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Name: __________________
Date: ______________
Physical Science
Mr. Barry
Doc. # _______
Class Period _____
Physical Science Exam Review
GOAL 1: Construct an understanding of mechanics.
Vocabulary: speed, average velocity, instantaneous velocity, acceleration, force, net force, inertia, work,
power, energy, potential energy, kinetic energy, centripetal force, centripetal acceleration, momentum
1.01—Analyze uniform and accelerated motion.
Glencoe Physical Science: Chapter 2
_____ 1. A car going around a curve is said to be accelerating because:
A) it is slowing down
B) it is changing the direction of the velocity
C) it is speeding up
D) a car going around a curve is NOT accelerating
_____ 2. When acceleration is negative, what happens?
A) an object speeds up
B) an object slows down
C) an object turns
D) an object goes backwards
_____ 3. At the beginning of a race, Sam starts from rest and achieves a velocity of 5.0 m/s in just
4.0 seconds. What is his acceleration?
A) 0.80 m/s2
B) 1.25 m/s2
C) 10 m/s2
D) 20 m/s2
_____ 4. Vanessa drives 30 km on the highway at an average speed of 90 km/hr. How long does it
take her?
A) 3 hours
B) 1 hour
C) 30 minutes
D) 20 minutes
_____ 5. If you want to calculate the acceleration of a car, you should ___ the change in velocity of
the car by the time interval.
A) multiply
B) increase
C) decrease
D) divide
_____ 6. Which of the following is an example of a projectile?
A) a basketball shot from half court
B) a football at kickoff
C) a spitwad shot through a straw
D) all of the above
_____ 7. What is the shape of the path that a projectile follows?
A) a straight line
B) a circle
C) a curved path downward
_____ 8. If you threw a baseball forward at a speed of 10 m/s and dropped another baseball from
the same height at the same time, which would hit the ground first?
A) the one you threw forward
B) the one you just dropped
C) they would hit the ground at the same time
Name: __________________
Date: ______________
Physical Science
Mr. Barry
Doc. # _______
Class Period _____
_____ 9. What does velocity tell you that speed does not tell you?
A) how fast something is moving
B) how far something has moved
C) what direction something is moving
D) nothing, it’s just harder to spell
1.02—Analyze forces and their relationship to motion, Newton’s three laws of motion.
Glencoe Physical Science: Chapter 3
_____ 10. A person’s mass and weight are both measured on Earth and on the moon. Which is the same
at both locations?
A) mass only
B) weight only C) both mass and weight
D) both are different at two locations
_____ 11. A car accelerates at a rate of 3.0 m/s2 after stopping at a red light. If the mass of the car
is 3000 kg, what force does its engine exert?
A) 1000 N
B) 0.001 N
C) 9000 N
_____ 12. A 1.0 kg ball and a 5.0 kg ball are dropped at the same instant. Which one hits the ground first?
A) the 1.0 kg ball
B) the 5.0 kg ball
C) they both hit at the same time
_____ 13. If you drop a sheet of paper and a pencil at the same time, the pencil will hit the ground first
even though they experience the same acceleration. Why is this true?
A) there is more air resistance on the paper than the pencil
B) there is more air resistance on the pencil than the paper
C) the pencil is heavier
D) this does not happen; they hit at the same time
_____ 14. As an object falls, its downward velocity:
A) decreases
B) increases
C) remains the same
_____ 15. If the same force is applied to the following objects, which will accelerate the most?
A) a pencil
B) a desk
C) a physical science book
D) Ms. von St. Paul
_____ 16. A 1.0 kg ball and a 5.0 kg ball are dropped at the same instant. Which one has more inertia?
A) the 1.0 kg ball
B) the 5.0 kg ball
C) they both have the same inertia
_____ 17. What do we call the unbalanced force that causes acceleration toward the center of a circle?
A) net force
B) centripetal force
C) frictional force
D) gravitational force
Name: __________________
Date: ______________
Physical Science
Mr. Barry
Doc. # _______
Class Period _____
_____ 18. Why does it hurt more to be hit by a bullet that is shot from a gun than to be hit by a bullet that
is thrown at you?
A) the faster moving bullet has more momentum
B) the faster moving bullet is bigger
C) it doesn’t hurt more; it hurts the same
_____ 19. What causes acceleration?
A) a balanced force
D) mass
B) an unbalanced force
E) velocity
C) inertia
_____ 20. If a 1000 kg car is to accelerate at a rate of 3.0 m/s2, what force will its engine need to apply?
A) 0.003 N
B) 333 N
C) 3000 N
_____ 21. A force of 10 N accelerates a ball at the rate of 0.5 m/s 2. What is the mass of the ball?
A) 5.0 kg
B) 0.005 kg
C) 20 kg
_____ 22. If an object has a mass of 100 kg , what is its weight?
A) 100 N
B) 10 N
C) 980 N
_____ 23. A 5000 kg airplane accelerates down the runway from rest achieving a speed of 130 m/s in 20
seconds. What is its acceleration?
A) 6.5 m/s2
B) 1.92 m/s2
C) 2600 m/s2
_____ 24. When two people on skates
try to play tug-of-war, they
pull themselves as hard as
they pull each other.
_____ 25. When you let go of a balloon
that is not tied, it flies across
the room because as it pushes the
air out, the air pushes it forward.
D) 13,000,000 m/s2
A) Newton’s 1st law of motion
B) Newton’s 2nd law of motion
C) Newton’s 3rd law of motion
_____ 26. It takes more force to stop a moving
car than a bicycle moving at the
same speed.
_____ 27. A baseball that is thrown in space will
keep moving at a constant speed in a
straight line until it hits something.
_____ 28. A force that acts against motion causing things to slow down is
A) inertia
B) friction
C) gravity
D) weight
E) mass
1.03—Analyze the conservation of energy and work.
Chapters 4 & 5
_____ 29. What is the kinetic energy of a 65 kg student running at 4.0 m/s?
A) 16.25 J
B) 260 J
C) 130 J
D) 520 J
_____ 30. Marc pushes a box with a force of 55 N for 12 meters across the floor. How much work does
he do?
A) 4.58 J
B) 660 J
C) 0.22 J
D) it depends on how fast he is pushing
Name: __________________
Date: ______________
Physical Science
Mr. Barry
Doc. # _______
Class Period _____
_____ 31. When Matt dives off the diving board and heads toward the water, what happens to his
potential energy?
