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Rome and Vatican in a day Private Tour
Price: €99.00
Rating: 5 out of 5
Product Categories: Adventures & Day Trips, Ancient Rome, Attractions, day trips, Navona
Square, Open Air Attractions, PRIVATE TOURS, Rome, Shore Exc, Vatican, Vatican Museums
Product Tags: Private Vatican and Colosseum tour, rome in a day, rome in one day, Rome
private tour, Rome tours, Vatican tour
Product Page:
Product Summary
Enjoy a wonderful Rome in a day experience and choose how to manage your tours. Take these
private tours, you won't miss anything: this combination allows to see the Vatican City, the
Colosseum and the remains of the ancient city, the enchanting views of numerous world famous
buildings, renaissance and medieval artworks. Our tour guides will enrich your experience by
telling the extravagant lives of romans, medieval legends and traditions that are still alive and
celebrated by all of Rome. Each tour lasts 3 hours. Undergrounds are shared with other people, we
don't guarantee the availability and language, please check before book the tour.
Product Description
Available Languages & Description
The Colosseum and the best of Rome (City Centre, Pantheon, Navona Square) Walk into the shoes of the
famous gladiators, Commodus and Spartacus, and prominent leaders, Julius Caesar and Augustus, in this first 3
hour skip the line tour. Place yourself in the centre of a large arena with over 60,000 chanting spectators ready
to watch you in all your glory – welcome to the Colosseum. This iconic symbol of Imperial Rome was used for
gladiatorial contests and public spectacles such as mock sea battles, animal hunts, executions, re-enactments of
famous battles, and dramas based on classical mythology. Built nearly 2,000 years ago, the Colosseum is one of
the must-sees in the city, and Once in Rome is determined to reveal the last remaining secrets of this monumental
piece of architecture, one of the New 7 Wonders of the World. After reliving the accounts of a gladiator, walk
among great rulers as you make your way to the Roman Forum. Julius Caesar, Augustus and Marc Anthony are
only a taste of many famous people who stood at this ground. Visit the Senate House, the place where Julius
Caesar's ashes were buried, and where Marc Anthony held his renowned speech directed to “Friends, Romans,
Countrymen”, calling out the assassins of Caesar. Next, you will walk along the Imperial Fora, a series of public
squares constructed between 46 B.C. and 113 A.D, getting to Venice Square that still celebrates the Unification
of Italy with its imposing national monument, the Vittoriano. In the same square you will recognize the famous
balcony from which Mussolini spoke to his people before and during the Second World War. Continuing, you
will discover that the current city was built on the ruins of the ancient one. With you local guide you will stop in
Torre di Largo Argentina to meditate on the place where Julius Caesar was assassinated. From here move to
Piazza della Rotonda where you will find in front of you one of the most beautiful and best preserved building
from ancient times, the Pantheon. It's story begins nearly 2000 years ago when Agrippa, faithful friend of
Augustus had a temple which was dedicated to all gods in the heaven. In those days it looked very different. It
was Hadrian who rebuilt the Pantheon as you see it now. Near by this huge structure there is one of the most
famous Gelaterias and Café, so what better way to enjoy an ice cream or a lovely espresso! Finish the tour in
Navona Square, one of the most elegant squares in the world, the symbol of the roman baroque. See what a
strange, long, narrow shape it is. Well, the square traces the same lines of the ancient stadium built by the
emperor Domitian. So the buildings you can admire along its sides have their foundations on top of the
spectators' steps around the stadium and the surface of the square itself on top of the arena where romans held
the athletics games. The Vatican Museums with Sistine Chapel and St. Peter's Basilica A visit to a museum
is also an adventure and a game. This is a special tour with curiosities, legends and games. You will discover
many things while having fun, such as that when you enter the Vatican Museums, you're entering the Vatican
City State. It's the smallest but probably the most famous city state in the world. In centuries gone by, the popes
governed a state which was spread over a much wider area, but it ceased to exist in 1870 when italian troops
entered Rome. Like all independent states the Vatican City has its own coins, stamps, radio station, but it also
has its own laws, together with police force and law court to enforce them. The Head of the state is the Pope, at
the moment Francesco I, who is chosen from among cardinals the world over. The personal guards of the Pope
are the famous Swiss Guards, you will see them in front of the main entrances of the Vatican. The private
collection of the pope is packed of artworks: ancient statues from Egypt, Greece and Rome, sarcophaguses,
busts, frescoes and tapestries, but also painting made in any period of the history. Thanks to his collection
historians could write the history of humanity. You mustn't miss the Sistine Chapel which was frescoed by
Michelangelo. Follow your tour guide into St Peter's basilica. This church is rich in works of art and monuments.
Here are some of them that you can't miss: the Canopy by Bernini, the bronze statue of St. Peter, the Pietà by
Michelangelo. Leave the church and look at the center where there is the obelisk brought from Egypt. At the end
turn around St Peter Square to enjoy the magnificent colonnade by Bernini, it seems almost to wrap you in an
Rome in a day Private Tour can also include Limo, please check the Options in the tour booker calculator.
Private Vatican and Colosseum tour
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