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Microbiology/Cells/Nutrition Vocabulary
1. Abiotic- nonliving part of the ecosystem.
2. Amoeba- animal like protest using a pseudopod as movement.
3. Analogous Structure- body parts of different organism that preform similar functions, but have different
4. Antibiotic- a drug that kills bacteria or slows their growth.
5. Asexual Reproduction- a process of reproduction that involves only one parent, and produces offspring
identical to the parent.
6. Asthma- chronic lung disease that inflames and narrows the airways.
7. Autotroph- an organism that creates its own food; a producer.
8. Bacteria- one-celled prokaryotes, some of which cause disease.
9. Binary Fission- a form of asexual reproduction,
10. Biotechnology- the manipulation of living things to make useful products.
11. Biotic- living part of an ecosystem.
12. Cancer- uncontrolled growth of abnormal cells in the body.
13. Carcinogen- substance that causes cancer.
14. Cell Membrane- the thin, flexible outer covering of a cell that controls what enters and leaves.
15. Cell Theory- cells are the basic unit of structure and functions in all living things.
16. Cell Wall- the ridged structure that surrounds the cell membrane in plant cells, and the cells of some
other organisms.
17. Cellular Respiration- the process by which cells break down sugar to release stored energy.
18. Chlorophyll- makes plants green.
19. Chloroplast- organelle in plant cells that captures energy from sunlight and converts it into chemical
energy through photosynthesis.
20. Chromosomes- a structure in the nucleolus of a cell that contains the cells genetic material.
21. Cilia- hair-like projects that help aid in movement
22. Circulatory System- human body system that carries oxygen and food to cells and carries carbon dioxide
and waste away from the cells.
23. Commensalism- a symbiotic relationship in which one organism benefits and the other is unharmed.
Microbiology/Cells/Nutrition Vocabulary
24. Communicable- when an infectious disease can be passed from person to person by direct contact or
with an affected person indirectly (sneezing, coughing, etc.)
25. Cytoplasm- the fluid that fills most of the space in a cell
26. Diabetes- due to either the pancreas not producing enough insulin or the body not responding to proper
27. Digestive system- human body system that takes food in and breaks it down into smaller molecules that
can be used by cells.
28. Disease- an abnormal condition that affects the body of an organism
29. DNA- deoxyribonucleic acid, a large molecule containing the genetic information that determines an
organisms traits
30. Dose- the amount of medicine prescribed
31. Endoplasmic reticulum (smooth or rough)- the passageways through the cell
32. Epidemic- an outbreak of a disease that affects many people of an area.
33. Epidemiology- study of how disease spreads and can be controlled
34. Ethical- the rules of conduct or morals
35. Euglena- protist that uses a flagella to move and can be classified as either plant-like or animal-like
36. Eukaryotic- organism that has a true nucleus and membrane bound organelles.
37. Exposure- coming into contact with germs
38. Flagella- whip like tail
39. Fungus- a one-celled or many-celled organism such as a mushroom, mold, or yeast
40. Gene- a tiny part of a chromosome that helps determine a particular trait
41. Genetic modification- a technology that changes the genetic material of a living organism
42. Golgi body- packages and transports materials through the cell
43. Heterotroph- an organism that doesn’t make its own food and gets energy from other organisms
44. Homologous structure- body parts of different organisms that have a similar structure but different
45. Individual susceptibility- personal sensitivity toward something
46. Infectious- a disease that can be passed from one organism from another
47. Insecticide- substance used to kill insects
Microbiology/Cells/Nutrition Vocabulary
48. Lysosomes- removes waste from the cell
49. Meiosis- the form of cell division that produces gametes
50. Microbiology- the study of microscopic organisms
51. Mitochondria- organelle that releases energy from glucose; power house of the cell
52. Mitosis- a process during which the nucleus of a cell divides to form 2 nuclei just like the nucleus of the
53. Multicellular- an organism that consist of multiple cells
54. Mutagen- substance that can cause a mutation in an organism’s genetic code
55. Mutualism- a symbiotic relationship between 2 organisms in which both organisms benefit
56. Nervous system- the human body system that gathers and responds to information about the
surrounding environment
57. Non-communicable- disease not passed from person to person
58. Noninfectious- not passed from organism to organism
59. Nucleus- the center of a cell that contains its genetic material and controls many functions
60. Organ- a collection of tissue joined in a structural unit to serve a common function
61. Organ systems- group of organs that work together to preform one or more structures
62. Organelle- a structure inside a cell that preforms a specific function
63. Pandemic- an epidemic that spreads over a large area, or through out the world
64. Paramecium- protist that moves using cilia; animal like
65. Parasite- an organism that lives in or on another organism and benefits while the others organs expense
66. Parasitism- a symbiotic relationship in which one organism benefits and the other is harmed
67. Pathogen- a micro-organism that causes disease
68. Pesticide- substance used to prevent, repel, or destroy pests
69. Photosynthesis- the process by which the cells of plants and some other organisms use the energy of
sunlight to make their own food
70. Potent- the strength of a medication
71. Predation- a relationship on which one animal hunts/kills and the other is eaten
Microbiology/Cells/Nutrition Vocabulary
72. Prokaryotic- an organism whose cells lack a nucleus & organelles enclosed by a cell membrane
73. Protists- classified on movement; euglena, paramecium, Volvox, amoeba, slime mold
74. Pseudopod- false foot
75. Quarantine- removing the affected individual and isolating them to prevent the spread of disease
76. Respiratory system- takes in oxygen from air and passes it to the airway system, and releases carbon
dioxide & water vapor into the air
77. Ribosomes- organelle that makes protein
78. Slime mold- creeping jelly; fungus like
79. Tissue- a group of biological cells that preform a specific function
80. Toxin- harmful to the body
81. Unicellular- organism that consists of only one cell
82. Vaccination- a weakened or dead form of a pathogen that causes an organism to develop immunity
against the pathogen
83. Vacuoles- a cell organelle that stores water salts, proteins, and carbohydrates
84. Vector- an organism that transmits diseases
85. Vestigial structure- a body part that does not seem to have a function in an organism
86. Virus- a pathogen that consists of a microscopic core of genetic material surrounded by a protein coat
87. Volvox- multicellular protists that are plant-like
88. Immunity: The body’s ability to destroy pathogens before they cause disease
89. Insulin:A chemical produce in the pancreas that enables the body’s cells to take in glucose from the
blood and use it for energy
90. Antibody: A chemical produced by a B cell of the immune system that destroys pathogens
91. Antigen: A molecule that the immune system recognizes either as part of the body or as coming from
outside the body
92. Vaccine: A substance introduced into the body to stimulate the production of chemicals that destroy
specific viruses, bacteria, or other disease-causing organisms.