A) it flies off in all directions
B) it stays up on top of the diving board
C) it turns into kinetic energy
D) it drowns
_____ 32. Who does the most work in the following situations?
A) Jason pushes on a wall with a force of 200 newtons.
B) Cliff solves seven word problems in his head.
C) Jordan pushes a pencil across her desk.
D) Stephen pushes a textbook across the lab table.
_____ 33. One joule is the same as one:
A) milliliter
B) dm3
C) newton meter
_____ 34. The law of conservation of energy states that
A) if we don’t conserve, we will run out of energy
B) energy is not created or destroyed, it is just changed from one
form to another
C) thermal energy is a form of energy
Consider the following picture of a ball swinging on a string:
_____ 35. At which position does the ball have the greatest potential energy?
A) position A
B) position B
C) position C
D) both positions A and C
_____ 36. At which position does the ball have the greatest kinetic energy?
A) position A
B) position B
C) position C
D) both positions A and C
_____ 37. Which of the following has the greatest potential energy?
A) a 30 kg rock sitting on a ledge 2.0 meters high
B) a 100 kg box resting on a chair 0.5 meters high
C) a 50 kg person standing on a 100 meter high cliff
D) a 45 kg track star running 6.0 m/s around a track
_____ 38. Jessica pushes on a car stuck in a ditch with a force of 1000 N for 15 minutes. The car remains
stuck. How much work did Lucas do?
A) 66.7 J
B) 1.11 J
C) 15 000 J
D) 0 J
Name: __________________
Date: ______________
Physical Science
Mr. Barry
Doc. # _______
Class Period _____
_____ 39. A 250 g rock flies through the air at a speed of 10.0 m/s. What is its kinetic energy?
A) 2.5 J B) 25 J
C) 2500 J
D) 25 000 J
GOAL 2: Build an understanding of thermal energy.
Vocabulary: heat, thermal energy, thermal pollution, specific heat,
vaporization, evaporation, sublimation, temperature,
heat of fusion, heat of vaporization, entropy, conduction,
convection, radiation, friction, efficiency
2.01—Assess molecular motion as it relates to temperature and phase changes.
--know effects of gaining or losing heat, such as contraction and expansion
or rising and falling temperature or change of phase
--be able to read a phase change graph (like the lab where we melted ice
and then heated the water)
--be able to describe or recognize the motion of molecules as heat is
gained or lost and to describe the motion of molecules of a solid, a
liquid and a gas
Glencoe Physical Science: Chapter 6
_____ 40. A measure of the average kinetic energy that particles of a material have is called:
A) temperature B) heat
C) thermal energy
D) conduction
_____ 41. The type of thermal energy transfer that can only occur in fluids is:
A) insulation
B) conduction
C) convection D) radiation
_____ 42. Which of the following is true when a liquid changes to a gas?
A) the liquid gives off thermal energy
B) the liquid absorbs thermal energy
C) the surroundings of the liquid become warmer
43.If 3800 joules of thermal energy are added to 100 g of copper, by how much will the temperature of the
copper change? The specific heat of copper is 0.380 kJ/kg.K.
44.A 1.00 kg block of iron is heated from 22 oC to 77oC. The specific heat of iron is 0.450 kJ/kg.K. What is
the change in internal energy of the block?
4. 250 kg of glass are heated from 35oC to 45oC using 2100 kJ of thermal energy.
What is the specific heat of glass?
_____ 46. Which of the following would take the most heat to raise its temperature from 300 K to 325 K?
A) 10 grams of iron
(c= 450 j/kg K)
B) 10 grams of sand (c= 664 j/kg K)
C) 10 grams of silver (c= 235 j/kg K)
D) 10 grams of water (c= 4184 j/kg K)
_____ 47. Which of the following can result from thermal pollution?
A) raised oxygen levels in heated water
B) speeding up of biochemical processes in plants and animals
C) boiling lakes cooking fish
D) all of the above
Name: __________________
Date: ______________
Physical Science
Mr. Barry
Doc. # _______
Class Period _____
_____ 48. Which of the following has the most thermal energy?
A) a pot of boiling water
B) the Arctic Ocean
C) a cup of hot tea
D) a hot tub
_____ 49. How much heat does it take to melt 100 grams of lead at its melting point?
A) 328 J
B) 1740 J
C) 2500 J
D) 32 800 J
_____ 50. How much heat does it take to vaporize 50 g of ethyl alcohol at its boiling point?
A) 79 J
B) 3950 J
C) 42 750 J D) 85 500 J
_____ 51. Convert 70oC to Kelvins.
A) 70 K
B) 140 K
_____ 52. Which of the following is absolute zero?
A) 0oC B) 0oF
C) 273 K
C) 210 K
D) 0 K
_____ 53. Changing from a solid to a liquid or from a liquid to a gas requires:
A) specific heat B) volume
C) energy
D) money
_____ 54. The substance that has the most energy is
A) tap water
B) ice C) ice water
D) steam
_____ 55. Which of the following describes the particles of a liquid?
A) extremely far apart
B) able to expand without limit
C) not free to move
D) fairly close together
_____ 56. Which of the following describes the particles of a solid?
A) are spread far apart
B) are packed very close together
C) can move more easily than the particles in other phases
D) can flow around each other
_____ 57. Particles of which state of matter have the most kinetic energy?
A) solids
B) liquids
C) gases
2.02—Analyze the conservation of the total amount of energy, including heat
energy, in a closed system; the First Law of Thermodynamics
Glencoe Physical Science: Chapter 6
_____ 58. A ________ changes heat energy into mechanical energy or work.
A) heat engine B) radiator
C) combustion
_____ 59. Which of the following statements about a heat pump is true?
A) In the summer, it moves heat from inside the house to outside and
in the winter, it moves heat from outside the house to inside.
B) In the summer, it moves heat from inside the house to outside and
in the winter, it burns fuel.
C) In the summer, it moves cold from outside the house to inside and
in the winter, it moves cold from inside the house to outside.
D) 343 K
Name: __________________
Date: ______________
Physical Science
Mr. Barry
Doc. # _______
Class Period _____
_____ 60. What unbalanced forces can cause some of the kinetic energy of a person swinging on a
playground swing to change into thermal energy?
