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Course: CHEM114 Processes & Potions
Instructor: David Leiberman
Final Exam: Topics & Study Info
I. Outline of Topics
Matter, Change and Energy:
 Chemical and physical properties and changes
 Chemical symbols
 Ion formulas/charges
 Conservation of energy and mass
 Mixtures and Pure Substances
 Separation of Mixtures
Scientific Measurement:
 Accuracy and Precision
 Significant Figures and Uncertainty
 Scientific notation
 Metric System
 Using proper units/labels
 Density (definition and equation)
 Dimensional analysis
 Instruments that measure mass, volume, pressure, etc. (lab stuff!)
 The Scientific Method
Atomic Structure:
Atomic number
Mass number
Atomic mass (calculation of atomic mass… weighted average of % of each natural
Calculating number of neutrons, electrons, protons in an atom
Dalton’s Atomic Theory
Nomenclature & The Periodic Table:
 Be able to write the correct formula or name for any compound (including acids)
 Polyatomic ions (names, symbols, charges)
 Groups/Periods of the Periodic Table
 Metals/Nonmetals/metalloids… (Know where they are.. Know their properties and
 Names of groups
Chemical Quantities:
 Stoichiometry! (Conversions between mass, moles, atoms/molecules, volume)
 Reaction Stoichiometry (mole/mass/volume/particles)
 Calculating Percent Composition
 Calculating Empirical Formula
 Calculating Molecular Formulas
 Excess Limiting Problems
 Percent Yield Problems
Chemical Reactions:
 Writing Chemical Reactions
 Balancing Chemical Reactions
 Classification of Chemical Reactions
 Predicting products of each type of reaction
 Solubility Rules
 Acid/Base Reactions & Titrations
 Heat of reaction (exothermic, endothermic…)
Modern Atomic Theory:
 Rutherford’s Atom, Bohr Model, and Wave Mechanical Model
 Quantum mechanics (electrons moving between energy levels)
 Quantum numbers
 Light and Atomic Spectra (Bright Line Spectrum…where do the lines come from?)
 Electron configuration
 Orbital Notation
 Valence electrons
 Ions, excited states and ground states
 Octet theory
Chemical Periodicity:
 Development of the Periodic Table
Electron configuration and the Periodic Table (know your blocks!)
Periodic Table trends (Ionization energy, atomic radii, ionic radii, electronegativity,
electron affinity)
 Ionic bonds
 Covalent bonds
 Lewis Structures
 Molecular shapes and VSEPR theory
 Octet Rule
 Polarity of Molecules and bonds
 Resonance
 Intermolecular attractions
States of Matter:
 Kinetic Molecular Theory and the Nature of Gases
 Ideal vs. Real Gases
 Pressure units and conversions (atm, kPa, torr, mmHg)
 Temperature units and conversions (°C→ K, K → °C)
 State functions
 Enthalpy of chemical reactions
 Measuring energy changes
 Hess’s Law
The Behavior of Gases:
 Boyle’s law, Charles’ Law, Avogadro’s principle
 P, V, T, n changes
 Ideal Gas Law (PV = nRT)
 Dalton’s Law of Partial Pressures
 “Theory” involved in all of the above laws, as well as problems incorporating these
 Gas Stoichiometry
Liquids & Solids:
 Phase Change Curves
 Intermolecular Forces
 Evaporation and Vapor Pressure
 Bonding in Solids
 Causes of (and factor affecting) chemical reactions
 Dynamic Equilibrium
 The Equilibrium Constant
 Heterogenous Equilibria
 Le Chatelier’s Principle
Water and Aqueous Solutions:
 Factors that affect solubility
 Concentration (molarity problems)
 Dilution
 Colligative properties (FP depression, BP elevation)
Acids and Bases:
 Properties of Acids and Bases
 Definitions of Acids and Bases (Arrhenius, Bronsted-Lowery, Lewis)
 Ka, Kb expressions
 Strengths of acids and bases (Strong vs. Weak)
 Calculating pH, pOH, Kw
 Buffers
Redox Reactions
 Balancing redox reactions using the half-reaction method (acidic solutions)
 Identifying which species is reduced and which is oxidized
 Identifying the reducing agent and oxidizing agents
 Batteries, Corrosion & Electrolysis
How to study
-I recommend a study process that gives relatively equal weight to (1) concepts, (2)
process and (3) key facts. The following table summarizes suggested resources to
consult for a comprehensive study program:
•Quizzes and exams
•Class notes
•Quizzes and exams
•Homework assignments
Key Facts
•“Study card” and
reference tables (inside
back cover) in textbook
•iPad applications