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These nine diseases are covered in the Acute Chest Pain Tutorial.
Angina Symptoms related to reduced oxygen supply to heart muscle
Myocardial Infarction “Heart attack”, interrupted blood supply to a part of the heart
Pericarditis Inflammation of the pericardium (outer sac-like covering of the heart)
Pneumothorax Accumulation of air or gas between the parietal and visceral pleurae
Pulmonary Embolus blockage of the pulmonary artery
Thoracic Aortic Dissection tearing of the intimal layer of the aorta wall
Upper GI chest symptoms related to the gastro intestinal system (esophagus, stomach,
Musculoskeletal non-cardiac chest pain due to fibromyositis (muscle inflammation)
Pneumonia microbial infection of one or both lungs
This list of terms used in the Chest Pain Diagnosis tutorial is provided for your convenience.
The terms are listed in alphabetical order. Feel free to refer to it whenever you need, during the
“measures” (tests) or during the tutorial.
Acute rapid onset, brief, not prolonged, sometimes used to mean “severe”
Angina symptoms related to reduced oxygen supply to heart muscle
Anorexia diminished appetite, aversion to food
Anterior Infarction infarction affecting the front surface of the heart
Aortic Regurgitation backflow of blood through an incompetent aortic valve (of the heart)
Apical relating to the apex of the heart (or other structure)
Apical impulse action potentials conducted by nerve fibers at the apex of the heart
Arrhythmia loss or abnormality of rhythm, in reference to the heart
Atherosclerotic Plaque irregularly distributed fat deposits in large and medium-sized arteries
Biomarker something that is measured to indicate the presence of a particular disease or pathologic process
Bleb acquired lung cyst, usually in the apex (top) of the lung, common cause of pneumothorax
Bradycardia slow heart rate
Breath Sounds sound of breathing, heard using a stethoscope
Cardiac Cycle a complete round of systole and diastole
Cardiac Output the amount of blood ejected/pumped out by the heart in a unit of time
Carotid Pulse pulse obtained by palpating the carotid artery (neck pulse)
Congestive Heart Failure a condition in which the heart cannot supply enough blood to the body’s organs
Contralateral relating to the opposite side
Coronary artery supplying the muscle of the heart
Costochondral Junction where ribs meet cartilage, near the breast bone
Creatine Kinase an enzyme that is released following damage to muscle
Cyanosis bluish skin tone due to insufficient oxygen in the blood
Deep Vein Thrombosis clots formed in the deep veins, usually in the legs
Dermal relating to the skin
Diabetes Mellitus chronic disorder in which carbohydrate utilization is impaired due to a deficiency of insulin
Diaphoresis perspiration, sweating
Diaphragm (of Stethoscope) part of the stethoscope that is pressed to skin
Diastolic/Diastole period of time when the heart is relaxed after contraction; atrial or ventricular diastole
Distal situated away from point of origin or point of reference
Dysphagia difficulty swallowing
Dyspnea difficulty breathing
Edema accumulation of fluid in cells, or between cells
Effusion escape of fluid from blood vessels or lymphatics into an organ or cavity
Electrocardiogram graph of the heart’s action current, measured in voltage over time
Epicardium outer layer of the heart, inner layer of the pericardium
Epigastric upper abdomen
Etiology cause of disease, mode of operation
Expiration breathing out
Extremity arms, legs
Friction Rub sound heard using a stethoscope, made by the rubbing of two surfaces
Gallop abnormal heart sound, involving a third or fourth heart sound (normal: S 1 and S2 only)
Heart sound sound of heart valves opening and closing, heard using a stethoscope
Hematemesis bloody vomit
Hematoma abnormal collection of blood that is confined to a space, tissue, or organ
Hematuria blood in urine
Hemithorax one side of the thorax/chest
Hemodynamic relating to the physical aspects of blood circulation
Hemianesthesia loss of sensation of one vertical half of the body
Hemiplegia paralysis of one vertical half of the body
Hemoptysis coughing up blood
Hyperresonance increased/exaggerated sound upon percussion of an area of the body that can vibrate freely
Hypertension elevated blood pressure
Hypotension low blood pressure
Hypoxemia low blood oxygen
Hypoxia low oxygen in gases, blood, or tissues
Infarction sudden insufficiency of blood supply due to thrombi, pressure, etc.; results in necrosis
Inferior Infarction an infarction affecting the lower surface of the heart
Inflammation the body’s reaction to infection, irritation, or injury; characterized by redness, heat, swelling, pain
Inspiration breathing in
Interscapular relating to a location between the two scapulae (shoulder blades) on the back
Intimal relating to the innermost layer of the wall of blood vessels
Ischemia restriction of blood supply with resultant damage of tissue
Lateral on the side, farther from the midline
Left Atrium chamber of the heart that receives oxygenated blood from the lungs
