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The Renaissance
Chapter 15, Sections 1 and 2
PowerPoint Notes
Middle Ages
Ancient Times
Modern Era
I. What is the Renaissance?
A. A widespread change in _____________ that took place in _____________
beginning in the _____________.
B. Began in _____________ and spread from there.
C. A French word meaning “_____________” or “revival”.
D. Beginning of the “_____________” on the timeline.
II. Why did it Begin?
A. Location
 _____________ was in the center
of the Mediterranean Sea (trade
 Central to much of
_____________ including Greece,
Rome and Constantinople.
B. Trade
 _____________ were traded along
with goods.
 Trade brought _____________.
C. Competition
 Different areas (city-states) each
wanted to be the most
_____________ and
III. The Renaissance and the Church
A. The _____________ was still strong in Italy.
B. The church had beliefs and did not want to _____________.
C. The church did not want people to believe in new _____________ (like astronomy).
D. The Churches beliefs were around for _____________ years, largely without much
E. Many scientists were forced to keep their beliefs _____________, or suffer
punishment by the church.
IV. Renewed Interests
A. Humanism
 An interest in the _____________.
 The philosophy of life, man’s appreciation of _____________ & the life on earth.
B. Literature
 Revival in _____________ and Roman Classics (antiquity = ancient).
C. Science
 Man looking past the _____________ for answers.
D. Art
 Style and subject of art changed to reflect humanism and _____________.
V. Renaissance Humanism
A. Philosophy of the Renaissance that focused on humanity & life on _____________.
B. Humanism also stressed the talents of each _____________.
C. Humanism had a huge impact on the _____________.
D. Humanism stressed living fuller _____________ in this world & not to worry about
the _____________.
E. Life at this time was seen as a stopping point before one went to the _____________.
F. Humanism asks _____________ to live life to its fullest.
G. Humanists stressed that there are things other than _____________ important in
life, but that you can still be a good _____________ and a _____________.
H. Humanism was a _____________ (non-religious) movement.
VI. Renaissance Literature
A. Francesco Petrarch (1304-1374)
 “Father of humanism”.
 Great Italian _____________ —wrote many Sonnets.
 Talks about earthy love & physical beauty rather then the glory of
B. St. Thomas More (1478-1535)
 Author of Utopia.
 He wrote about what the _____________ world should be like by indirectly
criticizing his world.
 “Utopia” means perfect _____________.
 The book actually pointed out _____________ in society.
C. Desiderius Erasmus (1466-1536)
 Author of In Praise of Folly- satire, making fun of superstitions of the
_____________ and Christians.
 Was a Roman Catholic Priest!!
D. Francois Rabelais (1483-1553)
 French writer of Gargantua and Pantagruel.
 Attacked critics of (people who didn’t like) _____________.
 Writings were often in the form of _____________.
E. William Shakespeare (1564-1616)
 English _____________.
 Wrote 37 plays.
 Acted before writing plays.
 Also wrote _____________.
 Borrowed ideas from ancient Greeks and
 Interested in the _____________ character.
 Famous Works: Romeo and Juliet, A Midsummer Night’s
Dream, Hamlet, Othello, The Taming of the Shrew.
VII. Renaissance Inventions
A. Printing Press or Movable Type
 Invented in 1454 by __________________________
 Individual _____________ and _____________ that can be arranged and
rearranged quickly.
 Increased the _____________ of materials.
 Decreased copying errors.
 Reduced the costs of _____________.
 Made it possible for more people to learn to _____________.
 The printing press had a major impact on the spread of the Renaissance because
it made the spread of _____________ easier and less _____________.
B. Gunpowder
 Probably brought from _____________.
 Meant the end of the _____________ castle.
 Increased the ability of the _____________ to wage war against feudal lords.
C. Compass
 Brought from _____________ through Spain.
 Geographical knowledge gained from Arab cartographers.
 Made the discovery of the _____________ during the 1500’s possible.
VIII. Renaissance Science
A. Before the Renaissance
 Ptolemy was an ancient Greek astronomer that believed the _____________ was
the center if the _____________.
 He said the sun, stars, & planets traveled around the _____________.
 People did not conduct _____________ or question traditional beliefs.
 These ideas were accepted for more then _____________ years.
 The Catholic _____________ then used religion to justify Ptolemy. They said
_____________ made the Universe with the _____________ in the middle.
B. During The Renaissance
 Thinking changed in the _____________ and _____________ as people began to
doubt old knowledge.
