrients.
The digestive organs are the oral cavity, pharynx, esophagus, stomach, small intestine, and large intestine. The accessory
digestive organs are the teeth, tongue, salivary glands, liver, gallbladder, and pancreas.
26.1a Digestive System Functions
Mechanical digestion is the physical breakdown of ingested materials, and chemical digestion is the enzymatic
breakdown of molecules.
Propulsion moves materials through the GI tract. Peristalsis moves materials from the mouth toward the anus;
segmentation mixes ingested materials.
Secretion is the production and release of fluids; absorption is the movement or transport of materials across the wall of
the GI tract.
The oral cavity is the entryway into the GI tract.
26.2a Cheeks, Lips, and Palate
The cheeks form the lateral walls of the oral cavity, and the lips frame the anterior opening formed by the orbicularis oris
The palate is the oral cavity roof: The hard palate is the anterior, bony portion, and the soft palate is the posterior,
muscular portion.
The tongue moves and mixes ingested materials; its dorsal surface has papillae.
26.2c Salivary Glands
Saliva is a fluid secreted by three pairs of multicellular salivary glands. It moistens food and provides lubrication.
26.2d Teeth
26.4 General
Arrangement of
Abdominal GI
Organs 787
26.2b Tongue
26.3 Pharynx 786
Adults have 32 permanent teeth of four types: incisors, canines, premolars, and molars.
Pharyngeal constrictors contract sequentially during swallowing.
26.4a Peritoneum, Peritoneal Cavity, and Mesentery
Parietal peritoneum lines the internal body wall; visceral peritoneum covers abdominal organs.
Intraperitoneal organs are completely surrounded by visceral peritoneum; retroperitoneal organs are only partially
Mesenteries are double layers of peritoneum.
26.4b General Histology of GI Organs (Esophagus to Large Intestine)
The mucosa is composed of epithelium, an underlying lamina propria, and the muscularis mucosae.
The submucosa is a dense irregular connective tissue layer containing blood vessels, lymph vessels, and nerves.
The muscularis usually has two smooth muscle layers: an inner circular layer and an outer longitudinal layer.
The adventitia is the outermost covering; when covered by visceral peritoneum, it is called a serosa.
(continued on next page)
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Chapter Twenty-Six
Digestive System
Chapter Summary (continued)
26.4c Blood Vessels, Lymphatic Structures, and Nerve Supply
Esophagus 790
26.5a Gross Anatomy
26.7 Stomach 793
The esophagus conducts swallowed materials from the pharynx to the stomach.
26.5b Histology
26.6 The Swallowing
Process 792
The esophagus is lined by nonkeratinized stratified squamous epithelium.
The muscularis has all skeletal fibers superiorly, changes to intermingled skeletal and smooth fibers in the middle, and
contains all smooth fibers inferiorly.
Swallowing has three phases: The voluntary phase moves a bolus into the pharynx; the pharyngeal phase moves the
bolus through the pharynx into the esophagus; and the esophageal phase conducts the bolus to the stomach.
26.7a Gross Anatomy
Mechanical digestion and chemical digestion occur in the stomach.
The four stomach regions are the cardia, fundus, body, and pylorus.
26.7b Histology
The stomach mucosa is composed of a simple columnar epithelium containing gastric pits and gastric glands.
The muscularis has three smooth muscle layers: inner oblique, middle circular, and outer longitudinal.
26.7c Gastric Secretions
26.8 Small
Intestine 797
Five types of secretory cells form the gastric glands: surface mucous cells (secrete mucin), mucous neck cells (secrete
acidic mucin), parietal cells (secrete hydrochloric acid and intrinsic factor), chief cells (secrete pepsinogen), and
enteroendocrine cells (secrete gastrin and other hormones).
26.8a Gross Anatomy and Regions
The small intestine finishes chemical digestion and absorbs most of the nutrients.
The small intestine is divided into the duodenum, jejunum, and ileum.
26.8b Histology
26.9 Large
Intestine 799
The small intestine has circular folds with fingerlike villi projecting from them. The villi are lined with cells with
microvilli on their apical surface. The circular folds, villi, and microvilli increase the surface area of the small intestine.
