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Chemical Compounds in Cells
You are surrounded by particles that you ______see! Air is made up of
millions of _______ particle. They bump into your skin, hide in the folds
of your clothes, and whoosh into your nose every time you take a breath!
You and the ________________________, including the cells in your
body, are ____________________________________. Some of these
particles are ______________ are other are ___________________.
Elements – is any substance that cannot be broken down into simple
substances – the smallest unit of an element is called an atom and an
element is made up of only ONE kind of element! The Periodic table has
all of the elements known to man arranged upon it. Look at a periodic
Ex: the air around you is a mixture of gases! The gases in the air are
oxygen, nitrogen, carbon dioxide (compound)
Compounds – when two or more elements combine chemically, they
form a compound – most elements in living things are in compound form
and the smallest unit of a compound is call a molecule!
Ex: carbon dioxide is a compound made up of the elements carbon
and oxygen (written as CO2) The prefix “di” means two, there are 2
atoms of the element oxygen (oxide) in a molecule of carbon dioxide. CO2
Is not an element it is a compound, a combination of several elements.
Like CO2, water is a__________, too! Each water (H2O) molecule is made
up of 2 hydrogen atoms and 1 oxygen atom!
Water makes up about 2/3 of your _______, and most chemical
___________________ within cells could not take place without water!
Many compounds in living things contain the element ____________.
Most compounds that contain carbon are called _______________
compounds and compounds that don’t contain carbon are called
Ex: H2O (water) and NaCl (sodium chloride) and table salt are all
Carbohydrates, lipids, proteins and nucleic acids are important
groups of organic compounds in ____________________ things!
Carbohydrates – is an _______________________ organic compound
made of elements C (carbon), H (hydrogen) and O (oxygen) – sugar and
starches are _______________________. Look at food labels,
carbohydrates end in ”ose” glucose, fructose, cellulose…..
Carbohydrates are ______________________ components of some cell
parts – the cellulose found in the cell walls of plants is a type of
Lipids – are energy-rich organic _________________________ made of
C, H and O – fats, oils and waxes are all lipids.
Lipids contain even _________________ energy than
________________________! Cells store energy in lipids for late use.
What do a bird’s feathers, a spider’s web and your _________________
have in common? All of these ______________________ are made
mainly of ___________!!
Proteins – are large ___________________ molecules made of C,
(Carbon) H, (Hydrogen) N (nitrogen) and in some cases, S (sulfur) –
meat, eggs, nuts and beans are all high in protein.
Protein molecules are made up of __________________________ called
Amino Acids. Although there are only ____________________ amino
acids, cells can combine them in different ways to form
___________________ of ________________ proteins!
The __________________________ acids and the
_____________________ in which they link together determine the
____________________ of protein that forms
Think of the 20 amino acids as being the 26 letters of the alphabet – the
letters can form thousands of words, and the letters you use and their order
determine the words you form – a change in one letter, for example, from
rice to mice creates a new word, and if you change the order or type of
amino acid may result in a different protein!
Proteins known as ____________________________perform important
function in the _________________________ that take place in cells
Enzyme – type of protein that __________________________ a chemical
reaction in a living thing and without enzymes, many chemical reactions
that are necessary for life would ______________________ or not occur
at all
Ex: enzymes in saliva speed up the digestion of food by breaking down
starches into sugars in your mouth
Nucleic Acids – are very _______________________ molecules made of
C, O, N and P (phosphorus) and the contain
_________________________ that cells need to carry out
_________________ the functions of life
2 Kinds of Nucleic Acids:
 Deoxyribonucleic Acids (DNA) – the _______________________
that carries info about an organism and is passed from parent to
offspring – most DNA found in a cell is in the chromatin, in the
 Ribonucleic Acid (RNA) – plays an important role in the
__________________________ and is found in the
________________________ as well as the nucleus