A) centripetal force and centrifugal force
B) force of gravity and force of weight
C) air resistance and friction
2.03—Analyze the second law of thermodynamics
Glencoe Physical Science: Chapter 6
_____ 61. In what direction does heat flow?
A) from warmer to cooler objects
B) from cooler to warmer objects
C) from more massive to less massive objects
D) it depends on the situation
_____ 62. A ratio of the work output of a machine to the work input of a machine is called:
A) power
B) efficiency
C) mechanical advantage
GOAL 3: Construct an understanding of electricity and magnetism.
Vocabulary: static electricity, electrons, protons, electrical charge, resistance,
current, circuit, potential difference, ohm, volt, ampere,
electromagnet, series circuit, parallel circuit, coulomb,
Ohm’s law
3.01—Analyze the nature of static electricity and the conservation of electrical charge:
positive and negative charges
opposite charges attract; like charges repel
Glencoe Physical Science: Chapter 7
_____ 63. Object #1 is charged positively and object #2 is repelled when brought close to object #1. We
can infer that object #2 is
A) negatively charged
B) positively charged
C) neutral
_____ 64. When a neutral object gains electrons,
A) its overall charge is negative
B) it loses the same number of electrons simultaneously
C) it stays neutral
D) its overall charge is positive
_____ 65. A build up of charge on an object is known as
A) static electricity
B) direct current
C) alternating current
D) electromagnetic induction
_____ 66. Static charge builds up because an object has lost or gained ____.
A) electrons
B) protons
C) neutrons
_____ 67. The negatively charged particles that make up an atom are the:
A) electrons
B) protons
C) neutrons
Name: __________________
Date: ______________
Physical Science
Mr. Barry
Doc. # _______
Class Period _____
_____ 68. The positively charged subatomic particles are the:
A) electrons
B) protons
C) neutrons
_____ 69. A force of attraction exists between:
A) two protons B) two electrons C) an electron and a proton
D) a neutron and an electron
3.02—Analyze the electrical charging of objects due to the transfer of
electrons by friction, induction or conduction
Glencoe Physical Science: Chapter 7
_____ 70. A good electrical conductor is:
A) glass B) rubber
C) wood D) silver
_____ 71. A material that does NOT let electrical charges pass freely through it is:
A) a conductor
B) a compass
C) an insulator D) copper
_____ 72. When a glass rod loses electrons as the result of being rubbed with silk:
A) both the rod and silk remain neutral
B) the charge on the silk is positive
C) the rod becomes charged, but the silk remains neutral
D) the charge on the glass rod is positive
_____ 73. An instrument that can detect an electric charge is:
A) an electroscope
B) a voltmeter
C) an ammeter
_____ 74. When you rub a balloon across a sweater, the balloon becomes negatively
charged because it:
A) gains electrons
B) gains protons
C) loses electrons
_____ 75. When you rub a balloon across a sweater, the sweater becomes positively
charged because it:
A) gains electrons
B) gains protons
C) loses electrons
76. Draw a diagram of an electroscope that is charged 
77. Draw a diagram of an electroscope that is uncharged
3.03—Analyze direct current electrical circuits:
 Electrical potential difference
 Resistance
 Ohm’s law
 Simple direct current circuits
 Series circuit
 Parallel circuit
Name: __________________
Date: ______________
Physical Science
Mr. Barry
Doc. # _______
Class Period _____
_____ 78. The difference in electrical potential energy between two places is called:
A) a circuit
B) potential difference
C) current
_____ 79. The path along which electrons may flow is called:
A) a circuit
B) a current
C) a volt
_____ 80. The number of electrons (or charges) that move past a given point in a given time is a measure
A) current
B) voltage
C) resistance
_____ 81. What is the resistance of a lamp operating at 115 volts and using 0.25 amperes
of current?
A) 2.17 x 10 –3 
B) 28.75 
C) 460 
_____ 82. Electric current in which electrons flow in only one direction is called:
A) direct current
B) electromagnetic induction
C) alternating current
D) a parallel circuit
_____ 83. Draw a diagram showing a parallel circuit:
_____ 84. How much current is used when a 12 ohm heater is connected to a 120 volt source?
A) 0.1 A
B) 10 A
C) 1440 A
_____ 85. How much power does a heater have if it uses 5 amperes at 120 volts?
A) 24 watts
B) 0.042 watts
C) 600 watts
_____ 86. The opposition to the flow of electrons in a conductor is called:
A) voltage
B) resistance C) current
D) power
_____ 87. A string of lights is wired so that if one of the light bulbs burns out, the others go out too. What
kind of circuit is this?
A) parallel
B) electromagnetic
C) series
D) short
_____ 88. The current passing through the taillight of a car is 4A. The resistance is 2 . What is the
potential difference across the light?
A) 0.5 V
B) 2 V
C) 8 V
_____ 89. A string of lights is wired so that if one of the light bulbs burns out, the others stay lit. What
kind of circuit is this?
A) parallel
B) electromagnetic
C) series
D) short
3.04—Analyze the practical applications of magnetism and its relationship to
the movement of electrical charge.
Glencoe Physical Science: Chapter 7
_____ 90. Elements which may be easily magnetized are
A) copper, iron and aluminum
B) copper, iron and steel
C) iron, nickel and copper
D) iron, nickel and cobalt
Name: __________________
Date: ______________
Physical Science
Mr. Barry
Doc. # _______
Class Period _____
_____ 91. The process whereby current is produced by the motion of a coil of wire in a
magnetic field is called:
A) voltage difference
B) electromagnetic induction
C) static discharge
_____ 92. A device that increases or decreases the voltage of electric current is:
A) a transformer
B) a computer
C) an electromagnet
D) a generator
_____ 93. A device that converts electrical energy to mechanical energy is:
A) a transformer
B) a generator
C) an electric motor
D) a galvanometer
_____ 94. The magnetic field around a magnet is strongest at the:
A) top of the magnet
B) poles of the magnet
C) middle of the magnet
_____ 95. To increase the strength of an electromagnet, you can:
A) increase the number of coils of wire around the core
B) increase the current in the wire
C) decrease the number of coils of wire around the core
D) both A and B
E) both B and C
_____ 96. The area around a magnet where the magnetic force acts is called:
A) a magnetic field
B) a polar bar
C) a magneto
D) the attraction-repulsion vector
_____ 97. Pushing a magnet through a coil of wire causes a ___ in the wire.
A) short circuit B) charge
C) current
D) break
3.05—Analyze permanent magnetism and the practical applications of the
characteristics of permanent magnets.
