Inner aspect and telicity
... point, makes the meaning of the VP correspond to a real world phenomenon that we can describe as an event. If none of these two components are involved, the meaning of a VP describes a state. For this reason, many linguists use the terms events and states to refer to the corresponding types of meani ...
... point, makes the meaning of the VP correspond to a real world phenomenon that we can describe as an event. If none of these two components are involved, the meaning of a VP describes a state. For this reason, many linguists use the terms events and states to refer to the corresponding types of meani ...
... Chapter three presents different views held towards the adverbial category, focusing on the work of those who have dealt with this class extensively. It also presents the different classifications given by grammarians concerned with the problem of adverbials. The classification adopted in this study ...
... Chapter three presents different views held towards the adverbial category, focusing on the work of those who have dealt with this class extensively. It also presents the different classifications given by grammarians concerned with the problem of adverbials. The classification adopted in this study ...
my dissertation - Semantics Archive
... construction? And, if pragmatic principles have a role to play, how do they interact with the morphosyntax and the semantics? I answer these questions within an event semantics framework. I show that the construction’s interpretation is determined partly by grammatical factors (e.g., the embedded c ...
... construction? And, if pragmatic principles have a role to play, how do they interact with the morphosyntax and the semantics? I answer these questions within an event semantics framework. I show that the construction’s interpretation is determined partly by grammatical factors (e.g., the embedded c ...
54. Adverbs and adverbials
... The term “adverb” refers to a specific word class or lexical category and therefore contrasts with other word classes, such as nouns, adjectives, verbs, or prepositions. On the one hand, both adverbs and prepositions are uninflected, with adverbs differing from prepositions in having phrasal status. ...
... The term “adverb” refers to a specific word class or lexical category and therefore contrasts with other word classes, such as nouns, adjectives, verbs, or prepositions. On the one hand, both adverbs and prepositions are uninflected, with adverbs differing from prepositions in having phrasal status. ...
Copyright by Ulf Hermjakob 1997 - Information Sciences Institute
... The parsing of unrestricted text, with its enormous lexical and structural ambiguity, still poses a great challenge in natural language processing. The diculties with traditional approaches, which try to master the complexity of parse grammars with hand-crafted rules, have led to a trend towards mo ...
... The parsing of unrestricted text, with its enormous lexical and structural ambiguity, still poses a great challenge in natural language processing. The diculties with traditional approaches, which try to master the complexity of parse grammars with hand-crafted rules, have led to a trend towards mo ...
... Each of our comma rules will have a "buzzword" that we'll use to refer to it. Our first rule is "items in a series." ITEMS IN A SERIES: Use commas in between items in a list or series. These can be individual words or prepositional phrases, but the list should always be made of grammatical equals (a ...
... Each of our comma rules will have a "buzzword" that we'll use to refer to it. Our first rule is "items in a series." ITEMS IN A SERIES: Use commas in between items in a list or series. These can be individual words or prepositional phrases, but the list should always be made of grammatical equals (a ...
Theoretical Approaches to Locative Inversion
... In addition to the linear reversal, locative inversion is often thought of as a process that reverses the grammatical relations of the participants. Evidence for this comes from agreement, as shown by the example above: After reversal, the theme tsîme no longer triggers subject agreement. It is now ...
... In addition to the linear reversal, locative inversion is often thought of as a process that reverses the grammatical relations of the participants. Evidence for this comes from agreement, as shown by the example above: After reversal, the theme tsîme no longer triggers subject agreement. It is now ...
Modes of Scalar Reversal in Japanese
... In (1) the usual ranking of Okinawa relative to Tokyo on the scale of coolness is reversed. The purpose of this paper is to investigate the conventional implicature (CI) and scalar properties of the Japanese adverbs yoppodo and kaette and clarify the modes of ‘reversal’ from the standpoint of the s ...
... In (1) the usual ranking of Okinawa relative to Tokyo on the scale of coolness is reversed. The purpose of this paper is to investigate the conventional implicature (CI) and scalar properties of the Japanese adverbs yoppodo and kaette and clarify the modes of ‘reversal’ from the standpoint of the s ...
