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Short Answer Questions
Chapter 4: Oceanic Geography and the Earth
What is the leading factor in outgassing? (volcanic activity)
What percent of the freshwater is in the polar ice caps? (69% or 2/3)
What is the maximum density of sea water? (2C)
Which is more dense: basalt or granite? (basalt)
Which type of crust is characteristic of basalt? (oceanic)
What process accounts for the formation of oceans by releasing water trapped in the mantle? (outgassing)
How thick is the average continental crust? (35km or 20 miles)
What two elements make up most of the core? (iron and nickel)
To the nearest 1000m, what is the average depth of the oceans? (4000 m)
What technique is used to map 60km wide swathes of ocean floor? (side scan sonar)
What is the water called above the continental shelf? (neritic zone)
What is the term describing the pattern produced by turbidites as the settle? (graded bedding)
Merging deep sea fans result in what oceanic feature? (continental rise)
To the nearest 10%, what percent of the ocean volume is within the pycnocline? (20%)
What type of hydrothermal vents contain barium sulfate particles? (white smokers)
What is the most common ocean floor feature? (abyssal plain)
What does a hypsographic curve depict? (change in elevation)
Which portion of the continental margin is the steepest? (continental slope)
What part of the mantle are the plates floating upon? (aesthenosphere)
Where do you find the MOHO? (between the crust and atmosphere)
What layer of the atmosphere is just below the stratosphere? (trophosphere)
What percent of the earth’s water is found in ground water? (1%: 30% of freshwater)
What phase of matter is the outer core? (liquid)
Which ocean is the deepest on average? (Pacific)
What is the layer of the ocean on top of the pycnocline? (mixed layer)
At what depth does the pycocline typically begin? (300m)
Where is the mixed layer the smallest in volume? (equator)
Why are the continental slopes of the Atlantic less steep than the Pacific? (Pacific has active margins)
What are the “cracks” in the continental shelf that are home to the Monterrey bay protected area? (submarine canyons)
What is the Amazon cone an example of? (deep sea fan)
What makes up the content of deep sea fans? (turbidites)
At the base of what structure do you find deep sea fans? (submarine canyons)
Where do you find a megaplume? (above hydrothermal vents)
What element is often a large part of a megaplume? (Sulfur)
How long is the chain of midoceanic ridges? (65,000km or 40,000 miles)
What forms at the divergent plate boundaries in the ocean? (mid ocean ridges)
About how often is there a magnetic pole reversal on Earth? (1/ 1,000,000 years)
Which layer of the earth would be described as brittle? (lithosphere)
What two layers “sandwich” the mesosphere of the Earth? (asthenoshpere and the outer core)
What rock type explains the black sand beaches of Hawaii? (basalt)
Which of the following is a result of convergent boundaries: Red Sea, Aleutian islands, San Andreas fault? (Aleutian
What is the term that describes the ocean-ocean convergent boundaries that produced the Aleutian islands? (island arc)
What is the term for a mantle plume that reaches the surface? (hot spot)
What type of sonar systems like MARC and GLORIA allowed for better maps of the ocean floor? (side scan sonar)
What is now used to map the ocean floor that takes much less energy and time than side scan? (satellites)
What is the point where the continental shelf and continental slope meet? (shelf break)
Which ocean has abyssal hills and why not others? (Pacific: active margins reduce sedimentation that would cover them
like they do in the Atlantic and Indian oceans)
As hot lava from underwater volcanoes hits cool water it forms smooth rounded basaltic features called? (pillow lava)
Which hydrothermal vents are the hottest? (black smokers)
Why is the water that is much hotter than 100C released from hydrothermal vents as water and not steam? (PRESSURE)