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AP Environmental Science
Unit 2 Energy and Ecology
UNIT 2 Homework Sheet:
TEST on Friday, October 3rd
By the end of this unit you should be able to:
1) Perform dimensional analysis calculations.
2) Describe and diagram energy relationships between and within species.
3) Conduct a controlled experiment to test the toxicity of salt on the growth of lettuce seeds.
4) Describe the “energy economy” of the environment, including the concept of productivity.
5) Understand systems as a way to model the environment. Use a model of energy in ecosystems.
6) Understand “niche” as the defining characteristic of a species within an ecosystem.
7) Understand the different ways in which populations grow and how this is related to the reproductive characteristics of
the organisms that make up the population.
8) Understand succession as a process of ecosystem change.
9) Analyze island biogeography as a model of ecosystem biodiversity
10) Apply biological knowledge of natural selection, adaptation, evolution, and species interactions to ecosystems.
TERMS: Be able to define the following in your own words (note: much of this is review from biology):
a. Energy
l. Ecosystem
x. Generalist
b. Energy Quality
m. Population
y. R-selected
c. 1st law of
n. Community
z. K-selected
o. Habitat
aa. Tolerance
d. 2nd law of
p. Biotic factors
bb. Carnivore
q. Abiotic factors
cc. Omnivore
e. System
r. Ecotone
dd. Scavenger
f. Positive Feedback
s. Ecology
ee. Producer
g. Negative Feedback
t. Species
ff. Herbivore
h. Biomass
u. Keystone
gg. Detritus
i. Trophic Level
j. Food web
v. Niche
hh. Decomposer
k. Food chain
w. Specialist
Thursday, September 18th (due Friday)
 Read 4-2 and 4-5 and 4-6 and complete active reading.
Friday, September 19th (due Monday)
 Work on weekly assignment #3 (energy conversions
calculation and drawing)
 Read 4-3 and 5-2 and complete active reading.
Monday, September 22nd (due Tuesday)
 Bioassay Data collection and lab write-up
Tuesday September 23rd (due Wednesday)
 REVIEW sections 4 intro through 4-3 and all of chapter 5.
Complete a short active reading. PLEASE scan these
sections. This should be a review of biology—closely read
only that information that is confusing or new to you.
Wednesday, September 24th (due Thursday)
 Read Ch. 6-1, 6-5, and 6-6.
Thursday, September 25th (due Friday)
 Read 8intro, 8-2, 8-3, and 8-4 and complete active reading.
Friday, September 26th (due Wednesday)
 Review Ch. 4, Ch. 5, and Ch. 6 Study for Thursday Test
 Read 6-6 and complete active reading (focus on Island
 Read Ch. 8-5 and 8-6 and complete an active reading.
ii. Natural Selection
jj. Evolution
kk. Biodiversity
mm. GPP
nn. NEP
oo. Island
Monday, September 29th & Tuesday, September 30th
 Visit click on the links for Microecosystems and for Photosynthesis and add this
information to your review sheet.
Wednesday, October 1st (due Thursday)
 Study for Friday Test
 Visit click on the link Energy in
Systems and add this information to your review sheet.
Thursday,October 2nd (due Friday)
 Study for Friday Test
Friday,October 3rd (due Monday)
Test on Unit 2 Energy and Ecology
 Read section 4-6 (p. 87)—create a general outline for active
reading. Don’t worry about the specifics, yet .
Weekly Assignment #3: Complete Energy Conversions
Calculation and Drawing (handout in class). Due Wednesday,
September 24th . (25 points)
Weekly Assignment #4: Complete review sheet for Unit 2
Energy and Ecology. Use the text and the following websites to
help you review the major concepts of biology.
Walker APES
Review Sheet for APES Test Unit 2: Energy and Ecology
REVIEW SESSION: In class on Wednesday 10/2 and after school 10/1 & 10/2 @ 2:30-3:30
Test Format:
TEST DATE: Friday, October 3rd
I recommend that you do the following to study for the test:
Take this sheet and answer all the questions you can WITHOUT looking at your notes, talking to your friends, or asking me.
CHECK YOUR ANSWERS using your notes. Everything you answered correctly and confidently is information you know and
should NOT waste time studying. A little additional review is fine, but don’t use up valuable time that could be spent studying other
things or enjoying life.
Circle/Highlight or otherwise mark the questions you could NOT answer or answered incorrectly. This is the material you need to
If you have trouble with the big picture of the unit, make a concept map.
Draw a picture to represent the various species interactions, groupings, or categories that we’ve studied.
Content Review
Biotic Factors vs. Abiotic Factors
R-selected species vs. K selected species
Exponential Growth vs. Logistic Growth
Fundamental Niche vs. Realized Niche
Generalist Species vs. Specialist Species
Direct Competition vs. Indirect Competition
Competition, Cooperation, Mutualism, Commensalism, Amensalism, Predation, Parasitism
Ecological Roles—Carnivore, Herbivore, Primary Consumer, Detritovore, etc.
