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Chp 5 Cloze
There are at least ____ reasons why scientists classify organisms. First, _____________ helps
identify the relationships between organisms. Classification makes it easier to see how organisms
are both ________ and ________. It helps give ________ to millions of different organisms.
Second, classification requires scientists to identify key _____________ of each organism. This
helps scientists avoid ___________ one organism for another because of _________________
minor differences.
Third, classification helps avoid ___________. Common ______________ differ in different
countries, languages, and locations. The ____________- is also known as mahimahi or el dorado.
___________________ systems used today avoids this issue by assigning every species to it’s
own ___________ name.
In 1758, ____________________________ began a classification system into different
____________ (meaning to appraise or handle). He created a __________level system beginning
with the most general, kingdom, all the way down to species. The most specific name in the
classification system is _________________. This is also written in lower case and italic. It is
an individual name for an organism.
A _________ is considered a group of organisms that can reproduce together and create other
reproducing offspring. There is a problem, however, with this definition. Some organisms
reproduce __________ and some are different species that do not normally reproduce and can
create ____________ offspring under ___________ circumstances.
Classifications change based on new _____________________ or new _____________.
___________________ base their classification on similarities such as __________________
anatomical features and __________________ similarities.
____________ share characteristics grouped in a family. We know that Carcharhinus is
considered a __________________ because the name is italicized and capitalized. Phyla are
grouped together into ______________.
Most taxonomists classify organisms based on _____________ features but what happens if the
organisms look the same and differ very little? The study of ____________ has become
important to help scientists classify these similar organisms. Taxonomists also have a common
problem with organisms don’t fit into neatly __________ classifications. A good example of this
are __________ and rays. Both belong to Chondricthyes but there are so many different
organisms that taxonomists have created __________ to create new higher or lower divisions. By
using ______________ classifications as appropriate, scientists have been able to fit every known
organism into the __________________ from kingdom to species. New information causes
change within the classification scheme but every ____________ has an assigned taxonomy.
According to your Marine Biology book, there are _______kingdoms and ________ domains.
Originally, all organisms were classified as either _________ or animals. Looking at the Taxa
tree, organisms at the bottom are _______________ and become more ______________ as you
move up the tree
Prokaryotes :
The most important __________________ producers are ________________ living in the ocean.
Prokaryotes don’t have complex internal _______________ structures and are far
_______________ than cells found in other kingdoms. They also lack chromosomes or
________________ and have a simple ring of either ____________ or _______. Although many
of these Prokaryotes are able to complete photosynthesis, they lack ______________.
Prokaryotes range from _________ to _________ microns. They are also the ______________
organisms, originating approximately 3.5 billion years ago. We have also learned that bacteria
were responsible for putting _________ in our atmosphere through the process of
It is theorized that eukaryotes evolved from prokaryotes through a process called
___________________. IN this process, it is thought that mitochondria and ____________
moved into prokaryote cells. The smaller mitochondria and the chloroplast helped the cells they
were living in by giving them a ________________. In return, the bacterial cell offered
protection and gave them an _________________. Remember that our environement initially
didin’t have any ____ gas. This gas was highly toxic many cells and when the mitochondria
moved into the prokaryote, it would help _________________ the cell, help deal with the toxic
gas. We also theorize this because mitochondria and chloroplast each have their own
__________ which differ significantly from the DNA of the cell they occupy.
Archae and Bacteria:
Monera was split into 2 ____________, Eubacteria and Archaea. Archaea means ___________
and are found in extreme environments such as the blasting hot furnace of the hydrothermal
_________, or in extremely acidic or salty environments. If they live near hydrothermal vents,
we learned they use _______________ in order to get food, unlike surface organisms who use
photosynthesis to get theirs. This is one reason why scientists theorize that ______________ are
the oldest forms of life in existence. The reason scientists split the kingdom from 5 to ____ is
that they were able to compare the _____________ and biochemical composition and found that
archaea and bacteria differ greatly.
Not all bacteria are ____________ that cause disease. That’s only a small part of what bacteria
does. They are extremely ________________ and capable of many processes. We saw one of
these processes where bacteria were able to break down nitrates and ammonia in the
____________ cycle.
One of the most important group of bacteria are the ______________________, also known as
blue-green algae. They are not really blue green, nor are they ________________. These
bacteria are crucial to life because scientists think that _________________ evolved in these
bacteria. We know that ______________ is given off in this process and it is also thought that
they helped create the oxygen in the atmosphere. These bacteria are also the ones responsible for
______________________ fixation. If you have a lot of nitrogen in your fish tank, you will
probably see a lot of these ____________________ bacteria. Flamingos also get their pink
coloring from ___________________________.