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Name: ______________________
11.4 – Meiosis
1. How many sets of genes do multicellular organisms inherit?
2. What are chromosomes and what do they do?
The ________ are located in specific positions on chromosomes.
Diploid Cells
4. How many body cells does an adult fruit fly have? ______
5. Where do these chromosomes come from? _________________________________
6. ____________________ means that each of the four chromosomes from the male parent has a corresponding
chromosome from the female parent.
7. Define diploid:
8. For the fruit fly, the diploid number is _____, which can be written as ____ = 8, where N represents twice the
number of ________________________ in a sperm or egg cell.
Haploid Cells
9. Some cells contain only a single set of chromosomes, and therefore a single set of genes called ____________.
10. TRUE/FALSE: The gametes of sexually reproducing organisms are diploid.
11. Write the Haploid number for fruit fly games ______
12. What events occur during each phase of meiosis?
13. What are the 2 divisions of meiosis?
14. What is the result of meiosis? __________________________________
Meiosis I
15. Just prior to meiosis I, the ______ undergoes a round of chromosome ________________ called interphase I.
16. Each replicated ____________ consists of two identical ______________ joined at the center.
Prophase I
17. The cells begin to __________, and the chromosomes _______ up, forming a structure called a __________,
which contains four chromatids.
18. What is crossing-over?
19. Why is crossing-over important?
Metaphase I and Anaphase I
20. As prophase I ends, a spindle forms and attaches to each tetrad.
21. During _______________ of meiosis, paired homologous _________________ line up across the center of the
22. During anaphase I, _________fibers pull each _____________ chromosome pair toward opposite ends of the
23. When anaphase I is complete, the ______________ chromosomes cluster at opposite ends of the ______.
Telephase I and Cytokinesis
24. During telophase I, a nuclear ______________ forms around each cluster of _______________.
Meiosis I
25. What is the result of Meiosis?
26. TRUE or FALSE: In meiosis neither daughter cell has the two complete sets of chromosomes. ______
27. The two cells produced by ___________ have sets of chromosomes and alleles that are different from each
other and from the __________ cell that entered meiosis I.
Meiosis II
28. Unlike the first division, neither cell goes through a round of chromosome _______________ before entering
meiosis II.
Prophase II
29. TRUE/FALSE: The chromosomes pair to form tetrads, because the homologous pairs were already separated
during meiosis I. ____
Metaphase II
30. True or False: Chromosomes line up in the center of each cell. ____
Anaphase II
31. True/false: The paired chromosomes separate. ____
Telophase II and Cytokinesis
32. Each of the four daughter _______ produced in meiosis II receives two _________.
33. Is the figure below haploid or diploid? _________
34. How many chromosomes are in each cell below? _____
Gametes to Zygotes
35. Another name for haploid cells: ______________
36. When does the zygote form?
Comparing Mitosis and Meiosis
37. Create a Venn Diagram to compare and contrast the two below:
Replication and Separation of Genetic Material
38. In mitosis, when the two sets of ____________ material separate, each daughter cell receives one complete set
of chromosomes.
Changes in Chromosome Number
39. What is the difference between chromosome number in mitosis and meiosis?
Number of Cell Divisions
40. ____________ is a single cell division, resulting in the production of two genetically identical ___________
daughter cells.
41. __________ requires two rounds of cell division, and, in most organisms, produces a total of four genetically
different __________ daughter cells.
42. How can two alleles from different genes be inherited together?
Alleles of different genes tend to be inherited together from one ______________ to the next when those genes
are located on the same _______________.
Gene Linkage
43. Whose research lead to the concept of gene linkage? What did he study?
44. His results showed that the ___________ for those two traits were almost always ________ together.
45. The ____________ groups assorted independently, but all of the genes in one group were inherited _________.
46. What were Morgan’s conclusions?
Gene Mapping
47. In 1911 Sturtevant reasoned that the farther apart two genes were on a chromosome, the more likely it would
be that a crossover event would occur between them.
48. What was the outcome of Sturtevant’s lab results?