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Honors A & P - Major Bones and Major Bone Features of the Human Skeleton
Using your textbook, the following tutorial (, as well as the skeleton /
skulls provided identify the location of each of the bones of the axial skeleton as well as the prominent features of those bones
that are listed with each bone. Write down a descriptive phrase or statement that will allow you to identify or recognize the
bone or feature of bone listed.
Axial Skeleton: The 80 bones that form the upright axis of the body; the skull (including the ossicles), hyoid bone,
vertebral column, sternum and ribs.
Cranium: 8 bones that form the floor and case of the skull that protects the brain, some bones also contain
paranasal sinuses that are air filled cavities connected by passageways to the nasal cavity. They reduce the weight
of the skull and act as resonance chambers it increase the intensity of one’s voice.
Frontal bone
Supraorbital Margin (Supraorbital Foramen)
Parietal bones (R/L)
Occipital bone
Foramen Magnum
External Occipital Protuberance
Occipital Condyles
Temporal bones (R/L)
Zygomatic Process (Arch)
Mandibular Fossa
Mastoid Process
Styloid Process
External Auditory Meatus
Ossicles – Malleus, Incus, Stapes
Sphenoid bone
Sella Turcica
Ethmoid Bone
Crista Galli
Cribiform Plate
Facial: consists of 13 immovable bones and 1 movable lower jawbone to form the basic shape of the face
Maxillary bones (R/L)
Alveolar arch
Palatine bones (R/L)
Zygomatic bones (R/L)
Zygomatic Arch
Lacrimal Bones (R/L)
Nasal bones (R/L)
Vomer bone
Inferior nasal conchae (R/L)
Mandible bone
Mandibular Notch
Mandibular Condyle
Coronoid Process
Alveolar arch
Hyoid Bone:
Honors A & P - Major Bones and Major Bone Features of the Human Skeleton
Using your textbook, the following tutorial (, as well as the skeleton /
skulls provided identify the location of each of the bones of the axial skeleton as well as the prominent features of those bones
that are listed with each bone. Write down a descriptive phrase or statement that will allow you to identify or recognize the
bone or feature of bone listed.
Axial Skeleton: The 80 bones that form the upright axis of the body; the skull (including the ossicles), hyoid bone,
vertebral column, sternum and ribs.
Vertebral Column: 26 bones that form the flexible, segmented, s-shaped axis that enclose and protect the spinal
** General Structure of Vertebrae
Vertebral Arch
Spinous Process
Transverse Process
Vertebral Foramen
Intervertebral Foramina
Superior and Inferior Articular Processes
Cervical vertebrae (7)
Axis (Dens)
Transverse Foramina
Thoracic vertebrae (12)
Lumbar vertebrae (5)
Sacrum (1)
Sacral Foramina
Coccyx (1)
Spinal Curvatures (Cervical / Thoracic / Lumbar / Sacral)
Intervertebral Disks
Sternum and Ribs: 25 bones that, with the thoracic vertebrae, form the thorax to
protect the internal organs
Jugular Notch
Clavicular Notch
Xiphoid Process
Ribs (12 pair)
True Ribs (Vertebrosternal) (7)
False Ribs (Vertebrochondral) (5)
Floating Ribs (Vertebral)
Costal Cartilage
Honors A & P - Major Bones and Major Bone Features of the Human Skeleton
Using your textbook, the following tutorial (, as well as the skeleton /
skulls provided identify the location of each of the bones of the axial skeleton as well as the prominent features of those bones
that are listed with each bone. Write down a descriptive phrase or statement that will allow you to identify or recognize the
bone or feature of bone listed.
Appendicular Skeleton: The 126 bones of the upper and lower extremities, including the pectoral and pelvic girdles. The
bones of the appendicular skeleton are attached to the axial skeleton.
Pectoral Girdle: the 4 bones that create the incomplete ring-like structure that forms the shoulders
Clavicle (R/L)
Acromial Extremity
Sternal Extremity
Scapula (R/L)
Acromion Process
Coracoid Process
Glenoid Fossa
Spine of the scapula
Upper Limb: the 60 bones that create the arms and hands of the human body
Humerus (R/L)
Head of the Humerus
Anatomical and Surgical Neck
Medial Epicondyle
Lateral Epicondyle
Olecranon Fossa
Capitulum and Trochlea
Radius (R/L)
Head of the Radius
Radial Tuberosity
Ulna (R/L)
Olecranon Process
Trochlear Notch
Carpals (R/L)(8) – two rows of 4
 Proximal: Medial to Lateral – Pisiform, Triquetrum, Lunate, Schaphoid
 Distal: Medial to Lateral – Hamate, Capitate, Trapezoid, Trapezium
Metacarpals (R/L)(5)
1 through 5
Phalanges (R/L)(14)
Proximal, Medial, and Distal Phalanx
Honors A & P - Major Bones and Major Bone Features of the Human Skeleton
Using your textbook, the following tutorial (, as well as the skeleton /
skulls provided identify the location of each of the bones of the axial skeleton as well as the prominent features of those bones
that are listed with each bone. Write down a descriptive phrase or statement that will allow you to identify or recognize the
bone or feature of bone listed.
Appendicular Skeleton: The 126 bones of the upper and lower extremities, including the pectoral and pelvic girdles. The
bones of the appendicular skeleton are attached to the axial skeleton.
Pelvic Girdle: consists of 2 hip bones (coxal bones or pelvic bones) that articulate with each other anteriorly and
articulate with the sacrum posteriorly
Coxal bones (R/L)
Iliac Crest
Sacroiliac Joint
Ischial Tuberosity
Symphosis Pubis
Lower Limb: the 60 bones that create the legs and feet of the human body
Femur (R/L)
Head and Neck of the Femur
Fovea Capitis
Greater Trochanter
Lesser Trochanter
Patellar Surface
Medial and Lateral Condyles
Patella (R/L)
Tibia (R/L)
Medial and Lateral Condyles
Tibial Tuberosity
Anterior Crest
Medial Malleolus
Fibula (R/L)
Head of the Fibula
Lateral Malleolus
Tarsals (R/L)(7)
Proximal: Medial to Lateral – Navicular, Cuboid
Distal: Medial to Lateral – Medial Cuniform, Intermediate Cuneform, Lateral Cuneform
Metatarsals (R/L)(5)
1 through 5
Phalanges (R/L)(14)
Proximal, Medial, and Distal Phalanx