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1.Largest Vein
2.Largest artery
3.Smallest blood vessel
4.Animal with highest BP
5.Vertebrate with White blood
6.Lung fish has
7.Frog has
8.Heart of fish
9.Animal without heart
10.Foramen Panizza
11.Weight of human heart
12.Coronory Angiography
13.Excess calcium
14.Papillary muscles
15.Keber’s gland
16.Insect with haemoglobin
17.Blood Worm
18.Vasa Vasorum
19.Largest heart
20.Tread Mill Test – TMT
21.Bicuspid and Tricuspid
22.Rh factor
23.Antibodies A and B
24.Cardiac index
25.William Harvey
28.Arteriovenous heart
29. Complete double circulation
30.Coronary Sulcus
31.Right auricle
32.Valve of Thebesius
33.Tricuspid valve
34.Chordae tendinae
35.Semilunar valves
36.Wall of heart
37.Cardiac cycle
38.Atrial systole
39.Atrial diastole
40.Ventricular systole
41.Ventricular systole
42.Ventricular diastole
43.Joint diastole
44.Cardiac cycle
45.Dupp sound
46.Pulse pressure
47.SA node
48.Normal heart rate
49.Cardiac output
50.Neurogenic heart
51.Myogenic heart
inferior venacava
Antarctic fish
Two auricles and one ventricle
Two pairs of lymph hearts
Venous heart
Amphioxus and Nereis
Present between the systemic arches of the heart
Male – 300 Gm. Female – 250 Gm
Used to detect blocks in the arteries
Increases heart beat
Present in the heart of mammals
Pericardial gland present in Fresh water mussel
Chironomus larva of Chironomus fly
Chironomus larva
Blood vessel gives blood to blood vessel
Blue Whale
Used to check the effieciency of heart
Terms used for heart valves and crown of tooth
Appears in foetus from 10th week
Appears in foetus from 4-8th months after birth
Minute volume per sq.m – 3.3 lit / min / sq.m
Discovered blood circulation
Study of blood vessels
Study of heart
Double circuilation
Lung fish Amphibia , Reptiles, Birds , Mammals
Birds , Mammals , Crocodile , Alligator , Gravialis
Groove present on the surface of Heart
Receives blood from – Superior and Inferior venacavae and
Coronary sinus
Present in coronary sinus
Between right auricle and right ventricle
Muscle fibers connectin valves to wall of ventricle
Present in aorta
Outer Epicardium , Middle Myocardium – Inner Endocardium
Atrial systole + Ventricular systole + Joint diastole
0.18 seconds
0.08 seconds
Relaxation of atria and Cotraction of ventricle
0.3 seconds
0.32 seconds
0.4 seconds
0.88 seconds
Closing of semilunar valves
Difference between systolic and diastolic pressure – Normal value 40mm
Heart beat first originate – highest rate of rhythemicity
70-72 / sec. In male , 80 –82 in female and children
Blood pumped in to aorta per minute – 5 litres
Contraction originate from nerve ganglions present on heart
Insect heart
Contraction originate from the muscle ( pace makers – SA and AV
52.Pace Setter
53.Bundle of His
54.Purkinje fibres
57.Blue baby
58.Heart rate
60.Nor epinephrine
61.Grave yard of RBC
62.Cords of Billroth
64.Heart murmur
66.Hepatic portal vein
72.Lymph glands
74.Classical blood groups
75.Rh antigen
78.Blood clotting factors
79.Factor VIII
80.Factor IX
82.Buffer of blood
83.Pulse beat
84.Tricuspid valve
85.Bicuspid valve
86.Maximum heart beat
87.RBC – WBC ratio
88.Wall of vein
90.Conduction of heart beat
91.Blood vessel to diaphragm
92.Blood vessel to brain
93.Largest heart
94.Heart transplantation
Nodes ) present on the heart
- Vertebrate heart
AV node
Conducting fibres between SA and AV nodes
Conducting fibres from Bundle of His to ventricle
Slow heart rate - 60 / minute
Increased heart rate – Above 72 / minute]
Baby born with atrial or ventricular defect – Blue in colour due to venous
More in old persons due to decreased elasticity of arteries
Increases heart beat – Tachycardia
Decreases heart rate – Bradycardia
Spleen – destroy used RBC after 120 days
Blood spaces of Spleen
Amoeboid movement of WBC through blood capillary
Sound of heart due to defective valve
Erythrocyte Sedimentation Rate – Test to detect disease – Normal
value 30. Increases in infections like T.B
Gastric + Intestinal + Splenic veins
Thick wall , Elastic , Contractile ,no valves
Thin wall ,Non elastic ,Non contractile , Valved
Mother cells of RBC – Present in bone marrow – nucleated
Formation of RBC – Folic acid , Iron essential –Occurs in red bone
marrow of ribs , vertebrae , long bones
Hormone stimulating RBC formation
Rich in WBC – destroy pathogens
Lymph gland – filter dead RBC from blood
A,B,AB,O system – Introduced by Karl Landsteiner – 1900
Rhesus Factor – Identified in Rhesus macaca by Landsteiner
and Weiner – 90 % people Rh positive – 10 % Rh negative
Mismatching causes Erythroblastosis foetalis – No natural antibody for
Rh antigen in the blood - Antibody develop by Isoimmunization when Rh
Positive blood is transfused in to Rh negative blood. Takes six months
Also called agglutinogen
Also called agglutinin
12 numbers
Anti haemophilic factor – AHF – absence causes Haemophilia A
Absence causes Haemophilia B
Royal disease ( found out in the family of queen Victoria ) Bleeders
disease.Genotype – Hh / Hh Females are carriers – h / h male
haemophilic – Male is Hemizygous – only one gene for haemophilia
is sufficient to produce disease since male has only one X chromosome
NaHCO3 –sodium bi carbonate
Beat felt in arteries
Found between right auricle and right ventricle
Also called Mitral valve – between left auricle and ventricle
600 : 1
Tunica media
Inner lining of blood capillary
SA node – AV node – Bundle of His – Purkinje system – Ventricle
Carotid artery
Christian Bernard