Primary vs. Secondary Succession
Faciliation vs. Inhibition vs. Tolerance
II. Be able to answer these questions:
What is energy?
What is the difference between kinetic and potential energy?
In your own words, define the first law of thermodynamics. Why is it important?
In your own words, define the second law of thermodynamics. Why is it important?
Which law of thermodynamics plays a greater role in trophic exchanges? Does either? Explain.
Be able to convert any units given a conversion factor. In two words: dimensional analysis. Remember you WON’T be able to use
a calculator (rounding always helps).
What is a system?
Give two reasons why models of systems are important in the environmental sciences.
What is synergy? What effect does it have on systems?
What is a time-delay? What effect does it have on systems?
What is a food chain? Trophic Level? Producer? Primary Consumer? Herbivore? Carnivore?
What is a food web? Which is better—a food web or a food chain? Explain.
What is biomass?
Explain the differences between a pyramid of energy, a pyramid of biomass, and a pyramid of numbers.
Which of the three types of pyramids will always have the same general shape? Why?
What is energy quality? Give some examples of high quality energy. Give some examples of low quality energy.
How does energy quality relate to trophic exchange (moving up a food web/chain)?
What is the scientific method?
What is the equation for photosynthesis? What is the equation for respiration?
What does GPP measure? How can you measure GPP?
What does NPP measure? How can you measure NPP?
What does NEP measure? How can you measure NEP?
Be able to calculate NPP, GPP, and NEP given data.
Why do we care about productivity? (How is it a good environmental measure?)
What (in general) decreases NPP? What increases it?
How would you interpret each of the following in terms of the biomass of an area under study:
a. NEP > 0
b. NEP = 0
c. NEP < 0
How would you interpret each of the following in terms of global warming caused by carbon dioxide?
a. NEP > 0
Adapted from D. Smith 2005
Walker APES
b. NEP = 0
c. NEP < 0
28. What is the difference between a population and a community?
29. What is the difference between an ecosystem and a biome?
30. What is the law of tolerance? How does it describe a species’ niche?
31. What are the characteristics of a good indicator species?
32. What is a niche? Be able to give multiple definitions for this term.
33. What is an ecotone? Give an example.
34. How does the environment play a role in evolution? Describe at least three ways that it contributes.
35. What is the competitive exclusion principle? How does it relate to niches? How does it relate to succession?
36. What is resource partitioning (a.k.a. niche differentiation)? How does it relate to competition?
37. What are some strategies used by predators to capture prey? What are some strategies used by prey to evade predators?
38. What is r? What is K?
39. What is the difference between exponential and logistic growth? Explain the role of r and K in these types of growth.
40. Why does logistical growth occur in the environment?
41. What is the rule of 70? Be able to use it to estimate doubling time or percent growth rate.
42. What is the difference between top-down control and bottom-up control in predator-prey population dynamics?
43. What is the theory of island biogeography? Explain the role of island size and distance from the mainland in immigration and local
44. How is island biogeography a useful theory for species preservation in the contemporary world?
45. What is succession? When does succession occur in the environment? Is succession currently occurring? Explain.
How is energy like “money” in the environment? What analogies can be drawn between day-to-day
money transactions and the way that energy plays a role in the environment?
Explain why productivity is expressed in units of biomass OR units of energy. Why does this make sense,
considering the “sources” and “products” of productivity?
Interpret a graph and data from a controlled bioassay experiment and explain using scientific vocabulary.
Be ready for any productivity/conversion calculation. For example, you might be asked to calculate the
NEP, NPP, or GPP for an area of study. Then you would be asked to interpret your results.
What is the relationship between NPP and energy pyramids? What is the relationship between NPP and
biomass pyramids?
Draw and label a food web and trophic levels.
What effect does increasing the NPP have on the efficiency of energy transfer through a food web?
Explain and design a controlled ecological experiment.
Which type of organism is best suited to a frequently disturbed environment—a specialist or a generalist?
Which type of organism is best suited to a relatively stable environment? Explain.
10. Given a drawing of several different logistic curves, describe the differences in population size and growth
rate. If the logistic curves are pest populations, be able to describe which would be more easily
exterminated. If the curves are endangered species, be able to explain what should be done to increase
population size.