Glencoe Physical Science: Chapter 8
_____ 98. As two magnets are brought closer together, the force between them
A) increases
B) decreases
_____ 99. The magnetic field around a magnet is strongest at the
A) top of the magnet
B) poles of the magnet
C) middle of the magnet
_____ 100. Magnetism is
A) an attraction between two masses
B) a force acting at right angles to its mass
C) a force of attraction or repulsion between two objects
D) all of the above
Name: __________________
Date: ______________
Physical Science
Mr. Barry
Doc. # _______
Class Period _____
_____ 101. Elements which may be easily magnetized are
A) copper, iron and aluminum
B) copper, iron and steel
C) iron, nickel and copper
D) iron, nickel and cobalt
_____ 102. The north pole of one magnet is brought near the north pole of another
magnet. The magnets will
A) attract
B) repel
GOAL 4: Develop an understanding of wave motion and the wave nature of sound
and light.
Vocabulary: compressional wave, electromagnetic wave, electromagnetic
spectrum, frequency, period, amplitude, wavelength, reflection,
refraction, interference, diffraction, Doppler effect, crest,
trough, pitch, intensity, resonance, diffraction grating, opaque,
translucent, transparent, gamma rays, x-rays, ultraviolet light,
infrared light, radio waves, microwaves, photon
4.01—Analyze the characteristics of waves;
 Wavelength
 Frequency
 Period
 Amplitude
Glencoe Physical Science: Chapters 10 & 11
_____ 103. The kind of wave that has compressions and rarefactions is a/an ___ wave.
A) compressional
B) transverse
C) interference
D) intensity
E) Doppler
_____ 104. The kind of wave that has crests and troughs is a/an ____ wave.
A) compressional
B) transverse
C) interference
D) intensity
E) Doppler
_____ 105. Waves transfer which of the following from one place to another?
A) wind B) water C) energy
D) life
_____ 106. A material through which a wave travels is called a/an
A) trough
B) medium
C) compression D) interference
_____ 107. Sound cannot travel in a ___.
A) solid B) liquidC) gas
D) vacuum
_____ 108. The distance from the crest of a wave to the rest position of the wave is called the wave’s
A) wavelength
B) frequency
C) trough
D) amplitude
_____ 109. A material through which a wave travels is called a/an
A) trough
B) medium
C) compression D) interference
_____ 110. Sound cannot travel in a ___.
A) solid B) liquidC) gas
D) vacuum
_____ 111. The distance from the crest of a wave to the rest position of the wave is called the wave’s
A) wavelength
B) frequency
C) trough
D) amplitude
Name: __________________
Date: ______________
Physical Science
Mr. Barry
_____ 112. Intensity is to loudness as frequency is to ___.
A) volume
B) pitch
C) quality
Doc. # _______
Class Period _____
D) velocity
_____ 113. If a sound with a wavelength of 2.2 meters has a frequency of 160 hertz, what
the speed of sound in that medium?
A) 0.01375 m/s B) 72.73 m/s
C) 352 m/s
D) 3 x 10 8 m/s
_____ 114. When the column of air in your shower vibrates at the same frequency as your
voice, making it sound really good to you, this is an example of
A) reverberation B) interference C) resonance
D) the Doppler effect
_____ 115. The unit for measuring the intensity level of a sound is the __.
A) hertz B) decibel
C) meter D) mel
_____ 116. A wave in which the medium vibrates perpendicularly to the direction in
which the wave is traveling is called a ___ wave.
A) sound
B) compressional C) transverse
D) mechanical
_____ 117. The highest point on a transverse wave is called ___.
A) the crest
B) the trough
C) the amplitude
D) the frequency
_____ 118. Electromagnetic waves are different from other kinds of waves because
A) they travel slower
B) they do not require a medium
C) they have crests and troughs
_____ 119. Which of the following are listed in order from the lowest frequency
to the highest frequency?
A) microwaves, visible light, gamma rays
B) infrared radiation, ultraviolet radiation, microwaves
C) FM radio waves, AM radio waves, ultraviolet radiation
D) Ultraviolet radiation, infrared radiation, microwaves
_____ 120. The electromagnetic waves with the shortest wavelengths have the
A) highest frequencies
B) lowest frequencies
C) lowest energy
D) it is impossible to tell from the given information
4.02—Analyze the phenomena of reflection, refraction, interference and
Glencoe Physical Science: Chapters 10 & 14
_____ 121. the bouncing back of light waves
when they strike a surface
_____ 122. the straight line bending of waves
when they go from one medium to another
_____ 123. the curved bending of waves around the
corner or corners of a barrier
_____ 124. the ability of two or more waves to
combine and form a new wave
A) interference
B) diffraction
C) reflection
D) refraction
Name: __________________
Date: ______________
Physical Science
Mr. Barry
Doc. # _______
Class Period _____
_____ 125. We can see objects because light is ___ from them?
A) refracted
B) reflected
C) diffracted
_____ 126. the bouncing back of light waves
when they strike a surface
A) refraction
_____ 127. the straight line bending of waves
when they go from one medium to another
D) absorbed
B) interference
C) diffraction
_____ 128. the curved bending of waves around the
corner or corners of a barrier
D) reflection
_____ 129. the ability of two or more waves to
combine and form a new wave
_____ 130. Light waves that vibrate in only one plane are
A) polarized
B) virtual
C) coherent
D) real
_____ 131. An object that reflects light and curves outward is called a
A) plane mirror
B) concave mirror
C) convex mirror
D) concave lens
_____ 132. The kind of mirror like the sideview mirror on a car that reads “Objects in the
mirror are closer than they appear” is a
A) concave mirror
B) convex mirror
C) plane mirror
_____ 133. Lenses form images by
A) reflecting light
B) refracting light
D) interfering with light
C) diffracting light
_____ 134. An object that reflects light and curves inward is called a
A) plane mirror
B) concave mirror
C) convex mirror
D) concave lens
_____ 135. The lightbulb in a headlight, flashlight or spotlight is placed at the focal
point of a ___.
A) concave lens B) convex lens
C) concave mirror
D) convex mirror
_____136. When parallel waves are sent into a concave surface, they all reflect back
to the same point. What is this point called?
A) the vertex
B) the optical axis
C) the focal point
4.03—Compare and contrast the frequency and wavelength of sound produced
by a fixed source with a moving source of sound, the Doppler Effect.
Glencoe Physical Science: Chapter 11
_____ 137. When a sound source moves toward you, the sound’s
A) velocity increases
B) pitch increases
C) frequency decreases
D) intensity decreases
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_____ 138. If a fire engine were moving toward you blowing its siren at a frequency of
560 hertz, which of the following is a possible frequency you might hear?
