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Microbiology vocabulary words
Virus a nonliving, infectious particle composed of a nucleic acid and a protein coat; it can invade
and destroy a cell
Bacteria single-celled organisms that lack a nucleus; prokaryotes
Fungi These are simple, plant-like organisms that live on dead organic matter. Yeast and mold
are two common forms that can be pathogenic. They cause diseases such as ringworm, athletes
foot and thrush
Parasite an organism that is living on or in a host cell that causes harm to the host
Protist single cell organisms Eukaryotes that cannot be classified as animals, plants, or fungi.
Microbiology the study of microbes
Microbes organisms that are microscopic ( to small for visible eye)
binary fission A form of asexual reproduction in single-celled organisms by which one cell
divides into two cells of the same size
asexual A reproductive process that involves only one parent and produces offspring that are
identical to the parent
sexual reproduction a reproductive process that involves two parents by combing each genetic
material that produces offspring
producer are a source of food for other organisms.
decomposer Fungi and bacteria that break complex organic material into smaller molecules.
heterotroph must ingest or eat other organisms
autotroph – uses sunlight for food
prokaryote a cell with no nucleus
eukaryote A type of cell with a membrane-enclosed nucleus and membrane-enclosed organelles.
Examples of organisms with these cells are protists, plants, fungi, and animals.
know the shapes name of bacteria cocci sphere-shaped bacteria, bacilli rodshaped bacteria, spirilla spiral-shaped bacteria
know the 4 protist and characteristics
Infectious Diseases
Infections illnesses in which live bacterial pathogens are
ingested and grow in the body
Pathogens Microbes that cause disease
immune system a system (including the thymus and bone
marrow and lymphoid tissues) that protects the body from
foreign substances and pathogenic organisms by producing the
immune response
white blood cells disease fighting cells in blood
antibodies Specialized proteins that aid in destroying infectious
antiseptics chemical agents that may kill, retard, or prevent the
growth of bacteria;
antibiotics medicines used to kill or slow growth in bacteria
that cause disease
antivirals Medicines used to treat a virus once a person is sick
but must be given with a few days of exposure. Prevent
replication of viruses within host cells
vaccination taking a vaccine as a precaution against contracting
a disease
epidemic a localize outbreak of an infectious disease (ex:
Malaria or Rabies)
host organism that provides energy (Example: human, dog,
pandemic wide spread (usually worldwide) outbreak of an
infectious disease (Ex: Influenza)
infectious disease disease caused by the presence of a living
thing in the body.
Vector an Animal/Insect that carries and transmits a disease
Hierarchy of cells
Antibiotic Resistance
The evolution of populations of bacteria that antibiotics are unable to kill
animal cells nucleus,cell membrane, cytoplasm, 1) lacks cell
wall 2) lacks chloroplasts 3) lacks large central vacuole
plant cells cell wall, vacuole, chloroplasts
outbreak the sudden occurrence of a disease, in unexpected
numbers in a limited area, w/c then subsides