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BIOLOGY 160 Lecture OBJECTIVES Assessment 5
At the end of this unit the student should be able to:
1. Describe the historical positions advanced to explain human similarities
and differences.
2. Define and explain the process of evolution.
3. Describe and explain the theory of natural selection.
4. Give Darwin’s contribution to science and the significance of Darwin’s
theory of evolution and be able to differentiate Darwin’s theory from
5. Give all evidence of evolution.
6. Be able to give some specific examples of natural selection in action.
Know about adaptability.
7. Explain the importance of evolution to populations.
8. Define population genetics.
9. Give sources of genetic variation and explain how they contribute to
10. Explain gene frequency and genotype ratios.
11. What is meant by gene pool?
12. Know when the Hardy-Weinberg law fails and why.
13. Explain genetic drift.
14. Explain the bottle neck effect and the founder effect and how they
change and modify populations.
15. Explain gene flow and how it contributes to evolutionary change.
16. How do mutations affect evolutionary change.
17. Give several outcomes of natural selection including diversifying,
directionality and stabilizing changes.
20. Know the definition of "species"-A group of organisms that are capable
of interbreeding. Know the role of DNA in evolution
21. What are the differences between the Darwin-Wallace Theory of evolution
as compared to the Lamarckian notion of the inheritance of acquired
22. How did Lamarck use the giraffe to explain the inheritance of acquired
23. What is a homology and what do they have to do with evolution and
comparative anatomy? Ex. the wing of a bat and the arm of a human. Gill
slits in reptile and bird embryos. Be able to define analogous & homologous
structures and give examples.
24. What is a vestigial organ and what it its significance to evolution.
25. How does the fossil record support the theory of evolution.
26. What is the role of natural selection in the process of evolution?
27. Be able to describe and give examples of the three outcomes of