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Rise of Christendom
1. Who was crowned Holy Roman Emperor on Christmas Day 800 A.D. at Saint
Peter’s Basilica by Pope Leo III?
2. What empire emerged as the first great power in the new Western Christian
3. What did it attempt to recreate?
Rise of Christendom
1. Who was crowned Holy Roman Emperor on Christmas Day 800 A.D. at Saint
Peter’s Basilica by Pope Leo III?
2. What empire emerged as the first great power in the new Western Christian
3. What did it attempt to recreate?
What must be regarded as one of history’s most extraordinary events?
What must be regarded as one of history’s most extraordinary events?
Who controlled almost all of Europe and the Mediterranean world during the time
of Caesar Augustus and his successor, Tiberius?
What was the name of the secret police in the Roman Empire?
Who controlled almost all of Europe and the Mediterranean world during the time
of Caesar Augustus and his successor, Tiberius?
What was the name of the secret police in the Roman Empire?
Who took advantage of the Roman infrastructure in order to spread the message of
What social and political movement finalized its triumph over pagan Rome in 800
A.D.? (caption)
In what year did the Great Fire of Rome break out and destroy much of the city?
Who took advantage of the Roman infrastructure in order to spread the message of
What social and political movement finalized its triumph over pagan Rome in 800
A.D.? (caption)
In what year did the Great Fire of Rome break out and destroy much of the city?
10. Who was said to have fiddled while Rome burned?
10. Who was said to have fiddled while Rome burned?
11. Who was publically blamed for the fire by Emperor Nero?
11. Who was publically blamed for the fire by Emperor Nero?
List three forms of execution that were used against Christians as described by Tacitus:
List three forms of execution that were used against Christians as described by Tacitus:
15. Which two prominent Christian leaders were executed during the reign of Nero?
15. Which two prominent Christian leaders were executed during the reign of Nero?
16. List five emperors whose reigns oversaw outbreaks of persecution against the
16. List five emperors whose reigns oversaw outbreaks of persecution against the
17. What increased in severity as the numbers and influence of Christianity grew?
17. What increased in severity as the numbers and influence of Christianity grew?
18. What event took place in 64 A.D. that led to the first recorded mass persecution of
Christians by the Roman state? (caption)
18. What event took place in 64 A.D. that led to the first recorded mass persecution of
Christians by the Roman state? (caption)
19. Who issued an edict in 250 requiring all Roman citizens to perform a sacrifice to
the emperor?
20. What happened to Christians who refused to worship the Roman emperor?
19. Who issued an edict in 250 requiring all Roman citizens to perform a sacrifice to
the emperor?
20. What happened to Christians who refused to worship the Roman emperor?
21. What cult had become the most potent aspect of Roman paganism?
21. What cult had become the most potent aspect of Roman paganism?
22. Who paid the ultimate price for their beliefs as victims of pagan Rome’s vile
blood sports? (caption)
22. Who paid the ultimate price for their beliefs as victims of pagan Rome’s vile
blood sports? (caption)
23. Which Oriental cult worshiped Sol Invictus and spread far and wide across the
24. List five Roman emperors that were full-blown inductees in the cult of Mithras:
23. Which Oriental cult worshiped Sol Invictus and spread far and wide across the
24. List five Roman emperors that were full-blown inductees in the cult of Mithras:
25. Who became the emperor of Rome in 253 and continued the policy of persecuting
26. Whose ascent to the imperial throne was one of the most calamitous turns in all of
Roman history?
27. Who was the founder of Christianity as well as its first martyr? (caption)
25. Who became the emperor of Rome in 253 and continued the policy of persecuting
26. Whose ascent to the imperial throne was one of the most calamitous turns in all of
Roman history?
27. Who was the founder of Christianity as well as its first martyr? (caption)
28. Which Roman emperor divided the empire in two/four and instituting a Tetrarchy?
28. Which Roman emperor divided the empire in two/four and instituting a Tetrarchy?
29. Which empire would last 1,100 years after the reign of Diocletian?
29. Which empire would last 1,100 years after the reign of Diocletian?
30. What name was given to Diocletian’s policy of Christian persecution?
30. What name was given to Diocletian’s policy of Christian persecution?
31. Which martyr was roasted alive in Valencia?
31. Which martyr was roasted alive in Valencia?
32. Which martyr was shot full of arrows in Rome?
32. Which martyr was shot full of arrows in Rome?
33. Which martyr was rolled down a hill in a barrel full of knives?
33. Which martyr was rolled down a hill in a barrel full of knives?
34. How are many of the martyrs killed during the Great Persecution revered today by
Catholic and Orthodox churches?
35. What edict was issued in 311 by Galerius in an attempt to end the persecutions?
34. How are many of the martyrs killed during the Great Persecution revered today by
Catholic and Orthodox churches?
35. What edict was issued in 311 by Galerius in an attempt to end the persecutions?
36. What edict was issued in 313 by Constantine and Licinius that restored property
taken from Christians?
36. What edict was issued in 313 by Constantine and Licinius that restored property
taken from Christians?
37. Which Roman emperor claimed to have had a vision of a cross on the eve of the
Battle of Milvian Bridge?
List three reforms by Constantine that favored Christians:
37. Which Roman emperor claimed to have had a vision of a cross on the eve of the
Battle of Milvian Bridge?
List three reforms by Constantine that favored Christians:
41. Where did Constantine move the capital of Rome?
41. Where did Constantine move the capital of Rome?
42. What name was given to this new capital?
42. What name was given to this new capital?
43. Which emperor attempted to restore the glories of pre-Christian paganism?
43. Which emperor attempted to restore the glories of pre-Christian paganism?
44. List three challenges the Christian civilization faced in the centuries that followed:
44. List three challenges the Christian civilization faced in the centuries that followed:
45. What civilization had triumphed over the greatest worldly powers?
45. What civilization had triumphed over the greatest worldly powers?
“By the time of Charlemagne’s Christmas coronation, although portions of Europe
remained pagan, especially in the far north and east, it was apparent that
Christian civilization, against all odds, had triumphed over the greatest worldly
powers, and was on the Earth to stay.”
Charles Scaliger
“By the time of Charlemagne’s Christmas coronation, although portions of Europe
remained pagan, especially in the far north and east, it was apparent that
Christian civilization, against all odds, had triumphed over the greatest worldly
powers, and was on the Earth to stay.”
Charles Scaliger