A) 280 hertz
B) 500 hertz
C) 560 hertz D) 600 hertz
_____ 139. The previous question is an example of the phenomenon known as the ___.
A) red shift
B) Doppler effect
C) standing wave
D) acoustic shift
E) transverse effect
_____ 140. If an ambulance were moving away from you sounding a siren with a
frequency of 460 hz, which of the following frequencies might you hear?
A) 480 hz
B) 440 hz
C) 520 hz
GOAL 5: Build an understanding of the structure and properties of matter.
Vocabulary: atom, proton, electron, neutron, quark, atomic mass,
mass number, atomic number, isotope, ion, chemical
symbol, chemical formula, oxidation number, density,
fusion, fission, alpha particle, beta particle, gamma ray,
element, compound, mixture, nucleus, electron cloud,
radioactivity, half-life, physical property, chemical
property, substance
5.01—Analyze the development of current atomic theory.
 Dalton
 J.J. Thomson
 Rutherford
 Bohr
Glencoe Physical Science: Chapter 17
_____ 141. The scientist credited with forming the theory that all matter is made of tiny
particles called atoms is
A) Dalton
B) J.J. Thomson C) Rutherford
D) Bohr
_____ 142. The scientist credited with the discovery of the electron is
A) Dalton
B) J.J. Thomson C) Rutherford
D) Bohr
_____ 143. The scientist who discovered the existence of a closely packed positive
region of the atom that is now known at the nucleus is
A) Dalton
B) J.J. Thomson C) Rutherford
D) Bohr
_____ 144. The famous “gold foil” experiment was performed by
A) Dalton
B) J.J. Thomson C) Rutherford
D) Bohr
_____ 145. The scientist credited with the idea of the electron cloud surrounding
the nucleus of an atom is
A) Dalton
B) J.J. Thomson C) Rutherford
D) Bohr
5.02—Examine the nature of atomic structure.
 Protons
 Neutrons
 Electrons
 Atomic mass
 Atomic number
 Isotopes
Glencoe Physical Science: Chapter 17
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_____ 146. The number of outermost electrons determines the ___ of an element.
A) chemical properties
B) physical properties
C) atomic number
_____ 147. The negatively charged subatomic particle is the
A) electron
B) proton
_____ 148. The center of an atom is called the
A) nucleon
B) proton
C) neutron
C) nucleus
D) electron cloud
_____ 149. What kind of charge does the center of an atom have?
A) a positive charge
B) a negative charge
C) no charge at all
_____ 150. The positively charged subatomic particle is the
A) electron
B) proton
C) neutron
_____ 151. Which particles are found in the nucleus of an atom?
A) electrons and protons
B) protons and neutrons
C) electrons and neutrons
_____ 152. Which two subatomic particles have about the same mass?
A) electrons and protons
B) protons and neutrons
C) electrons and neutrons
_____ 153. Which two subatomic particles have equal but opposite charges?
A) electrons and protons
B) protons and neutrons
C) electrons and neutrons
_____ 154. The atomic number of an atom is the same as its number of _______.
A) protons
B) neutrons
C) nucleons
_____ 155. If two atoms have different numbers of protons, what do you know about the atoms?
A) they are atoms of two different elements
B) they have different numbers of neutrons
C) they have different mass numbers
_____ 156. In a neutral atom, the number of protons is equal to the
A) number of neutrons
B) number of electrons
C) number of nucleons
_____ 157. How many protons does an atom of oxygen have?
A) 2
B) 4
C) 6
D) 8
_____ 158. The region around the nucleus of an atom where an electron may be located
at any time is described today as
A) an elliptical orbit
B) an electron cloud
C) a probability model
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_____ 159. Which electrons in an atom have the most energy?
A) those closest to the nucleus
B) those farthest from the nucleus
C) those in between A and B
_____ 160. Different distances from the nucleus of an atom are called
A) electrons
B) energy levels
C) atomic orbits
_____ 161. How many electrons can be in the first energy level of an atom at one time?
A) 2
B) 8
C) 10
D) 18
_____ 162. The small particles that make up neutrons and protons are called __.
A) atoms
B) nucleons
C) quarks
_____ 163. The small particles made up of electrons, neutrons and protons are called __.
A) atoms
B) nucleons
C) quarks
_____ 164. How many kinds of quarks are there?
A) 2
B) 3
C) 6
_____ 165. How many electrons, protons and neutrons are found in a neutral atom of fluorine?
A) 9 P, 9 N, 9 E
B) 19 P, 10 N, 19 E
C) 9 P, 10 N, 19 E
D) 9 P, 10 N, 9 E
_____ 166. Which of the following lists the particles in order from smallest to largest?
A) atom, proton, quark, nucleus
B) proton, nucleus, atom, quark
C) quark, nucleus, atom, proton
D) quark, proton, nucleus, atom
5.03—Describe radioactivity and its practical application as an alternative
energy source;
 Alpha, beta and gamma decay
 Fission
 Fusion
Glencoe Physical Science: Chapter 20 – you’ll need your book to look these up
_____ 167. The process that takes place to produce heat in a nuclear power plant is
A) nuclear fission
B) nuclear fusion
C) nuclear waste
_____ 168. Why is nuclear fusion not used as an energy resource today?
A) we don’t have any way to control and contain the amount of heat produced
B) the fuel that we would use is too scarce
C) the oil companies have a conspiracy to keep us from using fusion
D) it IS being used today
_____ 169. What is burned in a nuclear power plant?
A) uranium
B) coal C) oil
D) nothing is burned
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Physical Science
Mr. Barry
_____ 170. A nuclear reaction produces a great deal of
A) heat B) smog
C) sound
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D) light
_____ 171. If the half life of a substance is 15 minutes and you start with a sample of
8 grams, how much of the substance will be left in 45 minutes?
A) 4 grams
B) 2.7 grams
C) 2 grams
_____ 172. If the half life of a substance is 25 years, how long will it take until only ¼ of
the original sample remains?
