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Mrs. Blennert’s
Study sheet
Reformation and Renaissance
Renaissance and Reformation shaped the modern world into what it is today. It
started in Italy and spread throughout Europe. After the Black Plague and
oppressive regulations of the Middle Ages, Europe woke up to a new way of
appreciating old Greek and Roman ideals and a new way of viewing people.
Renaissance revolutionized art, sciences, politics and many other areas. The wealth
from trade financed countless artists and thinkers. Among those were brilliant men
such as Leonardo da Vinci.
In Germany, Martin Luther forever re-defined the relationship between God and
people. His powerful ideas encouraged the protestant movement which resulted into a split from the Catholic
Christian church. England soon followed suit by Henry VIII declaring himself the head of the church in England.
You should know these
1300’s A.D.
Renaissance begins in
Italian city-states
Italy (Venice, Florence, Rome, Vatican), France, Netherlands, Germany,
1400’s A.D.
spreads North
1503 A.D
1517 A.D .
1524 A.D.
1534 A.D.
Leonardo starts
Luther posts
Henry VIII makes
painting Mona Lisa
95 theses
revolt in
himself the head of
the church in England
Geography Renaissance Movement and Reformation
Locate the following places on your map.
p. 469
Italian Renaissance – (places in Italy)
Related to Northern Renaissance – (places in Northern Europe)
Flanders (now France and Netherlands)
Related to Luther – Germany, Vatican City
Related to Henry III – England
Which mountain range separates the Italian
city-states from the rest of Europe?
Which sea surrounds Italy?
Which ocean is England (now United
Kingdom) surrounded by?
Which two countries are called Flanders?
Alps Mountains (same place where Otzi was found)
Mediterranean Sea
Atlantic Ocean
France + Netherlands
Martin Luther and Reformation
Pages 489-490
Martin Luther vs. Martin Luther King, Jr.
Martin Luther 1483-1546, German, white, monk, married a nun, disliked
Church practices, posted complaints on a church door, wanted to purify
the Catholic church, complained non-violently, unintentionally caused the
peasant revolt and a major split from the Catholic church, died naturally
Martin Luther King, Jr. 1929 - 1968, African-American, not related to
Martin Luther genetically, disliked the way people of color were treated,
organized non-violent protests, famous for “I have a dream” speech,
How did Martin Luther express his
What are these complaints called?
What were some of his main complaints?
Which invention helped Luther spread ideas?
What was the response to Luther’s ideas?
How does torture fit with this?
A list of 95 complaints about the Catholic Church at that time on a paper
which he posted on a church door
The 95 theses
Vatican (the headquarters of the Catholic church) had too much money,
the church was managing every aspect of human life, too many churchcreated steps to go to heaven, nepotism, torture and cruel practices. He
felt there should be a direct relationship with God
The printing press.
His ideas spread very fast. Church first ignored him, then realized his
power and excommunicated him. Luther was supported by many
peasants, lords and princes in Germany. The Catholic church refused to
change at that time. Peasants started a revolt which Luther did not intend
to happen. Princes supporting Luther’s ideas started a war with princes
supporting the Pope. This started the protestant religions, which was also
not what Luther intended.
At this time, torture was readily used. The church could use methods that
did not draw blood (burning, drowning). The civil courts could use all
other methods. If a person was excommunicated from the church, their
case could be handled by the civil courts. All of this was very intimidating,
so people generally didn’t talk against the Church. This was one of the
practices strongly criticized by Martin Luther.
What does the word Renaissance mean?
Could any rebirth of ideas be called that?
Why is the time period between 1300’s and
1600’s called Renaissance?
Are modern Renaissance fairs referring to the
Historical time period Renaissance?
What were the main causes of Renaissance?
Pages 471-473
Re +Naissance= rebirth
This was the most significant time period in human history where the old
Greek and Roman ideals about art and learning were used to shape the
No. They refer to the “rebirth” of Middle Ages. People role-play castle
and knight competition scenes. Historically, Renaissance (we are learning
about) follows the Middle Ages.
End of the Middle Ages, no more Black Plague AND crusades, travel, trade
How long did the High Renaissance last?
How long did the Renaissance-influenced
period last?
Which super famous family sponsored art
during Renaissance?
How was art viewed during Renaissance?
40 or so years (Leonardo da Vinci and other super-famous artists)
300 years. 1300’s-1600’s Starting in the city-states of Italy and spreading
to Northern countries like France and Germany.
Medici Family in Florence. Sponsors of art projects are called patrons.
Artists were viewed as regular workers until Leonardo da Vinci. Art
became a way to show off personal wealth.
Which 5 characteristics were typical of
Renaissance art?
Space – perspective, the hallway example, 3D
Realism - human looking people, natural posture, 3D, nude is fine
Individualism - unique characteristics of individual humans
Religious Influence - some religious themes, with an emphasis on the
Classical Expression - influenced by classical art of Greece and Rome
Leonardo da Vinci
Page 475, 478, Mrs. B.’s Power Point, movie about his lost painting, move “Leonardo’s Dream Machines”
Who was Leonardo da Vinci?
He was a - painter, sculptor, architect, musician, mathematician, engineer,
inventor, anatomist, geologist, cartographer, botanist, and writer.
What does it mean to be a Renaissance Man?
How many of his paintings survive ?
What did Leonardo da Vinci invent?
Which are Leonardo da Vinci’s most famous
What are some of Leonardo’s less famous
Did he feel successful?
Why was Renaissance important?
To be a “universal man” – creating art, dancing, singing, playing music,
writing poetry, ride horses skillfully, wrestle, be good with a sword.
Leonardo was all of these and more. He was more than the ideal man at
his time period – Renaissance.
15 confirmed ones and his notebooks of sketches
Technical drawing. Not the inventions he is credited with. Those were his
studies of trying to understand how things work.
Mona Lisa, Last Supper, Vitruvian Man
He was a vegetarian, perhaps a homosexual (not confirmed since he kept
his personal life very private), a procrastinator, liked to experiment with
new techniques, used the scientific method do learn about things
Most likely not. After experiencing a stroke in his 60’s, he realized that he
could not complete all of the projects he had started.
It was the time in history when many of the ideas we have today were
born. One such idea is humanism – a movement focused on human
potential and achievements (the reason why 1st grade teachers praise the
individual successes of each student and why they look for their potential)
Art and Artists during Renaissance
pp. 474-479
Just like visual art, music also started to become more secular. Variations
in melody, additional instruments and vocals were introduced in music.
The instruments of Renaissance (harpsichord, sackbut) gave rise to the
instruments used in modern days.
What happened with dance at the time of
Men and women of upper economic class were instructed in dance.
Dancing was viewed as an important part of courting a mate. Dancing was
very secular in nature (jumps, kisses in the air).
Who were the famous writers then?
Castiglione “The Courtier” (how to impress a mate), Machiavelli “The
Prince” (how to be a smart ruler)
Leonardo da Vinci 1452-1519 , Italian Renaissance
What happened with music at the time of
Andrea Mantegna, 1431-1506, Italian Renaissance
Michelangelo Buonarroti, 1475-1564, Italian Renaissance
Raphael Sanzio, 1483-1520, Italian Renaissance
page 479- a bigger picture
Northern Renaissance Artists from Germany, England and Flanders (France and Netherlands)