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Part 7 – Quantum physics
Useful weblinks
Fermilab Inquiring Minds
This website describes matter and particle physics. There are links to videos exploring the
nature of particles and a timeline of the discoveries leading to the standard model of
Astronomy Picture of the Day
This website is NASA's picture of the day. Each day a different astronomy picture or video is
posted for people to view or download.
Nanoworld Image Gallery
This website shows images taken using Transmission Electron microscopes, Scanning
Electron microscopes, and light or optical microscopes. This gives students an idea of the
application of quantum wave properties of particles.
ITER: The Way to New Energy
This website describes magnetic inertial confinement fusion: what fusion is, the fuels used
in fusion, and how the plasma is heated and confined.
Dr Quantum: Double Slit Experiment
This YouTube video demonstrates and describes the quantum double slit experiment. It
shows students the dual wave and particle nature of matter.
Standard Model
This YouTube video explains the standard model of particles. It gives a thorough explanation
of the forces of nature and the particles from the standard model.
How Carbon-14 Dating Works
This website gives a layman's description of how carbon-14 dating works for objects up to
about 50,000 years old. It gives examples and a video describing the dating process for
various objects.
Introduction to Atomic Physics
This website gives a good introduction to atomic physics, without involving mathematics. It
also includes links on radioactive decay and atomic numbers, along with many other links.
Quantum Numbers and Electron Configurations
This website gives a good explanation of quantum numbers and links them to what students
would be undertaking in a chemistry subject. The site includes links to applets showing
atomic and molecular orbitals.
Quantum Numbers
This website is from the University of Colorado. It gives a solid non-mathematical
explanation of quantum numbers and how they work in atomic physics, including spin.