Adapted from D. Smith 2005
Walker APES
Modeling Systems
Models are extremely important in environmental sciences
a. Difficult to run controls in environment—single, testable hypotheses are more easily made for
b. Need some way to investigate the complex environment and understand its behavior
c. Some areas of interest are inaccessible or too large for direct human study
d. Ability to predict future changes
SYSTEM = Portion of environment that can be isolated for study
Inner Compartments/Storage Areas (locations for “stuff” of model when inside system)
Flows/Throughputs/Pathways- How does “stuff” get from input to compartment to output
Feedback loops- Change 1 causes Change 2 which affects Change 1
i. Positive Feedback- Change 2 AMPLIFIES Change 1
Example: melting icecaps increase solar radiation absorbed by earth—more heat—more
ii. Negative Feedback- Change 2 DIMINISHES Change 1
Example: melting icecaps release freshwater into ocean disrupting global ocean flows—
warm waters don’t flow north—poles cool, less melting
e. Complicating factors:
i. Synergy- 1 + 1 = More than 2 (adding two components together increases their individual
ii. Time delays- Effects of change take time.
Example- Exposure to toxicant causes cancer 20 years later
Adapted from D. Smith 2005
Walker APES
Energy Relationships in Ecosystems- THE HANDOUT
Some basic review: Trophic = Food
The word bank: food chain, 90%, food web, biomass, trophic level, water, 1st law of thermodynamics, 2nd law of
thermodynamics, ecosystem
An ________________________ is a community of organisms interacting with each other and the non-living (abiotic) components of
their environment. In ______________________, animals eat plants and each other. We can describe these eating relationships,
______________ relationships —ENERGY relationships—in the following way:
To start with, each organism belongs to a specific _________________________, be it producer, primary consumer (herbivore),
secondary consumer (carnivore), etc. Each organism also has _____________________, the total dry weight of all the organic
matter it contains. We use dry weight because the amount of _______________________ in organisms is highly variable.
A ________________________ is a sequence of organisms, where organism 1 is eaten by 2, organism 2 is eaten by 3 and so on.
This is an (over)simplified way of looking at trophic relationships.
A better way to demonstrate the complex trophic relationships within an ecosystem is to draw a ________________________, a
model of eating in an ecosystem.
It is essential to remember that in every trophic interaction, energy is lost due to the ____________________________. In fact,
ecological efficiency is only about 10% (usually between 5 and 20%), meaning that _____________(!) of energy is lost in trophic
The lost energy between trophic levels results in energy as a function of trophic level graphs that look like PYRAMIDS!
There are actually three types of pyramids used to represent ecosystems:
Pyramids of Energy Flow—showing the energy available at each trophic level
Pyramids of Biomass—showing the total biomass available at each trophic level
Pyramids of Numbers—showing the total numbers of organisms at each trophic levels.
Let’s practice with these pyramids. Draw at least one conclusion about each of the following pyramids
Pyramid of Energy Flow A:
Adapted from D. Smith 2005
Pyramid of Energy Flow B:
Pyramid of Numbers:
Walker APES
Pyramids SUPER FUN  Practice Quiz:
Which group has a higher possible population—herbivores or carnivores?
Why is time an important consideration when interpreting ecosystem pyramids?
Which human dietary group is most energy efficient—vegetarians or omnivores?
Which would you expect to find greater biomass of in an ecosystem—mosquitoes or termites? Assume that both mosquitoes and
termites are 10% energy efficient AND have the same energy to biomass ratio.
Explain this pyramid of biomass from the
open ocean:
Secondary Consumers
Primary Consumers
Create a pyramid of numbers using the following data
Number of maple trees-150
Number of poplar trees-50
Number of shrubs-400
Number of ferns- 1600
Number of deer- 500
Number of wolves- 50
Match the three pyramids provided to the statements below:
Pyramid I
____ a.
____ b.
____ c.
____ d.
____ e.
____ f.
____ g.
Adapted from D. Smith 2005
Pyramid II
Pyramid III
Forest ecosystem pyramid of numbers
Mixed grass and shrub ecosystem pyramid of numbers
Forest ecosystem pyramid of energy
Mixed grass and shrub pyramid of energy
Pyramid(s) of numbers that could represent a carnivore population ready to crash
Ocean ecosystem pyramid of energy
Many deer browsing on a small number of trees, then getting eaten by wolves.
Walker APES
ENERGY CONVERSION PROBLEM- Due Friday, September 26th
(20 points)
Write down your birthday in month-day-year format, using just the numbers. _______________________
(For example, someone born on January 25, 1980 would write 12580).
Suppose ________________________ (insert birthday number) J of energy hits a photosynthesizing primary producer (a tree, a shrub, a
weedy species, wheat, aquatic phytoplankton).
Explain what happens to that energy during three successive trophic levels in no more than THREE concise sentences.
DRAW a picture illustrating this process and CALCULATE the energy remaining at each step.
Convert your calculations to BTU’s and kilocalories (i.e. you should have the energy remaining displayed in Joules, BTU’s and
kilocalories next to each trophic level).
Keep it all neat, clean, and correct.
Use your textbook to help you in constructing your response.
IT IS OKAY TO USE A CALCULATOR to do these conversions.
