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Study Guide – Chapter 4
Name: _________________________
Physical Science
Atoms and the Periodic Table
Section 1 – Atomic Structure (pages 104-110)
Nucleus: __________________________________________________________________________
Proton: __________________________________________________________________________
Neutron: __________________________________________________________________________
Electron: __________________________________________________________________________
Orbital: __________________________________________________________________________
Valence Electron: ___________________________________________________________________
List the name, charge, and mass of each sub-atomic particle.
Mass (kg)
Objective 1: Explain Dalton’s theory, and describe why it was more successful than Democritus’s theory.
(1) List the statements that are part of Dalton's atomic theory:
a. _________________________________________________________________________________.
b. _________________________________________________________________________________.
c. _________________________________________________________________________________.
(2) Dalton’s atomic theory was accepted because there was ________________________ to support it. (3)
According to John Dalton’s theory, atoms of the same _______________ are exactly ____________. (4) The
word atom comes from a Greek word that means “unable to be _______________.”
(5) The first person who suggested that matter was made up of atoms was the Greek philosopher
(6) Dalton’s atomic theory was more successful than Democritus's theory because it had a
_____________________ basis.
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Study Guide – Chapter 4
Name: _________________________
Physical Science
(7) Dalton’s atomic theory stated that every element was made of atoms that could not be subdivided, atoms
of the same element are alike, and atoms can __________ to form ________________.
(8) Two or more atoms may join together to form __________________.
(9) Substances that are made of the same type of atoms are known as ___________________.
Objective 2: State the charge, mass, and location of each part of an atom according to the modern model of the atom.
(10) The nucleus is made of _______________ and _______________ and has a _____________ charge.
(11) The charge of an electron is ____. The charge of a proton is _____. The charge of a neutron is ___.
(12) Atoms have no electric charge because they have an ____________ number of ____________ and
(13) The nucleus of an atom has a ______________ electric charge.
(14) Neutrons and protons are found in the ______________ of an atom.
(15) The overall charge of an atom is __________.
Objective 3: Compare and contrast Bohr’s model of the atom with the modern model of the atom.
(16) According to Bohr’s model of the atom, electrons behave like _______________ orbiting the _______.
(17) According to Bohr’s theory, an electron’s path around the nucleus defines its
(18) According to modern atomic theory, it is nearly impossible to determine an electron’s exact
_______________or ______________.
(19) A sodium atom, which has 11 electrons, has ____________ electron in its third energy level. It has
______________ electrons in its first energy level and __________________ electrons in the second energy
(20) Unlike the modern model of the atom, Bohr’s model states that _____________________ move in
________________ around the ____________ of an atom.
(21) Bohr’s model of the atom compares electrons to _______________.
(22) According to modern atomic theory, the exact location of an _______________ is uncertain.
(23) A region in which there is a high probability of finding an electron is called an _________________.
(24) ____________________________ are the negatively charged particles found in the
________________________ energy level of an atom.
(25) An area of an atom where negatively charged particles are likely to be found are called
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Study Guide – Chapter 4
Name: _________________________
Physical Science
Section 2 – A Guided Tour of the Periodic Table (page 111-119)
Periodic law: ______________________________________________________________________
Period: ___________________________________________________________________________
Group: ____________________________________________________________________________
Ion: _______________________________________________________________________________
Atomic number: ____________________________________________________________________
Mass number: _____________________________________________________________________
Isotope: __________________________________________________________________________
Atomic mass unit (amu): ____________________________________________________________
Average atomic mass: ______________________________________________________________
Objecive 1: Relate the organization of the periodic table to the arrangement of electrons in an atom.
(1) The order of elements in the periodic table is based on the __________________________________ in
the nucleus.
(2) Atoms of elements that are in the same group have the same number of ________________________.
(3) Valence electrons determine an atom’s _______________________________.
(4) The periodic table organizes elements into groups that have similar _________________________.
(5) Magnesium (Mg) is located to the right of sodium (Na) because Mg has ________________________
and ___________________________.
(6) Elements that have one valence electron tend to be _________________________,
___________________, and ______________________.
(7) The order of elements in the periodic table is based on the number of _________________ in the nucleus.
(8) Because atoms of elements in the same group of the periodic table have the same number of
___________________________________, they have similar properties.
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Study Guide – Chapter 4
Name: _________________________
Physical Science
(9) The __________________ ______________________ states that when elements are listed in order of
atomic number, similarities in their properties will emerge in a regular pattern.
Objective 2: Explain why some atoms gain or lose electrons to form ions.
