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Digestive System Web Quest
Go to and answer the questions:
1. How does the flesh fly eat?
2. What are:
Suspension feeders?
Substrate feeders?
Bulk feeders?
3. What does ‘you are what you eat mean’?
4. What are the 4 macromolecules?
5. What is the Pavlovian response?
6. What is saliva made of?
7. What does amylase do?
8. What do sphincters do?
9. How does the stomach work? What makes it growl?
10. What do each of these create and do?
11. What does the duodenum connect?
12. Why are we able to eat meat?
13. Why is the pancreas important?
14. What do each of the following do?
15. What are the two parts of the small intestine?
16. How do we actually use/absorb our food?
17. What is the importance of the colon? What does it do?
18. What is the appendix? When is it important/something to worry about?
19. Where are carbohydrates broken down?
20. Where are proteins broken down?
21. Where are lipids broken down?
22. Where are nucleic acids broken down?
Go to
23. How does a house fly eat?
24. Why don’t want we have to ‘worry’ about our digestive system?
25. Why do dogs have short digestive systems?
26. Why do cows have a long digestive time? What is cud chewing?
27. What are the 2 ways we maximize surface area?
28. Why is it important to chew your food?
29. What are 2 interesting things about small intestines?
30. Where does digestion start?
31. What is the pathway food takes through the body?
32. What is gastric juice? What is it made of? Why is it important?
33. What happens in the duodenum?
34. What do the villi do? What is the texture of the small intestine? Why?
35. What is the large intestines job? Why is it called large?
36. What is the possible function of the appendix?
Go to (Pardon their French), look
at the chart
37. Describe what your body is lacking (NOT what your poop looks like!)
Go to
38. Why do you burp?
39. Go to and write down at least one
thing about each slide. Mouth, epiglottis, gallbladder, small intestine, duodenum,
Jejunum, ileum, appendix, pharynx, esophagus, liver, stomach, pancreas, large intestine,
cecum, colon, rectum, and anus
40. Label from textbook or web.
Go to Ms.Babbey’s website and download the Gizmo worksheet. Complete:
Warm up, Goal 1 & 2, and Activities A, B, & C IN YOUR LAB NOTEBOOK!