An On-line Computational Model of Human Sentence Interpretation
... This dissertation presents a model of the human sentence interpretation process, which attempts to meet criteria of adequacy imposed by the different paradigms of sentence interpretation. These include the need to produce a high-level interpretation, to embed a linguistically motivated grammar, and ...
... This dissertation presents a model of the human sentence interpretation process, which attempts to meet criteria of adequacy imposed by the different paradigms of sentence interpretation. These include the need to produce a high-level interpretation, to embed a linguistically motivated grammar, and ...
An On-Line Computational Model of Human Sentence Interpretation
... idiomatic, and semantic knowledge. CIG thus does not distinguish between the lexicon, the idiom dictionary, the syntactic rule base, and the semantic rule base. Uniformity in processing means that there is no distinction between the lexical analyzer, the parser, and the semantic interpreter. Because ...
... idiomatic, and semantic knowledge. CIG thus does not distinguish between the lexicon, the idiom dictionary, the syntactic rule base, and the semantic rule base. Uniformity in processing means that there is no distinction between the lexical analyzer, the parser, and the semantic interpreter. Because ...
A Study of Word Order Variation in German, with Special Reference
... This work discusses word order in written German at sentence level, and suggests how to deal with word order variation in Machine Translation. It specially refers to modifier placement, as modifiers are generally neglected in linguistic (word order) description. The order of phrases in free word ord ...
... This work discusses word order in written German at sentence level, and suggests how to deal with word order variation in Machine Translation. It specially refers to modifier placement, as modifiers are generally neglected in linguistic (word order) description. The order of phrases in free word ord ...
Construction of grammar from the semantic basis
... rules grammatical devices and devices of lexical formation of sentences as grammatical-semantic structures and as structures of expression. This type of linguistic modelling became widespread approximately from the mid-1960s as an immediate reaction to the formalism of the prior period, usually asso ...
... rules grammatical devices and devices of lexical formation of sentences as grammatical-semantic structures and as structures of expression. This type of linguistic modelling became widespread approximately from the mid-1960s as an immediate reaction to the formalism of the prior period, usually asso ...
On Sinn and Bedeutung - University of Roehampton
... idea of the Moon is in question, would be flatly to misunderstand the sense. If this is what the speaker wanted, he would use the phrase 'my idea of the Moon'. Now we can of course be mistaken in the presupposition, and such mistakes have indeed occurred. But the question whether 32 the presuppositi ...
... idea of the Moon is in question, would be flatly to misunderstand the sense. If this is what the speaker wanted, he would use the phrase 'my idea of the Moon'. Now we can of course be mistaken in the presupposition, and such mistakes have indeed occurred. But the question whether 32 the presuppositi ...
Writing Science in English: Abstract Writing and Common
... “The mean blood pressure was significantly lowered, with a P value of 0.05” “The results of this research will be of great value to all nanotechnology researchers.” ...
... “The mean blood pressure was significantly lowered, with a P value of 0.05” “The results of this research will be of great value to all nanotechnology researchers.” ...
On Sinn and Bedeutung
... but this serves to illuminate only a single aspect of the Bedeutung, supposing it to have one. Comprehensive knowledge of the Bedeutung would require us to be able to say immediately whether any given sense attaches to it. T o such knowledge we never attain. The regular connection between a sign, it ...
... but this serves to illuminate only a single aspect of the Bedeutung, supposing it to have one. Comprehensive knowledge of the Bedeutung would require us to be able to say immediately whether any given sense attaches to it. T o such knowledge we never attain. The regular connection between a sign, it ...
Manhattan Review GMAT Sentence Correction Guide [4th Edition]
... have varying significance based on each school’s grading guidelines, the GMAT scores are based on the same standard for all test takers and they help business schools assess the qualification of an individual against a large pool of applicants with diverse personal and professional backgrounds. The ...
... have varying significance based on each school’s grading guidelines, the GMAT scores are based on the same standard for all test takers and they help business schools assess the qualification of an individual against a large pool of applicants with diverse personal and professional backgrounds. The ...