26.9a Gross Anatomy and Regions
The large intestine absorbs fluids and ions, and compacts undigestible wastes.
The large intestine is composed of the cecum, ascending colon, transverse colon, descending colon, sigmoid colon,
rectum, and anal canal.
26.9b Histology
The large intestine mucosa lacks villi, but contains intestinal glands.
The outer longitudinal layer of the muscularis forms three discrete bands called teniae coli. The teniae coli cause the wall
of the colon to bunch into sacs called haustra.
26.9c Control of Large Intestine Activity
26.10 Accessory
Organs 803
Local autonomic reflexes regulate large intestine movements.
26.10a Liver
The liver receives venous blood from the hepatic portal vein and oxygenated blood from the hepatic artery proper.
Liver functions are bile production, drug detoxification, storage of nutrients and glycogen, and synthesis of plasma
26.10b Gallbladder
The gallbladder stores and concentrates bile produced by the liver.
26.10c Pancreas
Pancreatic acini produce pancreatic juice that neutralizes acidic chyme.
26.10d Biliary Apparatus
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GI tract organs have extensive blood vessels, lymphatic structures, and nerves.
The hepatic ducts drain bile into a single common hepatic duct, and the cystic duct merges with the common hepatic
duct to form the common bile duct.
The common bile duct and the pancreatic duct merge to empty their contents into the duodenum via the major duodenal
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Chapter Twenty-Six
Digestive System
26.11 Aging and
the Digestive
System 810
Age-related changes in the digestive system lead to reduced secretions and diminished absorption of nutrients.
26.12 Development
of the Digestive
System 810
The gut tube has a superior foregut, a central midgut, and an inferior hindgut.
26.12a Stomach, Duodenum, and Omenta Development
The liver parenchyma, gallbladder, and pancreas develop from endoderm outgrowths of the duodenum.
26.12c Intestine Development
Stomach formation begins by week 4 of development. Differential growth rates cause the greater and lesser curvatures of
the stomach to form.
26.12b Liver, Gallbladder, and Pancreas Development
The small and large intestines form from the midgut and hindgut beginning in week 5.
Challenge Yourself
Match each numbered item with the most closely related lettered
______ 1. circular folds
______ 2. falciform ligament
______ 3. pyloric sphincter
______ 4. haustra
______ 5. segmentation
______ 6. simple columnar
7. muscularis
______ 8. stratified squamous
______ 9. Peyer patches
______ 10. submucosa
a. typically contains two layers
of smooth muscle
b. epithelium lining small
c. contains dense irregular
connective tissue and blood
d. lymphatic nodules in wall of
e. attaches liver to anterior
abdominal wall
f. restricts chyme entry into
small intestine
g. epithelium lining the
h. sacs of large intestine wall
i. increase surface area of
small intestine
j. process to mix digested
materials in small intestine
Multiple Choice
Select the best answer from the four choices provided.
______ 1. Which organ is located in the right upper quadrant
of the abdomen?
a. liver
b. spleen
c. descending colon
d. appendix
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______ 2. The ______ cells of the stomach secrete hydrochloric
acid (HCl).
a. chief
b. parietal
c. mucous
d. enteroendocrine
______ 3. Material leaving the ascending colon next enters the
a. cecum.
b. descending colon.
c. sigmoid colon.
d. transverse colon.
______ 4. Which of these organs is retroperitoneal?
a. stomach
b. transverse colon
c. descending colon
d. ileum
______ 5. Sympathetic innervation of the GI tract is
responsible for
a. closing the pyloric sphincter.
b. stimulating peristalsis.
c. stimulating secretion of the pancreatic acinar cells.
d. vasodilating the major digestive system blood
______ 6. The ______ is derived from the cranial part of the
primary intestinal loop.
a. jejunum
b. cecum
c. ascending colon
d. appendix
______ 7. The main pancreatic duct merges with the ______,
and their contents empty into the duodenum
through the major duodenal papilla.
a. left hepatic duct
b. common bile duct
c. cystic duct
d. common hepatic duct
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Chapter Twenty-Six
Digestive System
______ 8. Which statement is false about pancreatic juice?
a. It is secreted through the main pancreatic duct
into the duodenum.
b. It is responsible for emulsifying (breaking down)
c. It is produced by the acinar cells of the pancreas.
d. The juice has an alkaline pH.