(10) Ionization refers to the process of ________________or ________________electrons.
(11) A lithium ion is much less reactive than a lithium atom because it has a
(12) Some elements are highly _______________________ because their outermost energy levels are only
partially filled.
(13) The valence electron of a lithium atom is easily removed to form a lithium
____________________________________ with a charge of 1+.
Objective 3: Determine how many protons, neutrons, and electrons an atom has, given its symbol, atomic number, and
mass number.
(14) Oxygen’s atomic number is 8. This means that an oxygen atom has ________________ protons in its
(15) An atom’s mass number equals the number of _______________________________ plus the number
of _________________________.
(16) An element’s atomic number is equal to its number of ________________.
(17) Two different isotopes of an element have different ______________________________.
(18) The mass number of an element that has 19 protons, 19 electrons, and 20 neutrons is
(19) As you move left to right across the periodic table, elements have ______________________ and
(20) An iron atom has an atomic mass of 56. Its atomic number is 26. This iron atom has
____________________ neutrons.
(21) An atom of potassium has an atomic mass of 39 amu and an atomic number of 19. It therefore has
______________________________________ neutrons in its nucleus.
Objective 4: Describe how the abundance of isotopes affects an element’s average atomic mass.
(22) An element’s average atomic mass is a ________________________, so _________________ isotopes
have a greater effect than _____________________ ones.
(23) An atomic mass unit is equal to _______________________ the mass of a ______________________
(24) More abundant isotopes will have ________________ effect on the average atomic mass of an element.
(25) An element’s average atomic mass refers to the weighted average of the masses of all of its naturally
occurring ______________________________.
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Study Guide – Chapter 4
Name: _________________________
Physical Science
(26) Isotopes of an element have the same atomic _____________ but different atomic _________________.
Section 3: Families of Elements (pages120-128)
Metal: _____________________________________________________________________________
Nonmetal: __________________________________________________________________________
Semiconductor: _____________________________________________________________________
Alkali metal: _______________________________________________________________________
Alkaline-earth metal: _________________________________________________________________
Transition metal: ____________________________________________________________________
Halogen: __________________________________________________________________________
Noble gas: __________________________________________________________________________
Draw a diagram of the Carbon atom, showing its nucleus and electrons.
Objective 1: Locate alkali metals, alkaline-earth metals, and transition metals in the periodic table.
(1) The three main groups of elements are metals, non-metals, and _____________________________. (2)
Example elements of the alkali metals include _____________, ______________, and ___________. (3)
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Study Guide – Chapter 4
Name: _________________________
Physical Science
Alkali metals are extremely reactive because they have _____________________ that is ___________
removed to form a _______________ ion.
(4) Potassium, an alkali metal, is highly reactive because it has ___________________________.
(5) Most elements on the left side of the periodic table are _______________.
(6) The alkali metals are located in the __________________ column of the periodic table.
(7) Group 1 of the periodic table consists of the ______________________, a highly reactive group of
(8) Atoms of alkaline-earth metals, such as calcium, have __________valence electrons.
(9) Group 2 elements that have two valence electrons are ______________________________.
(10) The _____________________________ are located in the center of the periodic table. Transition
metals are elements that belong to Groups _________and are _________________ reactive.
Objective 2: Locate semiconductors, halogens, and noble gases in the periodic table.
(11) The elements that have properties of both metals and nonmetals are called ____________________.
(12) Semiconductors are elements that can _____________________ and ____________________ under
certain conditions.
(13) The most familiar semiconductor, _________________, is one of the most abundant elements in Earth’s
(14) Most halogens form compounds by __________________ an ________________ to form a
__________________ ion.
(15) An element belonging to Group 17 of the periodic table is considered a _____________________.
(16) The ______________________ are highly reactive elements located in Group 17 of the periodic table.
(17) Group 17 halogens form compounds by gaining an electron and forming a
(18) The reactive elements of Group 17 that are poor conductors are ___________________.
(19) Noble gases will exist as _______ atoms rather than as ___________________.
(20) Noble gases __________ as _____________________, belong to __________________, and they are
(21) Noble gases are nonreactive gaseous elements that are located in Group ___________.
(22) Neon is an inert gas because its outer _________________________________ is full of electrons.
Objective 3: Relate an element’s chemical properties to the electron arrangement of its atoms.
(23) Group 18 noble gases are inert because their ____________________________ level is full.
(24) Carbon and other nonmetals are found _______________________ of the periodic table.
(25) Transition metals such as copper or tungsten form compounds by ________________________ to form
_______________________ ions.
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