A) 6.24 years
B) 50 years
C) 100 years
_____ 173. When the particles given off by the fission of a nucleus bombard other nuclei
cause more nuclei to split and give off particles which then bombard other
nuclei until many nuclei are being split and much energy is released is called
A) nuclear fission
B) nuclear fusionC) a chain reaction
_____ 174. The joining of two smaller nuclei to form one larger nucleus with energy
given off is called
A) nuclear fission
B) nuclear fusionC) a chain reaction
_____ 175. The splitting of a nucleus into two or more smaller nuclei with energy given off is called
A) nuclear fission
B) nuclear fusionC) a chain reaction
_____ 176. The process that fuels stars like the sun is
A) nuclear fission
B) nuclear fusionC) a chain reaction
_____ 177. Which of the following is a synthetic element?
A) Europium
B) Uranium
C) Berklium
D) Holmium
_____ 178. Which of the following elements is found only in a radioactive form?
A) astatine
B) tungsten
C) neodyminium
D) promethium
_____ 179. The most penetrating form of nuclear radiation is
A) an alpha particle
B) a beta particle
C) gamma radiation
180. The type of radiation that consists of two protons and two neutrons is
_______________________ radiation.
181. The type of radiation that consists of a high speed electron coming out of a nucleus is
_____________________ radiation.
182. The type of radiation that is an electromagnetic wave is ________________________
5.04—Assess the use of physical properties in identifying substances:
 Density
 Specific heat
 Melting point
 Boiling point
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Mr. Barry
Glencoe Physical Science: Chapters 1, 6, 15
_____ 183. Which of the following is a derived unit?
A) gram
B) kilogram
C) meter
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D) g/cm3
184. A 26.88 g piece of copper has a volume of 3.00 cm3. What is the density of
185. The density of mercury is 13.5 g/mL. What volume will 40.5 g of mercury occupy?
Review your labs on density.
_____186. If a material cannot be separated into basic parts by physical means it is called
A) a substance
B) a mixture
C) a colloid
_____ 187. A material that is made of two or more substances that can be separated by a
physical process is called
A) a substance B) a mixture
C) an element D) a compound
_____ 188. A characteristic of a material that can be observed without changing what the
material is can be called a
A) chemical property
B) physical property
C) scientific law
_____ 189. The density of copper is an example of
A) chemical change
B) physical change
C) chemical property
D) physical property
5.05—Analyze the formation of simple inorganic compounds from elements.
Glencoe Physical Science: Chapter 20
_____190. The chemical formula for a compound made of two atoms of nitrogen and
five atoms of oxygen is
A) 2NiO5
B) N2O5 C) Ni2O5
D) N5O2
_____ 191. Sodium bicarbonate is the chemical name for baking soda. Which of the
following is the correct formula for sodium bicarbonate?
A) NaCO3
B) Na2CO3
_____ 192. Which of the following is the correct formula for potassium chloride?
A) PCl B) KCl C) K2Cl D) KCl2
_____ 193. Which of the following is the correct name of Fe 2O3?
A) iron (II) oxide
B) iron (III) oxide
C) ironate
D) ferrous oxide
_____194. Which of the following is the correct name of NaNO 3?
A) natrium nitrogen oxide
B) sodium nitrogen oxide
C) sodium oxynitride
D) sodium nitrat
D) Na2HCO3
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Mr. Barry
_____ 195. Which of the following is the correct formula for calcium sulfide?
A) CaSO4
B) Ca2S
C) Ca2SO4
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D) CaS
_____ 196. Which of the following is the correct formula for aluminum chloride?
A) AlCl B) AlCl2
C) AlCl3
D) Al2Cl3
_____ 197. Which of the following are binary compounds?
A) potassium iodide
B) calcium sulfate
C) magnesium chlorate
D) sodium phosphate
_____ 198. Compounds that have water attached to their ions are called
A) toxic compounds
B) hydrates
C) anhydrous
D) solutions
_____ 199. The name of Cu2O is ____.
A) copper oxide
B) copper (I) oxide
C) copper (II) oxide
D) copper (III) oxide
5.06—Analyze the periodic trends in the physical and chemical properties of
Glencoe Physical Science: Chapter 19
_____200. How many electrons are in the outer energy level of all noble gasses except helium?
A) 2
B) 8
C) 18
D) 32
_____ 201. When forming table salt, which element gains an electron?
A) sodium chloride
B) sodium
C) chlorine
_____ 202. How many neutrons are in the nucleus of an atom of aluminum?
A) 0
B) 13
C) 14
D) 27
_____ 203. Which of the following elements is in the same family as chlorine?
A) iodine
B) argon C) sulfur D) neon
_____ 204. Which of the following is a metal?
A) sodium
B) sulfur C) silicon
D) bromine
_____ 205. The type of bond that usually forms between two nonmetals is
A) ionic
B) covalent
C) metallic
_____ 206. The type of bond that usually forms between a metal and a nonmetal is
A) ionic
B) covalent
C) metallic
_____ 207. The three transition metals that make up the “iron triad” are
A) lead, steel and iron
B) aluminum, nickel and cobalt
C) iron, nickel and cobalt
D) copper, silver and gold
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_____ 208. The one thing that sets the iron triad apart from all the other metals is
A) they can be magnetized
B) they form colored compounds
C) they are transition metals
_____ 209. A metal found in a compound in the earth’s crust is known as a/an
A) mineral
B) ore
C) vein
D) cobalt
_____ 210. The most abundant metal in the earth’s crust is
A) iron B) aluminum
C) gold
_____ 211. In what state are most nonmetals at room temperature?
A) solid
B) liquid
C) gas
_____ 212. Which element is the most chemically active nonmetal?
A) oxygen
B) chlorine
C) fluorine
_____ 213. When hydrogen burns, what is the product?
A) hydrogen peroxide
B) water
C) sodium hydride
D) hydrogen chloride
_____ 214. Which nonmetal is a liquid at room temperature?
A) mercury
B) iodine
C) bromine
_____ 215. The halogen that undergoes sublimation is
A) chlorine
B) fluorine
C) bromine
D) radon
D) iodine
_____ 216. How many elements in the boron group are NOT metals?
A) 0
B) 1
C) 2
D) 3
_____ 217. Because they are the same element but have different molecular structures
and different properties, graphite, charcoal and diamond are ____ of carbon.
A) isotopes
B) isomers
C) allotropes
_____ 218. The metals in the carbon group are
A) carbon and silicon
B) silicon and germanium
C) germanium and arsenic
D) tin and lead
_____ 219. The only metal in the nitrogen group is
A) arsenic
B) antimony
C) bismuth
D) nitrogen
_____ 220. The elements in Groups 3-12 of the periodic table are the ____.
A) actinides
B) alkaline earth metals
C) alkalai metals
D) halogens
E) transition elements
D) neon
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_____ 221. A family of elements that has two electrons in its outer energy level is the __.
