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Evolution Study Guide
___________ & ____________ were two ancient philosophers that believed species were fixed & could
be arranged according to their complexity
Prior to Darwin, it was thought that the world was __________ & species did not _______.
The French biologist ____________(1744-1829) was first to state that descent with modification occurs
and that organisms become adapted to their environments.
Lamark’s theory was called the theory of ______________ ________________. It was the Lamarckian
belief that organisms become adapted to their environment during their lifetime and pass on these
adaptations to their offspring. Proved to be TRUE or UNTRUE (circle one).
Lamarck believed that the long necks of giraffes evolved as generations of giraffes reached for ever
higher leaves; known as the Law of ____________ & ___________.
___________ ____________ who is known as the Father of Evolotuion was too sensitive to become a
doctor like his father so he studied divinity where he often attended biology and geology lectures.
In 1831, at the age of 22, Charles Darwin accepted a naturalist position aboard the ship ____________.
He had read Principles of Geology by ____________ _________ that stated that the observed massive
geological changes were caused by slow, continuous processes (erosion, uplifting...)
Darwin's many observations led him to the idea that species __________ change over time.
Darwin's comparison of the animals of South America and the Galapagos Islands caused him to conclude
that adaptation to the environment can cause ____________________, including origin of new species
Examples: Patagonian hares replaced rabbits in the South American grasslands.
The __________________ ___________________ are a series of Volcanic islands off the South
American coast.
Darwin found that the ___________ species varied from the mainland species, and from island-to-island.
Each island had either long or short necked ____________ depending on the island's vegetation.
The _________ (bird) on the Galapagos Islands resembled a mainland species, but there were more types.
Bill shapes are _______________________ to different means of gathering food.
An _________________ is an inherited trait that helps an organism be more suited to its environment.
________________ decided adaptations develop slowly over time.
_______________ ________________ was proposed by Darwin as a driving mechanism of evolution
Darwin read an essay by Thomas Malthus that proposed that human populations outgrow _____________
so there is a constant struggle for existence.
__________________ is a measure of an organism's reproductive success and organisms most fit to
reproduce are selected by the environment which results in adaptation of the population as a whole.
Natural selection is also called "__________________ of the _______________________t".
Conditions for natural selection include:
a. __________________ exist among members of a population
b. Many more individuals are produced each generation than will __________________.
c. Some individuals are better ____________________ so they survive & reproduce
d. Members of a population __________________ for food, space, mates...
________________ that make adaptation possible are those that are passed on generation to generation.
__________________ occurs when previous adaptations are no longer suitable to a changed environment.
Darwin was forced to publish ____________ of ______________(his book) after reading a similar
hypothesis by Alfred Russell Wallace .
Both men concluded that life forms arose by descent from a _____________ _______________, and
that natural selection is the mechanism by which species change and new species arise.
____________________ are relics or impressions of ancient organisms.
Most fossils are found in layers (strata) of ___________________ rock.
Through radioactive dating, geologists estimate the age of the earth at about ______ billion years old..
30. Fossils are at least 10,000 years old and include skeletons, shells, seeds, insects trapped in _________,
imprints of organisms, organisms frozen in ice (wooly mammoth), or trapped in tar pits (saber-toothed
31. Name the period in which each of these events occurred:
a. Humans appeared?
b. Mass extinction of dinosaurs?
c. Land plants appeared?
d. Birds appeared?
e. Fish appeared?
f. Reptiles appeared?
g. Modern mammals appeared?
32. _____________________ is the study of the geographic distribution of life forms on earth.
33. ________________ ________________, such as the location of continents, determine where a
population can spread. Example: Placental mammals arose after Australia separated from the other
continents, so only marsupials diversified in Australia.
34. Organisms have anatomical similarities when they are closely related because of _________________
35. ________________ structures are those found in the diagrams below showing different structures that
are inherited from a common ancestor that all have similar structures with different functions.
Example : Vertebrate forelimbs contain the same sets of bones organized in similar ways, despite
their dissimilar functions.
36. _____________ Structures are remains of a structure that is no longer functional but show common
ancestry. Ex. Humans have a tailbone but no tail
37. _________________ structures are inherited from different ancestors and have come to resemble each
other because they serve a similar function. Example: Bird wing & bat wing are both for flight but
they are structurally different.
38. During development, all vertebrates have a post-anal tail and paired pharyngeal pouches showing
_________________________ evidence (pictures below) that organisms showing similarities in their
embryonic development may also have a common ancestry.
39. Almost all living organisms use the same basic biochemical molecules, e.g., DNA, ATP, enzymes ... Similarities
in ____________ _______________ sequences, _______ codes, etc. can be explained by
descent from a common ancestor.
40. ________________________is any change in the genetic make-up of a species, and involves changes
within a species.
41. There are ___ basic causes of microevolution:
42. In _____________ ____________ there is a random change in small gene pools due to sampling errors
in propagation of alleles, the number of individuals in a population is drastically reduced distorting
the original allelic frequencies.
43. _______ _______ is the movement of alleles into and out of a gene pool. Migration of an organism into
different areas can cause the allelic frequencies of that population to increase.
44. _____________ are changes in the genes of an organism and are an important source of natural selection.
45. ________________________ involves changes such as the origin of a new species or changes at even
higher levels . For example, the origin of birds from reptiles
46. ________________ Evolution is the process by which a single species or a small group of species
evolves into several different forms that live in different ways. For example, in Darwin's finches,
more than a dozen species evolved from a single species
47. The process by which unrelated organisms come to resemble one another is called __________________
Evolution which results in analogous structures. This type of evolution takes place when distantly
related organisms give rise to species.
48. Sometimes organisms that are closely connected to one another by ecological interactions evolve together.
The process by which two species evolve in response to changes in each other over time is called
____evolution. Ex. Hummingbird and bee
49. _________________ ___________________ is a pattern of evolution in which long stable periods are
interrupted by brief periods of more rapid change.
50. _____________ moth is an example of modern evolution-- light colored vs. dark colored (industrialization
influence) Manchester, England . Two other example of modern day evolution is the
____________ resistance to insecticides and ____________________resistance to antibiotics