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Lesson Title: Layout of the Heart
Unit Title: Circulatory System
Lesson Purpose/Goal:
Explain the key terms and components of the circulatory system.
Teacher Name: Jones
Time: 45 min
Instructional Objectives: (Students…)
1. Define the circulatory system and its functions.
2. Explain the layout of the heart.
TEKS: 130.7.c (8)(B)
LifeKnowledge Precept: (If Applicable)
Materials/Supplies Needed:
 Projector/PPT with heart diagram
 Notes Page
 Question Slips
 Answer Slips
 Circulatory System Quiz 1
 Modern Livestock and Poultry
Global Contextual Set: (1. Where we have been; 2. Where we are going & why; 3. What we are doing today; 4. How learners should conduct themselves)
1. We just finished up our reproduction unit.
2. Now, we are going to explore even more into the anatomy of livestock, So we can be well rounded in
the industry.
3. Today is going to start our section over the circulatory system.
4. So be ready to take notes, move around, and have fun learning.
Focus/Interest Approach/Anticipatory Set: (Captures attention and focuses students’ thinking through physical/cognitive engagement. Principle – Experience before label.)
 We had chicken fingers for lunch, right? What do fried foods do to your body on the inside? Well they
might make gain a little weight, but what is that thing called when your arm is unmovable, your body
begins to ache, and your heart stops. Heart attack. All of that food begins to clog your arteries and
furthermore hurts your heart. And our arteries and heart are part of our circulatory system.
Lesson Content:
Objective 1: (Define the circulatory system and its functions.)
(Include all content, activities, directions, scripting, etc. below. Use as much space as needed)
So guys if we were going to list all the components of the circulatory system, what
would some of those be?
- Heart, Veins, Capillaries, Arteries, Lymph Vessels, Lymph Glands
Teaching Method: Teacher
Led Discussion
List on the board
And overall all, who can tell us what all of these components work together to
- Supply the body tissues with nourishment and collect waste materials.
What we will do now is list all the functions of the circulatory system.
- Distribution of nutrients
- Transport + Exchange oxygen and carbon dioxide
- Remove Waste Materials
Let students say them, if they
don’t know ask probing
- Distribute Secretions of endocrine glands
- Prevent Excessive Bleeding
- Prevent Infection
- Regulate body temperature
On a scale on 1-10 how important do you all think our circulatory system is?
Checking for Understanding:
 Are there any questions at this time?
Contextual Bridge:
 Well now we will actually get into the key terms and layout of the system.
Objective 2: (Explain the layout of the heart.)
(Include all content, activities, directions, scripting, etc. below. Use as much space as needed)
Heart: is located near the center of the thoracic cavity b/t the lungs and is contained
in the pericardial sac. It is a funnel shaped, hollow, muscular organ that is
responsible for pumping blood to all parts of the body.
Teaching Method: Lecture
Pericardial Sac: Supports heart and contains some fluid for lubrication.
At the base of the heart, it is supported by large arteries and veins.
The heart wall is made up of three layers.
- Epicardium: outer layer; inner layer of epicardial sac
- Endocardium: inner layer; consists of endothelial cells, whish line the heart,
covers the valves, and lines the blood vessels.
- Myocardium: Middle layer; composed of cardiac muscle.
Cardiac muscle is involuntary meaning we donnot control it.
In mammals the heart is divided into a right and left side which is then divided into
an atrium and ventricle. With this being said, the heart is said to have four chambers;
right atrium, right ventricle, left atrium, left ventricle.
Atrioventricular valves: separate the atrium and ventricle on each side of the heart
AV valves have flaps of tissues called leaflets or cusps, which open and close
To ensure that blood only flows in one direction and doesn’t backflow into the
- Tricuspid valve: on right side of heart; has 3 leaflets.
- Bicuspid valve: on left side of the heart; has two leaflets
Pulmonary & Aortic Valve: Prevent blood from back flowing into their respective
- Pulmonary valve: located b/t right ventricle and pulmonary artery.
- Aortic valve: located b/t the left ventricle and aortic artery.
Sinoatrial Node: group of cells that control the beat of the heart by sending out
electrical signals to make it pump.
Checking for Understanding:
 What terms would you like for me to go over again? What questions do you have?
Contextual Bridge:
 Well we have listed the functions, we have gone over the terms, now it is time to get some practice with
these concepts.
Guided Practice:
(Group oriented and teacher supported. Include all activities, directions, and description below.)
(Using the slips of questions and answers in SM’s). On this stack of cutout slips of paper, I have placed
different questions covering the concepts we have talked about today. And on this stack, I have placed
the answers to the questions of that stack. One half of the room is going to get the questions while the
other half of the room is going to get the answers. Once everyone has a slip of paper, you may begin to
move about the room and find either the answer to your question, or the question to your answer. What
questions do you have? When you all find your partners, we will then go over your individual questions
and answers.
Contextual Bridge:
 Does anyone have any questions about the terms, components, and functions of the circulatory system?