A) actinides
B) alkaline earth metals
C) alkalai metals
D) halogens
E) transition elements
GOAL 6: Build an understanding of regularities in chemistry.
Vocabulary: polymer, oxidation number, single replacement, double
replacement, synthesis, combustion, decomposition, pressure,
volume, solution, solute, solvent, solubility, precipitate,
electrolyte, acid, base, pH, ionization
6.01—Identify and classify the common chemical reactions that occur in our
physical environment and in our bodies:
 oxidation and reduction
 polymerization and depolymerization
Glencoe Physical Science: Chapters 20 & 21
_____222. A plastic is an example of a/an
A) alloy
B) glass
C) polymer
_____ 223. Which of the following is a naturally occurring polymer?
A) nylon
B) silk
C) polyester
D) ceramic
_____ 224. A source of the materials used to make plastics is ____.
A) clay
B) ore
C) petroleum
_____ 225. ____ is a natural protein polymer.
A) nylon
B) polyethylene C) Teflon
D) synthetic fiber
D) silk
_____ 226. A protein is a polymer made up of monomers called
A) nucleic acids
B) amino acids
C) carboxylic acids
D) carbohydrates
_____ 227. Which of the following are polymers?
A) proteins
C) starch
D) all of the above
E) only A and B
_____ 228. The oxidation number of an atom is shown with a __
A) negative number
B) positive number
C) subscript
D) superscript
_____ 229. The sum of the oxidation numbers in a neutral compound is __.
A) a negative number
B) one
C) a positive number
D) zero
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Physical Science
Mr. Barry
_____ 230. What is the most common oxidation number of oxygen?
A) +1
B) +2
C) -1
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D) -2
_____ 231. When forming the compound magnesium sulfide, which element loses
A) magnesium B) sulfur
C) both A and B D) neither A nor B
6.02—Identify the reactants and products and balance simple equations of various
 single replacement
 double replacement
 decomposition
 synthesis
 combustion
Glencoe Physical Science: Chapter 21
synthesis reaction
decomposition reaction
single displacement reaction
double displacement reaction
_____232. One element replaces another in a compound.
_____ 233. A substance breaks down into two or more simpler substances.
_____ 234. A precipitate, water or a gas forms when two ionic compounds are dissolved in
a solution.
_____ 235. Two or more substances combine to form another substance.
_____ 236. C12H22O11 (cr)  12C (cr)
+ 11H2O (g)
_____ 237. Zn (cr) + 2HCl (aq)  ZnCl2 (aq)
_____ 238. NiCl2 (cr)  Ni (cr)
+ H2 (g)
+ Cl2 (g)
_____ 239. BaCl2 (aq) + 2KIO3 (aq)  Ba(IO3)2 (cr) + 2KCl (aq)
_____ 240. 4C (s) + 6H2 (g) + O2 (g)  2C2H6O (s)
_____ 241. Each substance on the right side of the arrow in a chemical equation is a __.
A) reactant
B) product
C) coefficient
D) catalyst
_____ 242. Which of the following is a balanced chemical equation?
A) AgNO3 + NaCl  4AgCl + 2 NaNO3
B) 2AgNO3 + 2NaCl  3AgCl + 2NaNO3
C) AgNO3 + NaCl  AgCl + NaNO3
D) AgNO3 + 2NaCl  AgCl + 3NaNO3
_____ 243. When the following chemical equation is balanced, the coefficients in the
correct order are
___ Ca
+ ___ H2O  ___ Ca(OH)2 + ___ H2
A) 1,1,1,1
B) 1,2,1,1
C) 1,2,1,2
D) 1,1,1,2
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_____ 244. When the following chemical equation is balanced, the coefficients in the correct order are
___ Fe
+ ___ O2
A) 1, 2, 1
___ Fe2O3
B) 2, 3, 1
C) 1,2,3
D) 4, 3, 2
_____ 245. When AgNO3 and NaI are reacted to produce NaNO3 and AgI, the reactant are
A) AgNO3 and NaI
B) NaNO3 and AgI
C) AgNO3 and AgI
D) NaI and NaNO3
6.03—Measure temperature, pressure and volume of gases and assess their
 Boyle’s law
 Charles’ law
Glencoe Physical Science: Chapter 16
_____246. As the temperature of a gas increases, the volume of the gas will ___, if
the pressure remains constant.
A) decrease
B) increase
C) remain the same
_____ 247. If a sample of helium gas occupies 100 mL when it is at a temperature of
200 K, what will its volume be at 300 K?
A) 67 mL B) 150 mL
C) 200 mL
D) 600 mL
_____ 248. If a sample of hydrogen exerts a pressure of 100 kPa in a volume of 100 mL,
what pressure will it exert in a volume of 500 mL?
A) 500 kPa B) 200 kPa
C) 100 kPa
D) 20 kPa
_____ 249. If an unknown gas takes up 100 mL at a temperature of 200 K, what will its
volume be at 600 K?
A) 33 mL B) 300 mL
C) 1200 mL
D) 800 mL
_____ 250. According to Charles’ Law, if you decrease the temperature of a gas while
holding the pressure constant, what will happen?
A) the volume will increase
B) the density will decrease
C) the volume will decrease
D) the mass will decrease
_____ 251. According to Boyle’s Law, if you want to decrease the pressure of a gas,
what do you need to do?
A) decrease the volume
B) decrease the mass
C) increase the volume
D) increase the temperature
6.04—Analyze aqueous solutions and solubility:
 ionic substances
 covalent substances
Remember “like dissolves like”
Glencoe Physical Science: Chapter 22
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_____ 252. When an aqueous solution of sodium chloride is made, the ___ is sodium chloride.
A) solute
B) solvent
C) concentration D) product
_____ 253. A crystal of solute was dropped into a solution and the whole solution
crystallized. The original solution was
A) saturated
B) unsaturated
C) supersaturated
_____ 254. Stirring _____ the rate of dissolving of a solid in a liquid.
A) increases
B) decreases
C) has no effect on
_____ 255. Decreasing temperature ___ the rate of dissolving a gas in a liquid.
A) increases
B) decreases
C) has no effect on
_____ 256. Adding more solute to a solvent ___.
A) increases its freezing point
B) does not affect its boiling point
C) decreases its boiling point
D) decreases its freezing point
_____ 257. The maximum number of grams of solute that will dissolve in 100 g of
solvent at a certain temperature is the ____ of the solute.
