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Passive Transport Notes
Permeability of the Plasma Membrane
The plasma membrane is
Macromolecules can’t pass through
because they are too ____________.
Charged molecules do not pass through
the ________________ interior of
the membrane.
Only ______________,
_____________________ molecules can pass through the membrane along their
Movement of materials across a membrane can be _________ or __________
____________________ does not require ___________________________.
Two examples of passive transport are:
The passive movement of molecules
from a ___________________ to
a _________________
concentration until
____________________ is reached.
An example of diffusion in our bodies ________________ in our ____________
__________ diffuses n and ____________________ diffuses out
Osmosis is the __________________
of ________________ across a
membrane. Only the
_________________ moves because
the ______________ can’t get through
the membrane
In osmosis the water moves from where there is a _____________ concentration
of solute to where there is a _________________ concentration.
Water enters cells because of _________________________________ in cells.
A ____________ contains a _____________(solid) and a ____________(liquid)
Cells are normally ____________________ to their surroundings.
Iso means ______________ and tonic means
So Isotonic means the solution in the cell is the ______________
strength as the ______________ solution
Hypotonic solutions cause cells to ______________ and ____________
Hypo means______________ so hypotonic means
In hypotonic solutions Animal cells undergo ______________and plants
increase their _________________. They don’t burst because of their
Hypertonic solutions cause the cells to _______________________
Hyper means _____________ so hypertonic means_____________
In hypertonic solutions Animal cells undergo_____________(shrink) and
plant cells undergo _________________________