Helpful conversion factors:
1 kilocalorie = 1 x 103 calories
1 BTU = 1,055 J = 252 cal
Adapted from D. Smith 2005
Walker APES
Helpful Reminders:
r = birth/immigration – death/emigration = percent increase per unit time = average rate of increase
Logistic Growth:
Rule of 70: 70 = r * D
dN/dt = r * N * [(K-N)/ K ]
Where D is doubling time and r is rate of increase in percent. Time units must be the same.
Logistical Growth:
1) The logistic curve tells you that you are unlikely to rid your house of a large rat population by setting rat traps. Why?
2) Increasing the fertility of endangered sea turtles does little to increase their population size. Explain mathematically.
3) Habitat should be the focus in preserving endangered species. Why?
Rule of 70:
Assume r is Annual Percent Increase and D is doubling time in years unless otherwise specified.
4) If the rate of increase is 1%, what is the doubling time?
5) If the rate of increase is 2%, what is the doubling time?
6) If the doubling time is 30 years, what is the rate of increase?
7) If the doubling time is 5 years, what is the rate of increase?
8) If the rate of increase is 5%, what is the doubling time?
9) If the doubling time is 140 years, what is the rate of increase?
10) If an insect doubles its population in 10 weeks, what is its weekly rate of increase?
11) Assume a rat population’s r-value is 1.5% daily. What is the doubling time for this population in days?
Adapted from D. Smith 2005
Walker APES
R vs. K selected species
Read over the following information, then complete the questions below:
R-Selected Species--OPPORTUNISTS
 High population growth rate (r)
o Population size unstable—wide fluctuations
o Live in disturbed/unstable environments
Poor competitors
Large numbers of small-sized young
Little or no parental care of young
Short-lived—offspring may die before reproducing
Wide distribution
Early successional species
K-Selected Species--COMPETITORS
Remain at or near carrying capacity (K).
o Relative stable populations
o Live in stable environments
Good at converting limited resources into reproduction.
Competitors—live in competitive environments
Small numbers of large-sized young
Lots of parental care of young
Long-lived—offspring usually reach reproductive age
Narrow distribution
Late successional species
12) Which species (r or K-selected) would you expect to be a generalist? Which would be a specialist? Explain.
13) Which species (r or K-selected) is more prone to extinction?
14) Classify the following species or groups of species as r or K-selected. Be ready to explain:
 Ants
 Deer
 Humans
 Tomatoes
 Whales
 Algae
 Maple trees
 Grasses seen growing a week after a forest fire
 Rats
 Flies
Survivorship Curves:
15) Come up with three example species that would have
each of the three survivorship curves shown in the
graph provided on the right.
Adapted from D. Smith 2005
Walker APES
Energy Pre-Quiz
1) Where did you get the energy to come to class today?
2) Where did the source of energy from question 1 get its energy?
3) Where did the source of energy from question 2 get its energy? 
4) Seriously, though, what is the ultimate source of energy on this planet?
5) What are some UNIVERSAL truths about energy?
6) What are some types of energy?
Adapted from D. Smith 2005
Walker APES
Steps to solving
Dimensional Analysis Problems
Quantities ALWAYS have units associated with them.
Keep them together with their units!
1) Write the term to be converted (the given)—don’t forget to write number and unit.
2) Write the conversion factor or conversion formula.
3) Make a fraction of the conversion formula so that the unit you want to eliminate is
placed correctly.
4) Cancel units—you SHOULD end up with the desired unit
5) Multiply through the quantities.
6) Round the answer to the correct number of significant figures.
7) Be proud that you have the correct answer.
Adapted from D. Smith 2005
Walker APES
10% efficiency in trophic transfers
1 BTU = 1,055 J = 252 cal
1) If 100,000 Joules of Energy exist at the producer trophic level, how many BTU’s
of energy exist at the herbivore trophic level (the next level up)?
2) How many Joules are in a 200 kilocalorie hamburger?
3) If a match tip contains approximately 1 BTU of energy, how many Joules are in a
box of 100 matches?
Adapted from D. Smith 2005
Walker APES
Dimensional Analysis Problems that can be hand-calculated (hint: DON’T use a calculator)
Remember the method: (using an example of weight)
How many milligrams (mg) does a 2 lb bag of rice weigh?
2 lbs.
454 g
1000 mg
1 lb
908,000 mg = 9.08 x 105 mg
1 BTU = 1,055 J = 252 cal
Solve the following:
What is the value of using a reusable mug instead of a disposable paper or polystyrene cup? (rhetorical question)
Hopefully by following the calculations below (using our friend Bobert), you can answer that question more effectively!
Bobert is attached to his mug that says “I am Bobert.” He uses this mug everyday in lieu of a disposable cup.