A) solubility
B) dilution
C) electrolyte
D) saturated
_____ 258. Any solution that can hold more solute at a given temperature is ____.
A) saturated
B) unsaturated
C) supersaturated
_____ 259. A solution that has 4 g of KCl dissolved in 100 mL of water is ___ compared
to a solution that has 30 g of KCl dissolved in 100 mL of water.
A) dilute
B) concentrated C) saturated
_____ 260. Which of the following is LEAST related to the others?
A) stir
B) grind C) heat
D) hydrate
_____ 261. Increasing the surface area of a solid ____.
A) causes the solid to ionize
B) has no effect on the rate of solution
C) slows the rate of solution
D) speeds the rate of solution
_____ 262. A solution that contains all the solute it can hold at a given temperature is _
A) diluted
B) saturated
C) supersaturated D) unsaturated
_____ 263. A substance that does NOT conduct electricity when it forms a solution is
A) an electrolyte
B) a nonelectrolyte
C) a nonpolar substance
D) a polar substance
_____ 264. In a salt water solution, the salt is the
A) solute
B) solvent
C) dilution
_____ 265. Organic solvents are substances that ____.
A) are usually odorless
B) cannot be absorbed through the skin
C) do not vaporize
D) are found in paints
D) liquid
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_____ 266. A crystal of solute was dropped into a solution and it dissolved. The original solution was
A) saturated
B) unsaturated
C) supersaturated
_____ 267. A polar substance will most likely dissolve in
A) a polar solvent
B) a nonpolar solvent
C) either a polar or nonpolar solvent depending on the temperature
6.05—Assess the indicators of chemical change including:
 development of a gas
 formation of a precipitate
 change in color
Glencoe Physical Science: Chapters 15 & 21
_____ 268. The formation of a precipitate when two solutions are mixed is an example of
A) a chemical change
B) a physical change
C) a chemical property
D) a physical property
_____ 269. What is an insoluble solid that forms as the result of a chemical reaction?
A) a precipitate B) an inhibitor
C) an aqueous
D) a catalyst
_____ 270. A gas is produced when which of the following are combined?
A) AgNO3 and HCl
B) NaHCO3 and NaOH
C) Zinc and HCl
D) Zinc and CuSO4
_____ 271. Three indications that a chemical reaction has occurred are
A) a color change, the production of a gas, the particles of the substances
are smaller
B) a solid melts to a liquid, the particles of a substance become smaller,
and an odor is noted
C) a color change, the production of a gas and the production of an
insoluble solid
D) a precipitate forms, sublimation occurs and the particles dissolve
_____ 272. In all chemical reactions, energy is
A) released
B) absorbed
C) either released or absorbed depending on the reaction
_____ 273. A substance that speeds up a chemical reaction but does not get changed by the reaction is a/an
A) inhibitor
B) catalyst
C) preservative
_____ 274. Substances that speed up chemical reactions in living things and make life reactions take place
at faster speeds and lower temperatures are called
A) inhibitors
B) enzymes
C) preservatives
_____ 275. Substances that prevent a chemical reaction from occurring are called
A) inhibitors
B) enzymes
C) catalysts
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6.06—Compare and contrast the composition of strong and weak solutions of
acids or bases:
 Degree of dissociation or ionization
 Electrical conductivity
 pH
 Strength
 Concentration
Glencoe Physical Science: Chapters 22 & 23
_____276. If a substance produces ___ ions when it is dissolved in water, it is an acid.
A) oxygen
B) hydrogen
C) nitrogen
_____ 277. When an acid is dissolved in water, one of the particles that is produced is
A) H+
B) O 2- C) OHD) N 3_____ 278. Which of the following is an acid?
A) CaCO3
B) H2SO4
D) all of the above
E) only B and C
______ 279. Which kind of acid is found in your car batteries?
A) phosphoric acid
B) hydrochloric acid
C) sulfuric acid
D) nitric acid
_____ 280. Which kind of acid is naturally found in your stomach?
A) phosphoric acid
B) hydrochloric acid
C) sulfuric acid
D) nitric acid
_____ 281. The hydronium ion has the formula ___.
A) OH- B) H3O+
_____ 282. Hydronium ions are formed when ___ are dissolved in water.
A) acids
B) bases C) alcohols
_____ 283. Hydroxide ions are formed when ___ are dissolved in water.
A) acids
B) bases C) alcohols
_____ 284. Organic acids contain the group ___.
C) H3O+
_____ 285. A substance has a slippery feel and conducts electricity. The substance is probably
A) an acid
B) a base
C) a salt D) aqueous
_____ 286. The reaction of an acid and a base is called
A) titration
B) neutralization C) saponification D) pickling
_____ 287. The reaction of an acid and a base always produces
A) sodium chloride
B) water
C) soap
_____ 288. A base that only partly dissociates in an aqueous solution would be described as
A) dilute
B) weak
C) strong
D) concentrated
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_____ 289. What is the difference between a strong acid and a weak acid?
A) a strong acid eats through metal and a weak acid does not
B) a strong acid completely turns to ions in a water solution and a weak acid only
partially turns to ions in a water solution
C) a strong acid is more concentrated than a weak acid
_____ 290. What is the difference between a strong base and a weak base?
A) a strong base dissolves proteins and a weak acid does not
B) a strong base completely turns to ions in a water solution and a weak base only
partially turns to ions in a water solution
C) a strong base is more concentrated than a weak base
_____ 291. The pH of a solution measures the
A) strength of an acid or a base
B) the concentration of hydroxide ions in a solution of an acid or a base
C) the concentration of hydronium ions in a solution of an acid or a base
_____ 292. A solution with a pH of 7 is ___.
A) acidic
B) basic
C) neutral
_____ 293. A solution with a pH of 9 is ___.
A) acidic
B) basic
C) neutral
_____ 294. A solution with a pH of 5 is ___.
A) acidic
B) basic
C) neutral
_____ 295. A solution with a pH of 3 will turn litmus paper __.
A) red
B) blue C) white
_____ 296. A solution with a pH of 11 will turn litmus paper ___.
A) red
B) blue C) white
_____ 297. When an acid is reacted with a base, the products are
A) water and a salt
B) water and titration
C) a detergent and water
_____ 298. The process of determining the concentration of one solution by reacting it
with another solution of known concentration is called
A) saponification
B) neutralization C) titration