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Study Guide – Midterm #1
General Biology 103
Approximate Exam Format:
Approximate Distribution
25 - multiple choice
10 - matching
10 - labeling on diagrams 20@ ½ pt each
10 - dichotomous choices
5 - short answers (including giving examples)
60 % lecture material – see lecture guides
30 % lab related material - including prelabs
10 % readings from text & articles
Suggestions for preparing before the exam:
 Study a little bit every day (20-30 minutes per night) is much better than trying to cram 3-4 hours
the night before the exam. Take frequent breaks from studying.
Complete reading of all chapters and notes first!
Complete the lecture guide questions, which serve as your first round of “study guide” type
Read the chapter review summaries at the back of the chapters (this is a great way to review
especially right before the test).
Examine the labs & quiz preceding the test including the introductory material. Make sure that
you understand all questions and if you missed answering these – then why you missed them?
Items to review:
Scientific method handout
Guppy exercise – exercise to get you thinking about hypothesis building & variables.
Plant specific materials:
 Diagrams used in this unit e.g. parts of a flower, parts of a leaf, whole plant shoots/roots,
parts of a seed, stem cross section, root cross section, flowering plant cycle.
 Review film video guides and/or notes.
 Review monocot vs. dicot table.
Concepts to cover: Note – not all inclusive
Cells: What cell structures are unique to plant cells? Where exactly does photosynthesis occur in
the cell? What are the cell types that make xylem? phloem? What are guard cells?
Tissues: What are the different types of tissues i.e. parenchyma, sclerenchyma, vascular, dermal
etc.? What function do each provide for the plant and could explain where they are found in
plants? What are meristems? (including their types).
Processes: Germination, Fertilization, Meiosis, Mitosis, flow of water into a plant.
Photosynthesis, transpiration, pressure flow hypothesis and cohesion-tension theory. How do
woody plants add girth to their size? Importance of stomata & their respective role. Nutrients.
What factors affect transpiration?
Reproduction: What is the difference between the diploid and haploid state? What is a
sporophyte? A gametophyte? What is meant by Alternation of Generations? What are the
seasonal cycles of plants e.g. annuals, biennials etc and can you give an example of each? Be
able to explain double fertilization. Difference between pollination vs fertilization?
Other concepts: Categories of fruits (know examples), know the pigments that plants use. What is
lignin? Know unique terminology e.g. cotyledons, casparian strip, cambium.
Understand the importance of fruit & seeds, including methods of dispersal.
Types of flowers that attract pollinators. What is perfect vs. imperfect, regular vs. irregular? What
is an inflorescence.