If each paper cup Bobert might have used each day weighs 25 grams, how much waste (by gram mass) has Bobert avoided
sending to a landfill in a year?
b. If the paper cup is 20 grams paper and 5 grams wax coating, how much paper has been saved per year?
c. If each member of Bobert’s family (there are 10) used paper cups each year, how much paper would be wasted?
d. How much paper would be wasted by Bobert’s family in 10 years?
e. Assume a full grown tree has a mass of 500 kg. In 10 years, how many trees would be cut down to supply the paper for
the Bobert’s family’s cups?
If it takes 1 BTU of energy to produce 100 grams of wax at the wax factory, how much energy would be wasted in a year if
the Bobert’s family didn’t use reusable mugs?
g. How many calories is the energy calculated in part “f”? How many Joules? (Round your conversion factors to 2
significant figures.—i.e. 252 becomes 250)
Adapted from D. Smith 2005
Walker APES
Study pinpointing origins of Siberian peat bogs raises concerns January 19, 2004
Thawing subarctic permafrost increases greenhouse gas emissions February 25, 2004
Global halt to major greenhouse gas growth November 26, 2003
50 years of climate change -- and possible futures Sept. 20, 2002
Adapted from D. Smith 2005
Walker APES
The total dry weight of all organic matter contained in organisms (can also be measured as carbon)
-The rate at which an ecosystem’s producing organisms (PLANTS) convert solar energy into biomass
1) Gross Primary Productivity (GPP):
Rate of Photosynthesis among ecosystem’s PRODUCERS
Equation for Photosynthesis
CO2 + H2O + Sunlight  CH2O + O2
We could measure this as carbohydrate (CH2O) produced over a specific amount of time
We could measure this as carbon produced—assuming all carbon is from productivity (which it is!)
We could measure this as carbon dioxide consumed.
We could measure this as oxygen released.
2) Net Primary Productivity (NPP):
NPP = Photosynthesis – Respiration by Plants
CH2O + O2  CO2 + H2O
NPP = GPP - Rplants
This is what is left over for CONSUMERS to use
Globally, NPP is approximately 55 x 1015 g C/yr
(this is approximately 1-2% of the radiation received from the sun)—the earth is 2% efficient
3) Net Ecosystem Production (NEP):
NEP = GPP - Rtotal
This is the net energy conversion to biomass in the biosphere
Interpreting NEP
What do NEP =0, NEP < 0 and NEP > 0 mean??
If NEP = 0, then biosphere is in steady state (neither growing, nor shrinking)
If NEP > 0, then biosphere is a carbon SINK (carbon goes in and doesn’t come
back out)
If NEP < 0, then biosphere is a carbon SOURCE (carbon is produced by biosphere, released as CO2 into
Why care about productivity?
 Productivity can be used as a measure of ecosystem services/biosphere production
—we can measure human impact on the biosphere by measuring productivity we use
—we can talk about lost productivity due to human impacts, etc.
Adapted from D. Smith 2005
Walker APES
Productivity Handout
Part I: (A) On the following graphs, draw IN PENCIL what you believe to be appropriate relationships for
productivity in a forest environment. Focus on the general trend you would expect to see.
Productivity as a function of Temperature
Productivity as a function of Precipitation
Part II:
A) This is the equation for photosynthesis:
CO2 + H20  CH2O + O2
Write the equation for respiration:
B) Remember: NPP = GPP – Respirationplants
1. If the GPP for a patch of forest is 10 kg C/ m2-year, and the amount of carbon dioxide LEAVING the
(don’t ask how we measured this!) is 5 kg C/ m2-year, what is the NPP?
2. In the patch of forest in problem #1, how much energy is available in the primary producer level for herbivore
consumption? Assume 1 kg of carbon produces 10,000 kJ.
3. Imagine we run an experiment on the algae Cladophora glomerata. We place equal amounts of algae into a light
bottle and a dark (covered) bottle. We measure the dissolved oxygen in both bottles and find it is at 10 mg/L.
We let both bottles sit for a week. In one week, the light bottle has a dissolved oxygen value of 11 mg/L and
the dark bottle has a value of 5 mg/L. CALCULATE the amount of respiration, the NPP and the GPP for the
species of algae. Express your answer in moles carbon per liter.
(Hint: 1 mg of oxygen is equal to approximately 3 x 10-5 moles of oxygen)
4. Imagine we run an experiment on a marine diatom. We place equal amounts of the diatom species in light and
dark bottles, and measure their starting dry weight (take another “equal amount”) and dry it out. We end up
with this data.
What is the NPP, GPP, and respiration of the species of diatom? Express your answer in grams per bottle.