Independent Practice: (Individualized and independent activity occurring in the classroom. Include all activities, directions, and description below.)
 Very good guys. I am passing out a quiz that you need to complete and hand to me as you are walking
out the door today. The is an independent activity.
Closure - Global Contextual Set: (1. Where we have been; 2. Where we are going & why; 3. What we will do next; 4. How learners should conduct themselves or what supplies are needed next.)
1. Well today we have covered the functions, components, and layout of the heart and furthermore the
circulatory system.
2. We are gaining a greater understanding of the anatomy of livestock for various future endeavors.
3. Tomorrow we will dig deeper into the circulatory system.
4. So be ready to participate, and have fun learning.
Extension Activity:
Assessment: (What formal method will be utilized to measure students’ knowledge/learning?)
 Students will be tested over the objectives at the end of the unit.
(*Note: All supplemental materials including but not limited to handouts, visuals, worksheets, etc. required for
the lesson is to be included on the following pages. Each should be separated by a page break.)
1. Circulatory System is comprised of:
2. Functions of the circulatory system include:
3. The heart is responsible for:
4. The heart is located:
5. The pericardial sac is responsible for:
6. The three layers that make up the heart wall
7. The Epicadium is which layer of the heart
8. The Endocardium is which layer of the heart
9. The Myocardium is which layer of the heart
10. The heart is comprised of this type of
11. The cardiac muscle is involuntary which
12. Each side of the heart is divided into these
two things:
13. The four chambers of the heart are:
14. The atrioventricular valves separate what
two things:
15. The tricuspid valve is on which side of the
16. The bicuspid valve is on which side of the
17. The pulmonary valve and aortic valve
18. The sinoatrial node is a group of cells that
control what:
Heart, veins, capillaries, arteries, lymph vessels,
and lymph glands.
Distribute nutrients, transport/exchange of
oxygen and carbon dioxide.
Pumping blood to all parts of the body.
Near the center of the thoracic cavity.
Supporting the heart and lubrication.
The Epicardium, Endocardium, and
Cardiac Muscle
You do not control it.
The atrium and ventricle.
The Right atrium, right ventricle, left atrium,
and left ventricle.
Separates the atrium and ventricle on each side
of the heart.
Right Side
Left Side
Prevent blood from back-flowing into their
respective ventricles.
Control the beat of the heart by sending
electrical signals.
The ____________________ system is comprised of the heart, veins, capillaries, arteries, lymph vessels, and
lymph glands, which work together to _____________ the body tissues with ____________________ and
______________ ___________ material. _________________ of the circulatory system:
Distribute _________________
Transport and exchange _____________ and _____________ ______________
Remove ___________ materials
Distribute ___________________ of endocrine glands
Prevent excessive ________________
Prevent _________________
Regulate body ____________________
The ___________ is a funnel-shaped hollow, muscular organ that is responsible for pumping blood to all parts
of the body. The heart is located near the center of the ________________ cavity between the lungs and is
contained in the pericardial sac. The ____________________ sac supports the heart and contains some fluid
for lubrication.
The broad end, or base, of the heart is supported by large ________________ and ___________. The pointed
end, or __________, of the heart is directed toward the abdomen.
The heart __________ is made up of three layers:
___________________ - outer layer of heart wall, which is also the inner layer of the epicardial sac;
____________________ - inner layer that consists of endothelial cells, which line the heart, cover the
heart valves, and line the blood vessels; and
___________________ - middle layer composed of cardiac muscle. The ______________ muscle is an
____________________, striated muscle with fibers that intertwine.
In mammals and birds, the heart is divided into a ___________ and __________ side and each side is divided
into an _____________ and _________________. Therefore, the heart has __________ ________________
(right atrium, right ventricle, left atrium, and left ventricle).
The __________________________ ___________ (AV valves)
separate the atrium and ventricle on
each side of the heart. The AV valves
have flaps of tissues, called leaflets or
___________, which open and close to ensure
that the blood flows only in one direction
and does not backflow into the atriums.
The AV valve on the right side of the heart is called the _________________ valve because it has three leaflets
(cusps). The AV valve on the left side of the heart is called the ________________ valve (or mitral valve)
because it has two leaflets.
The _________________ valve and the _____________ valve prevent blood from back-flowing into their
respective ___________________.
The _________________ ___________ is located between the right
ventricle and the pulmonary artery. The _____________ ___________ is located between the left ventricle and
the aortic artery.
A group of cells called the ___________________ __________ (SA node) control the beat of the heart by
sending out ___________________ signals to make the heart pump.
Circulatory System Quiz 1
1. T / F The circulatory system functions in the transport and exchange of oxygen and carbon dioxide.
2. T / F The heart is made up of five layers.
3. T / F The pericardial sac supports the heart and contains lubrication.
4. T / F Cardiac muscle is voluntary muscle.
5. T / F The Myocardium is the outer layer of the heart.
6. T / F The heart is divided up into four compartments.