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AP Biology
Cardiovascular and Respiratory Systems
1. The function of the heart is vital because, to survive, the tissues need a continuous
supply of oxygen and nutrients and metabolic waste products have to be removed from
a) True
b) False
2. When the ventricles contract, atrioventricular valves close to prevent blood from
flowing back into the atria. When the ventricles relax, semilunar valves close to prevent
blood from flowing back into the ventricles.
a) True
b) False
3. How many chambers does the human heart contain?
a) 2
b) 3
c) 4
d) 5
4. The heartbeat sounds (referred to as the "lub-dupp" sounds) that can be heard from the
heart are made by the…
a) Nodes
c) Atria
b) Ventricles
d) Valves
5. The right ventricle of the heart receives blood from the right atrium and pumps it to
a) coronary artery
b) vena cava
c) pulmonary artery
d) aorta
6. Oxygen, carbon dioxide, nutrients and wastes are exchanged through the thin walls of
a) arteries
c) veins
b) capillaries
d) venules
AP Biology
Cardiovascular and Respiratory Systems
7. Identify the heart structure indicated by the number 7.
a) right ventricle
b) right atrium
c) left ventricle
d) left atrium
8. Match the type of blood vessel with its most characteristic function.
a) exchange of substances
c) blood transport away from heart
b) distributing blood to tissues
d) blood transport toward heart
a) exchange of substances
c) blood transport away from heart
b) distributing blood to tissues
d) blood transport toward heart
a) exchange of substances
c) blood transport away from heart
b) distributing blood to tissues
d) blood transport toward heart
AP Biology
Cardiovascular and Respiratory Systems
9. In the systemic circuit, the _____________ half of the heart pumps __________ blood
to all body tissues, and then _________ blood flows back to the heart.
a) right; deoxygenated; oxygenated
b) right; oxygenated; deoxygenated
c) left; deoxygenated; oxygenated
d) left; oxygenated; deoxygenated
10.In the pulmonary circuit, the __________ half of the heart pumps __________ blood
to the alveoli of the lungs, and then _____________ blood flows back to the heart.
a) right; deoxygenated; oxygenated
b) right; oxygenated; deoxygenated
c) left; deoxygenated; oxygenated
d) left; oxygenated; deoxygenated
11. Blood is first pumped from your heart to what area of the body?
a) lungs
b) feet
c) brain
d) feet and hands
12. Capillaries connect what to what?
a) arteries and venules
b) arteries and veins
c) veins and arterioles
c) arterioles and venules
13. What are the main organs of the respiratory system?
a) Ovaries
b) Lungs
c) Kidneys
14. What is the trachea?
a) The tube connecting the lungs to the outside of the body.
b) The network of second-largest air sacs within each lung.
c) The outermost lining of the lungs.
15. What is the diaphragm?
a) The seal of tissue at the top of the trachea that stops food or drink from being inhaled.
b) A sheet of muscle beneath the lungs that is essential for breathing.
c) The cup-like structure found at the base of each lung that aids the gas exchange.
16. Where does the exchange of oxygen and carbon dioxide take place?
a) Where the trachea joins the lungs
b) Within alveoli.
c) Inside the right atrium
AP Biology
Cardiovascular and Respiratory Systems
17. What are the alveoli?
a) The medical name for the vocal cords.
b) The finger-like cells that make up the outer lining of each lung.
c) The smallest air sacs of the lungs.
18. When inhaling, the chest cavity and the lungs…
a) relax
b) enlarge
c) increase in internal air pressure
19. The waste products of respiration are…
a) carbon dioxide and sugar
b) water and energy
c) water and carbon dioxide
20. The name for breathing out is…
a) respiration
b) inhalation
Essay Question: Explain how the circulatory system and respiratory system work
AP Biology
Cardiovascular and Respiratory Systems
The circulatory and respiratory systems work together to deliver oxygen and
other important nutrients to every cell in our bodies. All of our body cells
require oxygen to conduct cellular respiration. In this process, oxygen burns
the nutrients from the foods we eat, providing energy for the cells.The
system is responsible for bringing oxygen into the body and removing
waste gases, and it is the job of the circulatory system to deliver it to the
body’s trillions of cells.When air is inhaled through the nose and mouth, the
air travels past the larynx, where speech sounds are made, down the trachea,
or windpipe, and into two bronchial tubes. Each bronchial tube goes into one
of our two lungs and further subdivides into smaller branches, called
Finally, the air reaches tiny balloon-like sacks, called alveoli, of which
there are more than 300 million in each lung. Each of the alveoli is
by tiny blood vessels, called capillaries, carrying red blood cells that pick up
oxygen in the alveoli and release carbon dioxide, which is then exhaled out
the body.The maximum amount of air the lungs can hold is called vital lung
capacity. Factors like size, gender, health and age contribute to lung