 The desire for the truth led to careful research, experimentation, and the
important new _____________.
 These truths led to our understanding of the _____________, nature, and man
C. The Scientific Revolution
 A movement brought about by man’s desire for new _____________ & a better
way of doing things.
 Previously, man had accepted as truth the teachings of the _____________ as
 Also accepted the writings of ancient scholars like _____________.
IX. Renaissance Scientists
A. Nicholas Copernicus (1473-1543) of Poland
 Copernicus disputed the _____________ theory.
 He said the _____________ revolved around the _____________.
B. Johannes Kepler (1571-1630) of Germany
 Kepler carried Copernicus’ theory further & discovered that the _____________
orbit the _____________ in an _____________ rather than circular.
 Discovered the Laws of Planetary Motion.
C. Galileo Galilei (1564-1642) of Italy
 In 1609, _____________ built one of the first _____________, and confirmed
the Copernican theory.
 Galileo’s work threatened existing _____________ teachings, & he was forced to
_____________ by the Catholic Church.
D. Isaac Newton (1642-1727) of England
Laws of Motion:
 Are the same for the _____________ & all other parts of the _____________.
Law of Gravity
 Causes _____________ to fall to the earth.
 Gravity also causes _____________ to revolve around the _____________
instead of flying off into space.
Law of Inertia
 An object will remain in the same place until a _____________ causes it to move.
 A moving _____________ will continue to move until a force causes it to stop.
X. The Solar System
A. Ptolemy/Church Solar System B. Kepler/Copernicus/Galileo Solar
Earth at Center
System - Sun at Center (Heliocentric)
XI. Renaissance Art - Differences between Renaissance and Medieval Art:
A. Medieval Art
 Figures _____________ and unstylish.
 Lacked _____________ & dealt with Religion (Blank Expression).
 Stained Glass.
 Statute Columns.
B. Renaissance Art
 Colors used better, made it look _____________.
 Showed the _____________ in the face.
 Introduced 3-D perspective.
 Light and shading.
XII. Renaissance Artists - Donatello
A. First great _____________ - David :
- First actual real size nude person since antiquity (ancient times).
XIII. Renaissance Artists - Michelangelo
A. Great sculptor - La Pieta and David (17ft tall)
B. _____________ - Ceiling of the Sistine Chapel and The Last
C. _____________ - St. Peter’s Cathedral in Rome.
XIV. Renaissance Artists - Raphael
A. Portraits of:
 Wealthy Merchants
 Leo X
 _____________ (Mary)
 School of Athens
XV. Renaissance Artists - Albrecht Durer
A. German artist, influenced by _____________ art.
B. Best known for woodcarvings, _____________ and paintings.
XVI. The Renaissance Man - Leonardo da Vinci
 Known as a “Renaissance Man” because he excelled at _____________!
 Famous _____________ include: “The Mona Lisa” and “The Last Supper”.
 Left-handed at a time when being left handed was considered “_____________”.
 He was also an _____________, artist, and scientist:
 In his notebooks (called a _____________) you could find sketches of human
anatomy, architecture, and elements of mechanics like cars
and tanks.
 Many of his works were not _____________.
A. Leonardo da Vinci - The Mona Lisa
 The Woman in the picture is considered to be Lisa del
Giocondo, a woman from Florence, _____________. She
was married to a wealthy silk merchant who
commissioned her to be painted by da Vinci.
 Some people believe da Vinci based the painting on
 The painting now hangs in the Louvre Museum in Paris, _____________ where
its estimated value is $670 million.
B. Leonardo da Vinci - The Last Supper
 Located in a monastery in Milan, _____________.
 Represents the reactions of Jesus' disciples after he announces one of them will
_____________ him, ultimately leading to his being _____________.
 Many believe different conspiracy theories involving the painting. A common
theme in the painting is 3’s or _____________. Some believe this to represent the
Holy Trinity (The Father, Son and Holy Ghost).
C. Leonardo da Vinci - Anatomy
 Most famous anatomical sketch = The Vitruvian Man.
 Others include a _____________, The Babe in the Womb, and a
human arm.
D. Leonardo da Vinci - Inventions
 Many of da Vinci’s inventions involved _____________.
 Many were _____________ machines.
 Most were impossible to build at the time, and were