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Grammar Review
Parts of Speech
Parts of Speech
1. NOUN-a word used to name a person, place. or thing
2. VERB- a word that shows action or state of being
3. CONJUNCTION- a word that connects or joins words or
groups of words
4. INTERJECTION- a word that shows excitement or surprise
5. ADJECTIVE- a word that modifies a noun or pronoun
6. ADVERB- a word that modifies a verb, adjective, or adverb
7. PRONOUN- a word that takes the place of a noun
8. PREPOSITION- a word that begins a phrase which shows a
relationship between its own object and the rest of the sentence
Noun Notes
Forms/Classification of Nouns
1. SINGULAR - refers to one
2. PLURAL - refers to more than one
3. POSSESSIVE - shows ownership
4. COMMON -names general nouns
5. PROPER -names specific nouns
6. CONCRETE -exist physically
7. ABSTRACT-has no physical existence
8. COMPOUND -more than one word
9. COLLECTIVE -a group of individuals
Sentence Notes
We put words together to form sentences.
Parts of a Sentence: Every sentence must have at least two
parts and be a complete thought.
1. SUBJECT- noun or pronoun that the sentence is about
2. VERB- the verb part of the sentence
The Blue Team | won.
The Phillies | beat the Braves.
Kind of Sentences
We can classify sentences by purpose.
1. DECLARATIVE makes a statement
2. INTERROGATIVE asks a question
3. IMPERATIVE commands or requests
4. EXCLAMATORY shows excitement
What a great class this is!
This is easy.
Who’s there?
Sit down.
Kinds of Sentences
We can be also classify sentences by structure.
A SENTENCE is a group of words containing a SUBJECT and a
1. SIMPLE SENTENCE contains one independent (main) clause.
2. COMPOUND SENTENCE contains two or more independent clauses.
3. COMPLEX SENTENCE contains one independent clause and one or
more dependent (subordinate) clauses.
4. COMPOUND-COMPLEX SENTENCE contains two or more
independent clauses and one or more dependent clauses.
1. PERIOD – the end mark for a statement or command,
used with an abbreviation
2. QUESTION MARK –the end mark for a question
3. EXCLAMATION POINT –the end mark showing
4. QUOTATION MARKS –used to enclose words that are
spoken directly and some titles
5. SEMICOLON –used to join pars of a compound
sentence if no coordinating conjunction is used
Punctuation cont.
6. APOSTROPHE – used in possessive nouns and
7. HYPHEN –shows a word break at the end of a line,
used in some compound words and some
compound numbers
8. COLON – used to introduce a list of items or in time
expressed in numerals
9. COMMA – used to separate items in a series and
introductory words
Sentence Errors
1. Fragment- incomplete, part of a sentence
2. Run-on- too much, two or more sentences written
incorrectly as one
To correct a fragment—add more words
To correct a run-on– semicolon (;)
period and a capital letter (.T)
comma and a conjunction (, and)