Wet Weight
Dry Weight
Week 1
14 grams
9 grams
Week 2
19 grams
11 grams (light bottle)
Week 2
12 grams
8 grams (dark bottle)
Adapted from D. Smith 2005
Walker APES
Productivity Practice Problems
1. Which will produce more apples, Orchard A with 1037 BTU/m2/day of NPP, Orchard B with 773
BTU/m2/day, or Orchard C with 2,000 J/m2/day?
2. Which will give you more crops (by weight), a cornfield with a GPP of 5 kg/m2/harvest or a wheat-field
with a GPP of 10 kg/m2/harvest?
3. Assuming GPP Forest A = GPP Forest B = GPP Forest C, which has the highest rate of respiration in it’s
trees: Forest A, NPP = 1254 J/m2/day; Forest B, NPP =2157 J/m2/day; or Forest C, NPP = 779
4. Which has a higher rate of respiration, Bog A with NPP = 300 g/m2/day or Bog B with NPP = 100
5. If a forest has a GPP of 200 J/m2/day and 100 J/m2/day worth of carbon dioxide flow out of that forest,
what is the NPP?
6. If a dark bottle loses 1 g biomass/mL and a light bottle gains 5 g biomass/mL in one week, what is the
NPP? What is the GPP?
7. You start a light bottle/dark bottle measurement on algae Species X with 10 mg/L of oxygen in both
bottles. You let the bottles sit for 1 week so that photosynthesis and respiration rates can be calculated. At
the end of 1 week, you have 7 mg/L of oxygen in your dark bottle and 10 mg/L oxygen in your light bottle.
What is the NPP, GPP, and respiration? Express your answers in moles of carbon per liter per week.
Remember 1 mg of oxygen is equal to approximately 3 x 10-5 moles of oxygen.
Adapted from D. Smith 2005
Walker APES
Productivity Calculations SOLUTIONS
Part I: (A) On the following graphs, draw IN PENCIL what you believe to be appropriate relationships for productivity in a
forest environment. Focus on the general trend you would expect to see.
Productivity as a function of Temperature
Productivity as a function of Precipitation
Note: In the field we
would probably not
exceed 40 º C
Part II:
C) This is the equation for photosynthesis:
CO2 + H20  CH2O + O2
Write the equation for respiration:
CH2O + O2  CO2 + H20
D) Remember: NPP = GPP – Respirationplants
1. If the GPP for a patch of forest is 10 kg C/ m2-year, and the amount of carbon dioxide LEAVING the ecosystem
(don’t ask how we measured this!) is 5 kg C/ m2-year, what is the NPP?
NPP = GPP – Respiration
GPP = 10 kg C/ m2-year
Respiration (CO2 leaving patch of forest) = 5 kg C/ m2-year
NPP = 10 kg C/ m2-year – 5 kg C/ m2-year = 5 kg C/ m2-year
2. In the patch of forest in problem #1, how much energy is available in the primary producer level for herbivore
consumption? Assume 1 kg of carbon produces 10,000 kJ.
5 kg C/ m2-year * 10,000 kJ / kg C = 50,000 kJ/m2-year
3. Imagine we run an experiment on the algae Cladophora glomerata. We place equal amounts of algae into a light bottle and a
dark (covered) bottle. We measure the dissolved oxygen in both bottles and find it is at 10 mg/L. We let both bottles sit
for a week. In one week, the light bottle has a dissolved oxygen value of 11 mg/L and the dark bottle has a value of 5
mg/L. CALCULATE the amount of respiration, the NPP and the GPP in moles carbon per liter.
(Hint: 1 mg of oxygen is equal to approximately 3 x 10-5 moles of oxygen)
We know:
Light Bottle has process of photosynthesis AND respiration
Dark Bottle has only process of respiration.
So we can say:
Light bottle measures NPP of algae (NPP = GPP – Rplants = Photosynthesis – Respiration of Plants)
