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Chapter 14: The Digestive System and Body Metabolism
( ) 1- An assailant stabs a man in the upper abdomen with a
butcher knife. The man's stomach is perforated. The first layer of
tissue in the stomach wall to be cut was the?
a- muscularis mucosa
b- serosa
c- lamina propria
d- submucosa
e- mucosa
( ) 2- A wave of muscular contraction moving from the oropharynx
towards the stomach is termed a[n]?
a- peristalsis
b- segmentation contraction
c- swallowing action
d- antiperistalsis
e- both a and c above are correct
( ) 3- Teeth that bite off pieces of food are the?
a- wisdom teeth
b- bicuspids
c- molars
d- premolars
e- incisors
( ) 4- The glands that frequently become inflamed when one gets the
mumps are called the _______ glands?
a- parotid
b- submandibular
c- sublingual
d- sustentacular
e- both b and c above are correct
( ) 5- The soft palate separates the oral cavity from the?
a- nasopharynx
b- larynx
c- nasal cavities
d- hard palate
e- laryngopharynx
( ) 6- The pyloric sphincter?
a- is located in the jejunum
b- opens to let food into the stomach
c- opens to let food into the duodenum
d- increases the surface area for absorption
e- both a and d above are correct
( ) 7- Chief cells of the gastric glands secrete?
a- mucus
b- HCl
c- pepsinogen
d- trypsin
e- both [a] and [c] above are correct
( ) 8- The cells that secrete hydrochloric acid are the _______ cells?
a- parietal
b- zymogen
c- Kupffer
d- chief
e- mucous neck
( ) 9- The finger-like projections of the small intestinal mucosa,
which are so important in nutrient absorption, are the?
a- rugae
b- plicae circulares
c- lacteals
d- villi
e- Krypts of Lieberkuehn
( ) 10- The terminal portion of the small intestine is the?
a- caecum
b- duodenum
c- ileum
d- jejunum
e- colon
( ) 11- A small blind tube attached to the caecum just below
(inferior) to where the ileum attaches is the?
a- sigmoid colon
b- ascending colo
c- transverse colon
d- appendix
e- rectum
( ) 12- Clusters of lymphoid tissue found in the walls of the ileum
are called?
a- Brunner's glands
b- plicae circulares
c- ileocaecal valve
d- Peyer's patches
e- Krypts of Lieberkuehn
( ) 13- Bile is carried to the duodenum by the?
a- Haustra
b- bile duct
c- cystic duct
d- pancreatic duct
e- common hepatic duct
( ) 14- One of your digestive glands secretes enzymes that are
capable of digesting carbohydrates, lipids and proteins. The gland is
a- parotid gland
b- adrenal gland
c- liver
d- pancreas
e- cardiac gland
( ) 15- A digestive organ that provides a strongly acidic
environment is the?
a- stomach
b- jejunum
c- ileum
d- oral cavity
e- colon
( ) 16- Pepsin initiates the chemical digestion of?
a- proteins
b- lipids into fatty acids and glycerol
c- all hormones
d- complex carbohydrates - such as starches
e- steroids
( ) 17- The stomach lining is protected from the stomach acid by?
a- mucus
b- lipase
c- intrinsic factor
d- gastrin
e- pepsinogen
( ) 18- Gastrin, secreted by the gastric and duodenal mucosa, acts
a- change pepsinogen into pepsin
b- increase the secretions of the gastric glands
c- inhibit the production of hydrochloric acid
d- slow down the muscular contractions of the stomach wall muscles
e- initiate the digestion of lipids
( ) 19- Trypsin acts to break down?
a- maltose
b- polypeptides
c- cellulose
d- cholesterol
e- triglycerides
( ) 20- Fat digestion in adult humans occurs in the?
