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Cartoon Guide to Genetics
DNA, RNA, Protein Synthesis
1. What did Beadle and Tatum discover?
2. What is the metabolic role of a gene?
3. What type of bacteria did Griffith work with?
4. What did Griffith find inside the mice after they died from the heat-killed bacteria and live mutant
5. What survived the boiling?
6. What did Avery declare was the genetic material?
7. List the three parts of DNA.
8. What are the four bases of DNA and their abbreviations?
9.What are the two things Chargaff discover about DNA?
10.What was Rosalind Franklin able to show about DNA from x-rays?
11. Who finally cracked the DNA puzzle?
12. What bases pair together?
13. What holds the base pairs together?
14. What shape is the DNA molecule?
15. State the Principle of Complementarity.
16. What is replication?
17. Where does replication start on the DNA strand?
18. How do the free nucleotides know where to attach?
19. What are the functions of the two enzymes used to replicate DNA?
20. What is the second main function of a gene?
21. What are proteins made of?
22. What may the sequence of the base pairs be thought of?
23. What are the 3 pieces of molecular machinery needed to make a protein?
24. How is RNA different from DNA?
25. The base Uracil compliments what other base? What base does it replace?
26. What is transcription?
27. What is the RNA made by transcription called?
28. What are the "words" of the message in the m-RNA composed of? What are the words called?
29. How did Marshall Nirenberg begin cracking the genetic code?
30. Who are the actual translators of the genetic code?
31. What is the anti-codon and where is it located?
32. What is the tail of t-RNA used for?
33. Ribosome have what type of RNA?
34. What does the ribosome bind to?
35. What is the 1st "word" of every message?
36. How do the 2 AA's bond?
37. What happens to the empty t-RNA?
38. How does the stop codon stop the process?
39. How does the protein detach from the ribosome?
40. List the process of protein synthesis from the start to finish. (Three major steps, name them)
DNA Song
(Sing to the tune of Row, Row, Row Your Boat)
We love DNA
made of nucleotides
sugar, phosphate, and a base
bonded down one side.
Adenine and thymine
make a lovely pair
cytosine without guanine
would feel very bare.
different sets of genes
look inside the nucleus
for instructions to make proteins.
We love DNA
it’s the code of life
and the genetic makeup of
all you have in side.