Adapted from D. Smith 2005
Walker APES
1. Carnivore Eat other consumers
2. Omnivore Eat consumers AND producers
3. Scavenger Feed on dead organisms
4. Producer Harness the sun’s energy to make food
5. Herbivore Feed directly on producers
6. Detritus Feeders Extract food from dead plants and animal wastes
7. Decomposers Extract energy by converting organic material into simpler chemical compounds
8. Abiotic Factors Nonliving components of the ecosystem (sun, water, air, chemical nutrients)
9. Biotic Factors Living components of ecosystem (plants, animals, microorganisms, etc.)
10. Atmosphere The layer of air that hasn’t escaped Earth’s gravity
11. Hydrosphere All that water in oceans, in streams, underground, in ice, and as water vapor (clouds and rain and
humidity) in the atmosphere
12. Biosphere: Where life is
13. Lithosphere: Earth’s crust; abiotic support for the biosphere
BASIC ECOLOGICAL TERMS; The “Continuum of Life”
14. Biotic Factors Living components of ecosystem; Examples include plants, animals, microorganisms, etc
15. Cell Basic unit of life
16. Abiotic Factors Nonliving components of the ecosystem; Examples include sun, water, air, chemical nutrients
17. Eukaryote Cell with membrane bound organelles, nucleus
18. Habitat Place where a population normally lives
19. Ecotone Transitional boundary between ecosystems
20. Biome Area of earth classified by distinct climate and specific lifeforms
21. Prokaryote Cell without membrane bound organelles
22. Community Populations of different species that occupy a particular place
23. Biodiversity The number of different organisms existing in an area
24. Population Group of interacting individuals of the same species
25. Organism Any form of life
26. Ecology The study of the interactions between organisms and their environment; Study of connections in the
27. Species: group of organisms that can interbreed and produce fertile offspring
28. Ecosystem: All the biotic and abiotic factors that make up a community of different species.
29. Niche: Role of an organism in its ecosystem
30. Aerobic Respiration: glucose + oxygen  carbon dioxide + water + energy
31. Photosynthesis: carbon dioxide + water + solar energy  glucose + oxygen
32. Heterotrophs: organisms that get their food from feeding on other organisms or their remains
33. Autotrophs: Organisms that make their own food from compounds obtained in their environment.
Adapted from D. Smith 2005
Walker APES
34. Mutation: random change in genes of individual (and thus gene pool)
35. Gene flow: Exchange of genes when migrating individuals interbreed with a new population
36. Genetic drift: Individuals from population get “isolated” from main group-genes change (and can change) due to
37. Natural selection: Survival of the fittest-only those that survive and reproduce pass on their genes (fittest can mean
many things)
38. Gene pool: collection of genes in a population.
39. Evolution occurs in populations
40. Adaptation: Trait that can be inherited that helps an organism to better survive and reproduce
41. Symbiosis: Long lasting relationship between species.
(- -) both are harmed
(+ +) both benefit but neither is dependent on the other.
(+ +) both benefit AND are dependent on one another.
(+ 0) one benefits but the other is not affected
(0 -) one inhibits the growth of the other but is not affected itself.
(+ -) one benefits and the other is harmed Predator : Prey
(+ -) one benefits and the other is harmed. Parasite : Host
(+ -) one benefits and the other is harmed. Herbivore : Producer
Classify each of the following species interactions:
42. Herbivory: A cow eats grass. Moo.
43. Commensalism: Spanish moss hangs off of trees, drawing nutrients and water from the air for photosynthesis and
growth. The tree is not harmed.
44. Commensalism: The remora (a sucker fish) lives in close association with sharks or other larger fish. The remora’s
dorsal fin has been modified into a non-damaging sucker used to attach to the shark. The remora uses the shark’s
protection and eats scraps of the sharks prey.
45. Cooperation (perhaps mutualism) Clownfish, which have developed a resistance to the stinging tentacles of sea
anemones. When clownfish eat their food, bits of it are available to the anemones.
46. Mutualism: Species of protozoa live in the guts of termites help termites to digest wood.
47. Predation: Indiana Jones (the dog) kills a muskrat and happily devours it.
48. Mutualism: Fungi called mycorrhizae live on the roots of plants, helping the roots to extracts nutrients and water from
49. Amensalism: Elephants trod over grasses and underbrush as they walk through an area.
50. Keystone species: species whose removal would effect many other species in the ecosystem.
51. Indicator species: species whose population/status serves as a measure of ecosystem health
Adapted from D. Smith 2005
Walker APES
Ecology Review Part II
1. Law of Tolerance: The existence, abundance, and distribution of a species in an ecosystem are determined by
whether the levels of one or more physical or chemical factors fall within the range tolerated by that species
a. Range of Tolerance—What an organism can stand
b. Tolerance Limits—Minimum and maximum of range of tolerance
c. *Limiting factor- one abiotic factor in an ecosystem that is more important than others in regulating
population growth (examples: pH, sunlight, temperature, humidity, nutrient level, salinity, dissolved oxygen)
2. NICHE: a description of all the chemical, physical, and biological factors necessary for a species survival.
So what does this mean? What is a niche?
EVOLUTION is the driving force that leads to fit between organisms and their
environment. If the organism doesn’t fit, it will ADAPT to fit, or it will die.
Fundamental vs. realized
a. Fundamental niche: In the absence of competitors (other species that want the same resources) this is the
range of factors in which an organism can survive
b. Realized niche: This is the niche that exists in the presence of competitors. It is a narrower range than the
fundamental niche
Generalist vs. Specialist
Tolerance range
very limited tolerances
Wide tolerances
Ability to adapt
not very adaptable
Very adaptable
Risk of extinction
extremely prone to extinction
little danger of extinction
limited range
wide ranging
Foods eaten
narrow food preferences
broad food sources
Working with all this:
1. Indicator species serve as early warnings that ecosystems are being damaged. Which type of species—specialist or
generalist is best for this?