Tracking Point of View in Narrative
... sort of private state p is. Notice that \attitude" is being used as a general covering term, referring to a class of which the propositional attitudes are only a subclass. We shall limit our scope in this paper mainly to two classes of subjective sentences, one containing those Baneld calls \repres ...
... sort of private state p is. Notice that \attitude" is being used as a general covering term, referring to a class of which the propositional attitudes are only a subclass. We shall limit our scope in this paper mainly to two classes of subjective sentences, one containing those Baneld calls \repres ...
The complete Proceedings of Depling 2011 as a single PDF file
... Ibn Mada was the first grammarian ever to use the term dependency in the grammatical sense that we use it today. He was born in 1119 in Cordoba, studied in Sevilla and Ceuta, and died 1195 in Sevilla. He is known for his only book, Radd: the refutation of grammarians, in which he tackles subjects th ...
... Ibn Mada was the first grammarian ever to use the term dependency in the grammatical sense that we use it today. He was born in 1119 in Cordoba, studied in Sevilla and Ceuta, and died 1195 in Sevilla. He is known for his only book, Radd: the refutation of grammarians, in which he tackles subjects th ...
A Computational Theory of Human Linguistic - TedLab
... This thesis gives a theory of sentence comprehension that attempts to explain a number of linguistic performance effects, including garden-path effects, preferred readings for ambiguous input and processing overload effects. It is hypothesized that the human parser heuristically determines its optio ...
... This thesis gives a theory of sentence comprehension that attempts to explain a number of linguistic performance effects, including garden-path effects, preferred readings for ambiguous input and processing overload effects. It is hypothesized that the human parser heuristically determines its optio ...
The development of a spatial technical writing
... You may print or download ONE copy of this document for the purpose of your own research or study. The University does not authorise you to copy, communicate or otherwise make available electronically to any other person any copyright material contained on this site. You are reminded of the followin ...
... You may print or download ONE copy of this document for the purpose of your own research or study. The University does not authorise you to copy, communicate or otherwise make available electronically to any other person any copyright material contained on this site. You are reminded of the followin ...
Argument Structure: Grammar in Use - UCSB Linguistics
... ered as the domain of language use, the functions most often implemented will play the greatest role, it is claimed, in shaping how grammars come to be as they are. From the speaker's perspective, on the other hand, grammatical structures represent ...
... ered as the domain of language use, the functions most often implemented will play the greatest role, it is claimed, in shaping how grammars come to be as they are. From the speaker's perspective, on the other hand, grammatical structures represent ...
... In the same manner, the input sentence is expressed by a multi-dimensional characteristic vector calculated from the Weighting factors for the query Words and the occurrence frequencies of the query Words. Thereafter, a similarity betWeen each of the documents and the input sentence is calculated fr ...
... In the same manner, the input sentence is expressed by a multi-dimensional characteristic vector calculated from the Weighting factors for the query Words and the occurrence frequencies of the query Words. Thereafter, a similarity betWeen each of the documents and the input sentence is calculated fr ...
Spalding - Colorado River Schools
... categorize nouns ex. boy/John objects receive the action pronouns used as objects receive the action linking verb identify subject pronouns and nouns or adjective linked by form ...
... categorize nouns ex. boy/John objects receive the action pronouns used as objects receive the action linking verb identify subject pronouns and nouns or adjective linked by form ...
Inshallah: Extensive Flouting of Grice`s Maxim of Quality
... The maxim of quality is significant since it can be flouted in several ways. Cutting (2002) presents some of the ways through which the maxim may be flouted including, saying something that obviously does not represent what the speakers think, 3. Literature Review In this section, studies that have ...
... The maxim of quality is significant since it can be flouted in several ways. Cutting (2002) presents some of the ways through which the maxim may be flouted including, saying something that obviously does not represent what the speakers think, 3. Literature Review In this section, studies that have ...
Focus (linguistics)

Focus is a grammatical category that determines which part of the sentence contributes new, non-derivable, or contrastive information.Focus is related to information structure. Contrastive focus specifically refers to the coding of information that is contrary to the presuppositions of the interlocutor.Related terms include Comment and Rheme.