Left Ventricle chamber of the heart that pumps oxygenated blood to the body
Lumen the space in the interior of a tubular structure (such as an artery)
Mediastinum middle/median portion of the thorax, containing all structures and organs except the lungs
Mitral Regurgitation back flow of blood into the left ventricle due to an incompetent mitral valve
Murmur a soft irregular sound heard by stethoscope, due to turbulent blood flow
Musculoskeletal relating to the muscles or bones of the body
Myalgia muscle pain
Mycocardial Infarction “heart attack,” blood supply to a part of the heart in interrupted
Myocardium/Myocardial muscular tissue of the heart
Neck Vein Distention stretching of neck vein, due to increased blood volume in vein
Necrosis accidental/pathologic death of cells or part of organ, irreversible damage
Neoplastic relating to the abnormal or cancerous growth of cells of a tissue or organ
Nitroglycerin a drug used to treat heart conditions, it works by dilating blood vessels
Non-productive Cough a cough that is dry and void of sputum
Occlusion blockage
Odynophagia painful swallowing
Pallor paleness, usually referring to the skin
Palpation/Palpate/Palpable during physical examination, using hands to feel various areas of the body
Papillary Muscle within the heart, limits movement of tricuspid and mitral valves, resists back flow pressure
Paraplegia paralysis of the lower half of the body
Parietal Pleura layer of pleura forming the outer boundary of the pleural space
Percussion during physical examination, tapping the body surface to determine density of structure below
Perfusion flow of blood to tissue
Pericarditis inflammation of the pericardium (outer sac-like covering of the heart)
Pericardium outer sac-like covering of the heart, double layered with pericardial fluid between layers
Pleural Space area or cavity between the two-layered covering (or pleurae) of the lungs
Pleuritic Chest Pain pain involving the two-layered covering (or pleurae) of the lungs
Pneumothorax presence of air in the pleural space
Posterior Horn (of Spinal Cord) area of the spinal cord that receives sensory information from the body
Posterior Thoracic relating to the posterior portion of the thorax
Postirradiation following exposure to radiation
Precordial/Precordium portion of the body over the heart and lower chest
Prodromal relating to an early symptom of a disease that predicts further development of the disease
Pulmonary relating to the lungs
Pulmonary Embolism blockage of the pulmonary artery or any of its branches by fat, air, tumor cells, etc.
Pulse Pressure the change in blood pressure during contraction of the heart
Radiation (of pain) spreading of pain to other parts of body other than origin
Rales during physical examination, abnormal crackling noises of the lungs heard by stethoscope
Referred Pain pain experienced in an area different from the area of injury
Retrosternal posterior to/behind the sternum
Right Atrium the chamber of the heart that receives deoxygenated (venous) blood from the body
Right Heart Failure a change in the structure and function of the right ventricle
Right Ventricle the chamber of the heart that pumps deoxygenated blood to the lungs
S4 (S1, S2, S3) symbols representing the heart sounds
Serum fluid portion of blood after removing clotting factors and blood cells
Shock a state of inadequate blood flow to vital organs and tissues of the body
Sternal Border the lateral border(s) of the sternum
Sternum breast bone
Stroke Volume the volume of blood ejected by the left ventricle of the heart during one contraction
Substernal deep to or behind the sternum
Supine lying down face up
Syncope loss of consciousness
Systolic/Systole contraction of the heart (especially the ventricles) that drives blood out to lungs and body
Tachycardia increased heart rate
Tachypnea increased breathing rate
Tamponade abnormal fluid collection between the heart and pericardial sac, impedes expansion of heart chambers
Thoracic Aortic Dissection tearing of the wall of the aorta
Thorax upper part of the trunk, between the neck and abdomen, “chest”
Thromboembolism blockage of blood vessel due to a thrombus
Thrombosis clotting within a blood vessel that may or may not result in a blockage, formation of a thrombus
Thrombus/Thrombi blood clot/blood clots
Trapezius muscle of shoulder and back
Tricuspid Regurgitation backflow of blood into the right atrium through an incompetent tricuspid valve
Troponin a protein that plays a key role in muscle contraction
Tuberculous relating to or affected by tuberculosis
Umbilicus belly button
Unilateral on the same side
Uremic toxic condition resulting from kidney failure, presence of urea in the blood
Venous Return deoxygenated blood return to the heart
Ventricle lower chamber of the heart, responsible for pumping blood out of the heart; left or right ventricle
Visceral relating to the hollow organs (heart, lungs, blood vessels, etc.)
Visceral Pleura layer of pleura forming the inner boundary of the pleura space
Wheezes during physical examination, a coarse, whistling sound heard from lungs by a stethoscope
Xiphoid the lowermost point of the sternum or breast bone