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Rome Quiz 2
Chapter 11.3-12.2
Answer questions on your own
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1. What factors lead to the decline
of the Roman Republic?
A. Farmers began to fall into poverty
and debt.
B. While fighting for the Republic
farmers neglected their farms.
C. Some farms were destroyed by the
D. Many farmers were unable to pay
taxes and loans
E. All of the above
2.Wealthy Romans bought up the
small farms and combined them into
large latifundias. A latifunda is…
A.a large farming estate
B.a personal guard unit
C.A personal residence for
them to live in
D.A vacation home
3. Julius Caesar …
A.Came from a wealthy family
B. Was named dictator for life
C. Was brutally murdered
D.Had the love of the Roman people
E. Created a new calendar, naming
one month after himself
F. All of the above
4. The plot to kill Julius Caesar…
A.Was never accomplished
B. Included 32 senators who all
stabbed him at once
C. Came as a complete surprise with
no warnings
D.Was led by his close friend Brutus
and a senator named Cassius
5. As a result of Julius Caesar’s
assassination: Mark Antony, Octavian and
Lepidus formed…
A. A killing squad to hunt down anyone
involved with Caesar's murder
B. The second triumvirate to rule over
C. A treaty that split up Rome into
different Empires
D. A safe place for the senators to meet
and rule Rome from
6. The Pax Romana started under
Augustus Caesar and lasted about
200 years. Pax Romana means…
A.Troubled times
B.Roman taxes
C.Roman Peace
D.A disease, like chicken pox
7. Some of Augustus Caesar’s
accomplishments included…
A. He used physical features to protect Rome’s Borders
and also used soldiers.
B. Created the Praetorian Guard, a special military
force of 9,000 men who protected the emperor.
C. He rebuilt many buildings out of marble to show
the greatness of Rome.
D. He got rid of corruption by hiring people to be tax
collectors and paying them regular wages.
E. Preserving the Empire with free grain to the poor
F. All of the Above
G. None of the Above
8. After Augustus, Rome had a series of
“bad” Emperors. What made them so bad?
A. They tried to conquer more and more
land for Rome
B. They all hated and killed Christians
C. They had bad habits that included
needless killings and spending all
Rome’s money
D. They were frightened of being seen as
bad so they didn’t do anything
9. The Colosseum was built in
what year?
A. 100 A.D.
B. 80 A.D.
C. 60 A.D
D. 40 A.D.
E. 80 B.C.
F. 60 B.C.
10. How were the lives of Upper class
women similar to the lives of lower
class women?
A. They could own land
B. They had slaves and servants to do
house work, so they could visit friends
C. They were not citizens and could not
D. They could not go out, own businesses
or become educated
11.What was the greatest
advantage of the arch?
A. architecture became more
B. they could build over doors and
C. arches support a lot of weight
D. they could build aqueduct
12. What do the Romans invent
that allows them to build great
structures like the Colosseum,
aqueducts and the Pantheon?
A.Cut marble
B. Steel
C. Reinforced bricks
13. Every gladiator battle
ended in death.
14.Women were allowed to
attend gladiatorial games,
but they…
A.Could not cheer loudly
B. Had to sit away from their
families in the top sections
C. Hated seeing people and animals
D.Had to watch the children
15. What do the Emperors use
the Colosseum for?
A. Political reasons, like addressing and
controlling the people
B. To show off there power and wealth
C. To kill there enemies and make a
statement to those in the crowd not
to cross them
D. To watch entertainment and enjoy
the blood shed