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Mrs. Wolodkowicz
Biology 1H
Unit 5 Evolution
Subject: Biology 1H
Approximate Unit Length: 4 Weeks
Unit Developer/Teacher: Susan Wolodkowicz
Curriculum and Assessment Plan
“Know” Assessments: To show this knowledge, the students will be asked to:
 write the definitions for evolution, theory, direct & indirect evidence, fossil,
spontaneous generation, biogenesis, protoplanet hypothesis, coacervates &
vestigial organ
 write the methods of dating fossils
 list examples of indirect & direct evolution
 write the definitions of species & Natural Selection
 write the definitions of gene pool, extinction, genetic drift, gene flow,
homologous & analogous structures, reproductive isolation, biodiversity,
population, embryology, adaptation, hominid, speciation, subspecies, stabilizing
selection, molecular clock, phylogeny, Cladistics, directional selection,
disruptive selection, divergent evolution & convergent evolution
 list & define Darwin’s 4 additional ideas based on the Theory of Evolution
 list traits that distinguish apes from humans
“Do” Assessments: To show this knowledge, the student will be asked to:
 discuss why bacteria demonstrate microevolution
 contrast the terms analogous & homologous structures in a “T” chart
 explain how the story of the Peppered Moth’s demonstrates direct evidence
for evolution
 describe why Lamarck’s theory of evolution is rejected by modern science
 list & define Darwin’s 4 additional ideas based on the Theory of Evolution
 list 7 sources that lead to variations among species
 describe how migration leads to variation
 list 3 reasons why organisms migrate
 define the Hardy-Weinberg Law & why do scientists believe this is an
excellent source of proof for evolution
 define the concepts of geographic & reproductive isolation & how these lead
to the creation of new species
 Name the 5 different hominids (common & scientific) & discuss there
distinguishing characteristics