a- mouth
b- duodenum
c- liver
d- stomach
e- ileum
( ) 21- Which part of the alimentary canal penetrates the
a- pharynx
b- large intestine
c- esophagus
d- stomach
e- small intestine
( ) 22- Which of the following does not contribute to the extensive
surface of the small intestine at which the bulk of chemical digestion
and nearly all food absorption occurs?
a- rugae
b- length and coiling of the tube
c- microvilli
d- villi
e- plicae circulares
( ) 23- These chisel-shaped teeth are adapted for cutting?
a- premolars
b- incisors
c- canines
d- molars
e- bicuspids
( ) 24- What is the main digestive function occurring in the
a- protein digestion
b- emulsification of fats
c- starch digestion
d- fat digestion
e- absorption of the end-products of digestion
( ) 25- Which of the following is not an enzyme contained in
pancreatic juice?
a- lipase
b- trypsin
c- pepsin
d- chymotrypsin
e- amylase
( ) 26- Food in the stomach on its way through the alimentary canal
would next enter the?
a- ascending colon
b- esophagus
c- duodenum
d- ileum
e- Jejunum
( ) 27- Which of the following is NOT a major nutrient (makes up
the bulk of what we eat)?
a- lipids
b- vitamins
c- carbohydrates
d- water
e- proteins
( ) 28- Which of the following is the body's most concentrated
source of energy?
a- protein
b- vitamins
c- glucose
d- fat
e- glycogen
( ) 29- The formation of muscle proteins from food you have eaten is
an example of?
a- peristalsis
b- deglutition
c- anabolism
d- catabolism
e- emulsification
( )30- When cells oxidize amino acids for energy their _______
groups are removed and, ultimately, in the liver, converted to the
waste _______ which is flushed from the body in urine?
a- amine group; creatinine
b- carboxyl group; urea
c- amine group; uric acid
d- carboxyl group; creatine
e- amine group; urea
( ) 31- Which of the following is NOT an important role of the liver?
a- store glycogen
b- excretion of urea
c- produce blood proteins
d- phagocytosis
e- manufacture bile
( ) 32- In general, which of the following is probably the most
important factor involved in determining a person's basal metabolic
rate (BMR)?
a- surface area in relation to body volume
b- emotional state
c- amount of thyroxine produced by the thyroid gland
d- gender of the individual
e- Age of the individual
( )33- This hormone, produced by the duodenum, causes an
increase in the output of bile by the liver and pancreatic juice rich in
bicarbonate ions?
a- gastrin
b- histamine
c- secretin
d- somatostatin
e- cholecystokinin
( ) 34- What substance, produced by gastric glands, is needed for the
absorption of vitamin B12 from the small intestine?
a- pepsinogen
b- hydrochloric acid
c- histamine
d- intrinsic factor
e- gastrin
( ) 35- What organ produces enzymes capable of digesting all of the
major categories of organic compounds?
a- stomach
b- pancreas
c- gall bladder
d- salivary gland
e- liver
( ) 36- Ketosis and acidosis are consequences of the incomplete
oxidation of?
a- carbohydrates
b- proteins
c- glucose
d- starch
e- fats
( ) 37- Which of the following is not one of the four basic layers or
tunics of the wall of the alimentary canal?
a- muscularis externa
b- serosa
c- mucosa
d- mesentery
e- submucosa
( ) 38- Which of the following is not an enzyme associated with
protein digestion?
a- pepsin
b- trypsin
c- chymotrypsin
d- lipase
e- carboxypeptidase
( ) 39- Proteins of plant origin (i.e. beans, corn, rice)?
a- are complete
b- are incomplete
c- contain all of the essential amino acids
d- are the highest quality proteins
e- meet all of the body's requirements for tissue maintenance and growth
( ) 40- Which of the following is NOT characteristic of the large
a- Its longitudinal smooth muscle occurs in three bands
b- It has numerous goblet cell in it mucosa
c- It is relatively large in diameter
d- It has finger-like projections called villi in its mucosa
e- Its wall exhibits pocket-like sacs called haustra
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