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CHS Honors Bio Final Exam Review Packet
Exam Details:
Date: ______________________
Time: _________
Room: _____ Proctor: __________________
Test Format (140 points)
110 Multiple Choice (110 points)
5 Open-Ended Questions (30 points)
 Use the following list of questions as a PROCESS of preparing for the final exam.
 Answer the questions/definitions with the most complete answer to ensure that you are including all
important information regarding the material.
 Place your answers onto a separate piece of paper so that you have enough room for a
complete answer as well as room to add anything from class review.
1. Define and give examples of the following: species, population, community, ecosystem
2. Who are the producers in an aquatic food chain? a terrestrial food chain?
3. What is another term for producers?
4. What is the difference between a biotic factor and an abiotic factor? Give examples of each.
5. Someone who is a primary consumer is also known as an?
6. Define omnivore, carnivore and herbivore. Give examples of each.
7. Define and distinguish a food chain from a food web
8. Identify the processes in which carbon is cycled through ecosystems
9. What is nitrogen fixation? Who performs this reaction and why is it so beneficial?
10. Define climate.
11. What is an organism’s niche? Give an example.
12. How can two different species that occupy the same habitat avoid competing for resources?
13. Define symbiosis and name the three different types of symbiotic relationships. Give an example of each.
14. Compare and contrast primary succession and secondary succession.
15. Using birth rates and death rates, describe the conditions that would cause a population increase and
conditions that would cause a population decrease.
16. What is the difference between immigration and emigration? Which will cause a population to increase?
Which would cause a population to decrease?
17. Draw an exponential growth curve. Why are these typically not seen in nature?
18. Draw a logistic growth curve and describe what is happening during each stage.
19. On a logistic growth curve, the final “leveling off” of the population numbers is referred to as the __?
20. What factors contribute to the population numbers leveling off?
21. Describe the relationship between a predator population and it’s prey population when:
a) the predator population is elevated
b) the predator population is reduced
c) the prey population is elevated
d) the prey population is reduced
22. Compare and contrast density-dependent and density-independent limiting factors
on a population. Give examples of each
23. As a country becomes more industrialized, what is a negative outcome?
24. Compare and contrast renewable and non-renewable resources. Give examples of both.
25. What is biodiversity and what are some threats to biodiversity?
26. Describe the process of global warming and why it is occurring.
27. What is an “ecological footprint” and what does it tell you?
1. Define heterozygous and homozygous. Give a genotype example of each.
2. What is the phenotypic chance result of a dihybrid cross?
3. If one parent is genotype: RrYY, what are the possible combinations for these two alleles that can be made?
What if the parental genotype is: RrYy? RRYY? Rryy?
4. Mendel’s law describing the idea that no gene will influence the inheritance of another
is known as his Law of ___?
5. Distinguish between co-dominance and incomplete dominance. Give an example of each.
6. Give an example of a polygenic trait in humans. Define “polygenic” trait.
7. Define and distinguish between haploid and diploid. Give cell type examples for each.
8. What is a gamete? Give an example of a gamete.
9. What are linked genes? Identify the gene positions on a chromosome with regards to whether or not the 2
genes would be inherited together.
10. What is a karyotype? How many chromosomes in a human body cell?
11. What are the sex chromosomes for a human female? human male?
12. How many phenotypes are possible for human blood type? How many genotypes are possible?
13. Using the “I” and “i” symbols, write all the possible genotypes for human blood type.
14. For every human birth, what is the possibility of a boy being born? a girl?
15. What does is mean when a trait is said to be “sex-linked”? Give an example of a sex-linked trait. In what
gender do we see a greater percentage of sex-linked traits?
16. Define non-disjunction and explain how it can happen.
17. What is a pedigree and what does it show you? What symbols would you find and what do they mean?
1. What is a restriction enzyme and how does it work? What is the benefit of the “sticky ends” left by some
restriction enzymes?
2. If you were to load 3 chunks of difference sized DNA into a gel, (a large, medium and small piece), describe
their final position in the gel when the electrophoresis is complete.
3. What was the purpose of the Human Genome Project?
4. Distinguish between: inbreeding, hybridization, and genetic engineering.
5. What is a plasmid and how are they used in genetic engineering?
6. A plasmid containing foreign DNA is now referred to as “______” DNA
7. Name a human protein that is made through genetic engineering technology.
8. In genetic engineering, what is meant by the word “transformation”?
9. What is a transgenic organism and give an example. How is this accomplished?
10. What is the benefit of producing human proteins through genetic engineering?
11. What is a DNA fingerprint, how is it made and name some uses for them.
12. Before making a recombinant plasmid, what must be done to BOTH the plasmid DNA and the foreign DNA?
1. What did Lamarck say that was incorrect in his explanation of evolution?
2. Why was the work of Hutton and Lyell important to Darwin’s theory?
3. What was Malthus’ contribution to Darwin’s theory of evolution?
4. Distinguish natural selection from artificial selection. Give an example of each.
5. According to Darwin, why are some organisms “better fit” to survive than others?
6. What was Darwin’s definition of “fitness”?
7. Define and distinguish the following: analogous structures, homologous structures, vestigial structures. Give an
example of each.
8. The fact that nearly ALL organisms on the planet use the same genetic code to translate genetic messages into
proteins is (anatomical or molecular) evidence of evolution from a common ancestor?
9. Define gene pool.
10. What is natural selection?
11. Explain the reason why those who reproduce sexually create offspring which are all genetically unique.
12. In pea plants, tall stems are dominant to short stems. If a seed received a tall and a short gene from its
parents, what phenotype would that seed show for stem height?
13. Define phenotype and genotype.
14. Draw a graph showing each of the following: stabilizing selection, disruptive selection, and directional selection.
Explain the meaning of each graph.
15. What is genetic drift, in what type of population does it occur, and what are two mechanisms that would lead to
a genetic drift event?
16. Define and describe examples of: behavioral isolation, geographical isolation, and temporal isolation.
17. What does “half-life” mean? Give an example.
18. What is the (only) benefit of a mass extinction?
19. Distinguish between punctuated equilibrium and gradualism
20. Define and give examples of: convergent evolution, co-evolution, divergent evolution
1. What is “binomial nomenclature” and what is the purpose?
2. What taxonomic names are provided in a binomial name? Give an example.
3. List the taxonomic categories (from the most inclusive to the most exclusive).
4. Name a common feature among ALL Protists, Fungi, Plants and Animals.
5. Do fungi have chloroplasts? Cellulose cell walls?
6. What are the 3 Domains of living things? What kingdoms are found in each?
7. What are the differences in living conditions between Bacteria and Archaea?
1. Describe the Earth’s early atmospheric gasses
2. What does the endosymbiont theory state? What two pieces of evidence supports this theory?
3. What are the 2 mechanisms that allow for genetic uniqueness in sexual reproduction?
4. What are the basic structures (outside and inside) of a bacterial cell?
5. Who are decomposers and what is their job? Why is their job so vital to ecosystems?
6. Besides the ecological benefits, name some other beneficial uses/jobs of bacteria.
7. How did A. Fleming know that something in the mold on the Petri dish was killing
the bacteria present on the dish?