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Earth Science Chapter 6: Forces in Earth’s Crust
Answer the following questions. Circle the choice that best answers or completes the
question. Remember to read all choices before making a decision. Answers that cannot
be read will be counted as incorrect.
1. A force that acts on a rock to change its shape or volume is called a _____________.
a. stress
b. destructive force
c. metamorphic change
d. all of the above
2. The stress force called ______________ pulls on the crust, stretching rock so that it
becomes thinner in the middle.
a. compression
b. tension
c. shearing
d. none of the above
3. Where do most faults occur?
a. along plate boundaries
c. in the middle of a continent
b. in the middle of the ocean
c. in California
4. In a ________________, the fault is at an angle, so one block of rock lies above the
fault while the other one lies below the fault.
a. shearing fault
b. normal fault
c. abnormal fault
c. tension fault
5. In a ________________, the rocks on either side of the fault slip past each other
sideways, with little up or down motion.
a. normal fault
b. reverse fault
c. strike-slip fault
c. abnormal fault
6. A fold in rock that bends upward into an arch is a(n) __________________.
a. golden arches
b. syncline
c. taco wrap
d. anticline
Earth Science Chapter 5: Earthquakes and Seismic Waves
Answer the following questions. Answers that cannot be read will be counted as
1. What do seismic waves carry? _____________________________________________
2. What are the three categories of seismic waves?
3. Fill in the table below.
The Mercalli Scale
A rating of an earthquake’s magnitude based on size o the
earthquake’s seismic waves
The Moment Magnitude
Earth Science Chapter 6: Monitoring Earthquakes
Insert the correct word(s) into the blank in order to complete the statement. Answers that
cannot be read will be counted as incorrect.
1. The pattern of the lines created by a seismograph is called a _____________________.
2. To monitor faults, geologists have developed instruments to measure changes in
__________________, tilting of the __________________________, and
________________________________________ along faults.
3. An instrument that measure tilting or raising of the ground is called a
4. A device that uses a laser beam to detect horizontal fault movements is called a
5. _____________________ is the force that opposes the motion of one surface as it
moves across another surface
6. Even with the data from many sources, geologists ________________ predict when
and where a quake will strike
Earth Science Chapter 6: Earthquake Safety
Answer the following questions. Answers that cannot be read will be counted as
1. What are the four types of earthquake damage that your book lists?
2. Define one of those types of damage and describe how you would take steps to reduce
the risk and increase your safety.
Definition _______________________________________________________________
Be safe _________________________________________________________________
Earth Science Chapter 6: Study Guide
Section 1
 Definitions
Normal Fault
Strike-slip Fault
Hanging Wall
Reverse Fault
 Know the three kinds of stress, what happens to the rocks under that stress and at
what plate boundary they usually occur
 Know the three kinds of faults, what kind of stress occurs at the fault, what
happens to the rocks at that fault and at what plate boundary they usually occur
 Know what folds are and what their structure is
 Know what fault-block mountains are and be able to describe how they are
 Know what a plateau is and be able to describe how it can form
Section 2
 Definitions
Mercalli Scale
Richter Scale
P Wave
S Wave
Moment Magnitude Scale
Surface Wave
 Know what causes earthquakes
 Know where earthquakes begin
 Know what seismic waves are
 Know the three main categories of seismic waves, where they originate from,
what damage they can do, and the speeds at which they travel
 Know what “P” and “S” stand for in P waves and S waves, respectively
 Know the three commonly used methods of measuring earthquakes, what each
measures and how it measures things
 Know what magnitude tells a geologist and what effects increase with magnitude
 Know how a geologist calculates the epicenter of an earthquake
Section 3
 Definitions
 Be able to describe how a seismograph works
 Be able to differentiate the S, P and surface waves on a seismogram
 Know the four types of instruments that monitor faults, what they measure, how
they are constructed (if applicable) and how they work
 Be able to describe how faults are detected using seismographs and seismic waves
Know the relationship between the amount of friction at a fault and the likelihood
of an earthquake
Know if earthquakes can be predicted
Be able to describe some of the problems associated with predicting earthquakes
Section 4
 Definitions
Base-isolated Building
 Know how geologists can determine earthquake risk
 Know where the risk of earthquakes is highest in the United States and why
 Know where the risk of earthquakes is lowest in the United States and why
 Be able to describe why the eastern United States has experienced some of the
most powerful quakes in the nation’s history
 Know the four types of earthquake damage, how they occur and what damage
they can produce
 Know what the main danger from earthquakes is
 Know what the best way is to protect yourself from an earthquake
 Know what causes more earthquake-related death and injuries
 Know what is being done to reduce earthquake-related damage
 Be able to list at least two ways in which construction of buildings and highways
have been modified to reduce the amount of earthquake-related damage
Seismic-Safe Buildings page 192-193
 Be able to describe some of the features in a building that reduce earthquake
damage, strengthen the building or allow the building to move or shield the
building from the seismic waves
 Be able to describe how these features work
 Know what some of the disadvantages of these features are