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Bio 6
Lab Section:___________________
Instructions: Use your textbook or other reference sources to answer the questions
below. All answers must be in your own words! This assignment will be worth up to
11 points and is due by midnight after your last lecture exam. No late work will be
1. Briefly summarize how the cortical reaction that occurs during fertilization
prevents polyspermy. (1 pt)
2. When the developing embryo reaches the uterus and capable of implanting it is
called a ______________________(a hollow ball of cells). (1/2 pt)
3. What is the function of the following membranes? (1 pt)
a. Chorion (chorionic tissue)
b. Amnion
4. Through what process does nutrients, gases, and waste move across the placenta?
(1/2 pt)
5. At about what week does the placenta take over progesterone production from the
corpus luteum? (1/2 pt)
6. What hormone produced by the placenta is responsible for altering the mother’s
glucose and fatty acid metabolism? (1/2 pt)
a. How does this hormone specifically affect the mother’s glucose levels and
fatty acid metabolism? (1 pt)
7. Between what weeks does normal parturition (labor and delivery) occur? (1/2 pt)
8. In the days leading up to parturition estrogen levels soar. List three ways high
estrogen levels prepare the uterus and cervix for labor and delivery. (1.5 pts)
9. In your own words, write a brief summary of the positive feedback loop
responsible for parturition. (2 pt)
10. During lactation, the primary hormone responsible for milk production/secretion
is __________________and the ejection of milk from the mammary glands is
stimulated by the hormone ________________. (1 pt)
11. The absence of the hormone ___________________leads to symptoms in
postmenopausal women. List two or three symptoms below (1pt):