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Ecology Unit Crossword
Name __________________
3. -living organism that obtains its energy from
carbohydrates and other organic material. All
animals and most bacteria and fungi are
9. - a gradual process of change and replacement
in a community
11. - a group of organisms of the same species
that live together in an area and interbreed.
14. - type of succession that begins in an area that
previously did not support life
18. - _________ relationship = two different
organisms live in close association with each other
20. - the predator, feeds on the other species, the
21. "self-feeders¨
22. - the parasite, benefits from the other species,
the host, and usually harms the host
24. - position occupied by a species, both in terms
of its physical use of its habitat and its role or job
within an ecological community
25. - a final, stable community in equilibrium with
the environment
26. -anything that can carry out life processes
27. An animal that eats primarily meat (other
1. An animal that eats both plant and animal
2. - a species that colonizes an uninhabited area
and that starts an ecological cycle in which many
other species become established
4. food, water, shelter and space
5. CO2 + H2O C6H12O6 + O2
6. Level - one of the steps in a food chain or food
pyramid; examples include producers and primary,
secondary, and tertiary consumers
7. type of succession in which one community
replaces another community that has been
partially or totally destroyed.
8. living organisms and their abiotic surroundings
they interact with
10. - C6H12O6 + O2  CO2 + H2O
12. - a group of population of different species that live in the same habitat and interact with each other
13. - the relationship between two species that attempt to use the same limited resource, such as food or water, both are negatively affected
by the relationship
15. Bacteria - bacteria that convert N2 „³ NH4
16. - an organism that feeds by breaking down organic matter from dead organisms; examples include bacteria and fungi
17. -an important source of nitrogen for living systems, type of nitrogen that can be used by plants.
19. - an organism that eats other organisms
23. -organisms that are closely related and can breed to produce fertile offspring under natural conditions.