______ 9. The “living” part of a tooth is the
a. dentin.
b. cementum.
c. pulp.
d. enamel.
7. What is the function of the gallbladder, and what role does it
play in digestion?
8. List in order the organs of the GI tract through which
ingested material travels, and describe the type(s) of digestion
(mechanical/chemical) that takes place in each organ. At
what point is the material called a bolus, chyme, and feces?
9. Why are there so many mucin-producing glands along the
length of the GI tract?
10. Describe how the small and large intestine form.
______ 10. Most of the chemical digestion of our food occurs
within the
a. large intestine.
b. pancreas.
c. small intestine.
d. esophagus.
Content Review
11. Take a fantastic voyage. Imagine that you are a molecule
of fat that’s just about to be eaten. Trace your path as you
travel from the mouth to the skin (dermis) of the foot.
Include all major structures, vessels, tubes, and so on
that you will pass by during your journey. Pay attention
to any specific enzymes and any modifications to your
structure that may play a role in your successful travels.
(Remember that you will be traveling through parts of the
digestive system and parts of the circulatory system.)
Developing Critical Reasoning
1. What initial stages of digestion occur in the oral cavity?
2. The GI tract from the esophagus to the anal canal is
composed of four tunics. Describe the general histology of
the tunics and the specific features of the stomach tunics.
3. Compare and contrast gastric juice and pancreatic juice with
respect to their composition and function.
4. Compare the anatomy and functions of the circular folds,
villi, and microvilli in the small intestine.
5. What are the teniae coli and haustra, and how are they
1. Alexandra experienced vomiting and diarrhea, and was
diagnosed with gastroenteritis (stomach flu). What specific
digestive system organs were affected by the illness, and
how did the illness interfere with each organ’s function?
2. Most cases of colorectal cancer occur in the most distal
part of the large intestine (the rectum, sigmoid colon, and
descending colon). Why do fewer instances of colon cancer
tend to occur in the proximal part of the large intestine?
Include the anatomy and function of the colon components
in your explanation.
6. What is the function of each structure in the portal triad
of the hepatic lobule, and how do they work together to
contribute to the overall functioning of the liver?
Answers to “What Do You Think?”
1. Saliva cleanses the mouth in a variety of ways. As
saliva washes over the tongue and teeth, it helps remove
foreign materials and buildup. Lysozyme in saliva is an
antibacterial enzyme. A person who has a dry mouth is not
able to cleanse the mouth well and is more likely to develop
dental problems as a result of built-up bacterial and foreign
4. The duodenum has many circular folds so that the digested
materials can be slowed down and adequately mixed with
pancreatic juice and bile. The jejunum also has many
circular folds because the slowing down of the materials aids
in absorbing the maximum amount of nutrients. By the time
chyme reaches the distal ileum, most nutrient absorption has
occurred, and so the circular folds are not as essential.
2. A young child’s mouth is too small to support adult-sized
teeth. Deciduous teeth are much smaller and fit a child’s
mouth better. As the mouth increases in size by about
age 6, it is able to support the first adult-sized teeth.
5. When the gallbladder is removed, bile is still produced by the
liver, but it is secreted in a “slow drip.” A fatty meal requires
much more bile for digestion than the amount supplied by
a “slow drip,” causing the patient to experience gas, pain,
bloating, and diarrhea. Thus, surgical patients are initially
told to limit their fat intake. The body gradually adjusts so
that more bile is secreted, and thus a person may eventually
be able to introduce more fat back into his or her diet.
3. The stomach is lined with specialized surface mucous cells
that secrete mucus onto the lining. This mucus prevents
the acid from eating away the stomach wall. In addition,
the stomach epithelial lining is constantly regenerating to
replace any cells that are damaged.
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