2. What are some possible roles that keystone species would play?
3. Which type of niche could be determined in a lab? Which would require a field study?
Adapted from D. Smith 2005
Walker APES
COMPETITION- can be between members of the same species (intraspecific) and members of different
species (interspecific)
A. Types of Competition:
1) DIRECT: Interference competition: One species limits the other’s access to resources (defending territory, inhibiting
 Territoriality—just like it sounds-species defend an area (a “territory”) against members of their own species
2) INDIRECT: Exploitation competition: Equal access to resources; whichever species can use the resource more efficiently
gets more of it—the other is left with little
B. Competitive exclusion principle: “Species don’t share niches”
1) If 2 species are using the same resources in the same way, one species will eliminate the other.
(i.e. one species will “competitively exclude” the other)
2) If 2 competing species coexist in a stable environment, coexistence occurs through niche differentiation (use of
slightly different resources or conditions) This is very similar to resource partitioning—accessing slightly
different resources; accessing different areas; accessing at different times.
Put another way: “Reducing competition is important for coexistence.”
Predator/Prey relationships
Predator and prey interactions are a key unit of ecosystem health and function—they show nature’s balance
Predatory strategies include:
Prey strategies include:
Adapted from D. Smith 2005
Walker APES
Population focused statistics:
a. r = rate of increase = # individuals/ unit time (set by environment and characteristics of organism)
b. K = carrying capacity (set by environment) = the number of individuals that can survive in a
given space
 What makes populations grow?
 What makes populations shrink?
Population Change = Births and Immigration – Deaths and Emigration
How do populations grow?
a. Exponentially- increase is proportional to population already in existence (e.g. 10% growth per year)
i. THE RULE OF 70: To find the doubling time for exponential growth, divide 70 by the
percentage growth rate
ii. 70 = Growth rate * Doubling Time
b. Logistically- Exponential growth when the population is small, followed by a steady decrease in
population growth rate with time—resulting in an S-shaped curve
ii. Why logistical growth?
the population grows larger
iii. Our friend the “K” value is the population limit (the dotted line in the graph)
The logistic curve tells you that you are unlikely to rid your house of a large rat population by setting rat traps.
Adapted from D. Smith 2005
Walker APES
Habitat should be the focus in preserving endangered species? Why?
Adapted from D. Smith 2005
Walker APES
a. MacArthur and Wilson (1967)
a. Theory of Island Biogeography
b. Main points:
i. Species Richness = Immigration – Extinction
ii. Immigration and extinction are affected by:
1. Size of island
a. Smaller = _lower_ immigration
b. Smaller = _higher_ extinction
2. Distance from mainland
a. Closer = _higher_ immigration
b. Closer = _no effect on_ extinction
Be able to draw the following graphs:
1) Rate of immigration or extinction as a function of number of species; Find equilibrium
species richness
2) Rate of immigration and extinction as a function of number of species on Small vs. Large
3) Rate of immigration and extinction as a function of number of species on Close vs. Far
Adapted from D. Smith 2005
Walker APES
Succession is the change in the structure of an ecosystem in response to
changing environmental conditions. The changing environmental conditions are
caused by the disturbance and renewal of an ecosystem.
a. Primary succession (start from scratch)
EXAMPLES: volcanic flow, glacier
b. Secondary succession (start from disturbed, but partly intact area)
EXAMPLES: burned forest, abandoned farm field, erosion event
Succession involves the introduction of new species into an area with the
disappearance of previous species
a. REMEMBER Competitive Exclusion Principle
b. Introduced species have three options:
i. Don’t compete and die
ii. Out-compete other species
iii. Don’t compete by niche differentiation
c. Species that have successfully colonized an area can have the following
effects on future colonization
i. FACILITATION: Existing species can make it EASIER for new
species to colonize
ii. INHIBITION: Existing species can make it HARDER for new
species to colonize
iii. TOLERANCE: Existing species can HAVE NO EFFECT on newly
colonizing species
Adapted from D. Smith 2005
Walker APES
Classify each of the following examples as facilitation, inhibition, or tolerance:
i. Alder plants fix nitrogen that is used by spruce trees later in succession on glacial moraines
ii. Decaying horseweed roots stunt the growth of aster flowers in old field succession
iii. Early colonizing mosses and plants prevent soil erosion in several successional systems
iv. Pine litter protects oak tree acorns from desiccation during old field succession
v. Shortleaf pine can colonize old fields directly, or can colonize after small weedy plants have
vi. Lupine plants provided nitrogen and shelter to aster seeds at Mount St. Helens
Discussion Questions
1. What type of species would colonize first? R or K selected?
2. Which type of seed dispersal would be most common in early colonizers?
3. How does the competitive exclusion principle come into play with colonization?
Adapted from D. Smith 2005